
#' Create the cost model, a list that stores the various elements of the model
#' @export
create_cost_model <- function(key_dates) {
  cost_model <- list()
  cost_model$chunks <- NULL
  cost_model$id_lookup <- NULL
  cost_model$key_dates <- convert_excel_dates_in_df(key_dates)
  cost_model$base_date <- NULL

  # A vector of the columns we want to join onto the 'chunks' of the cost model for e.g. breaking down costs by category

  cost_model$categorisation_columns <- c(paste0("category_", 1:3), "id")

  #A list of all of the types of assumption (fixed cost, recurring cost, staff utilisation etc.) assumptions which have been registered
  cost_model$registered_modules <- list()


#' Run the cost model, by iterating through all the registered modules
#' @export
run_cost_model <- function(cost_model) {

  # Reset chunks and id lookup so we don't duplicate costs if we've called run_cost_model_before
  cost_model$chunks <- NULL
  cost_model$id_lookup <- NULL

  for (module in cost_model$registered_modules) {
    cost_model <- module$process_module(cost_model, module)

  # cost_model$all_line_items <- do.call(rbind, cost_model$chunks)
  # cost_model$all_ids <- do.call(rbind, cost_model$id_lookup)

  cost_model$cost_dataframe <- cost_model$chunks %>%
                                    dplyr::left_join(cost_model$id_lookup, by="id")

  # Join on deflators, using key dates to specify date coverage of the model

  cost_model <- add_real_nominal_costs_to_cost_model(cost_model)

  cost_model <- add_key_dates_categorisations(cost_model)

RobinL/costmodelr documentation built on May 9, 2019, 10:30 a.m.