#' Computing t*
#' Computes the t* U-statistic for input data pairs
#' (x_1,y_1), (x_2,y_2), ..., (x_n,y_n)
#' using the improved algorithm based on Heller and Heller (2016) <arXiv:1605.08732>
#' building off of the work of Weihs, Drton, and Leung (2015)
#' <DOI:10.1007/s00180-015-0639-x>.
#' @export
#' @param x A numeric vector of x values (length >= 4).
#' @param y A numeric vector of y values, should be of the same length as x.
#' @return The numeric value of the t* statistic.
#' @references
#' Bergsma, Wicher; Dassios, Angelos. A consistent test of independence based
#' on a sign covariance related to Kendall's tau. \emph{Bernoulli} 20 (2014),
#' no. 2, 1006--1028.
#' \cr\cr
#' Heller, Yair and Heller, Ruth. "Computing the Bergsma Dassios
#' sign-covariance." arXiv preprint arXiv:1605.08732 (2016).
#' \cr\cr
#' Weihs, Luca, Mathias Drton, and Dennis Leung. "Efficient Computation of the
#' Bergsma-Dassios Sign Covariance." arXiv preprint arXiv:1504.00964 (2015).
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(TauStar)
#' # Compute t* for a concordant quadruple
#' tStar(c(1,2,3,4), c(1,2,3,4)) # == 2/3
#' # Compute t* for a discordant quadruple
#' tStar(c(1,2,3,4), c(1,-1,1,-1)) # == -1/3
#' # Compute t* on random normal iid normal data
#' set.seed(23421)
#' tStar(rnorm(4000), rnorm(4000)) # near 0
#' # Compute t* as a v-statistic
#' set.seed(923)
#' tStar(rnorm(100), rnorm(100), vStatistic = TRUE)
#' # Compute an approximation of tau* via resampling
#' set.seed(9492)
#' tStar(rnorm(10000), rnorm(10000), resample = TRUE, sampleSize = 30,
#' numResamples = 5000)
#' }
tStar <- function(x, y) {
if (!is.numeric(x) || !is.numeric(y)) {
stop("Input x and y to tStar must be numeric.")
if (length(x) != length(y) || length(x) < 4) {
stop("Input x and y to tStar are of the wrong length, they must both have equal length < 4.")
return(TStarHellerAndHellerRCPP(x, y))
#' Check if Vector of Probabilities
#' Checks if the input vector has entries that sum to 1 and are non-negative
#' @param probs the probability vector to check
#' @return TRUE if conditions are met, FALSE if otherwise
isProbVector <- function(probs) {
probSum = sum(probs)
return(abs(probSum - 1) < 10^-7 && all(probs >= 0))
#' Null asymptotic distribution of t* in the mixed case
#' Density, distribution function, quantile function and random generation for
#' the asymptotic null distribution of t* in the mixed case. That is, in the
#' case that t* is generated a sample from an independent bivariate distribution
#' where one coordinate is marginally discrete and the other marginally
#' continuous.
#' @export
#' @param x the value (or vector of values) at which to evaluate the function.
#' @param error a tolerated error in the result. This should be considered as a
#' guide rather than an exact upper bound to the amount of error.
#' @param lower.tail a logical value, if TRUE (default), probabilities are
#' \eqn{P(X\leq x)} otherwise \eqn{P(X>x)}.
#' @param probs a vector of probabilities corresponding to the (ordered)
#' support the marginally discrete random variable. That is, if the
#' marginally discrete distribution has support \eqn{u_1,...,u_n}
#' then the ith entry of probs should be the probability of seeing
#' \eqn{u_i}.
#' @name pMixHoeffInd
#' @rdname pMixHoeffInd
#' @return pMixHoeffInd gives the distribution
#' function.
pMixHoeffInd <- function(x, probs, lower.tail = T, error = 0.01) { # 10^-6
if (!isProbVector(probs)) {
stop("probs in pMixHoeffInd is not a probability vector.")
if (any(probs == 1)) {
lowerTailProb = if (x >= 0) 1 else 0
} else {
eigenP = eigenForDiscreteProbs(probs)
lowerTailProb = HoeffIndMixedCdfRCPP(x + 2 * sum(eigenP), eigenP, error)
if (lower.tail) {
return(1 - lowerTailProb)
#' Determine if input data is discrete
#' Attempts to determine if the input data is from a discrete distribution. Will
#' return true if the data type is of type integer or there are non-unique
#' values.
#' @param x a vector which should be determined if discrete or not.
#' @return the best judgement of whether or not the data was discrete
isDiscrete = function(x) {
if (is.integer(x) || (length(unique(x)) != length(x))) {
#' Is Vector Valid Data?
#' Determines if input vector is a valid vector of real valued observations
#' @param x the vector to be tested
#' @return TRUE or FALSE
isValidDataVector <- function(x) {
return(is.numeric(x) || is.integer(x))
#' Test of Independence Using the Tau* Measure
#' Performs a (consistent) test of independence between two input vectors using
#' the asymptotic (or permutation based) distribution of the test statistic t*.
#' The asymptotic results hold in the case that x is generated from either a
#' discrete or continous distribution and similarly for y (in particular it is
#' allowed for one to be continuous while the other is discrete). The asymptotic
#' distributions were computed in Nandy, Weihs, and Drton (2016)
#' <http://arxiv.org/abs/1602.04387>.
#' @export
#' @param x a vector of sampled values.
#' @param y a vector of sampled values corresponding to x, y must be the same
#' length as x.
#' @return a list with class "tstest" recording the outcome of the test.
#' @references
#' Preetam Nandy, Luca Weihs, and Mathias Drton. Large-Sample Theory for the
#' Bergsma-Dassios Sign Covariance. arXiv preprint arXiv:1602.04387. 2016.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(123)
#' x = rnorm(100)
#' y = rbinom(100, 1, 0.5)
#' testResults = tauStarTest(x,y)
#' print(testResults$pVal) # big p-value
#' y = y + x # make x and y correlated
#' testResults = tauStarTest(x,y)
#' print(testResults$pVal) # small p-value
tauStarTest <- function(x, y, error = 0.01, mode = "auto") {
if (!isValidDataVector(x) || !isValidDataVector(y) ||
length(x) != length(y)) {
stop(paste("vectors inputted to tauStarTest must be of type numeric or",
"integer and must be the same length"))
if (mode != "auto" && mode != "permute" && mode != "asymptotic"){
stop("Mode must be auto, permute or asymptotic")
xIsDis = isDiscrete(x)
yIsDis = isDiscrete(y)
if (xIsDis && !yIsDis) {
z = x
x = y
y = z
xIsDis = isDiscrete(x)
yIsDis = isDiscrete(y)
n = length(x)
toReturn = list()
class(toReturn) = "tstest"
toReturn$x = x
toReturn$y = y
toReturn$tStar = tStar(x, y)
if (yIsDis){
if (length(unique(y)) == 1){
toReturn$pVal = 1
if (length(unique(y)) <= 50)
p = as.numeric(table(y))/n
else {
lbr = quantile(y, 0:50/50)
p = hist(y, breaks = unique(lbr), plot = F)$counts/n
if (mode == "permute" || (mode == "auto" && any(p > 0.99))){
taustar_p = NULL
for(i in c(1:100)){
temp = tStar(sample(x), y)
taustar_p = c(taustar_p, temp)
toReturn$pVal = 1 - sum(toReturn$tStar >= taustar_p) / 100
toReturn$pVal = 1 - pMixHoeffInd(n * toReturn$tStar, probs = p, error = error)
} else {
toReturn$pVal = NA
#' @title Perform Differential Expression Test by tauStar on One Gene
#' @description
#' Test if one gene is differentially expressed along pseudotime.
#' @param gene A vector of pseudotime.
#' @param count.v Rhe expression data.
#' @return A list with the components:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{taustar}}{The estimated Bergsma-Dassios Correlation Coefficient}
#' \item{\code{taustar.pv}}{The p-value}
#' }
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom stats fitted
#' @export pseudotimeDE
#' @author Yuheng Lai
tauStarDE <- function(pseudotime,
count.v, mode = "auto") {
res = tauStarTest(pseudotime, count.v, mode = mode)
tau = res$tStar
tau_pv = res$pVal
return(list(taustar = tau,
taustar.pv = tau_pv
#' @title Perform Differential Expression Test by tauStar on a List of Genes
#' @description
#' Test if each gene in a list of genes is differentially expressed along pseudotime.
#' A wrapper of \code{tauStarDE::tauStarDE}.
#' @param gene.vec A vector of genes. It should be a subset of the row names in sce.
#' @param ori.tbl A tibble or dataframe which contains the original cells and pseudotime as two columns.
#' @param mat The input expression data. It can be:
#' (1) A SingleCellExperiment object which contain the expression data;
#' (2) An matrix;
#' (3) A Seurat object which contain the expression data.
#' Its row names should be genes and col names should be cells.
#' @param assay.use The \code{assay} used in SingleCellExperiment or \code{slot} used in Seurat. Default is \code{counts}.
#' @param seurat.assay The \code{assay} used in Seurat. Default is \code{'RNA'}.
#' @param mc.cores Number of cores for computing.
#' @param mc.preschedule See \code{mclapply}. Default is TRUE.
#' @param SIMPLIFY A logic variable whether to return a tibble (TRUE) or a list of lists (FALSE). Default is TRUE.
#' @return A tibble of summary results of genes
#' @examples
#' data("LPS_sce")
#' data("LPS_ori_tbl")
#' data("LPS_sub_tbl")
#' res <- PseudotimeDE::runTauStarDE(gene.vec = c("CCL5", "CXCL10"),
#' ori.tbl = LPS_ori_tbl, sub.tbl = LPS_sub_tbl[1:10], mat = LPS_sce, model = "nb")
#' @export runTauStarDE
#' @author Yuheng Lai
runTauStarDE <- function(gene.vec,
assay.use = "counts",
seurat.assay = 'RNA',
mode = 'auto',
mc.cores = 2,
mc.preschedule = TRUE,
## ori.tbl is a dataframe containing cell and pseudotime. "cell" must be the same order as in mat
num_cell <- length(ori.tbl$cell)
pseudotime <- ori.tbl$pseudotime
num_total_cell <- dim(mat)[2]
if(class(mat)[1] == "SingleCellExperiment") {
expv <- SummarizedExperiment::assay(mat, assay.use)[gene.vec, ori.tbl$cell]
count.v <- expv
else if(class(mat)[1] == "Seurat") {
if(assay.use == 'logcounts'){
assay_alter <- 'data'
assay_alter <- assay.use
expv <- Seurat::GetAssayData(object = mat, slot = assay_alter, assay = seurat.assay)[gene.vec, ori.tbl$cell]
count.v <- expv
else {
expv <- mat[gene.vec, ori.tbl$cell]
count.v <- expv
BPPARAM <- BiocParallel::bpparam()
BPPARAM$workers <- mc.cores
res <- BiocParallel::bplapply(gene.vec, function(x, ...) {
cur_res <- tryCatch(expr = tauStarDE(pseudotime = pseudotime,
count.v = count.v[x, ], mode = mode), #input only the target gene
error = function(e) {
list(taustar = NA,
taustar.pv = NA)
res <- simplify2array(res)
res <- t(res)
rownames(res) <- gene.vec
res <- tibble::as_tibble(res, rownames = "gene")
res <- tidyr::unnest(res, cols = c("taustar", "taustar.pv"))
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