
Defines functions is.nd get.platform.direction check_string_len check_species_codes project.endpoint add.final.point is.empty

is.empty <- function(x){
  any(is.na(x)) || any(is.null(x)) || any(is.nan(x))

# Add a final point at the end of a transect
add.final.point <- function(df, ignore_empty_dir = FALSE, debug = FALSE){
  if(debug) browser()
  # can't remember what this is for, but judging by the code below, perhaps
  # in some use cases the sample_label is stored in the rowname??
  rn <- row.names(df)
  last.point <- df[nrow(df),]
  if(is.na(last.point$LatEnd) || is.na(last.point$LongEnd))
    last.point %<>% project.endpoint(ignore_empty_dir = ignore_empty_dir)

  # "Start" location of endpoint is the end loc of last watch
  last.point %<>%
    dplyr::mutate(LatStart = LatEnd, LongStart = LongEnd,
           WatchLenKm = 0) # Don't want last point to add spurious extra length
  df <- dplyr::bind_rows(df, last.point)
  row.names(df) <- c(rn, paste0(rn[length(rn)], "_1"))

# project endpoint for a specific watch and recalc WatchLenKm.
# If ignore_empty_dir is TRUE, and row$PlatformDir is 1, "ND" or NA, then
# the point will be projected to the north.
project.endpoint <- function(row, ignore_empty_dir = FALSE, debug = FALSE) {
  if(debug) browser()
  if(is.empty(row$LongStart) || is.empty(row$LatStart) || is.empty(row$CalcDurMin) ||
    stop(paste0("Error: project.endpoint: CruiseID = ", row$CruiseID, ", WatchID = ",
                row$WatchID, ", one of LongStart, LatStart, CalcDurMin, or ", 
                "PlatformSpeed is empty."))
  p <- with(row, geosphere::destPoint(cbind(LongStart, LatStart), 
          b = as.numeric(as.character(get.platform.direction(row, 
          d = ((CalcDurMin/60) * PlatformSpeed * 1.852) * 1000))
  row %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(LongEnd = p[,1],
           LatEnd = p[,2],
           WatchLenKm = geosphere::distGeo(cbind(LongStart, LatStart), cbind(LongEnd,  LatEnd))/1000

# Checks each string in specs to ensure it is a 4-letter code
# Returns TRUE is all ok, otherwise a single string which is a concatenation
# of all errors separated by ";"
check_species_codes <- function(specs) {
  # Check length of each species code
  x <- purrr::map(specs, check_string_len, len = 4) %>% 
  # Remove ones with no issues
  probs <- Filter(Negate(isTRUE), x) 
  # Convert list of named error strings to char vector which includes species
  # codes
  if (length(probs) != 0){
    res <- purrr::imap_chr(probs, ~ paste0("Species code '", .y, "': ", .x)) %>% 
      stringr::str_flatten(collapse = "; ")
  } else
    res <- TRUE

# function that checks if argument is a string of length n
checkStringLen <- check_string_len <- function(x, len = 1) {
  res <- checkmate::check_integerish(len, len = 1, any.missing = FALSE, all.missing = FALSE, )
  if (!isTRUE(res))
  res <- checkmate::check_string(x)  
  if (!isTRUE(res))

  if (nchar(x) != len)
    return(sprintf("String must be of length %d, actual length: %d", len, nchar(x)))

assert_string_len <- assertStringLen <- checkmate::makeAssertionFunction(checkStringLen)
test_string_len <- testStringLen <- checkmate::makeTestFunction(checkStringLen)
expect_string_len <- expectStringLen <- checkmate::makeExpectationFunction(checkStringLen)

# return a numeric direction for a watch.
# If ignore_empty_dir is TRUE, and dir is 1 (or "ND", or NA), just return
# 0 (ie. north)
get.platform.direction <- function(watch, ignore_empty_dir = FALSE){
  nrow(watch) == 1 || stop(sprintf("get.platform.direction: watch can only have one row not %d.", nrow(watch)))

  # Just default to returning north if direction is NA and were ignoring
  # empty directions.
  if (ignore_empty_dir && is.na(watch$PlatformDir))  
  if("PlatformDirDeg" %in% colnames(watch) && !is.na(watch$PlatformDirDeg))
    res <- watch$PlatformDirDeg
  else {
    if (is.numeric(watch$PlatformDir))
      if (isTRUE(ignore_empty_dir))
        res <- switch(EXPR = as.character(watch$PlatformDir), "1" = 0, "2" = 0, "3" = 45, 
                    "4" = 90, "5" = 135, "6" = 180, "7" = 225, "8" = 270, 
                    "9" = 315, "get.platform.direction: Error")
        res <- switch(EXPR = as.character(watch$PlatformDir), "2" = 0, "3" = 45, 
                    "4" = 90, "5" = 135, "6" = 180, "7" = 225, "8" = 270, 
                    "9" = 315, "get.platform.direction: Error")
      if (isTRUE(ignore_empty_dir))
        res <- switch(EXPR = watch$PlatformDir, ND = 0, N = 0, NE = 45, E = 90, SE = 135, 
                      S = 180, SW = 225, W = 270, NW = 315,
                      "get.platform.direction: Error")
        res <- switch(EXPR = watch$PlatformDir, N = 0, NE = 45, E = 90, SE = 135, 
              S = 180, SW = 225, W = 270, NW = 315,
              "get.platform.direction: Error")
  if (is.null(res) || res == "get.platform.direction: Error" )
    stop(paste0("get.platform.direction: Error: illegal PlatformDir: ",

# Check if a direction is empty of set to "No particular direction"
# which is 1 (see lkpDirections). This should really lookup the "ND" 
# code in lkpDirections and make sure it is 1.
is.nd <- function(x) {
  is.na(x) || is.null(x) || is.nan(x) || x == 1
RoyChristian/ECSASconnect documentation built on April 28, 2024, 2:14 a.m.