
Defines functions getFilteredRows

Documented in getFilteredRows

#' @title Get up to 10,000 rows of a filtered dataset (V2)
#' @description Returns a dataframe with up to 10,000 rows of a dataset after applying a term or range filter.
#' This is especially useful when trying to download a dataset from Numetric that has more than 10,000 rows.
#' This function uses the V2 version of the API.
#' @param apiKey The API key, in quotes. You can find the API key in the settings after logging into Numetric
#' @param bucketVar The name of the dataset column, in quotes, that will be used to bucket the data.
#' @param filterType The type of filter to apply. Options are "term", "range", "custom", or "none". Default value is "none".
#' @param filterField The name of the column, in quotes, to use as a filter. This should not used when the filterType is "custom".
#' @param filterValue This is only used when applying a term filter. The value in quotes, is what will be included. (If the must argument is set to "false", then this will be an exclude filter.) This should not used when the filterType is "custom".
#' @param customFilterValue This is used in conjunction with a custom filterType. The format should be: {"filter": "term", "field": "fieldName", "value": "value"}
#' @param must Whether the term filter is an include or excludes filter. By default it's set to "true", which is an includes filter. If set to "false", then it will be an excludes term filter.
#' @param startRange If the filterType == range, then this is a minimum numeric value or date, in quotes. If it's a date, then it should be in the format of "2017-05-30T00.00.00.000".
#' @param endRange If the filterType == range, then this is a maximum numeric value or date, in quotes. If it's a date, then it should be in the format of "2017-05-30T00.00.00.000".
#' @param size The maximum number of rows of data to return. The default and maximum is 10,000.
#' @param includes Optional. A vector of stings listing the column names that you want to INCLUDE. The default is to include all columns.
#' @param excludes Optional. A vector of stings listing the column names that you want to EXCLUDE. The default is to exclude no columns.
#' @return Returns a dataframe.
#' @export
getFilteredRows <- function(apiKey, datasetId, filterType = "term", filterField = "", filterValue = "", customFilterValue = "", startRange = "", endRange = "", size = 10000, includes = "", excludes = ""){
  # Includes
    includeCols <- ""
  } else{
    includeCols <- paste(includes, collapse = '","')
    includeCols <- paste0(',"includes":["', includeCols, '"]')
  # Excludes
    excludeCols <- ""
  } else{
    excludeCols <- paste(excludes, collapse = '","')
    excludeCols <- paste0(',"excludes":["', excludeCols,'"]')
  if(filterType == "term"){
    filters <- paste0(
      '"filters": [{"filter": "',filterType,'",
      "field": "',filterField,'",
      "value": "',filterValue,'"}],'
  } else if(filterType == "range" & class(startRange) == "numeric"){
    filters <- paste0(
      '"filters": [{"filter": "',filterType,'",
      "field": "',filterField,'",
      "gte": ',startRange,',
      "lte": ',endRange,'}],'
  } else if(filterType == "range" & class(startRange) == "character"){
    filters <- paste0(
      '"filters": [{"filter": "',filterType,'",
      "field": "',filterField,'",
      "gte": "',startRange,'",
      "lte": "',endRange,'"}],'
  } else if(filterType == "custom"){
    filters <- paste0('"filters":[',customFilterValue,'],')
  } else if(filterType == "none"){
    filters <- ""

  body <- paste0('{',filters,

  r <- POST(paste('https://api.numetric.com/v2/dataset/', datasetId, '/all', sep = ""),
            add_headers("Authorization" = apiKey,
                        "Content-Type" = "application/json"),
            body = body,
  response <- httr::content(r, as = "text") # Saves what was returned as raw text with all the encodings
  response <- paste("[", response, "]", sep = "") # Adds the beginning and closing brackets
  response <- gsub("[\n]", ",", response) # Replaces carriage returns with commas
  response <- gsub(",]", "]", response) # Removes the last comma
  response <- fromJSON(response) %>% as.data.frame() # Converts what was returned to a dataframe
RonGuymon/numetricAPI documentation built on May 6, 2019, 10:12 a.m.