
Defines functions bs4TabItem bs4TabItems bs4DashBody

Documented in bs4DashBody bs4TabItem bs4TabItems

#' Boostrap 4 dashboard body
#' \link{dashboardBody} creates the main body container for a \link{dashboardPage}.
#' @param ... Body content, slot for \link{tabItems}.
#' @author David Granjon, \email{dgranjon@@ymail.com}
#' @rdname dashboardBody
#' @seealso \link{dashboardSidebar}
#' @export
bs4DashBody <- function(...) {
    class = "content-wrapper",
      class = "content",

#' Boostrap 4 body items
#' \link{tabItems} creates a wrapper for multiple \link{tabItem}.
#' @param ... Items to put in the container. Each item should be a
#'   \code{\link{tabItem}}.
#' @param .list Pass items as list with \link{lapply} family functions.
#' @rdname dashboardBody
#' @export
bs4TabItems <- function(..., .list = NULL) {
  items <- c(list(...), .list)
  lapply(items, tagAssert, class = "tab-pane")

  shiny::tags$div(class = "tab-content", items)

#' Boostrap 4 body item
#' \link{tabItem} creates a body tab content.
#' @param tabName The name of a tab. This must correspond to the \code{tabName}
#'   of a sidebar \code{\link{menuItem}}.
#' @param ... Contents of the tab.
#' @rdname dashboardBody
#' @export
bs4TabItem <- function(tabName = NULL, ...) {
  if (is.null(tabName)) {
    stop("Need tabName")


    role = "tabpanel",
    class = "tab-pane container-fluid",
    id = paste0("shiny-tab-", tabName),
RinteRface/bs4Dash documentation built on Sept. 7, 2024, 2:11 p.m.