
#' Trophic Aggregations (TroAgg) Analysis
#' It returns the data quantifying the underlying trophic structure of
#' a given model based on the interaction of the living and non-living
#' nodes. It is based on the Trophic Aggregations suggested by
#' Lindeman (1942) and follows the algorithm by Ulanowicz and Kemp
#' (1979) implemented in NETWRK 4.2b. It removes the Feeding cycles in
#' the network beforehand to provide accurate results.
#' @param x a network object.  This includes all weighted flows into and out of
#' each node. It should include separate respiration and export values for the
#' Canonical Exports and Canonical Respirations results respectively. It must
#' also include the "Living" vector that identifies the living (TRUE/FALSE)
#' status of each node. It must contain the non-living nodes at the end of the
#' node vector, the function \code{\link{netOrder}} can be used for the same.
#' @param balance.override Flow analysis assumes the network model is at
#' steady-state (inputs = outputs).  Setting balance.override = TRUE allows the
#' function to be run on unbalanced models.
#' @return \item{Feeding_Cycles}{List that gives the details of the
#' Feeding Cycles in the network. The output being according to the
#' enaCycle function applied to the Living components in the network}
#' \item{A}{matrix that distributes the species in integer Trophic
#' Levels (Lindeman Transformation Matrix). The dimension of A is (NL
#' X NL) where NL is the number of Living nodes.} \item{ETL}{vector of
#' the Effective Trophic Level of each species.}  \item{M.flow}{vector
#' of the Migratory flows, if present, in the network.}
#' \item{CI}{vector of Canonical Inputs to the integer trophic levels.
#' Displayed if the Migratory flows are present.} \item{CE}{vector of
#' Canonical exports or the exports from the integer trophic levels}
#' \item{CR}{vector of the Canonical Respirations or the respiration
#' values for integer trophic levels. } \item{GC}{vector of the input
#' flow to a trophic level from the preceeding trophic level. It
#' represents the Grazing Chain for the network.}  \item{RDP}{vector
#' of the Returns to Detrital Pool from each trophic level. }
#' \item{LS}{vector of the Lindeman trophic spine. It combines the
#' Detrital pool with the autotrophs and forms a monotonically
#' decreasing sequence of flows from one trophic level to the next,
#' starting with the said combination.} \item{TE}{vector of the
#' trophic efficiencies i.e. the ratio of input to a trophic level to
#' the amount of flow that is passed on the next level from it. }
#' \item{ns}{vector of trophic aggregations based network
#' statistics. These include the average Trohic Level ("ATL"),
#' "Detritivory" the flow from the detrital pool to the second trophic
#' level, "DetritalInput" the exogenous inputs to the detrital pool,
#' "DetritalCirc" the circulation within the detrital pool, "NCYCS"
#' the number of feeding cycles removed, "NNEX" the number of feeding
#' cycle Nexuses removed and "CI" the Cycling Index for the Feeding
#' Cycles, "Herbivory", "Detritivory/Herbivory"}
#' @details This and other Ulanowicz school functions require that export and
#' respiration components of output be separately quantified.
#' This analysis involves the ENA Cycle analysis for removal of the Feeding
#' Cycles in the network. These are cycles amongst only the living nodes and
#' cause error in the trophic aggregations.
#' The analysis requires all the non-living nodes to be placed at the end in
#' the network object.
#' @author Pawandeep Singh
#' @seealso \code{\link{enaCycle}, \link{netOrder}}
#' @references %% ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ Lindeman,
#' R.L. 1942. The trophic-dynamic aspect of ecology. Ecology 23:399--418.
#' Ulanowicz, R.E. and Kemp, W.M.  1979. Towards canonical trophic
#' aggregations. The American Naturalist. 114:871--883.
#' Ulanowicz, R.E. 1995. Ecosystem trophic foundations: Lindeman exonerata. pp.
#' 549--560. B.C. Patten and S.E. Jorgensen (eds.) Complex Ecology: The
#' part-whole relation in ecosystems. Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
#' Ulanowicz, R.E. and Kay, J.J. 1991. A package for the analysis of ecosystem
#' flow networks. Environmental Software 6:131 -- 142.
#' @examples
#' data(troModels)
#' tro6 <- enaTroAgg(troModels[[6]])
#' attributes(tro6)
#' @export enaTroAgg
#' @import network
enaTroAgg <- function (x, balance.override = FALSE){
  if (class(x) != "network") {
    stop("x is not a network class object")
                                        #Check for balancing -- Requried for Lindeman Spine calculations.
  if (balance.override){}else{
    if (any(list.network.attributes(x) == 'balanced') == FALSE){x%n%'balanced' <- ssCheck(x)}
    if (x%n%'balanced' == FALSE){warning('Model is not balanced'); stop}

                                        # Initials

  liv <- x %v% "living"     ##Living vector
  nl = sum(liv)             ##No. of living nodes
  N <- length(liv)
                                        #Living vector check
  if(identical(liv,liv2) == FALSE) {
      stop('Non-living nodes must be at the end of the list.')

  flow <- as.matrix(x, attrname = 'flow')
  Feeding_Cycles   <- cycliv(x)
  XCHNGE[1:nl,1:nl] <- Feeding_Cycles$ResidualFlows
  Ti <- x %v% "input"       ##AINPUT
  T <- Ti + apply(XCHNGE, 2, sum)

  exp<-x %v% "export"; exp[is.na(exp)] <- 0
  res<-x %v% "respiration"; res[is.na(res)] <- 0
  # ---------------------------------------------------------

                                        # Determining In-Migration and Obligate Producers
  BINPUT <- x %v% 'input'
  if(identical(XCHNGE,flow[1:nl,1:nl])) {print('Cycle free feeding transfers')}
  NMIG <- NPRM <- 0 ###NMIG - In-migration of Heterotrophs; NPRM - no. of obligate primary producers
  CANON <- rep(0,N)
  ###A compartment is an obligate producer iff it receives sustenance from no other compartment
  for(NP in 1:nl) {
  	for(i in 1:N) {
            ##Otherwise the input represents in-migration
                ##Record the Migratory Input Temporary in CANON for use below
  	NPRM = NPRM+1
  	warning("No Unambiguous primary producers found! All inputs assumed to be primary production!")
  	NMIG <- 0
  	CANON<- rep(0,N)
  if(NMIG>0) {
  	###Migratory Inputs. To be treated as Non-Primary Inflows
  	mig.input <- CANON[1:nl]

                                        #Recreate the matrix of feeding coefficients without the migratory inputs
  TL <- rep(0,N)
  FEED <- flow*0
  for(i in 1:N) {
  	##Store Throughputs in Vector TL
  	for(j in 1:N) {TL[i]<-TL[i]+XCHNGE[j,i]}
  	for(j in 1:N) {FEED[j,i]<-XCHNGE[j,i]/TL[i]}

                                        #Create Lindeman Transformation Matrix
  CANON<- rep(0,N)
  for(k in 2:nl) {
  	for(l in 1:nl) {
  		if((k<=2)&&(nl<N)) {
  			for(K2 in (nl+1):N) {A[k,l]<-A[k,l]+FEED[K2,l]}
  		for(j in 1:nl) {
  if(nl<N) {for (i in (nl+1):N) {A[N,i]<-1}}
  ## A is the required Lindeman transformation matrix
  rownames(A) <- 1:N

                                        # 2. Effective Trophic Levels
  MF = matrix(1:N, nrow=N, ncol=N, byrow = 'FALSE')
  etl = rep(1,N)
  etl[1:nl] = apply((MF*A)[1:nl,1:nl],2,sum)

  ci <- Ti
  ci <- A %*% Ti
  ci <- as.vector(ci)

                                        # 3. Canonical Exports
  cel = exp
  ce = A %*% exp
  ce1 = as.vector(ce)

                                        # 4. Canonical Respirations
  crl = res
  cr = A%*%res

                                        # 5. Grazing Chain
  gc <- rep(0,nl)
  gc[1] <- sum(A[1,]*T)
  AT = A %*% flow %*% t(A)

                                        # 6. Returns to Detrital Pool
  rtd <- AT[1:nl,N]
  rtd <- as.vector(rtd)

                                        # 7. Detrivory
  dtry <- sum(AT[N,1:nl])

                                        # 8. Input to Detrital Pool
  U <- A %*% Ti
  if(nl<N) {  dinp <- sum(U[(nl+1):N]) }

                                        # 9. Circulation within Detrital Pool
  dcir <- AT[N,N]

                                        # 10. Lindeman Spine
  ls = gc

  ls[1] = sum(rtd[2:nl]) + gc[1] + dinp
  ls[2] = gc[2]+dtry
                                        # 11. Trophic Efficiencies
  for(i in 1:nl){
  te[is.na(te)] <- 0

                                        # Output Listing
  ATL <- mean(etl) # average trophic level
  Detritivory <- dtry
  Herbivory <- gc[2]
  DH = dtry/gc[2]
  DetritalInput <- dinp
  DetritalCirc <- dcir
  ns <- cbind(ATL, 'Detritivory' = Detritivory, DetritalInput, DetritalCirc, Feeding_Cycles$ns, Herbivory, DH)
  if(NMIG>0) {
      out <- list(Feeding_Cycles=Feeding_Cycles[1:(length(Feeding_Cycles)-1)],
                  A = A[1:nl,1:nl], ETL = etl, M.Flow = mig.input, CI = ci, CE = ce1, CR = cr1,
                  GC = gc, RDP = rtd, LS = ls,TE = te, ns=ns)
      out <- list(Feeding_Cycles=Feeding_Cycles[1:(length(Feeding_Cycles)-1)],
                  A = A[1:nl,1:nl], ETL = etl, CE = ce1, CR = cr1, GC = gc, RDP = rtd, LS = ls,TE = te, ns=ns)


  }#End of Function troAgg
SEELab/enaR documentation built on April 29, 2023, 8:40 a.m.