
##' Function to check whether the data will over write protected data.
##' Certain data in the Statistical Working System should not be over
##' written by algorithms. Namely, official and semi-official
##' values. This function takes the data to be saved in the arguement
##' and pulls the exact same set of data from the data base, then
##' checks whether the matching set contains official or semi official
##' values.
##' @param data The data.table object containing data to be saved back to the
##'     database. The current implementation only accepts data in the normalised
##'     form.
##' @param domain The domain name in the SWS where the data will be saved.
##' @param dataset The dataset name in the SWS where the data will be saved.
##' @param areaVar The column name corresponding to the geographic area.
##' @param itemVar The column name corresponding to the commodity item.
##' @param elementVar The column name corresponding to the measured element.
##' @param yearVar The column name corresponding to the year.
##' @param flagObservationVar The column name corresponding to the observation
##'     status flag.
##' @param flagMethodVar The column name corresponding to the method flag.
##' @param flagTable The flag table containing the validity of the flags. see
##'     data{faoswsFlag::flagValidTable} for an example.
##' @param returnData logical, whether the data should be returned.
##' @param normalised logical, whether the data is normalised
##' @param denormalisedKey optional, only required if the input data is not
##'     normalised.It is the name of the key that denormalises the data.
##' @param getInvalidData logical, this will skip the test and extract the data
##'     that is invalid.
##' @return If getInvalidData is FALSE, then the data is returned when the test
##'     is cleared, otherwise an error. If getInvalidData is TRUE, then the
##'     subset of the data that is invalid is returned.
##' @export
##' @import faoswsFlag

ensureProtectedData = function(data,
                               domain = "agriculture",
                               dataset = "aproduction",
                               areaVar = "geographicAreaM49",
                               itemVar = "measuredItemCPC",
                               elementVar = "measuredElement",
                               yearVar = "timePointYears",
                               flagObservationVar = "flagObservationStatus",
                               flagMethodVar = "flagMethod",
                               flagTable = flagValidTable,
                               returnData = TRUE,
                               normalised = TRUE,
                               denormalisedKey = "measuredElement",
                               getInvalidData = FALSE){

    dataCopy = copy(data)

        dataCopy = normalise(dataCopy)
    setkeyv(dataCopy, col = c(areaVar, itemVar, elementVar, yearVar))
    ensureDataInput(data = dataCopy,
                    requiredColumn = c(areaVar, itemVar, elementVar, yearVar),
                    returnData = FALSE)

    if(NROW(dataCopy) > 0){
        newKey = DatasetKey(
            domain = domain,
            dataset = dataset,
            dimensions = list(
                Dimension(name = areaVar,
                          keys = as.character(unique(dataCopy[[areaVar]]))),
                Dimension(name = itemVar,
                          keys = as.character(unique(dataCopy[[itemVar]]))),
                Dimension(name = elementVar,
                          keys = as.character(unique(dataCopy[[elementVar]]))),
                Dimension(name = yearVar,
                          keys = as.character(unique(dataCopy[[yearVar]])))
        dbData = GetData(newKey)
        setkeyv(dbData, col = c(areaVar, itemVar, elementVar, yearVar))
        matchSet = dbData[dataCopy, ]

        protectedFlagCombination =
            with(flagTable[flagTable$Protected, ],
                 paste0("(", flagObservationStatus, ", ", flagMethod, ")"))

        matchSet[, `:=`(c("flagCombination"),
                        paste0("(", flagObservationStatus, ", ", flagMethod, ")"))]

        invalidData =
            matchSet[matchSet$flagCombination %in% protectedFlagCombination, ]

                invalidData = normalise(invalidData, denormalisedKey)
        } else {
            if(nrow(invalidData) > 0)
                stop("Protected Data being over written!")
                dataCopy = denormalise(dataCopy, denormalisedKey)
            message("Data can be safely saved back to database")
    } else {
        warning("Data to be saved contain no entry")
SWS-Methodology/faoswsEnsure documentation built on May 9, 2019, 11:47 a.m.