
## This module is used to load the stock changes model and use this model for 
## predictions on an open session in the agriculture production tables.  The 
## stock change model requires an estimate of the variability of historical 
## stock changes, and this estimate always uses initialYear (set in the code
## below, currently to 1991) to the estimation year (provided by the user). 

## load the library

## set up for the test environment and parameters
R_SWS_SHARE_PATH = paste0(R_SWS_SHARE_PATH, "/browningj/stock/")
initialYear = 1961 # Change documentation if this changes!

if(!exists("DEBUG_MODE") || DEBUG_MODE == ""){
    cat("Not on server, so setting up environment...\n")
    ## Define directories
    if([7] == "josh"){
        apiDirectory = "~/Documents/Github/faoswsStock/R/"
        R_SWS_SHARE_PATH = "/media/hqlprsws1_qa/"

    ## Get SWS Parameters
    SetClientFiles("~/R certificate files/Production/")
    ## SetClientFiles("~/R certificate files/QA")
        ## baseUrl = "",
        ## token = "b4995d52-cc4c-4e21-a6d8-de90b1f42e63"
        baseUrl = "",
        token = "90c00557-e740-46f4-8cd7-6c90e6d96124"

    ## Source local scripts for this local test
    for(file in dir(apiDirectory, full.names = T))
    if(length(dir(apiDirectory, full.names = T)) == 0)
        stop("No files in apiDirectory.  Are you sure it's the right one?")

startYear = as.numeric(swsContext.computationParams$startYear)
endYear = as.numeric(swsContext.computationParams$endYear)
stopifnot(startYear <= endYear)
years = startYear:endYear

timeRange = initialYear:endYear

## Get historic stock change variability
m49Area = swsContext.datasets[[1]]@dimensions$geographicAreaM49@keys
fsArea  = m492fs(m49Area)
fsArea  = fsArea[!]
areaDim = Dimension(name = "geographicAreaFS", keys = fsArea)
cpcItem = swsContext.datasets[[1]]@dimensions$measuredItemCPC@keys
fclItem = as.character(as.numeric(cpc2fcl(cpcItem, returnFirst = TRUE)))
fclItem = fclItem[!]
itemDim = Dimension(name = "measuredItemFS", keys = fclItem)
yearDim = Dimension(name = "timePointYears",
                    keys = as.character(initialYear:endYear))
elemDim = Dimension(name = "measuredElementFS", keys = "71")
key = DatasetKey(domain = "faostat_one", dataset = "FS1_SUA",
                 dimensions = list(areaDim, itemDim, yearDim, elemDim))
oldSuaData = GetData(key)

## Add in the estimateYear so that you have a place to write
toBind = copy(oldSuaData)
toBind[, c("timePointYears", "Value", "flagFaostat") :=
           list(NA_character_, NA_real_, "M")]
toBind = unique(toBind)
for(year in years){
    toBind[, timePointYears := year]
    oldSuaData = rbind(oldSuaData, unique(toBind))
## We may have two records for estimateYear now (previous data and an NA). 
## So, clean those out:
flagAgg = function(flags){
    if(length(flags) > 2)
        stop("Need 2 or fewer flags!")
    if(any(flags != "M")){
        stopifnot(sum(flags != "M") == 1)
        return(flags[flags != "M"])
valAgg = function(values){
    if(length(values) > 2)
        stop("Need 2 or fewer flags!")
        stopifnot(sum(! == 1)
oldSuaData = oldSuaData[, list(Value = valAgg(Value),
                               flagFaostat = flagAgg(flagFaostat)),
                        by = c("geographicAreaFS", "measuredElementFS",
                               "measuredItemFS", "timePointYears")]

## Load Stock Model
availableModels = list.files(paste0(R_SWS_SHARE_PATH, "browningj/stock"),
                             full.names = TRUE)
choosenModel = chooseStockModel(availableModels)
## This loads an object called "model"

## Predict with the stock model
model$groupingColumns[1] = "geographicAreaFS"
model$groupingColumns[2] = "measuredItemFS"
model$yearColumn = "timePointYears"
model$valueColumn = "Value"
preds = lapply(years, function(year){
    predictStockModel(model, newdata = oldSuaData[timePointYears <= year, ],
                      estimateYear = year, elementVar = "measuredElementFS")
preds ="rbind", preds)

## Add in cumulative stock changes
openingStocks = oldSuaData[, list(Value = sum(Value),
                                  firstYear = min(timePointYears),
                                  count = .N),
                           by = c(colnames(oldSuaData)[1:3])]
openingStocks[count > 12, ]
SWS-Methodology/faoswsStock documentation built on May 23, 2021, 7:35 a.m.