
# ukboundaries.R

package_env <- new.env()

.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) {
  # TODO user-customised data sources...

  # need some way of optionally loading the data

  #all_data_sources=rbind(custom_data_sources, default_data_sources)
  #data(default_data_sources, custom_data_sources, census11_codes)
  #census11_codes <<- read.csv("./data/census11_codes.csv", sep=";", stringsAsFactors = F)

  # load in source data, custom first
  f = system.file("extdata", "data_sources.csv", package = "ukboundaries")
  data_sources <<- readr::read_csv(f, col_types = readr::cols(
    Coverage = readr::col_character(),
    Geography = readr::col_character(),
    Type = readr::col_character(),
    Detail = readr::col_character(),
    IdColumn = readr::col_character(),
    URI = readr::col_character()

  default_cache <- "~/.ukboundaries/cache"
  assign("cache_dir", default_cache, envir=package_env)
  startup_msg <- paste ("Using default data cache directory", default_cache,
                        "\nUse cache_dir() to change it.")

#' Gets or sets the cache directory for data downloads
#' @param cachedir (optional) location of cache directory (if omitted just returns the current value)
#' @return path to the current cache directory
#' @export
cache_dir <- function(cachedir = NA) {
  if (!is.na(cachedir)) {
    assign("cache_dir", cachedir, envir=package_env)
  return(get("cache_dir", envir=package_env))

#' add custom data source
#' @export
add_datasource <- function(coverage, geography, type, detail, idcolumn, uri) {
  custom = read.csv("./data-raw/custom_data_sources.csv", sep=";", stringsAsFactors = F)
  # TODO some validation of inputs?
  # cols are: "Coverage"  "Geography" "Type"      "Detail"    "IdColumn"  "URI"
  custom[nrow(custom)+1,] = list(coverage, geography, type, detail, idcolumn, uri)
  write.table(custom, "./data-raw/custom_data_sources.csv", sep=";", row.names = F)
  # TODO find a way of not having to reload...
  print("Reload package to update source database")

#' just get everything
#' @export
getfullspatialdata <- function(area_type, type, subtype) {

  # TODO validate type and subtype
  query=data_sources[data_sources$Type==type & data_sources$Geography==area_type & data_sources$Detail==subtype,]

  if (!nrow(query)) {
    stop(paste0("no data source found for", area_type, type, subtype))

  # TODO warn if multiple rows found
  uri = query$URI[1]

  # treat as file if URI doesnt begin with http:// or https://
  if (!grepl("^http[s]?://", uri)) {
    stopifnot(file.exists(uri), "local (custom) shapefile not found")
    shapefile = uri
  } else {
    cachedir <- get("cache_dir", envir=package_env)
    cachesubdir <- paste0(cachedir, "/", area_type, type, subtype)
    shp_files <- list.files(path=cachesubdir, pattern="*.shp")

    if (length(shp_files) == 0) {
      # TODO check URL exists
      print(paste("Downloading and cacheing", cachesubdir, "from", uri))
      if (!dir.exists(cachesubdir)) {
      zipfile <- paste0(cachesubdir, "/download.zip")
      download.file(uri, zipfile)
      unzip(zipfile, exdir=cachesubdir)

      # Now try again
      return(getfullspatialdata(area_type, type, subtype))
    # TODO warn if multiple shapefiles found

    shapefile = paste0(cachesubdir, "/", shp_files[1])
  sdf_all = st_read(shapefile, stringsAsFactors = F)


#' for now area codes are assumed to be all the same
#' @export
getspatialdata <- function(area_codes, type, subtype) {

  area_type = getareatype(area_codes)
  sdf_all = getfullspatialdata(area_type, type, subtype)

  idcolumn = data_sources[data_sources$Type==type & data_sources$Geography==area_type & data_sources$Detail==subtype,]$IdColumn
  # check id column exists
  if (!idcolumn %in% names(sdf_all)) {
    stop(paste0(idcolumn, " column is not in dataset, check data source definitions"))

  # use [[]] to access parameterised column name
  return(sdf_all[sdf_all[[idcolumn]] %in% area_codes,])

#' @export
getsubgeographies <- function(area_code, area_type) {
  uber_type = getareatype(area_code)

  # TODO non-census codes
  # TODO use %in% for multiples codes

# TODO lookup between different geogs

#' expand types of area code
#' @export
getareatype <- function(area_code) {
  # treat area_code as an array otherwise R moans
  if (grepl("^[E|W]00.*", area_code[1])) {
  if (grepl("^[E|W]01.*", area_code[1])) {
  if (grepl("^[E|W]02.*", area_code[1])) {
  if (grepl("^[E|W]0[6-9].*", area_code[1])) {
  if (grepl("^[E|W]4.*", area_code[1])) {
  if (grepl("^[E|W]12.*", area_code[1])) {
  # TODO error rather than return empty string?
Robinlovelace/ukborders documentation built on May 28, 2019, 2:28 p.m.