options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#Free elevation API:; limit 2000 req/min from
#5km DEM w/ key
api_root = ""
api_key = "&key=kVzeefC0JPIIcfaVaC2r-qofepiJe3"
#File to read
ifile = "Isoforensics_dbMatch_checkCountries.xlsx"
#Read in sites
sites = read.xlsx(ifile, sheet = "Sites")
#Space for values
elevs = data.frame(character(), numeric())
#Chunks of 10 sites; 10 points allowed per GET
for(i in 1:(ceiling(nrow(sites)/10))){
#Subset sites for this chunk
sites.sub = sites[((i-1)*10+1):min((i*10), nrow(sites)),]
#Space for point coordinates string
pts = character()
#Build character string of coordinates
for(j in seq(sites.sub$Site_ID)){
pts = paste0(pts, "(", sites.sub$Latitude[j], ",", sites.sub$Longitude[j], "),")
#Remove final comma
pts = substr(pts, 1, nchar(pts)-1)
#Full GET request
api_call = paste0(api_root, pts, api_key)
#Make the request
e = GET(api_call)
#Check status
if(e$status_code != 200){stop(paste("Error code", e$status_code,
"returned by server"))}
#Extract data
ep = parse_json(e)
#Add Site_ID and elevation to data frame of results
for(j in seq(sites.sub$Site_ID)){
elevs = rbind(elevs, c(sites.sub$Site_ID[j], ep$elevations[[j]]$elevation))
names(elevs) = c("Site_ID", "Elev")
elevs$Elev = as.numeric(elevs$Elev)
elevs.sub = elevs[elevs$Elev / sites$Elevation_mabsl < 0.35 &
elevs$Elev / sites$Elevation_mabsl > 0.25,]
sites.sub = sites[elevs$Elev / sites$Elevation_mabsl < 0.35 &
elevs$Elev / sites$Elevation_mabsl > 0.25,]
elevs.sub = elevs.sub[!$Site_ID),]
sites.sub = sites.sub[!$Site_ID),]
#First check whether it looks like all elevations are in feet
#If so update all non-NA elevations and annotate
if(nrow(sites.sub) > 0.75 * nrow(sites)){
yn = readline("It looks like elevation is in feet, not meters. Convert to
meters (y/n)? ")
if(yn == "y" | yn == "Y"){
sites$Elevation_mabsl = sites$Elevation_mabsl * 0.304
for(i in seq(sites$Site_ID)){
sites$Site_Comments[i] = paste0(sites$Site_Comments[i], "; elevation
converted from feet to meters")
sites$Site_Comments[i] = "elevation converted from feet to meters"
#review and update requested elevations
#need to annotate which ones were changed
for(i in seq(sites.sub$Site_ID)){
yn = readline("Elevation may be in feet, convert to meters (y/n)? ")
if(yn == "y"){
sites[sites$Site_ID == sites.sub$Site_ID[i],]$Elevation_mabsl =
sites.sub$Elevation_mabsl[i] * 0.304
sites[sites$Site_ID == sites.sub$Site_ID[i],]$Site_Comments =
annotate(sites[sites$Site_ID == sites.sub$Site_ID[i],]$Site_Comments,
"elevation converted from feet to meters")
elevs.sub = elevs[abs(elevs$Elev - sites$Elevation_mabsl) > 500,]
sites.sub = sites[abs(elevs$Elev - sites$Elevation_mabsl) > 500,]
elevs.sub = elevs.sub[!$Site_ID),]
sites.sub = sites.sub[!$Site_ID),]
for(i in seq(sites.sub$Site_ID)){
yn = readline("Elevation may be wrong, replace from DEM (y/n)? ")
if(yn == "y" | yn == "Y"){
sites[sites$Site_ID == sites.sub$Site_ID[i],]$Elevation_mabsl =
sites.sub$Elevation_mabsl[i] * 0.304
sites[sites$Site_ID == sites.sub$Site_ID[i],]$Site_Comments =
annotate(sites[sites$Site_ID == sites.sub$Site_ID[i],]$Site_Comments,
"elevation replaced from 5km DEM")
#Output file name
ofile = sub(".xlsx", "_checkElevations.xlsx", ifile)
#Get the input file
s = getSheetNames(ifile)
shts = list()
for(i in seq(s)){
shts[[i]] = read.xlsx(ifile, i)
names(shts) = s
#Replace the old site data with updated records
shts$Sites = sites
#Write output
write.xlsx(shts, ofile)
#combines old and new comments
annotate = function(old, new){
return(paste(old, new, sep = "; "))
Add the following code to your website.
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