
Defines functions parse_as_date clean_data

Documented in clean_data

#' Load a mark-recapture data set
#' This function loads and parses a mark recapture data set. It assumes that
#' three files are available, specifying capture, survey, and (optional)
#' translocation data.
#' @param captures Data frame containing capture-recapture data. Necessary
#' columns include `pit_tag_id` and `survey_date`.
#' @param surveys Data frame containing survey data. Necessary columns include
#' `survey_date`, `primary_period`, and `secondary_period`. Secondary periods
#' for which individuals are added or removed from a population should be set
#' to zero, and must occur on their own primary period (because of the
#' assumption that individuals cannot change states within primary periods).
#' @param translocations Optional data frame with translocation data. Necessary
#' columns include `pit_tag_id` and `release_date`. If nothing is provided
#' to this argument, the `clean_data` function assumes that there are no
#' translocations of individuals into the population.
#' @param removals Optional data frame with removal data. Necessary columns
#' include `pit_tag_id` and `removal_date`. If nothing provided, `clean_data`
#' assumes there are no removals from the population. This can be used to
#' account for individuals being pulled out of a population (e.g., for
#' translocation), and for tagged indivuals whose carcasses are found.
#' @param capture_formula An optional formula specifying the structure of
#' survey-level capture probability covariates. Any variables in this formula
#' must be columns in the `surveys` data frame. The formula must start with
#' `~` and can be provided unquoted, e.g., `capture_formula = ~ temperature`.
#' It is advisable to ensure that any continuous covariates provided in this
#' formula are appropriately scaled (ideally, with mean = 0, and standard
#' deviation = 1).
#' @param survival_formula An optional formula specifying the structure of
#' individual-level survival covariates. Any variables in this formula
#' must be columns in the `captures` data.frame, and if there are translocations,
#' these variables must also exist as columns in the `translocations` data.frame.
#' The formula must start with `~` and can be provided unquoted.
#' It is advisable to ensure that any continuous covariates provided in this
#' formula are appropriately scaled (ideally, with mean = 0, and standard
#' deviation = 1). Variables specified in this formula cannot be time-varying.
#' They must be fixed for each individual over the entire study.
#' @param survival_fill_value A fill value to use for individual-level
#' covariates. This argument is only required when using the
#' `survival_formula` argument`.
#' @return A list containing the data frames resulting from the capture,
#' translocation, and survey data, along with a list of data formatted for
#' use in a mark recapture model (with name 'stan_d').
#' @examples
#' library(mrmr)
#' library(readr)
#' captures <- system.file('extdata', 'capture-example.csv',
#'     package = 'mrmr') %>%
#'   read_csv
#' translocations <- system.file('extdata', 'translocation-example.csv',
#'     package = 'mrmr') %>%
#'   read_csv
#' surveys <- system.file('extdata', 'survey-example.csv', package = 'mrmr') %>%
#'   read_csv
#' # read and clean the data using defaults
#' data <- clean_data(captures, surveys, translocations)
#' # (optional) specify a formula for detection probabilities, assuming
#' there is a column called "person_hours"
#' data <- clean_data(captures, surveys, translocations,
#'                    capture_formula = ~ person_hours)
#' @export
#' @importFrom readr read_csv parse_number
#' @importFrom dplyr %>% mutate group_by summarize ungroup full_join
#' arrange left_join select filter distinct anti_join lead n
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @importFrom tidyr complete separate unite
#' @importFrom reshape2 acast
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @importFrom lubridate year
#' @importFrom stats model.matrix
#' @importFrom stats na.omit

clean_data <- function(captures, surveys,
                       translocations = NA,
                       removals = NA,
                       capture_formula = ~ 1,
                       survival_formula = ~ 1,
                       survival_fill_value = NA) {

  any_translocations <- 'data.frame' %in% class(translocations)
  any_removals <- 'data.frame' %in% class(removals)

  survival_formula_specified <- !identical(survival_formula, ~1)
  survival_fill_named <- !is.null(names(survival_fill_value))
  if (!identical(survival_fill_value, NA) & !survival_formula_specified) {
    stop(paste("A survival fill value was provided, but no survival formula",
               "was specified. The survival_fill_value argument will only",
               "work when a survival formula is specified."))
  if (survival_formula_specified) {
    # use fill values
    if (is.null(names(survival_fill_value))) {
      stop("The survival_fill_value argument must be a named vector, ",
           "e.g., survival_fill_value = c(treatment = 'control').")
    for (n in names(survival_fill_value)) {
      name_in_captures <- n %in% names(captures)
      name_in_translocations <- any_translocations & n %in% names(translocations)
      if (!name_in_captures & !name_in_translocations) {
        stop(paste("Named elements in the survival_fill_value argument",
                   "must also be columns in the capture and/or translocation",
                   "data, but", n, "was not found in either."))

  # Check to make sure there aren't any "dead" animals in capture records
  dead_captures <- apply(captures, 2, function(x) {
    any(tolower(as.character(x)) == 'dead')
  if (any(na.omit(dead_captures))) {
    stop(paste("Some entries in the capture data appear to contain 'dead'",
               "animals. These records should be filtered out prior to use.",
               "Known removals (including dead animals encountered on surveys)",
               "can be accounted for with the 'removals' argument to",

  # Check for duplicate rows in the capture data
  if (any(duplicated(captures))) {
    stop(paste("Duplicate entries were found in the capture data. Please",
               "check the data to ensure there are no duplicate capture",
               "entries. Duplicates were found on rows:",
               paste(which(duplicated(captures)), collapse = ", ")))

  # Check for duplicate dates in survey data
  if (any(duplicated(surveys$survey_date))) {
    stop(paste("Some dates are duplicated in the survey data. Each date should",
               "only occur once at most in the survey data.frame. The",
               "following date(s) were duplicated:",
                     collapse = ", ")))

  # check that date columns can be parsed as Date objects
  surveys$survey_date <- parse_as_date(surveys$survey_date)
  captures$survey_date <- parse_as_date(captures$survey_date)
  surveys <- surveys %>%
    mutate(primary_period = .data$primary_period + 1) %>%
    group_by(.data$primary_period, .data$secondary_period) %>%
    summarize(survey_date = min(.data$survey_date)) %>%
    ungroup %>%
    mutate(year = year(.data$survey_date),
           is_overwinter = lead(.data$year) - .data$year == 1,
           is_overwinter = ifelse(is.na(.data$is_overwinter),
                                  FALSE, .data$is_overwinter))

  dummy_primary_period <- tibble(primary_period = 1,
                                 secondary_period = 0,
                                 survey_date = min(surveys$survey_date) - 14,
                                 year = min(surveys$year),
                                 is_overwinter = FALSE)
  surveys <- full_join(surveys, dummy_primary_period) %>%
    arrange(.data$primary_period, .data$secondary_period)

  if (any_translocations) {
    translocations$release_date <- parse_as_date(translocations$release_date)
    translocations <- translocations %>%
      mutate(pit_tag_id = as.character(.data$pit_tag_id),
             survey_date = as.Date(.data$release_date)) %>%
      left_join(filter(surveys, .data$secondary_period == 0))
    transloc_tags <- translocations$pit_tag_id
  } else {
    transloc_tags <- c()

  if (any_removals) {
    expected_cols <- c("removal_date", "pit_tag_id")
    for (col in seq_along(expected_cols)) {
      if (!expected_cols[col] %in% names(removals)) {
        stop(paste0("A column named '", expected_cols[col],
                    "' was not found in the removal data."))
    removals$removal_date <- parse_as_date(removals$removal_date)
    removals <- removals %>%
      mutate(pit_tag_id = as.character(.data$pit_tag_id),
             survey_date = as.Date(.data$removal_date)) %>%
    removal_tags <- removals$pit_tag_id
  } else {
    removal_tags <- c()

  # find M, the superpopulation size
  n_obs <- length(unique(c(transloc_tags, captures$pit_tag_id)))
  n_aug <- n_obs * 2
  M <- n_obs + n_aug

  # find J, the number of secondary periods per primary period
  J <- surveys %>%
    group_by(.data$primary_period) %>%
    summarize(n_sec_periods = max(.data$secondary_period)) %>%
    select("n_sec_periods") %>%

  ever_detected <- transloc_tags %in% captures$pit_tag_id
  introduced_but_never_detected <- transloc_tags[!ever_detected]

  y_aug <- tibble(pit_tag_id = c(introduced_but_never_detected,
                                 paste0('aug', 1:n_aug)),
                  y = 1)

  captures$pit_tag_id <- as.character(captures$pit_tag_id)
  y_df <- captures %>%
    mutate(y = 2) %>%
    left_join(surveys) %>%
    select(c("pit_tag_id", "primary_period", "secondary_period", "y")) %>%
    unite("survey_id", c("primary_period", "secondary_period"), sep = '_') %>%
    # fill in implicit 'not detected' values y = 1
    complete(.data$pit_tag_id, .data$survey_id, fill = list(y = 1)) %>%
             into = c('primary_period', 'secondary_period')) %>%
    mutate(primary_period = parse_number(.data$primary_period),
           secondary_period = parse_number(.data$secondary_period),
           pit_tag_id = as.character(.data$pit_tag_id)) %>%
    arrange(.data$pit_tag_id, .data$primary_period, .data$secondary_period)

  # augment y_df with new individuals
  y_df <- y_df %>%
    unite("survey_identifier", c("primary_period", "secondary_period")) %>%
    full_join(y_aug) %>%
    complete(.data$pit_tag_id, .data$survey_identifier, fill = list(y = 1)) %>%
    filter(!is.na(.data$survey_identifier)) %>%
             into = c('primary_period', 'secondary_period')) %>%
    mutate(primary_period = parse_number(.data$primary_period),
           secondary_period = parse_number(.data$secondary_period)) %>%
    arrange(.data$pit_tag_id, .data$primary_period, .data$secondary_period)


  # augment y_df with y = 0 for all primary periods without any surveys
  # with y = 0 representing essentially an NA value
  no_survey_df <- tibble(
    primary_period = filter(surveys,
                            .data$secondary_period == 0)$primary_period,
    y = 0,
    secondary_period = 1)

  # also augment for surveys with no captures
  surveys_with_no_captures <- surveys %>%
    distinct(.data$primary_period, .data$secondary_period) %>%
    anti_join(captures %>% left_join(surveys)) %>%
    filter(.data$secondary_period != 0) %>%
    mutate(y = 1)

  y_df <- y_df %>%
    full_join(no_survey_df) %>%
    unite("survey_id", c("primary_period", "secondary_period"), sep = "_") %>%
    complete(.data$pit_tag_id, .data$survey_id, fill = list(y = 0)) %>%
             into = c('primary_period', 'secondary_period')) %>%
    mutate(primary_period = parse_number(.data$primary_period),
           secondary_period = parse_number(.data$secondary_period)) %>%
    full_join(surveys_with_no_captures) %>%
    unite("survey_id", c("primary_period", "secondary_period"), sep = "_") %>%
    complete(.data$pit_tag_id, .data$survey_id, fill = list(y = 1)) %>%
             into = c('primary_period', 'secondary_period')) %>%
    mutate(primary_period = parse_number(.data$primary_period),
           secondary_period = parse_number(.data$secondary_period)) %>%
    arrange(.data$pit_tag_id, .data$primary_period, .data$secondary_period) %>%

  # Merge survival covariates into one tibble -------------------------------
  survival_covariate_df <- y_df %>%
    dplyr::distinct(.data$pit_tag_id) %>%

  if (survival_formula_specified) {
    survival_covariate_columns <- names(survival_fill_value)
    join_cols <- c("pit_tag_id", survival_covariate_columns)

    not_na <- function(x) !is.na(x)

    if (any(survival_covariate_columns %in% names(captures))) {
      survival_covariate_df <- survival_covariate_df %>%
        dplyr::full_join(dplyr::distinct(captures[, join_cols])) %>%
        dplyr::filter_at(survival_covariate_columns, not_na)

    if (any_translocations) {
      # read in covariate data from translocations
      survival_covariate_df <- survival_covariate_df %>%
        dplyr::full_join(dplyr::distinct(translocations[, join_cols])) %>%
        dplyr::filter_at(survival_covariate_columns, not_na)
    stopifnot(all(survival_covariate_columns %in% names(survival_covariate_df)))

    # then ensure that all tags are present
    # and sort by tag to ensure same order as Y observation matrix
    survival_covariate_df <- survival_covariate_df %>%
      dplyr::full_join(distinct(y_df, .data$pit_tag_id)) %>%

    # for each survival covariate, fill in missing values
    for (i in seq_along(survival_fill_value)) {
      nam <- names(survival_fill_value)[i]
      survival_covariate_df[[nam]] <- ifelse(
      # make sure there are no NA values after filling
      # make sure each individual gets just one unique value
      i_counts <- survival_covariate_df %>%
        group_by(.data$pit_tag_id) %>%
        summarize(nt = length(unique(!!nam)))
      stopifnot(all(i_counts$nt == 1))

  # assert that the only surveys where y = 0 correspond to primary periods with
  # no surveys
      y_df %>%
        filter(.data$y == 0) %>%
        distinct(.data$primary_period) %>%
        unlist == sort(filter(surveys,
                              .data$secondary_period == 0)$primary_period)

  Y <- y_df[, !names(y_df) %in% names(survival_fill_value)] %>%
    filter(.data$secondary_period > 0) %>%
    acast(formula = pit_tag_id ~ primary_period ~ secondary_period,
          fill = 0, value.var = "y")

  stopifnot(dim(Y)[1] == M)
  stopifnot(all(dimnames(Y)[[1]] == sort(dimnames(Y)[[1]])))
  stopifnot(dim(Y)[2] == max(surveys$primary_period))
  stopifnot(dim(Y)[3] == max(y_df$secondary_period))

  # Process data for introductions ------------------------------------------
  n_intro <- length(unique(transloc_tags))
  stopifnot(all(transloc_tags %in% dimnames(Y)[[1]]))
  introduced <- dimnames(Y)[[1]] %in% transloc_tags
  t_intro <- rep(0, M) # primary period index when the animal was introduced
  # 0 acts as an NA value
  for (i in 1:M) {
    if (introduced[i]) {
      translocate_df_row <- which(transloc_tags == dimnames(Y)[[1]][i])
      t_intro[i] <- translocations$primary_period[translocate_df_row]
  stopifnot(mean(t_intro > 0) == mean(introduced))

  # Process data for removals -----------------------------------------------
  n_removed <- length(unique(removal_tags))
  stopifnot(all(removal_tags %in% dimnames(Y)[[1]]))
  removed <- dimnames(Y)[[1]] %in% removal_tags
  t_remove <- rep(0, M)
  for (i in 1:M) {
    if (removed[i]) {
      remove_df_row <- which(removal_tags == dimnames(Y)[[1]][i])
      t_remove[i] <- removals$primary_period[remove_df_row]

  # Deal with detection data ------------------------------------------------
  Jtot <- sum(J)

  # create a vector of indices for each secondary period
  jvec <- c()
  for (i in seq_along(J)) {
    if (J[i] > 0) {
      jvec <- c(jvec, 1:J[i])
  stopifnot(length(jvec) == Jtot)

  survey_number_df <- tibble(primary_period = 1:max(surveys$primary_period)) %>%
    mutate(secondary_idx = 1)

  p_df <- tibble(primary_period = rep(1:max(surveys$primary_period), J),
                 secondary_idx = jvec) %>%
    mutate(j_idx = 1:n())

  j_idx <- survey_number_df %>%
    dplyr::select(c("primary_period", "secondary_idx")) %>%
    full_join(p_df) %>%
    acast(primary_period ~ secondary_idx,
          fill = 0,
          value.var = 'j_idx')

  # generate detection design matrix
  X_detect <- model.matrix(capture_formula,
                           data = filter(surveys, .data$secondary_period > 0))
  stopifnot(nrow(X_detect) == Jtot)

  X_surv <- model.matrix(survival_formula, data = survival_covariate_df)
  stopifnot(nrow(X_surv) == M)

  # ensure  tag order in survival_covariate_df is identical to the order in Y
  stopifnot(all(survival_covariate_df$pit_tag_id == dimnames(Y)[[1]]))

  # verify that the primary periods with no surveys have all zeros in j_idx
  stopifnot(identical(names(which(rowSums(j_idx) == 0)),
                        which(J == 0) %>% as.character))

  # Check whether there is any natural (non-translocation) recruitment
  any_recruitment <- TRUE
  if (any_translocations) {
    if (all(captures$pit_tag_id %in% translocations$pit_tag_id)) {
      any_recruitment <- FALSE
      warning(paste("All captured individuals appear to have been introduced",
                    "(that is, they are in the translocation data).",
                    "For computational reasons, the model will not include",
                    "a natural recruitment component. If this is consistent",
                    "with your understanding, proceed without concern. But",
                    "if there are naturally recruited individuals that have",
                    "been captured, please check the data."))

  stan_d <- list(M = M,
                 T = max(surveys$primary_period),
                 maxJ = max(J),
                 J = J,
                 Jtot = sum(J),
                 Y = Y,
                 introduced = introduced,
                 t_intro = t_intro,
                 removed = removed,
                 t_remove = t_remove,
                 X_detect = X_detect,
                 m_detect = ncol(X_detect),
                 j_idx = j_idx,
                 any_surveys = ifelse(J > 0, 1, 0),
                 prim_idx = rep(1:max(surveys$primary_period), J),
                 m_surv = ncol(X_surv),
                 X_surv = X_surv,
                 any_recruitment = as.numeric(any_recruitment),
                 grainsize = 1)

  list(stan_d = stan_d,
       captures = captures,
       translocations = translocations,
       surveys = surveys,
       removals = removals,
       survival_covariate_df = survival_covariate_df)

parse_as_date <- function(date) {
  if (class(date) != "Date") {
    tryCatch(date <- as.Date(date),
             error = function(c) {
               stop(paste("Couldn't coerce date(s) to a Date object.",
                          "Try formatting date(s) as: %Y-%m-%d,",
                          "or convert all dates to the Date class",
                          "(see ?Date)."))
  todays_date <- format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d")
  if (any(date > todays_date)) {
    stop("All provided dates must be <= the current date.")
SNARL1/mrmr documentation built on Nov. 23, 2023, 7:04 a.m.