
#' write_pao
#' Write occupancy and climate data for program Presence
#' @param counts Data frame containing the buffered BBS counts obtained from the function `buffer_BBS()`
#' @param clim Data frame containing the annual bioclim values obtained from the function 'GetBioVars()`
#' @param alpha Four letter alpha code for the species of interest
#' @return A .pao file containing the detection histories, covariates, and summary information to input into Presence
#' @export

write_pao <- function(alpha, sim = FALSE, name = NULL){
  opts <- read.csv("inst/model_opts.csv")
  covs <- read.csv(paste0("inst/output/", alpha, "/route_clim.csv"))

  common <- code_lookup$common[code_lookup$alpha == toupper(alpha)]
  if(opts$tenstop) {tot_stops <- 5}else{tot_stops <- 50}

    counts <- read.csv(paste0("inst/output/", alpha, "/count_buff.csv"))
    n_seasons <- max(counts$Year) - min(counts$Year) + 1

    ### Covert count data to long format
    counts <- dplyr::select(counts, routeID, Year, grep("count|stop", names(counts)))
    if(opts$tenstop) {counts <- dplyr::select(counts, -grep("stoptotal", names(counts)))}
    counts <- tidyr::gather(counts, key = "stop", value = "n", -routeID, -Year)

    ### Add column with presence/absence data
    pres <- dplyr::mutate(counts, occ = ifelse(n > 0, 1, 0))
    pres <- dplyr::select(pres, -n)

    ### Covert back to wide w/ 1 column for each year/stop (i.e., svy)
    pres <- tidyr::unite(pres, svy, Year, stop, sep = "_")
    pres <- pres[!duplicated(pres),]
    pres <- tidyr::spread(pres, key = svy, value = occ)
    pres <- dplyr::arrange(pres, routeID)

    det_hist <- dplyr::select(pres, -routeID)

    spp_clim <- dplyr::arrange(covs, routeID)
    spp_clim2 <- dplyr::rename(spp_clim, Lat = Latitude, Lon = Longitude)
    spp_clim2 <- dplyr::mutate(spp_clim2, Lat = (Lat - mean(Lat))/sd(Lat),
                                        Lon = (Lon - mean(Lon))/sd(Lon))
    spp_clim3 <- dplyr::mutate(spp_clim2, sq_Lat = Lat ^ 2, sq_Lon = Lon ^ 2)

    for(ss in 1:tot_stops) {
      sc <- scale(1:tot_stops)[ss];        #names(sc)  <- paste0('Stop',ss)
      sc2 <- (scale(1:tot_stops)[ss])^2;   #names(sc2) <- paste0('sqStop',ss)
      spp_clim3   <- cbind(spp_clim3, sc, sc2)
      colnames(spp_clim3)[ncol(spp_clim3)-1] <- paste0('Stop',ss)
      colnames(spp_clim3)[ncol(spp_clim3)] <- paste0('sq_Stop',ss)

    sitecovs	<- dplyr::select(spp_clim3, -routeID)
    nas <- which(!is.na(sitecovs[,3]))

    sitecovs <- sitecovs[nas, ]
    det_hist <- det_hist[nas, ]

    pname <- paste0("inst/output/", alpha, "/pres/pres_in.pao")

    nss <- rep(tot_stops, n_seasons)

    spp_pao <- RPresence::create.pao(data = det_hist, nsurveyseason = nss,
                                     unitcov = sitecovs, survcov = NULL,
                                     title = paste(common, "PRESENCE Analysis", sep = " "),
                                     paoname = pname)

    det_hist <- read.csv(paste0("inst/output/", alpha, "/pres/", name, "_hist.csv"))

    spp_clim <- dplyr::arrange(covs, routeID)
    spp_clim2 <- dplyr::rename(spp_clim, Lat = Latitude, Lon = Longitude)
    spp_clim2 <- dplyr::mutate(spp_clim2, Lat = (Lat - mean(Lat))/sd(Lat),
                               Lon = (Lon - mean(Lon))/sd(Lon))
    spp_clim3 <- dplyr::mutate(spp_clim2, sq_Lat = Lat ^ 2, sq_Lon = Lon ^ 2)

    for(ss in 1:tot_stops) {
      sc <- scale(1:tot_stops)[ss];        #names(sc)  <- paste0('Stop',ss)
      sc2 <- (scale(1:tot_stops)[ss])^2;   #names(sc2) <- paste0('sqStop',ss)
      spp_clim3   <- cbind(spp_clim3, sc, sc2)
      colnames(spp_clim3)[ncol(spp_clim3)-1] <- paste0('Stop',ss)
      colnames(spp_clim3)[ncol(spp_clim3)] <- paste0('sq_Stop',ss)

    sitecovs	<- dplyr::select(spp_clim3, -routeID)
    nas <- which(!is.na(sitecovs[,3]))

    sitecovs <- sitecovs[nas, ]
    det_hist <- det_hist[nas, ]

    n_seasons <- dim(det_hist)[2] / tot_stops

    spp_pao <- RPresence::create.pao(data = det_hist, nsurveyseason = rep(tot_stops, n_seasons),
                                     unitcov = sitecovs, survcov = NULL,
                                     title = paste(common, "PRESENCE Analysis", sep = " "),
                                     paoname = paste0("inst/output/", alpha, "/pres/", name, ".pao"))
  RPresence::write.pao(pao = spp_pao)

#' write_psi_pao
#' Write occupancy and climate data for program Presence
#' @param counts Data frame containing the buffered BBS counts obtained from the function `buffer_BBS()`
#' @param clim Data frame containing the annual bioclim values obtained from the function 'GetBioVars()`
#' @param alpha Four letter alpha code for the species of interest
#' @return A .pao file containing the detection histories, covariates, and summary information to input into Presence
#' @export

write_psi_pao <- function(alpha){
  opts <- read.csv("inst/model_opts.csv")
  covs <- read.csv(paste0("inst/output/", alpha, "/route_clim.csv"))

  common <- code_lookup$common[code_lookup$alpha == toupper(alpha)]
  if(opts$tenstop) {tot_stops <- 5}else{tot_stops <- 50}

    counts <- read.csv(paste0("inst/output/", alpha, "/count_buff.csv"))
    n_seasons <- max(counts$Year) - min(counts$Year) + 1

    ### Covert count data to long format
    counts <- dplyr::select(counts, routeID, Year, grep("count|stop", names(counts)))
    if(opts$tenstop) {counts <- dplyr::select(counts, -grep("stoptotal", names(counts)))}
    counts <- tidyr::gather(counts, key = "stop", value = "n", -routeID, -Year)

    ### Add column with presence/absence data
    pres <- dplyr::mutate(counts, occ = ifelse(n > 0, 1, 0))
    pres <- dplyr::select(pres, -n)

    ### Covert back to wide w/ 1 column for each year/stop (i.e., svy)
    pres <- tidyr::unite(pres, svy, Year, stop, sep = "_")
    pres <- pres[!duplicated(pres),]
    pres <- tidyr::spread(pres, key = svy, value = occ)
    pres <- dplyr::arrange(pres, routeID)

    det_hist <- dplyr::select(pres, -routeID)
    det_hist <- det_hist[, 1:tot_stops]

    spp_clim <- dplyr::arrange(covs, routeID)
    spp_clim2 <- dplyr::rename(spp_clim, Lat = Latitude, Lon = Longitude)
    spp_clim2 <- dplyr::mutate(spp_clim2, Lat = (Lat - mean(Lat))/sd(Lat),
                               Lon = (Lon - mean(Lon))/sd(Lon))
    spp_clim3 <- dplyr::mutate(spp_clim2, sq_Lat = Lat ^ 2, sq_Lon = Lon ^ 2)

    for(ss in 1:tot_stops) {
      sc <- scale(1:tot_stops)[ss];        #names(sc)  <- paste0('Stop',ss)
      sc2 <- (scale(1:tot_stops)[ss])^2;   #names(sc2) <- paste0('sqStop',ss)
      spp_clim3   <- cbind(spp_clim3, sc, sc2)
      colnames(spp_clim3)[ncol(spp_clim3)-1] <- paste0('Stop',ss)
      colnames(spp_clim3)[ncol(spp_clim3)] <- paste0('sq_Stop',ss)

    sitecovs	<- dplyr::select(spp_clim3, -routeID)
    sitecovs <- dplyr::select(sitecovs, grep(paste0(min(counts$Year), "|Stop|Lon|Lat"), names(sitecovs)))
    nas <- which(!is.na(sitecovs[,3]))

    sitecovs <- sitecovs[nas, ]
    det_hist <- det_hist[nas, ]
    pname <- paste0("inst/output/", alpha, "/pres/pres_in_psi.pao")

    nss <- tot_stops
    spp_pao <- RPresence::create.pao(data = det_hist, nsurveyseason = nss,
                                     unitcov = as.matrix(sitecovs), survcov = NULL,
                                     title = paste(common, "PRESENCE Analysis", sep = " "),
                                     paoname = pname)

  RPresence::write.pao(pao = spp_pao)
SMBC-NZP/BBSclim documentation built on May 9, 2019, 11:20 a.m.