#' Assert that a tag has specified properties
#' @param tag A tag object.
#' @param type The type of a tag, like "div", "a", "span".
#' @param class An HTML class.
#' @param allowUI If TRUE (the default), allow dynamic outputs generated by
#' \code{\link[shiny]{uiOutput}} or \code{\link[shiny]{htmlOutput}}. When a
#' dynamic output is provided, \code{tagAssert} won't try to validate the the
#' contents.
#' @keywords internal
tagAssert <- function(tag, type = NULL, class = NULL, allowUI = TRUE) {
if (!inherits(tag, "shiny.tag")) {
stop("Expected an object with class 'shiny.tag'.")
# Skip dynamic output elements
if (allowUI &&
(hasCssClass(tag, "shiny-html-output") ||
hasCssClass(tag, "shinydashboard-menu-output"))) {
if (!is.null(type) && tag$name != type) {
stop("Expected tag to be of type ", type)
if (!is.null(class)) {
if (is.null(tag$attribs$class)) {
stop("Expected tag to have class '", class, "'")
} else {
tagClasses <- strsplit(tag$attribs$class, " ")[[1]]
if (!(class %in% tagClasses)) {
stop("Expected tag to have class '", class, "'")
hasCssClass <- function(tag, class) {
if (is.null(tag$attribs) || is.null(tag$attribs$class))
classes <- strsplit(tag$attribs$class, " +")[[1]]
return(class %in% classes)
# Make sure a tab name is valid (there's no "." in it).
validateTabName <- function(name) {
if (grepl(".", name, fixed = TRUE)) {
stop("tabName must not have a '.' in it.")
# This function takes a DOM element/tag object and reccurs within it until
# it finds a child which has an attribute called `attr` and with value `val`
# (and returns TRUE). If it finds an element with an attribute called `attr`
# whose value is NOT `val`, it returns FALSE. If it exhausts all children
# and it doesn't find an element with an attribute called `attr`, it also
# returns FALSE
findAttribute <- function(x, attr, val) {
if (is.atomic(x)) return(FALSE) # exhausted this branch of the tree
if (!is.null(x$attribs[[attr]])) { # found attribute called `attr`
if (identical(x$attribs[[attr]], val)) return(TRUE)
else return(FALSE)
if (length(x$children) > 0) { # recursion
return(any(unlist(lapply(x$children, findAttribute, attr, val))))
return(FALSE) # found no attribute called `attr`
"%OR%" <- function(a, b) if (!is.null(a)) a else b
dropNulls <- function(x) {
x[!vapply(x, is.null, FUN.VALUE = logical(1))]
# Returns TRUE if a status is valid; throws error otherwise.
validateStatus <- function(status) {
if (status %in% validStatuses) {
stop("Invalid status: ", status, ". Valid statuses are: ",
paste(validStatuses, collapse = ", "), ".")
#' Valid statuses
#' These status strings correspond to colors as defined in Bootstrap's CSS.
#' Although the colors can vary depending on the particular CSS selector, they
#' generally appear as follows:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{primary} Blue (sometimes dark blue)
#' \item \code{secondary} Light gray
#' \item \code{info} Blue
#' \item \code{success} Green
#' \item \code{warning} Orange
#' \item \code{danger} Red
#' }
#' @usage NULL
#' @format NULL
#' @keywords internal
validStatuses <- c("primary", "secondary", "info", "success", "warning", "danger")
# Returns TRUE if a nuance is valid; throws error otherwise.
validateNuance <- function(nuance) {
if (nuance %in% validNuances) {
stop("Invalid nuance: ", nuance, ". Valid nuances are: ",
paste(validNuances, collapse = ", "), ".")
#' Valid nuances
#' These nuances strings correspond to colors as defined in AdminLTE's CSS.
#' Although the colors can vary depending on the particular CSS selector, they
#' generally appear as follows:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{gray-dark} Gray dark
#' \item \code{gray} Gray
#' \item \code{white} White
#' }
#' @usage NULL
#' @format NULL
#' @keywords internal
validNuances <- c("gray-dark", "gray", "white")
# Returns TRUE if a color is a valid color defined in AdminLTE, throws error
# otherwise.
validateColor <- function(color) {
if (color %in% validColors) {
stop("Invalid color: ", color, ". Valid colors are: ",
paste(validColors, collapse = ", "), ".")
#' Valid colors
#' These are valid colors for various dashboard components. Valid colors are
#' listed below:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{indigo} Indigo
#' \item \code{lightblue} Light blue
#' \item \code{navy} Dark Grey/Blue
#' \item \code{purple} Purple
#' \item \code{fuchsia} Fuchsia
#' \item \code{pink} Pink
#' \item \code{maroon} Pink
#' \item \code{orange} Orange
#' \item \code{lime} Light green
#' \item \code{teal} Blue/Green
#' \item \code{olive} Pastel green
#' }
#' @usage NULL
#' @format NULL
#' @keywords internal
validColors <- c("indigo", "lightblue", "navy", "purple", "fuchsia", "pink",
"maroon", "orange", "lime", "teal", "olive")
# Returns TRUE if a status is valid; throws error otherwise.
validateStatusPlus <- function(status) {
if (status %in% validStatusesPlus) {
stop("Invalid status: ", status, ". Valid statuses are: ",
paste(validStatusesPlus, collapse = ", "), ".")
#' Valid statuses extra
#' @usage NULL
#' @format NULL
#' @keywords internal
validStatusesPlus <- c(validStatuses, validNuances, validColors)
# used to generate color tags in the documentation
rd_color_tag <- function(color, label = color) {
style <- sprintf(
"\\ifelse{html}{\\out{<span style='%s'></span>%s}}{%s}",
style, label, label
# Insert HTML tag at any position
tagInsertChild <- function(tag, child, position) {
tag$children <- append(tag$children, list(child), position - 1)
# Tool to validate the card props
validateBoxProps <- function(title, label, sidebar, dropdownMenu, status, gradient, collapsible,
collapsed, solidHeader, background, elevation, width) {
if (!is.null(status)) validateStatusPlus(status)
if (!is.null(background)) validateStatusPlus(background)
if (!collapsible & collapsed) {
stop("Cannot collapse a card that is not collapsible.")
if (!is.null(status) && !is.null(background) && !solidHeader) {
stop("solidHeader must be TRUE whenever background and status are not NULL at the same time.")
if (gradient && is.null(background)) stop("gradient cannot be used when background is NULL.")
if (!is.null(elevation)) {
stopifnot(elevation < 6)
stopifnot(elevation >= 0)
if (!is.null(width)) {
# respect the bootstrap grid
stopifnot(width <= 12)
stopifnot(width >= 0)
# create box icons and return a list of icons
createBoxTools <- function(collapsible, collapsed, closable, maximizable,
sidebar, dropdownMenu, boxToolSize, status,
background, solidHeader) {
btnClass <- paste0(
"btn btn-tool",
if (!is.null(boxToolSize)) paste0(" btn-", boxToolSize)
if (is.null(status) && !is.null(background)) {
btnClass <- paste0(
if (background %in% validStatusesPlus) {
paste0(" bg-", background)
# status has always priority compared to background
if (!is.null(status) && solidHeader) {
btnClass <- paste0(
if (status %in% validStatuses) {
paste0(" btn-", status)
collapseTag <- NULL
if (collapsible) {
collapseIcon <- if (collapsed)
else "minus"
collapseTag <- shiny::tags$button(
class = btnClass,
type = "button",
`data-card-widget` = "collapse",
closableTag <- NULL
if (closable) {
closableTag <- shiny::tags$button(
class = btnClass,
`data-card-widget` = "remove",
type = "button",
maximizableTag <- NULL
if (maximizable) {
maximizableTag <- shiny::tags$button(
type = "button",
class = btnClass,
`data-card-widget` = "maximize",
sidebarToolTag <- NULL
if (!is.null(sidebar)) {
sidebar[[1]]$attribs$class <- btnClass
sidebarToolTag <- sidebar[[1]]
dropdownMenuToolTag <- NULL
if (!is.null(dropdownMenu)) {
dropdownMenu$children[[1]]$attribs$class <- paste0(btnClass, " dropdown-toggle")
dropdownMenuToolTag <- dropdownMenu
dropNulls(list(dropdownMenuToolTag, collapseTag, closableTag, maximizableTag, sidebarToolTag))
setBoxStyle <- function(height, sidebar) {
style <- NULL
if (!is.null(height)) {
style <- paste0("height: ", shiny::validateCssUnit(height))
# add padding if box sidebar
if (!is.null(sidebar)) {
style <- paste0(style, "; padding: 10px;")
setBoxClass <- function(status, solidHeader, collapsible, collapsed,
elevation, gradient, background, sidebar) {
cardCl <- "card bs4Dash"
if (!is.null(status)) {
cardCl <- paste0(cardCl, " card-", status)
if (!solidHeader) cardCl <- paste0(cardCl, " card-outline")
if (collapsible && collapsed) cardCl <- paste0(cardCl, " collapsed-card")
if (!is.null(elevation)) cardCl <- paste0(cardCl, " elevation-", elevation)
if (!is.null(background)) {
cardCl <- paste0(cardCl, " bg-", if (gradient) "gradient-", background)
if (!is.null(sidebar)) {
sidebarToggle <- sidebar[[1]]
startOpen <- sidebarToggle$attribs$`data-start-open`
if (startOpen == "true") {
cardCl <- paste0(cardCl, " direct-chat direct-chat-contacts-open")
} else {
cardCl <- paste0(cardCl, " direct-chat")
# extract social item in socialBox
extractSocialItem <- function(items, isComment = TRUE) {
if (length(items) > 0) {
dropNulls(lapply(items, function(item) {
if (inherits(item, "list")) {
lapply(item, function(nested) {
cond <- if (isComment) {
inherits(nested, "card-comment")
} else {
!inherits(nested, "card-comment")
if (cond) nested
} else {
cond <- if (isComment) {
inherits(item, "card-comment")
} else {
!inherits(item, "card-comment")
if (cond) item
} else {
randomInt <- function (min, max) {
if (missing(max)) {
max <- min
min <- 0
if (min < 0 || max <= min)
stop("Invalid min/max values")
min + sample(max - min, 1) - 1
# A scope where we can put mutable global state
.globals <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
.globals$ownSeed <- NULL
withPrivateSeed <-function (expr) {
if (exists(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE)) {
hasOrigSeed <- TRUE
origSeed <- .GlobalEnv$.Random.seed
else {
hasOrigSeed <- FALSE
if (is.null(.globals$ownSeed)) {
if (hasOrigSeed) {
rm(.Random.seed, envir = .GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE)
else {
.GlobalEnv$.Random.seed <- .globals$ownSeed
.globals$ownSeed <- .GlobalEnv$.Random.seed
if (hasOrigSeed) {
.GlobalEnv$.Random.seed <- origSeed
} else {
rm(.Random.seed, envir = .GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE)
p_randomInt <- function (...) {
markTabAsSelected <- function (x) {
attr(x, "selected") <- TRUE
`%OR%` <- function (x, y)
if (is.null(x) || isTRUE(is.na(x)))
else x
findAndMarkSelectedTab <- function (tabs, selected, foundSelected) {
tabs <- lapply(tabs, function(div) {
if (foundSelected || is.character(div)) {
else if (inherits(div, "shiny.navbarmenu")) {
res <- findAndMarkSelectedTab(div$tabs, selected,
div$tabs <- res$tabs
foundSelected <<- res$foundSelected
else {
if (is.null(selected)) {
foundSelected <<- TRUE
div <- markTabAsSelected(div)
else {
tabValue <- div$attribs$`data-value` %OR% div$attribs$title
if (identical(selected, tabValue)) {
foundSelected <<- TRUE
div <- markTabAsSelected(div)
return(list(tabs = tabs, foundSelected = foundSelected))
anyNamed <- function (x)
if (length(x) == 0)
nms <- names(x)
if (is.null(nms))
buildTabset <- function (tabs, ulClass, textFilter = NULL, id = NULL, selected = NULL,
foundSelected = FALSE) {
res <- findAndMarkSelectedTab(tabs, selected, foundSelected)
tabs <- res$tabs
foundSelected <- res$foundSelected
if (!is.null(id))
ulClass <- paste(ulClass, "shiny-tab-input")
if (anyNamed(tabs)) {
nms <- names(tabs)
nms <- nms[nzchar(nms)]
stop("Tabs should all be unnamed arguments, but some are named: ",
paste(nms, collapse = ", "))
tabsetId <- p_randomInt(1000, 10000)
tabs <- lapply(seq_len(length(tabs)), buildTabItem, tabsetId = tabsetId,
foundSelected = foundSelected, tabs = tabs, textFilter = textFilter)
tabNavList <- shiny::tags$ul(class = ulClass, id = id, `data-tabsetid` = tabsetId,
lapply(tabs, "[[", 1))
tabContent <- shiny::tags$div(class = "tab-content", `data-tabsetid` = tabsetId,
lapply(tabs, "[[", 2))
list(navList = tabNavList, content = tabContent)
isTabSelected <- function (x) {
isTRUE(attr(x, "selected", exact = TRUE))
containsSelectedTab <- function (tabs) {
any(vapply(tabs, isTabSelected, logical(1)))
getIcon <- function (tab = NULL, iconClass = NULL) {
if (!is.null(tab))
iconClass <- tab$attribs$`data-icon-class`
if (!is.null(iconClass)) {
if (grepl("fa-", iconClass, fixed = TRUE)) {
iconClass <- paste(iconClass, "fa-fw")
shiny::icon(name = NULL, class = iconClass)
else NULL
navbarMenuTextFilter <- function (text) {
if (grepl("^\\-+$", text))
shiny::tags$li(class = "divider")
else shiny::tags$li(class = "dropdown-header", text)
buildTabItem <- function (index, tabsetId, foundSelected, tabs = NULL, divTag = NULL,
textFilter = NULL) {
divTag <- if (!is.null(divTag))
else tabs[[index]]
if (is.character(divTag) && !is.null(textFilter)) {
liTag <- textFilter(divTag)
divTag <- NULL
else if (inherits(divTag, "shiny.navbarmenu")) {
tabset <- buildTabset(divTag$tabs, "dropdown-menu", navbarMenuTextFilter,
foundSelected = foundSelected)
containsSelected <- containsSelectedTab(divTag$tabs)
liTag <- shiny::tags$li(class = paste0("dropdown", if (containsSelected)
" active"), shiny::tags$a(href = "#", class = "dropdown-toggle",
`data-toggle` = "dropdown", `data-value` = divTag$menuName,
getIcon(iconClass = divTag$iconClass), divTag$title,
shiny::tags$b(class = "caret")), tabset$navList)
divTag <- tabset$content$children
else {
tabId <- paste("tab", tabsetId, index, sep = "-")
liTag <- shiny::tags$li(shiny::tags$a(href = paste("#", tabId, sep = ""),
`data-toggle` = "tab", `data-value` = divTag$attribs$`data-value`,
getIcon(iconClass = divTag$attribs$`data-icon-class`),
if (isTabSelected(divTag)) {
liTag$attribs$class <- "active"
divTag$attribs$class <- "tab-pane active"
divTag$attribs$id <- tabId
divTag$attribs$title <- NULL
return(list(liTag = liTag, divTag = divTag))
shinyDeprecated <- function (new = NULL, msg = NULL, old = as.character(sys.call(sys.parent()))[1L],
version = NULL)
if (getOption("shiny.deprecation.messages") %OR% TRUE ==
if (is.null(msg)) {
msg <- paste(old, "is deprecated.")
if (!is.null(new)) {
msg <- paste(msg, "Please use", new, "instead.",
"To disable this message, run options(shiny.deprecation.messages=FALSE)")
if (!is.null(version)) {
msg <- paste0(msg, " (Last used in version ", version,
bs3_tabsetPanel <- function (tabs, id = NULL, selected = NULL,
type = c("tabs", "pills", "hidden"))
if (!is.null(id))
selected <- shiny::restoreInput(id = id, default = selected)
type <- match.arg(type)
tabset <- buildTabset(tabs, paste0("nav nav-", type), NULL, id, selected)
first <- tabset$navList
second <- tabset$content
shiny::tags$div(class = "tabbable", first, second)
validateIcon <- function (icon)
if (is.null(icon) || identical(icon, character(0))) {
else if (inherits(icon, "shiny.tag") && icon$name == "i") {
else {
stop("Invalid icon. Use Shiny's 'icon()' function to generate a valid icon")
waiterShowOnLoad <- function(
html = waiter::spin_1(), color = "#333e48"
html <- as.character(html)
html <- gsub("\n", "", html)
show <- sprintf(
id: null,
html: '%s',
color: '%s'
html, color
shiny::HTML(sprintf("<script>%s</script>", show))
#' Create container for bs4Dash demo app
#' Container based on device.css
#' @param url app URL. httr GET test is run before. If failed,
#' function returns NULL.
#' @param deps Whether to include marvel device assets. Default to FALSE.
#' The first occurence must set deps to TRUE so that CSS is loaded in the page.
#' @keywords internal
app_container <- function(url, deps = FALSE) {
# test app availability
req <- httr::GET(url)
show_app <- req$status_code == 200
if (show_app) {
device_tag <- shiny::div(
class="marvel-device ipad black",
shiny::div(class = "camera"),
class = "screen",
width = "100%",
src = url,
allowfullscreen = "",
frameborder = "0",
scrolling = "yes",
height = "770px"
shiny::div(class = "home")
if (deps){
rel = "stylesheet",
href = system.file("marvel-devices-css-1.0.0/devices.min.css", package = "bs4Dash"),
type = "text/css"
} else {
# Get parent function arguments
get_parent_args <- function() {
cl <- sys.call(-3)
# For shinylive examples
create_link_iframe <- function(link) {
class = "html-fill-item",
src = link,
height = "800",
width = "100%",
style = "border: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.175); border-radius: .375rem;",
allowfullscreen = "",
allow = "autoplay",
`data-external` = "1"
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.