
Defines functions infoCriterion

Documented in infoCriterion

#' @title Function that calculates cross-validation selection criteria
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom stats dbinom dpois dnorm
#' @description  Function that calculates cross-validation selection criteria
#' @param ynew data matrix corresponding to the observations used as test sample.
#' @param pred predicted value of the linear predictor obtained from Xnew and the estimated parameters.
#' @param family a vector of the same length as the number of responses containing characters
#' identifying the distribution families of the dependent variables.
#' "bernoulli", "binomial", "poisson" or "gaussian" are allowed.
#' @param type information criterion used. Likelihood, aic, bic, aicc or
#'  Mean Square Prediction Error (mspe) are defined. Area Under ROC Curve (auc) also defined for Bernoulli cases only.
#' @param size describes the number of trials for the binomial dependent variables.
#' A (number of statistical units * number of binomial dependent variables) matrix is expected.
#' @param npar number of parameters used for penalisation.
#' @return a matrix containing the criterion value for each dependent variable (row)
#' and each number of components (column).
infoCriterion <- function(ynew, pred, family, type, size=NULL, npar=0) {
    stop("auc not allowed as loss function!")
  nobs <- nrow(ynew)
  ny <- ncol(ynew)
  pen <- switch(type,
    likelihood = 0,
    aic = npar*2,
    bic = npar*log(nobs),
    aicc = 2*npar(npar+1)/(nobs-npar-1),
    mspe = 0
  res <- rep(0, ny)
  if("bernoulli" %in% family) {
    tmpy <- ynew[, which(family %in% "bernoulli"), drop=FALSE]
    tmpp <- pred[, which(family %in% "bernoulli"), drop=FALSE]
    if(type=="mspe") {
      ldber <- apply((tmpy-tmpp)^2/(tmpp*(1-tmpp)), 2, mean)
    } else {
      ldber <- -2*apply(dbinom(tmpy,1,tmpp,log=TRUE), 2, sum)
    res[which(family=="bernoulli")] <- ldber
  if("binomial" %in% family) {
    tmpy <- ynew[, which(family %in% "binomial"), drop=FALSE]*size
    tmpp <- pred[, which(family %in% "binomial"), drop=FALSE]
      ldbin <-  apply((tmpy-tmpp)^2/(tmpp*(1-tmpp)*size), 2, mean)
    } else {
      ldbin <- -2*apply(dbinom(tmpy, size, tmpp, log=TRUE), 2, sum)
    res[which(family=="binomial")] <- ldbin
  if("poisson" %in% family) {
    tmpy <- ynew[, which(family %in% "poisson"), drop=FALSE]
    tmpp <- pred[, which(family %in% "poisson"), drop=FALSE]
      ldpois <- apply((tmpy-tmpp)^2/tmpp, 2, mean)
    } else {
      ldpois <- -2*apply(dpois(tmpy,tmpp,log=TRUE), 2, sum)
    res[which(family=="poisson")] <- ldpois
  if("gaussian" %in% family) {
    tmpy <- ynew[, which(family %in% "gaussian"), drop=FALSE]
    tmpp <- pred[, which(family %in% "gaussian"), drop=FALSE]
      v <- apply(tmpy, 2, stats::var)
      ldgaus <- apply((tmpy-tmpp)^2, 2, mean)/v #TODO check formula
    } else {
      sd <- matrix(sqrt(apply((tmpy-tmpp)^2, 2, mean)), nobs, ny, byrow=TRUE)
      ldgaus <- -2*apply(dnorm(tmpy, tmpp, sd, log=TRUE), 2, sum) #TODO a corriger
    res[which(family=="gaussian")] <- ldgaus
SCnext/SCGLR documentation built on May 3, 2024, 8:06 p.m.