
##' Function to compute the weights of the ensemble models
##' @param data A data.table containing the data.
##' @param cvGroup A vector of the same length as nrow(data).  Entries of the
##' vector should be integers from 1 to the number of cross-validation groups
##' (typically 10).  This should be randomly assigned, and is usually created
##' by ensembleImpute.
##' @param fits The fitted values from the models.
##' @param method Must be either "inverse" or "stacking".  If "inverse", the
##' final ensemble is a weighted average of all the individual models, where
##' the weight of each model is proportional to 1/error from that model.  If
##' "stacking", then the weight is assigned via a linear regression (where the
##' independent variable in the regression is the variable being imputed, and
##' each individual model is a dependent variable).  The linear regression is
##' restricted, however: no weights may be negative and the weights must sum to
##' one.
##' @param imputationParameters A list of the parameters for the imputation
##' algorithms.  See defaultImputationParameters() for a starting point.
##' @return A list of two objects.  The first is a matrix of weights that can
##' be multiplied by the fitted models to give the imputed values.  Rows
##' corresponding to non-missing values in data have values of NA.
##' The second object is a matrix of errors for each model and each byKey.
##' These error values are used for creating an estimate for the variability
##' of each imputed value.
##' @export

computeEnsembleWeight = function(data, cvGroup, fits, method = "inverse",
    ## Data Quality Checks
    if(!exists("ensuredImputationData") || !ensuredImputationData)
        ensureImputationInputs(data = data,
                               imputationParameters = imputationParameters)
    if(!all(lapply(fits, length) == nrow(data)))
        stop("All elements of fits must have the same length as nrow(x)!")
    stopifnot(all(names(fits) == names(imputationParameters$ensembleModels)))
        names(fits) = paste("Model", 1:length(fits), sep="_")
    counts = data[,
                  by = c(imputationParameters$byKey)]
    if(min(counts[, V1]) == 0 & !imputationParameters$estimateNoData)
        stop("Some countries have no data.  Have you ran removeNoInfo?  Or, ",
             "you could set imputationParameters$estimateNoData to TRUE, and ",
             "you'll need global-level models to impute these cases.")
    ## If doing loocv, compute a new fits object
    if(imputationParameters$errorType == "loocv")
        fits = computeLoocvFits(data = data, cvGroup = cvGroup,
                                imputationParameters = imputationParameters)
    ## Compute the actual weights by passing to another function
    if(method == "inverse"){
        weights = getInverseWeights(data = data, fits = fits,
                    imputationParameters = imputationParameters)
    } else if(method == "stacking"){
        weights = getStackingWeights(data = data, fits = fits,
                    imputationParameters = imputationParameters)
    } else {
        stop("Provide method is not currently implemented!")
    ## Use global cross-validation rate for slices with no data.  Some slices
    ## of the data may have no observations, and thus we can't compute error to
    ## weight the ensemble.  Instead, we can weight by the total average cross-
    ## validation error for these cases.  But, only do this if
    ## imputationParameters$estimateNoData is TRUE.
        newRows = addNoDataModels(data = data, weights = weights,
                                  imputationParameters = imputationParameters)
        weights = rbind(weights, newRows)
    ## Apply adjustments to weights (NA->0, reduce below maximumWeights)
    weights[is.na(weight), weight := 0]
    maxWt = imputationParameters$maximumWeights
    ## Assign weights exceeding the threshold a new value.  We want this new
    ## value to be maximumWeights, but after reassigning this weight we have
    ## to re-normalize the weights so they sum to 1.  The (1-weight)/(1-max)
    ## factor ensures the final weight for this maximum case will be
    ## maximumWeights.
    weights[weight > maxWt, weight := maxWt * (1 - weight) / (1 - maxWt)]
    ## If one area only has one non-missing weight, set to 1:
    weights[, validModelCnt := sum(!is.na(modelError)),
             by = c(imputationParameters$byKey)]
    ## If there's only one valid model, it should have all the weight.
    weights[validModelCnt == 1 & !is.na(modelError), weight := 1]
    ## If there's no valid models, all should have 0 weight.
    weights[validModelCnt == 0, weight := 0]
    weights[, validModelCnt := NULL]
    ## Re-normalize the weights so they sum to 1:
    weights[, weight := weight / sum(weight),
             by = c(imputationParameters$byKey)]
    ## Convert weights to a matrix
    output = getWeightMatrix(data = data, w = weights,
                             imputationParameters = imputationParameters)
SWS-Methodology/faoswsImputation documentation built on May 9, 2019, 11:48 a.m.