
Defines functions check_inputs_risk_table check_inputs_auc_diff check_inputs_auc_curve check_inputs_surv_q check_inputs_adj_diff check_inputs_plot_difference check_inputs_sim_crisk_fun check_inputs_adjustedcif check_inputs_adj_test check_inputs_adj_rmtl check_inputs_adj_rmst check_inputs_sim_fun check_inputs_prox check_inputs_adjustedsurv

# Copyright (C) 2021  Robin Denz
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

## for adjustedsurv function
check_inputs_adjustedsurv <- function(data, variable, ev_time, event, method,
                                      conf_int, conf_level, times, bootstrap,
                                      n_boot, na.action, clean_data, ...) {
  obj <- list(...)

  ## check if non-standard evaluation is used
  if (inherits(substitute(variable), "name") &&
              !exists(toString(substitute(variable)))) {
    stop("'variable' must be a character string specifying a variable",
         " in 'data'.")
  } else if (inherits(substitute(ev_time), "name") &&
             !exists(toString(substitute(ev_time)))) {
    stop("'ev_time' must be a character string specifying a variable",
         " in 'data'.")
  } else if (inherits(substitute(event), "name") &&
             !exists(toString(substitute(event)))) {
    stop("'event' must be a character string specifying a variable",
         " in 'data'.")
  ## check if length of input is correct
  } else if (length(variable) != 1) {
    stop("'variable' must be a character string of length 1",
         " specifying the grouping variable in 'data'.")
  } else if (length(ev_time) != 1) {
    stop("'ev_time' must be a character string of length 1",
         " specifying the time until the event or censoring occured.")
  } else if (length(event) != 1) {
    stop("'event' must be a character string of length 1",
         " specifying the binary event indicator.")
  } else if (length(conf_int) != 1) {
    stop("'conf_int' must be either TRUE or FALSE, not a vector.")
  } else if (length(conf_level) != 1) {
    stop("'conf_level' must be a number < 1 and > 0, not a vector.")
  } else if (length(bootstrap) != 1) {
    stop("'bootstrap' must be either TRUE or FALSE, not a vector.")
  } else if (length(n_boot) != 1) {
    stop("'n_boot' must be a positive integer > 2, not a vector.")
  } else if (length(na.action) != 1) {
    stop("'na.action' must be a function or a character string,",
         " not a vector. See documentation.")
  } else if (length(clean_data) != 1) {
    stop("'clean_data' must be either TRUE or FALSE, not a vector.")
  } else if (length(method) != 1 | !is.character(method)) {
    stop("'method' must be a single character string. Using multiple",
         " methods in one call is currently not supported.")
  # needed variables
  } else if (!is.character(variable) | !is.character(ev_time) |
             !is.character(event)) {
    stop("Arguments 'variable', 'ev_time' and 'event' must be ",
         "character strings, specifying variables in 'data'.")
  # method
  } else if (!method %in% c("km", "iptw_km", "iptw_cox", "iptw_pseudo",
                            "direct", "direct_pseudo", "aiptw_pseudo",
                            "aiptw", "matching",
                            "emp_lik", "strat_cupples", "strat_amato",
                            "strat_nieto", "tmle", "iv_2SRIF",
                            "prox_iptw", "prox_aiptw")) {
    stop("Method '", method, "' is undefined. See documentation for ",
         "details on available methods.")
  # conf_int
  } else if (!is.logical(conf_int)) {
    stop("'conf_int' must be either TRUE or FALSE.")
  # conf_level
  } else if (!is.numeric(conf_level)) {
    stop("'conf_level' must be a number < 1 and > 0.")
  } else if (conf_level >= 1 | conf_level <= 0) {
    stop("'conf_level' must be a number < 1 and > 0.")
  # bootstrap
  } else if (!is.logical(bootstrap)) {
    stop("'bootstrap' must be either TRUE or FALSE.")
  # n_boot
  } else if (!is.numeric(n_boot) || n_boot < 1) {
    stop("'n_boot' must be a positive integer > 2.")
  # times
  } else if (!is.numeric(times) & !is.null(times)) {
    stop("'times' must be a numeric vector or NULL.")
  # na.action
  } else if (!(is.function(na.action) | is.character(na.action))) {
    stop("'na.action' must be a function or a single character string.",
         " See details.")
  # clean_data
  } else if (!is.logical(clean_data)) {
    stop("'clean_data' must be either TRUE or FALSE.")

  # data.frame properties
  if (inherits(data, "data.frame")) {
    # variable
    if (!variable %in% colnames(data)) {
      stop(variable, " is not a valid column name in 'data'.")
    # ev_time
    } else if (!ev_time %in% colnames(data)) {
      stop(ev_time, " is not a valid column name in 'data'.")
    # event
    } else if (!event %in% colnames(data)) {
      stop(event, " is not a valid column name in 'data'.")

    # Check if categorical should be allowed
    levs_len <- length(unique(data[, variable]))
    if (levs_len < 2) {
      stop("There have to be at least two groups in 'variable'.")
    } else if (levs_len > 2 & method %in% c("matching", "emp_lik", "aiptw",
                                            "tmle", "iv_2SRIF", "prox_iptw",
                                            "prox_aiptw")) {
      stop("Categorical treatments are currently not supported for ",
           "method='", method, "'.")

    # Check if the group variable is a factor
    if (!is.factor(data[, variable])) {
      stop("The column in 'data' specified by 'variable' needs to be ",
           "a factor variable.")

    # Check if ev_time variable has the right format
    if (!is.numeric(data[, ev_time])) {
      stop("The column in 'data' specified by 'ev_time' must be numeric.")
    } else if (!all(data[, ev_time] >= 0, na.rm=TRUE)) {
      stop("All values in the 'ev_time' variable must be >= 0.")

    # Check if event variable has the right format
    if (!is.numeric(data[, event]) & !is.logical(data[, event])) {
      stop("The column in 'data' specified by 'event' must be numeric",
           " or logical.")
    } else if (!all(data[, event] %in% c(0, 1, NA))) {
      stop("The 'event' variable has to be a binary event indicator.",
           " For data with competing risks, see the 'adjustedcif' function.")

    # No extrapolation
    if (!is.null(times) && (max(times) > max(data[, ev_time], na.rm=TRUE))) {
      stop("Values in 'times' must be smaller than max(data[,ev_time]).",
           " No extrapolation allowed.")
  # Check if mira objects where supplied when class(data) == "mids"
  } else {
    # treatment_model
    if (!is.null(obj$treatment_model) &
        !inherits(obj$treatment_model, c("mira", "formula"))) {
      stop("When using multiple imputation, mira objects or a formula",
           " need to be supplied to 'treatment_model' instead of",
           " single models. See documentation.")
    # outcome_model
    if (!is.null(obj$outcome_model) &
        !inherits(obj$outcome_model, "mira")) {
      stop("When using multiple imputation, mira objects need to be supplied",
           " to 'outcome_model' instead of single models. See documentation.")
    # censoring_model
    if (!is.null(obj$censoring_model) &
        !inherits(obj$censoring_model, "mira")) {
      stop("When using multiple imputation, mira objects need to be supplied",
           " to 'censoring_model' instead of single models. See documentation.")

  ## Direct Pseudo, AIPTW Pseudo
  if (method=="direct_pseudo" | method=="aiptw_pseudo" |
      method=="iptw_pseudo") {

    # need outcome vars
    if ((method=="direct_pseudo" | method=="aiptw_pseudo") &
        (!"outcome_vars" %in% names(obj))) {
      stop("Argument 'outcome_vars' must be specified when using",
           " method='", method, "'. See documentation.")
    # outcome_vars right format
    if ((method=="direct_pseudo" | method=="aiptw_pseudo") &
        !is.character(obj$outcome_vars)) {
      stop("'outcome_vars' should be a character vector of column names ",
           "in 'data', used to model the outcome mechanism.")
    # type_time
    if ("type_time" %in% names(obj) && (!obj$type_time %in%
                                        c("factor", "bs", "ns"))) {
      stop("'type_time' should be either 'factor', 'bs' or 'ns'.")
    # need treatment model
    if ((method=="iptw_pseudo" | method=="aiptw_pseudo") &
        (!"treatment_model" %in% names(obj))) {
      stop("Argument 'treatment_model' must be specified when using",
           " method='", method, "'. See documentation.")
    # treatment_model right format
    if (method=="aiptw_pseudo" & (!(is.numeric(obj$treatment_model) |
        inherits(obj$treatment_model, c("glm", "multinom", "mira"))))) {
      stop("Argument 'treatment_model' must be one of: 'glm',",
           " 'multinom', 'mira' or a numeric vector of propensity scores.")
    # propensity scores right format
    if (method=="aiptw_pseudo" & is.numeric(obj$treatment_model)) {
      if (length(obj$treatment_model) != nrow(data)) {
        stop("The vector of propensity score supplied in the 'treatment_model'",
             " argument must be of length nrow(data).")
      } else if (any(obj$treatment_model > 1 | obj$treatment_model < 0)) {
        stop("Propensity Scores supplied using the 'treatment_model'",
             " argument must be smaller than 1 and bigger than 0.")

    if (method %in% c("aiptw_pseudo", "direct_pseudo") & !is.null(times)) {
      # times
      if (length(times)==1) {
        stop("'geese' models require at least two distinct time points. ",
             "Add more points in time to 'times' and try again.")
      # spline_df
      } else if (!is.null(obj$spline_df) && (obj$spline_df > length(times))) {
        warning("'spline_df' > len(times) might lead to problems.",
      } else if (is.null(obj$spline_df) && (5 > length(times)) &&
                 !is.null(obj$type_time) && obj$type_time!="factor") {
        warning("'spline_df' > length(times) might lead to problems when",
                  " type_time!='factor'.", call.=FALSE)

  ## Empirical Likelihood
  } else if (method=="emp_lik") {
    # need treatment_vars
    if (!"treatment_vars" %in% names(obj)) {
      stop("Argument 'treatment_vars' has to be specified when using",
           " method='emp_lik'.")
    # treatment_vars right format
    } else if (!is.character(obj$treatment_vars)) {
      stop("'treatment_vars' should be a character vector of column names ",
           "in 'data', used to model the outcome mechanism.")
    # moment
    } else if ("moment" %in% names(obj) && (!obj$moment %in%
                                            c("first", "second"))) {
      stop("Argument 'moment' must be either 'first' or 'second'.")
    # standardize
    } else if ("standardize" %in% names(obj) &&
               (!is.logical(obj$standardize))) {
      stop("Argument 'standardize' must be either TRUE or FALSE.")
    } else if (inherits(data, "data.frame")) {
      # treatment_vars
      if (!all(obj$treatment_vars %in% colnames(data))) {
        stop("'treatment_vars' should be a character vector of column names ",
             "in 'data', used to model the outcome mechanism.")
      # 0/1 variables in data
      for (col in obj$treatment_vars) {
        if (paste0(unique(data[, col]), collapse="") %in% c("10", "01")) {
          warning("Dichotomous variables coded with 0 and 1 found in ",
                  " 'treatment_vars'. Consider recoding to -1 and 1",
                  " to avoid estimation problems.", call.=FALSE)
  ## Matching
  } else if (method=="matching") {
    # treatment model needed
    if (!"treatment_model" %in% names(obj)) {
      stop("Argument 'treatment_model' must be specified when using",
           " method='matching'.")
    } else if (is.numeric(obj$treatment_model) && anyNA(obj$treatment_model)) {
      stop("Missing values in vector of propensity scores are not allowed.")
    } else if (is.numeric(obj$treatment_model) &&
               (any(obj$treatment_model > 1) | any(obj$treatment_model < 0))) {
      stop("Propensity Scores > 1 or < 0 not allowed. Perhaps you supplied ",
           "weights on accident?")
  ## AIPTW
  } else if (method=="aiptw") {
    # need treatment_model
    if (!"treatment_model" %in% names(obj)) {
      stop("Argument 'treatment_model' must be specified when using",
           " method='aiptw'.")
    # need outcome_model
    } else if (!"outcome_model" %in% names(obj)) {
      stop("Argument 'outcome_model' must be specified when using",
           " method='aiptw'.")
  ## Direct
  } else if (method=="direct") {
    # need outcome_model
    if (!"outcome_model" %in% names(obj)) {
      stop("Argument 'outcome_model' must be specified when using",
           " method='direct'.")
    # no bootstrapping with pecRpart
    } else if (inherits(obj$outcome_model, c("pecRpart")) & bootstrap) {
      stop("Bootstrapping is currently not supported with method='direct'",
           " and an 'outcome_model' of class 'pecRpart'.")
    # only allow certain models when there is no censoring
    } else if (inherits(obj$outcome_model, c("glm", "ols", "randomForest")) &&
               !all(data[, event]==1)) {
      stop("'outcome_model' of class c('glm', 'ols', 'randomForest') are",
           " only allowed when there is no censoring.")
    # don't allow selectCox if no covariates are left after selection
    } else if (inherits(obj$outcome_model, c("selectCox")) &&
               inherits(obj$outcome_model$fit, "survfit")) {
      stop("The final 'fit' object in the 'selectCox' model must be a",
           " coxph object, not survfit.")
    # variable has to be inside formula of coxph
    } else if (inherits(obj$outcome_model, "coxph")) {
      if (!variable %in% all.vars(obj$outcome_model$formula)) {
        stop("'variable' has to be included in the cox-regression model.")
  ## Cupples / Amato / Gregory
  } else if (method=="strat_cupples" | method=="strat_amato" |
             method=="strat_nieto") {
    # need adjust_vars
    if (!"adjust_vars" %in% names(obj)) {
      stop("Argument 'adjust_vars' needs to be specified when using",
           " method='", method, "'.")
    # adjust_vars not in data
    if (!all(obj$adjust_vars %in% colnames(data))) {
      stop("'adjust_vars' must specify valid column names in 'data'.")
    # valid reference data
    if ((method=="strat_cupples" | method=="strat_amato") &
        !is.null(obj$reference)) {
      if (!all(obj$adjust_vars %in% colnames(obj$reference))) {
        stop("If a 'reference' data.frame is supplied, it needs to contain",
             " all variables listed in 'adjust_vars'.")
    # no continuous confounders
    if (inherits(data, "data.frame")) {
      for (i in seq_len(length(obj$adjust_vars))) {
        if (is.numeric(data[, obj$adjust_vars[i]]) &&
            !all(floor(data[, obj$adjust_vars[i]])==
                 data[, obj$adjust_vars[i]])) {
          stop("Variables in 'adjust_vars' have to be integer, factor or",
               " character variables. Continuous variables are not allowed",
               " when using method='", method, "'.")
    # forbidden column names
    if (method=="strat_cupples" & ".ALL" %in% colnames(data)) {
      stop("The column name '.ALL' cannot be used with method='strat_cupples'.",
           " Please rename that variable and rerun the function.")
    if (".COVARS" %in% colnames(data)) {
      stop("The column name '.COVARS' cannot be used with method='",
           method, "'. Please rename that variable and rerun the function.")
  } else if (method=="iptw_km" | method=="iptw_cox") {
    # need treatment_model
    if (!"treatment_model" %in% names(obj)) {
      stop("Argument 'treatment_model' must be defined when using",
           " method='", method, "'. See documentation.")
    # treatment_model wrong format
    } else if (!inherits(obj$treatment_model, c("glm", "multinom",
                                                "numeric", "formula",
                                                "mira"))) {
      stop("'treatment_model' must be a glm or multinom object,",
           " a formula or a numeric vector of weights. See documentation.")
    # check length of weights
    } else if (is.numeric(obj$treatment_model) &&
               length(obj$treatment_model) != nrow(data)) {
      stop("If weights are supplied directly in the 'treatment_model'",
           " argument, they must be of length nrow(data).")
    # check for NA in weights
    } else if (is.numeric(obj$treatment_model) && anyNA(obj$treatment_model)) {
      stop("If weights are supplied directly in the 'treatment_model'",
           " argument, they may not include missing values.")
    # check if weights are positive
    } else if (is.numeric(obj$treatment_model) &&
               any(obj$treatment_model < 0)) {
      stop("Weights supplied directly to the 'treatment_model' argument",
           " must be positive.")
  } else if (method=="iv_2SRIF") {
    # need adjust_vars, instrument
    if (!"adjust_vars" %in% names(obj)) {
      stop("Argument 'adjust_vars' needs to be specified when using",
           " method='", method, "'.")
    } else if (!"instrument" %in% names(obj)) {
      stop("Argument 'instrument' needs to be specified when using",
           " method='", method, "'.")
    # invalid adjust_vars, instrument
    if (!is.null(obj$adjust_vars) && !is.character(obj$adjust_vars)) {
      stop("'adjust_vars' needs to be a character vector specifying names",
           " in 'data'.")
    } else if (!(is.character(obj$instrument) && length(obj$instrument)==1)) {
      stop("'instrument' needs to be a single character string.")

    # adjust_vars, instrument not in data
    if (!is.null(obj$adjust_vars) &&
        !all(obj$adjust_vars %in% colnames(data))) {
      stop("'adjust_vars' must specify valid column names in 'data'.")
    } else if (!obj$instrument %in% colnames(data)) {
      stop("'instrument' must be a valid column name in 'data'.")
  } else if (method=="prox_iptw" | method=="prox_aiptw") {

    # need adjust_vars, treatment_proxy, outcome_proxy
    if (!"adjust_vars" %in% names(obj)) {
      stop("Argument 'adjust_vars' needs to be specified when using",
           " method='", method, "'.")
    } else if (!"treatment_proxy" %in% names(obj)) {
      stop("Argument 'treatment_proxy' needs to be specified when using",
           " method='", method, "'.")
    } else if (!"outcome_proxy" %in% names(obj)) {
      stop("Argument 'outcome_proxy' needs to be specified when using",
           " method='", method, "'.")

    check_inputs_prox(data=data, adjust_vars=obj$adjust_vars,

  # bootstrapping
  if (bootstrap & is.numeric(obj$treatment_model)) {
    stop("'treatment_model' needs to be a model that can be ",
         "refit or a formula object when using bootstrap=TRUE.")

  # asymptotic variance calculations
  if (conf_int & (method %in% c("emp_lik", "matching", "direct_pseudo",
                                "strat_cupples", "strat_amato", "iptw_cox"))) {
    warning("Asymptotic or exact variance calculations are currently",
            " not available for method='", method, "'. Use bootstrap=TRUE",
            " to get bootstrap estimates.", call.=FALSE)

## checking inputs when using method="prox_iptw" or method="prox_aiptw"
check_inputs_prox <- function(data, adjust_vars, treatment_proxy,
                              outcome_proxy) {

  # general type / length checks
  if (!(length(adjust_vars) >= 1 && is.character(adjust_vars))) {
    stop("'adjust_vars' needs to be a character vector with at least one",
         " entry.")
  } else if (!(length(treatment_proxy)==1 && is.character(treatment_proxy))) {
    stop("'treatment_proxy' needs to be a single character string.")
  } else if (!(length(outcome_proxy)==1 && is.character(outcome_proxy))) {
    stop("'outcome_proxy' needs to be a single character string.")

  # variables in data
  if (!all(adjust_vars %in% colnames(data))) {
    stop("All variables named in 'adjust_vars' need to be valid columns in",
         " 'data'. The following variables were not found in data: ",
         paste0(adjust_vars[!adjust_vars %in% colnames(data)],
                collapse=", "))
  } else if (!treatment_proxy %in% colnames(data)) {
    stop("The variable named as 'treatment_proxy' was not found in 'data'.")
  } else if (!outcome_proxy %in% colnames(data)) {
    stop("The variable named as 'outcome_proxy' was not found in 'data'.")

  # variables of correct type
  if (!is.numeric(data[, treatment_proxy])) {
    stop("The 'treatment_proxy' must be numeric, not ",
         class(data[, treatment_proxy]))
  } else if (!is.numeric(data[, outcome_proxy])) {
    stop("The 'outcome_proxy' must be numeric, not ",
         class(data[, outcome_proxy]))

## for sim_confounded_surv function
check_inputs_sim_fun <- function(n, lcovars, outcome_betas, surv_dist,
                                 gamma, lambda, treatment_betas,
                                 intercept, gtol, cens_fun, cens_args,
                                 max_t, group_beta) {

  if (!(is.numeric(n) & length(n)==1)) {
    stop("'n' must be a single positive integer.")
  } else if (floor(n)!=n) {
    stop("'n' must be a single positive integer, not a double.")
  } else if(!(is.character(surv_dist) & length(surv_dist)==1)) {
    stop("'surv_dist' must be either 'weibull' or 'exponential'.")
  } else if (!surv_dist %in% c("weibull", "exponential")) {
    stop("'surv_dist' must be either 'weibull' or 'exponential'.")
  } else if (!(is.numeric(gamma) & length(gamma)==1)) {
    stop("'gamma' must be a single number. See details.")
  } else if (!(is.numeric(lambda) & length(lambda)==1)) {
    stop("'lambda' must be a single number. See details.")
  } else if (!(is.numeric(intercept) & length(intercept)==1)) {
    stop("'intercept' must be a single number. See details.")
  } else if (!(is.numeric(gtol) & length(gtol)==1)) {
    stop("'gtol' must be a number. See details.")
  } else if (gtol > 1 | gtol < 0) {
    stop("'gtol' must be <= 1 and >= 0. See details.")
  } else if (!is.function(cens_fun) & !is.null(cens_fun)) {
    stop("'cens_fun' must be a function with the argument 'n' or NULL.")
  } else if (!is.list(cens_args) & !is.null(cens_args)) {
    stop("'cens_args' must be a named list of arguments to be passed to",
         " 'cens_fun' or NULL.")
  } else if (!(is.numeric(max_t) & length(max_t)==1)) {
    stop("'max_t' must be a single number.")
  } else if (max_t <= 0) {
    stop("'max_t' must be bigger than zero.")
  } else if (!(is.numeric(group_beta) & length(group_beta)==1)) {
    stop("'group_beta' must be a number.")

  if (!((is.null(lcovars) & is.null(outcome_betas) & is.null(treatment_betas)) |
        (is.list(lcovars) & is.numeric(outcome_betas) &
         is.numeric(treatment_betas)))) {
    stop("'lcovars', 'outcome_betas' and 'treatment_betas' can either all ",
         "be NULL to use default values, or have to be specified.")

  if (!is.null(lcovars) && (is.null(names(lcovars)))) {
    stop("Elements in the 'lcovars' list must be named.")

  if (!is.null(outcome_betas) && (is.null(names(outcome_betas)))) {
    stop("Elements in the 'outcome_betas' vector must be named.")

  if (!is.null(treatment_betas) && (is.null(names(treatment_betas)))) {
    stop("Elements in the 'treatment_betas' vector must be named.")

  lens <- c(length(outcome_betas), length(treatment_betas), length(lcovars))
  if (!is.null(lcovars) && stats::var(lens)!=0) {
    stop("'outcome_betas', 'treatment_betas' and 'lcovars' must have",
         " the same length.")

  if (!is.null(lcovars)) {
    if (!(all(names(lcovars) == names(outcome_betas)) &
          all(names(treatment_betas) == names(lcovars)) &
          all(names(outcome_betas) == names(treatment_betas)))) {
      stop("The names of the objects in 'lcovars', 'outcome_betas' and ",
           " 'treatment_betas' must be the same.")

  if (!is.null(lcovars)) {
    for (i in seq_len(length(lcovars))) {
      if (!lcovars[[i]][1] %in% c("rbinom", "rnorm", "runif")) {
        stop("The first element of every vector in 'lcovars' must be either ",
             "'rbinom', 'rnorm' or 'runif', not ", lcovars[[i]][1], ".")

## for adjusted_rmst function
check_inputs_adj_rmst <- function(adjsurv, from, to, conf_int, contrast) {

  if ((!is.numeric(from) | !is.numeric(to)) &
      length(from)==1 & length(to)>=1) {
    stop("'from' and 'to' must be numbers (one for each argument).")
  } else if (!(from >= 0 & all(to >= 0))) {
    stop("'from' and 'to' must be >= 0.")
  } else if (!inherits(adjsurv, "adjustedsurv")) {
    stop("'adjsurv' must be an 'adjustedsurv' object created using ",
         "the 'adjustedsurv()' function.")
  } else if (any(from >= to)) {
    stop("'from' must be smaller than 'to'.")
  } else if (!(is.logical(conf_int) & length(conf_int)==1)) {
    stop("'conf_int' must be either TRUE or FALSE.")
  } else if (!(length(contrast)==1 && is.character(contrast) &&
               contrast %in% c("none", "diff", "ratio"))) {
    stop("'contrast' must be one of c('none', 'diff', 'ratio').")
  } else if (conf_int & is.null(adjsurv$boot_adj)) {
    warning("Cannot use bootstrapped estimates because",
            " they were not estimated.",
            " Need 'bootstrap=TRUE' in 'adjustedsurv' function call.",

  if (any(to > max(adjsurv$adj$time, na.rm=TRUE))) {
    stop("'to' cannot be greater than the latest observed time.")

  if (length(unique((adjsurv$adj$time))) < 10) {
    warning("Using only a few points in time might lead to biased",
            " estimates. Consider using a finer times grid in",
            " 'adjustedsurv' or 'adjustedcif'.", call.=FALSE)

## for adjusted_rmtl function
check_inputs_adj_rmtl <- function(adj, from, to, conf_int, contrast) {

  if ((!is.numeric(from) | !is.numeric(to)) &
       length(from)==1 & length(to)>=1) {
    stop("'from' and 'to' must be numbers (one for each argument).")
  } else if (!(from >= 0 & all(to >= 0))) {
    stop("'from' and 'to' must be >= 0.")
  } else if (!inherits(adj, c("adjustedsurv", "adjustedcif"))) {
    stop("'adj' must be an 'adjustedsurv' object created using",
         " the 'adjustedsurv()' function or an 'adjustedcif' object",
         " created using the 'adjustedcif()' function.")
  } else if (any(from >= to)) {
    stop("'from' must be smaller than 'to'.")
  } else if (!(is.logical(conf_int) & length(conf_int)==1)) {
    stop("'conf_int' must be either TRUE or FALSE.")
  } else if (!(length(contrast)==1 && is.character(contrast) &&
               contrast %in% c("none", "diff", "ratio"))) {
    stop("'contrast' must be one of c('none', 'diff', 'ratio').")
  } else if (conf_int & is.null(adj$boot_adj)) {
    warning("Cannot use bootstrapped estimates because",
            " they were not estimated.",
            " Need 'bootstrap=TRUE' in 'adjustedsurv'/'adjustedcif'",
            " function call.", call.=FALSE)

  max_t <- max(adj$adj$time, na.rm=TRUE)
  n_t <- length(unique((adj$adj$time)))

  if (any(to > max_t)) {
    stop("'to' cannot be greater than the latest observed time.")

  if (n_t < 10) {
    warning("Using only a few points in time might lead to biased",
            " estimates. Consider using a finer times grid in",
            " 'adjustedsurv'/'adjustedcif'.", call.=FALSE)

## for adjustedsurv_test
check_inputs_adj_test <- function(adj, from, to) {

  if (!(inherits(adj, "adjustedsurv") |
        inherits(adj, "adjustedcif"))) {
    stop("'adj' must be an 'adjustedsurv' or 'adjustedcif' object,",
         "created using the adjustedsurv or adjustedcif function.")
  } else if (is.null(adj$boot_data)) {
    stop("Can only perform a significance test if bootstrapping was ",
         "performed (bootstrap=TRUE in adjustedsurv/adjustedcif call).")
  } else if (!(is.numeric(from) & length(from)==1)) {
    stop("'from' must be a single number >= 0.")
  } else if (from < 0) {
    stop("'from' must be a number >= 0.")
  } else if (!(is.numeric(to) & length(to)==1)) {
    stop("'to' must be a single number >= 0.")
  } else if (to <= from) {
    stop("'to' must be greater than 'from'.")

  if (to > max(adj$adj$time, na.rm=TRUE)) {
    stop("'to' cannot be greater than the latest observed time.")

  if (length(unique((adj$adj$time))) < 10) {
    warning("Using only a few points in time might lead to biased",
            " estimates. Consider using a finer times grid in",
            " 'adjustedsurv' or 'adjustedcif'.", call.=FALSE)

## for adjustedcif
check_inputs_adjustedcif <- function(data, variable, ev_time, event, method,
                                     conf_int, conf_level, times, bootstrap,
                                     n_boot, cause, na.action,
                                     clean_data, ...) {
  obj <- list(...)

  ## check for non-standard evaluation
  if (inherits(substitute(variable), "name") &&
             !exists(toString(substitute(variable)))) {
    stop("'variable' must be a character string specifying a variable",
         " in 'data'.")
  } else if (inherits(substitute(ev_time), "name") &&
             !exists(toString(substitute(ev_time)))) {
    stop("'ev_time' must be a character string specifying a variable",
         " in 'data'.")
  } else if (inherits(substitute(event), "name") &&
             !exists(toString(substitute(event)))) {
    stop("'event' must be a character string specifying a variable",
         " in 'data'.")
  ## checking input argument lengths
  } else if (length(variable) != 1) {
    stop("'variable' must be a character string of length 1",
         " specifying the grouping variable in 'data'.")
  } else if (length(ev_time) != 1) {
    stop("'ev_time' must be a character string of length 1",
         " specifying the time until an event or censoring occured.")
  } else if (length(event) != 1) {
    stop("'event' must be a character string of length 1",
         " specifying the numeric event indicator.")
  } else if (length(conf_int) != 1) {
    stop("'conf_int' must be either TRUE or FALSE, not a vector.")
  } else if (length(conf_level) != 1) {
    stop("'conf_level' must be a number < 1 and > 0, not a vector.")
  } else if (length(bootstrap) != 1) {
    stop("'bootstrap' must be either TRUE or FALSE, not a vector.")
  } else if (length(n_boot) != 1) {
    stop("'n_boot' must be a positive integer > 2, not a vector.")
  } else if (length(na.action) != 1) {
    stop("'na.action' must be a function or a character string,",
         " not a vector. See documentation.")
  } else if (length(clean_data) != 1) {
    stop("'clean_data' must be either TRUE or FALSE, not a vector.")
  } else if (length(method) != 1) {
    stop("'method' must be a single character string. Using multiple",
         " methods in one call is currently not supported.")
  # needed variables
  } else if (!is.character(variable) | !is.character(ev_time) |
             !is.character(event) | !is.character(method)) {
    stop("Arguments 'variable', 'ev_time', 'event' and 'method' must be ",
         "character strings, specifying variables in 'data'.")
  } else if (!method %in% c("aalen_johansen", "iptw", "iptw_pseudo", "direct",
                            "direct_pseudo", "aiptw_pseudo",
                            "aiptw", "matching", "tmle")) {
    stop("Method '", method, "' is undefined. See documentation for ",
         "details on available methods.")
  # conf_int
  } else if (!is.logical(conf_int)) {
    stop("'conf_int' must be either TRUE or FALSE.")
  # conf_level
  } else if (!is.numeric(conf_level)) {
    stop("'conf_level' must be a number < 1 and > 0.")
  } else if (conf_level >= 1 | conf_level <= 0) {
    stop("'conf_level' must be a number < 1 and > 0.")
  # cause
  } else if (!is.numeric(cause)) {
    stop("'cause' must be a number specifying the cause of interest in ",
         "the column specified with 'event'.")
  } else if (length(cause)!=1) {
    stop("'cause' must be of length = 1.")
  # time
  } else if (!is.numeric(times) & !is.null(times)) {
    stop("'times' must be a numeric vector or NULL.")
  # bootstrap
  } else if (!is.logical(bootstrap)) {
    stop("'bootstrap' must be either TRUE or FALSE.")
  # n_boot
  } else if (!is.numeric(n_boot) || n_boot < 2) {
    stop("'n_boot' must be a positive integer > 1.")
  # na.action
  } else if (!(is.function(na.action) | is.character(na.action))) {
    stop("'na.action' must be a function or a single character string.",
         " See details.")
  # clean_data
  } else if (!is.logical(clean_data)) {
    stop("'clean_data' must be either TRUE or FALSE.")

  # data.frame properties
  if (inherits(data, "data.frame")) {
    # variable
    if (!variable %in% colnames(data)) {
      stop(variable, " is not a valid column name in 'data'.")
    # ev_time
    } else if (!ev_time %in% colnames(data)) {
      stop(ev_time, " is not a valid column name in 'data'.")
    # event
    } else if (!event %in% colnames(data)) {
      stop(event, " is not a valid column name in 'data'.")

    # Check if the group variable has the right format
    if (!is.factor(data[, variable])) {
      stop("The column in 'data' specified by 'variable' needs to be ",
           "a factor variable.")

    # Check if ev_time variable has the right format
    if (!is.numeric(data[, ev_time])) {
      stop("The column in 'data' specified by 'ev_time' must be numeric.")
    } else if (!all(data[, ev_time] >= 0, na.rm=TRUE)) {
      stop("All values in the 'ev_time' variable must be >= 0.")

    # Check if event variable has the right format
    if (!is.numeric(data[, event])) {
      stop("The column in 'data' specified by 'event' must be numeric.")
    } else if (all(data[, event] %in% c(0, 1, NA))) {
      warning("It is recommended to use the 'adjustedsurv' function",
              " when the 'event' variable is binary.")

    # Check if categorical should be allowed
    levs_len <- length(unique(data[, variable]))
    if (levs_len < 2) {
      stop("There have to be at least two groups in 'variable'.")
    } else if (levs_len > 2 & method %in% c("matching", "aiptw")) {
      stop("Categorical treatments are currently not supported for ",
           "method='", method, "'.")

    # No extrapolation
    if (!is.null(times) && (max(times) > max(data[, ev_time], na.rm=TRUE))) {
      stop("Values in 'times' must be smaller than max(data[,ev_time]).",
           " No extrapolation allowed.")
  } else {
    # treatment_model
    if (!is.null(obj$treatment_model) &
        !inherits(obj$treatment_model, c("mira", "formula"))) {
      stop("When using multiple imputation, mira objects or a formula",
           " need to be supplied to 'treatment_model' instead of",
           " single models. See documentation.")
    # outcome_model
    if (!is.null(obj$outcome_model) &
        !inherits(obj$outcome_model, "mira")) {
      stop("When using multiple imputation, mira objects need to be supplied",
           " to 'outcome_model' instead of single models. See documentation.")
    # censoring_model
    if (!is.null(obj$censoring_model) &
        !inherits(obj$censoring_model, "mira")) {
      stop("When using multiple imputation, mira objects need to be supplied",
           " to 'censoring_model' instead of single models. See documentation.")

  ## Direct Pseudo, AIPTW Pseudo
  if (method=="direct_pseudo" | method=="aiptw_pseudo" |
      method=="iptw_pseudo") {

    # need outcome vars
    if ((method=="direct_pseudo" | method=="aiptw_pseudo") &
        (!"outcome_vars" %in% names(obj))) {
      stop("Argument 'outcome_vars' must be specified when using",
           " method='", method, "'. See documentation.")
    # outcome_vars right format
    if ((method=="direct_pseudo" | method=="aiptw_pseudo") &
        !is.character(obj$outcome_vars)) {
      stop("'outcome_vars' should be a character vector of column names ",
           "in 'data', used to model the outcome mechanism.")
    # type_time
    if ("type_time" %in% names(obj) && (!obj$type_time %in%
                                        c("factor", "bs", "ns"))) {
      stop("'type_time' should be either 'factor', 'bs' or 'ns'.")
    # need treatment model
    if ((method=="iptw_pseudo" | method=="aiptw_pseudo") &
        (!"treatment_model" %in% names(obj))) {
      stop("Argument 'treatment_model' must be specified when using",
           " method='", method, "'. See documentation.")
    # treatment_model right format
    if (method=="aiptw_pseudo" & (!(is.numeric(obj$treatment_model) |
                                             c("glm", "multinom", "mira"))))) {
      stop("Argument 'treatment_model' must be one of: 'glm',",
           " 'multinom', 'mira' or a numeric vector of propensity scores.")
    # propensity scores right format
    if (method=="aiptw_pseudo" & is.numeric(obj$treatment_model)) {
      if (length(obj$treatment_model) != nrow(data)) {
        stop("The vector of propensity score supplied in the 'treatment_model'",
             " argument must be of length nrow(data).")
      } else if (any(obj$treatment_model > 1 | obj$treatment_model < 0)) {
        stop("Propensity Scores supplied using the 'treatment_model'",
             " argument must be smaller than 1 and bigger than 0.")

    if (method %in% c("aiptw_pseudo", "direct_pseudo") & !is.null(times)) {
      # times
      if (length(times)==1) {
        stop("'geese' models require at least two distinct time points. ",
             "Add more points in time to 'times' and run again.")
      # spline_df
      } else if (!is.null(obj$spline_df) && (obj$spline_df > length(times))) {
        warning("'spline_df' > len(times) might lead to problems.",
      } else if (is.null(obj$spline_df) && (5 > length(times)) &&
                 !is.null(obj$type_time) && obj$type_time!="factor") {
        warning("'spline_df' > length(times) might lead to problems when",
                " type_time!='factor'.", call.=FALSE)

  ## Matching
  } else if (method=="matching") {
    # treatment_model
    if (!"treatment_model" %in% names(obj)) {
      stop("Argument 'treatment_model' must be specified when using",
           " method='matching'.")
    } else if (is.numeric(obj$treatment_model) && anyNA(obj$treatment_model)) {
      stop("Missing values in vector of propensity scores are not allowed.")
    } else if (is.numeric(obj$treatment_model) &&
               (any(obj$treatment_model > 1) | any(obj$treatment_model < 0))) {
      stop("Propensity Scores > 1 or < 0 not allowed. Perhaps you supplied ",
           "weights on accident?")
  ## AIPTW
  } else if (method=="aiptw") {
    # need treatment_model
    if (!"treatment_model" %in% names(obj)) {
      stop("Argument 'treatment_model' must be specified when using",
           " method='aiptw'.")
      # need outcome_model
    } else if (!"outcome_model" %in% names(obj)) {
      stop("Argument 'outcome_model' must be specified when using",
           " method='aiptw'.")
  ## Direct
  } else if (method=="direct") {
    if (!"outcome_model" %in% names(obj)) {
      stop("Argument 'outcome_model' must be specified when using",
           " method='direct'.")
    if (inherits(obj$outcome_model, "FGR") &&
        cause != obj$outcome_model$cause) {
      stop("The FGR model needs to be fit with the same 'cause' as specified",
           " in the 'cause' argument.")
  ## IPTW
  } else if (method=="iptw" & !inherits(data, "mids")) {
    # need treatment_model
    if (!"treatment_model" %in% names(obj)) {
      stop("Argument 'treatment_model' must be defined when using",
           " method='iptw'. See documentation.")
    # treatment_model wrong format
    } else if (!inherits(obj$treatment_model, c("glm", "multinom"))) {
      stop("'treatment_model' must be a glm or multinom object.",
           " See documentation.")

  # bootstrapping
  if (bootstrap && is.numeric(obj$treatment_model)) {
    stop("'treatment_model' needs to be a model that can be",
         " refit or a formula object when using bootstrap=TRUE.")

  # asymptotic variance calculations
  if (conf_int & (method %in% c("matching", "direct_pseudo"))) {
    warning("Asymptotic or exact variance calculations are currently",
            " not available for method='", method, "'. Use bootstrap=TRUE",
            " to get bootstrap estimates.", call.=FALSE)

## for sim_confounded_crisk
check_inputs_sim_crisk_fun <- function(n, lcovars, outcome_betas, gamma,
                                       lambda, treatment_betas, group_beta,
                                       intercept, gtol, cens_fun, cens_args,
                                       max_t) {

  if (!(is.numeric(n) & length(n)==1)) {
    stop("'n' must be a single positive integer.")
  } else if (floor(n)!=n) {
    stop("'n' must be a positive integer, not a double.")
  } else if (!(is.numeric(gamma) & length(gamma) > 1)) {
    stop("'gamma' must be a numeric vector with length > 1. See details.")
  } else if (!(is.numeric(lambda) & length(lambda) > 1)) {
    stop("'lambda' must be a numeric vector with length > 1. See details.")
  } else if (!(is.numeric(intercept) & length(intercept)==1)) {
    stop("'intercept' must be a number. See details.")
  } else if (!(is.numeric(gtol) & length(gtol)==1)) {
    stop("'gtol' must be a number. See details.")
  } else if (gtol > 1 | gtol < 0) {
    stop("'gtol' must be <= 1 and >= 0. See details.")
  } else if (!is.function(cens_fun) & !is.null(cens_fun)) {
    stop("'cens_fun' must be a function with the argument 'n' or NULL.")
  } else if (!is.list(cens_args) & !is.null(cens_args)) {
    stop("'cens_args' must be a named list of arguments to be passed to",
         " 'cens_fun' or NULL.")
  } else if (!(is.numeric(max_t) & length(max_t)==1)) {
    stop("'max_t' must be a number.")
  } else if (max_t <= 0) {
    stop("'max_t' must be bigger than zero.")
  } else if (!(is.numeric(group_beta) & length(group_beta) > 1)) {
    stop("'group_beta' must be a numeric vector with length > 1.")

  if (stats::var(c(length(group_beta), length(gamma), length(lambda)))!=0) {
    stop("Arguments 'group_beta', 'gamma' and 'lambda' need to have",
         " the same length.")

  if (!((is.null(lcovars) & is.null(outcome_betas) & is.null(treatment_betas)) |
        (is.list(lcovars) & is.list(outcome_betas) &
         is.numeric(treatment_betas)))) {
    stop("'lcovars', 'outcome_betas' and 'treatment_betas' can either all ",
         "be NULL to use default values, or have to be specified.")

  lens <- c(length(outcome_betas), length(treatment_betas), length(lcovars))
  if (!is.null(lcovars) && stats::var(lens)!=0) {
    stop("'outcome_betas', 'treatment_betas' and 'lcovars' must have",
         " the same length.")

  if (!is.null(outcome_betas) && length(outcome_betas) > 1 &&
      stats::var(vapply(outcome_betas, length, FUN.VALUE=numeric(1)))!=0) {
    stop("The vectors supplied in 'outcome_betas' all need to have,",
         " the same length.")

  if (!is.null(lcovars) && (is.null(names(lcovars)))) {
    stop("Elements in the 'lcovars' list must be named.")

  if (!is.null(treatment_betas) && (is.null(names(treatment_betas)))) {
    stop("Elements in the 'treatment_betas' vector must be named.")

  if (!is.null(lcovars)) {
    for (i in seq_len(length(lcovars))) {
      if (!lcovars[[i]][1] %in% c("rbinom", "rnorm", "runif")) {
        stop("The first element of every vector in 'lcovars' must be either ",
             "'rbinom', 'rnorm' or 'runif', not ", lcovars[[i]][1], ".")

## check inputs for plot_difference function
check_inputs_plot_difference <- function(x, group_1, group_2, conf_int,
                                         type, max_t, test, integral_from,
                                         integral_to, p_value, integral,
                                         use_boot) {

  if (!inherits(x, c("adjustedsurv", "adjustedcif"))) {
    stop("'x' must be an 'adjustedsurv' object created using the adjustedsurv",
         " function or an 'adjustedcif' object created using the adjustedcif",
         " function.")
  } else if (!(length(type)==1 && is.character(type) &&
        type %in% c("steps", "lines", "points", "none"))) {
    stop("'type' must be a single character string equal to one of: ",
         " c('steps', 'lines', 'points', 'none').")
  } else if (!(length(max_t)==1 && is.numeric(max_t) && max_t > 0)) {
    stop("'max_t' must be a single number bigger than 0.")
  } else if (!is.null(test) & !inherits(test, "curve_test")) {
    stop("'test' must be either NULL or a 'curve_test' object created using",
         " the adjusted_curve_test function.")
  } else if (!is.null(test) && test$categorical) {
    stop("The curve_test object supplied in the 'test' argument may only",
         " contain two groups, corresponding to the groups used in",
         " the plot_difference function.")
  } else if (!is.null(integral_from) & !(length(integral_from)==1 &&
             is.numeric(integral_from) && integral_from >= 0)) {
    stop("'integral_from' must be a single number > 0 or NULL.")
  } else if (!is.null(integral_to) & !(length(integral_to)==1 &&
                                       is.numeric(integral_to))) {
    stop("'integral_to' must be a single number.")
  } else if (!is.null(integral_to) && integral_from >= integral_to) {
    stop("'integral_from' must be smaller than 'integral_to'.")
  } else if (integral & is.null(test) & is.null(integral_to)) {
    stop("If 'integral' is specified, either 'test' or 'integral_to' also",
         " need to be specified. See details.")
  } else if (p_value & is.null(test) & is.null(integral_to)) {
    stop("If 'p_value' is specified, either 'test' or 'integral_to' also",
         " need to be specified. See details.")
  } else if (p_value & is.null(test) & is.null(x$boot_adj)) {
    stop("'p_value' can only be used when bootstrap=TRUE was used in the",
         " original adjustedsurv or adjustedcif function call.")
  } else if (use_boot & is.null(x$boot_adj)) {
    stop("Bootstrapped estimates can only be calculated if 'bootstrap=TRUE'",
         " was used in the original adjustedsurv or adjustedcif function",
         " call.")
  } else if (conf_int & !use_boot) {
    if (inherits(x, "adjustedcif") && !"ci_lower" %in% colnames(x$adj)) {
      stop("There are no approximate standard error calculations to use.",
           " Either set 'use_boot=TRUE' or rerun the adjustedcif function",
           " with 'conf_int=TRUE' if possible.")
    } else if (inherits(x, "adjustedsurv") &&
               !"ci_lower" %in% colnames(x$adj)) {
      stop("There are no approximate standard error calculations to use.",
           " Either set 'use_boot=TRUE' or rerun the adjustedsurv function",
           " with 'conf_int=TRUE' if possible.")

## check inputs for adjusted_curve_diff function
check_inputs_adj_diff <- function(adj, group_1, group_2, conf_int, use_boot) {

  if (!inherits(adj, c("adjustedsurv", "adjustedcif"))) {
    stop("'x' must be an 'adjustedsurv' object created using the adjustedsurv",
         " function or an 'adjustedcif' object created using the adjustedcif",
         " function.")
  } else if (!(length(group_1)==1 && is.character(group_1) |
               is.null(group_1))) {
    stop("'group_1' has to be a single character vector, specifying one",
         " of the treatment groups in 'variable'.")
  } else if (!(length(group_2)==1 && is.character(group_2) |
               is.null(group_2))) {
    stop("'group_2' has to be a single character vector, specifying one",
         " of the treatment groups in 'variable'.")
  } else if (!is.null(group_1) && !group_1 %in% levels(adj$adj$group)) {
    stop(group_1, " is not a valid group in 'variable'.")
  } else if (!is.null(group_1) && !group_2 %in% levels(adj$adj$group)) {
    stop(group_2, " is not a valid group in 'variable'.")
  } else if (!is.null(group_1) && !is.null(group_2) && group_1 == group_2) {
    stop("'group_1' and 'group_2' may not be equal.")
  } else if (use_boot & is.null(adj$boot_adj)) {
    stop("Bootstrapped estimates can only be calculated if 'bootstrap=TRUE'",
         " was used in the original adjustedsurv or adjustedcif function",
         " call.")
  } else if (conf_int & !use_boot && !"ci_lower" %in% colnames(adj$adj)) {
    stop("There are no approximate standard error calculations to use.",
         " Either set 'use_boot=TRUE' or rerun the adjustedsurv/adjustedcif",
         " function with 'conf_int=TRUE' if possible.")

## check inputs for adjusted_surv_quantile function
check_inputs_surv_q <- function(adjsurv, p, conf_int, use_boot,
                                interpolation, contrast,
                                conf_level, group_1, group_2) {
  if (!inherits(adjsurv, "adjustedsurv")) {
    stop("'adjsurv' must be an adjustedsurv object created using the",
         " adjustedsurv function.")
  } else if (!(length(p)>0 && is.numeric(p) && all(p >= 0 & p <= 1))) {
    stop("'p' must be a vector or single number containing only",
         " numbers <= 1 & >= 0.")
  } else if (conf_int && !use_boot &&
             !"ci_lower" %in% colnames(adjsurv$adj) &&
             !contrast %in% c("diff", "ratio")) {
    stop("There are no approximate confidence intervals to use.",
         " Either set 'use_boot=TRUE' or rerun the adjustedsurv function",
         " with 'conf_int=TRUE' if possible.")
  } else if (conf_int & use_boot & is.null(adjsurv$boot_adj)) {
    stop("Bootstrapped estimates can only be calculated if 'bootstrap=TRUE'",
         " was used in the original adjustedsurv or adjustedcif function",
         " call.")
  } else if (!(length(interpolation)==1 && is.character(interpolation) &&
               interpolation=="steps" | interpolation=="linear")) {
    stop("'interpolation' must be single character string in",
         " c('steps', 'linear').")
  } else if (!(length(conf_level)==1 && is.numeric(conf_level) &&
               conf_level < 1 && conf_level > 0)) {
    stop("'conf_level' must be a single number < 1 and > 0.")
  } else if (!(length(contrast)==1 && is.character(contrast) &&
               contrast %in% c("diff", "ratio", "none"))) {
    stop("'contrast' must be one of c('none', 'diff', 'ratio').")
  } else if (!(is.null(group_1) || (length(group_1)==1 &&
               is.character(group_1) &&
               group_1 %in% levels(adjsurv$adj$group)))) {
    stop("'group_1' must be a single character string specifying a level",
         " of the 'variable' column.")
  } else if (!(is.null(group_2) || (length(group_2)==1 &&
               is.character(group_2) &&
               group_2 %in% levels(adjsurv$adj$group)))) {
    stop("'group_2' must be a single character string specifying a level",
         " of the 'variable' column.")

  if (contrast %in% c("diff", "ratio") && conf_int &&
      ((is.null(adjsurv$mids_analyses) && is.null(adjsurv$boot_data)) ||
       (!is.null(adjsurv$mids_analyses) &&
        is.null(adjsurv$mids_analyses[[1]]$boot_data)))) {
    stop("Cannot calculate confidence intervals for differences/ratios if",
         " bootstrapping was not performed in the original adjustedsurv()",
         " function call. Run adjustedsurv() again with bootstrap=TRUE",
         " to continue.")

## check inputs for plot_rmst_curve and plot_rmtl_curve
check_inputs_auc_curve <- function(times, max_t, color,
                                   linetype, facet) {

  if (!(length(times)>0 && is.numeric(times) && all(times > 0) |
        is.null(times))) {
    stop("'times' must be a numeric vector containing only values > 0 or NULL.")
  } else if (!(length(max_t)==1 && (is.infinite(max_t) | is.numeric(max_t)) &&
               max_t > 0)) {
    stop("'max_t' must be a single number > 0.")
  } else if (!(is.logical(color) && length(color)==1)) {
    stop("'color' must be either TRUE or FALSE. To use custom colors, the",
         " 'custom_colors' argument should be used.")
  } else if (!(is.logical(linetype) && length(linetype)==1)) {
    stop("'linetype' must be either TRUE or FALSE. To use custom linetypes,",
         " the 'custom_linetypes' argument should be used.")
  } else if (!(is.logical(facet) && length(facet)==1)) {
    stop("'facet' must be either TRUE or FALSE.")

## check inputs for plot_rmst_curve and plot_rmtl_curve
check_inputs_auc_diff <- function(times, max_t, color, contrast,
                                  linetype, line_at_ref) {

  if (!(length(times)>0 && is.numeric(times) && all(times > 0) |
        is.null(times))) {
    stop("'times' must be a numeric vector containing only values > 0 or NULL.")
  } else if (!(length(max_t)==1 && (is.infinite(max_t) | is.numeric(max_t)) &&
               max_t > 0)) {
    stop("'max_t' must be a single number > 0.")
  } else if (!(is.character(color) && length(color)==1)) {
    stop("'color' must be a single character string when using",
         " difference=TRUE or ratio=TRUE")
  } else if (!(is.character(linetype) && length(linetype)==1)) {
    stop("'linetype' must be a single character string when using",
         " difference=TRUE or ratio=TRUE")
  } else if (!(is.logical(line_at_ref) && length(line_at_ref)==1)) {
    stop("'line_at_ref' must be either TRUE or FALSE.")
  } else if (!(length(contrast)==1 && is.character(contrast) &&
               contrast %in% c("none", "diff", "ratio"))) {
    stop("'contrast' must be one of c('none', 'diff', 'ratio').")

## input checks when using risk tavles in plot.adjustedsurv()
check_inputs_risk_table <- function(method, type, use_weights, stratify, warn) {

  # errors
  if (!type %in% c("n_at_risk", "n_cens", "n_events")) {
    stop("'risk_table_type' must be either 'n_at_risk', 'n_cens' or",
         " 'n_events'.")

  # (optional) warnings
  if (!method %in% c("km", "iptw_km", "iptw_cox") && stratify && warn) {
    warning("Adding stratified risk tables may produce confusing output when",
            " using methods other then 'km', 'iptw_km' or 'iptw_cox',",
            " because all other methods do not use risk tables to estimate",
            " the survival curves. See details. Set risk_table_warn=FALSE",
            " to silence this warning.")
  if (method %in% c("iptw_km", "iptw_cox", "iptw_pseudo") &&
      !use_weights && warn) {
    warning("Unweighted risk tables were added to plots created with",
            " weighted data. This may lead to confusing output. See",
            " details. Set risk_table_warn=FALSE to silence this warning.")
RobinDenz1/adjustedCurves documentation built on Feb. 18, 2025, 12:41 p.m.