
Defines functions grviz.digraph parse.edge write.digraph deparse.digraph parse.digraph read.digraph

Documented in deparse.digraph grviz.digraph parse.digraph parse.edge read.digraph write.digraph

## Read a text file and translate to edge descriptions

##' Read and write text representations of models
##' The functions \code{read.digraph} and \code{parse.digraph} read a model
##' description from a text file and a string respectively, while
##' \code{write.digraph} writes a text representation of the model to and file.
##' These functions recognize the following text format.  Each line corresponds
##' to an edge, and must consist of two node labels separated by an arrow.  An
##' arrow consists of one of the character sequences "<","*","<>" or "" on the
##' left and ">","*","<>" or "" on the right, separated by a sequence of dashes
##' "-".  The number of dashes used in the arrow defines the group number of the
##' edge.
##' @title Text Representations of Models
##' @param file the name of the file to read or write
##' @param lines a string representation of the model
##' @param labels the sequence of labels to use for the nodes
##' @param edges an edge list.
##' @return The \code{write.digraph} function invisibly returns the
##' text that was written to the file.
##' The functions \code{read.digraph} and \code{parse.digraph} return an
##' edge list - a data frame with columns
##' \item{\code{From}}{a factor indicating the origin of each edge (the node
##' that effects)}
##' \item{\code{To}}{a factor indicating the destination of each edge (the node
##' that is effected)}
##' \item{\code{Group}}{an integer vector that indicates the group each edge
##' belongs to}
##' \item{\code{Type}}{a factor indicating the edge type -
##' "N" (negative) ,"P" (positive),"U" (unknown) or "Z" (zero)}
##' \item{\code{Pair}}{an integer vector that indicates the pairing of
##' directed edges}
##' Each edge of the text specification is separated into two directed edges,
##' and every row of an edge list corresponds to a single directed edge.
##' @examples
##' edges <- parse.digraph(c("A <-* B","C *-> A","C <- D",
##'     "D -> B","B *--* C","A <--- D"))
##' edges
##' deparse.digraph(edges)
##' @export
read.digraph <- function(file,labels=NULL) {

##' @rdname read.digraph
##' @export
parse.digraph <- function(lines,labels=NULL) {
  ## Attempt to parse specifications
  m <- regexec("^([^\\*<>-]+)(\\*|<|<>)?(-+)(\\*|>|<>)?([^\\*<>-]+)$",lines)
  err <- sapply(m,"[[",1)== -1
  if(any(err)) {
    warning("Could not parse edges: ",paste(lines[err],collapse=", "))
    lines <- lines[!err]
    m <- m[!err]
  m <- regmatches(lines,m)
  from <- gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$","",lapply(m,"[[",2))
  to <-   gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$","",lapply(m,"[[",6))
  tail <- sapply(m,"[[",3)
  line <- sapply(m,"[[",4)
  head <- sapply(m,"[[",5)

  if(any(head=="" & tail==""))
    warning("Zero edges specified: ",
            paste(lines[head=="" & tail==""],collapse=", "))

  ## Construct edge dataframe
  if(is.null(labels)) labels <- sort(unique(c(from,to)))
  from <- factor(from,levels=labels)
  to <- factor(to,levels=labels)

  group <- nchar(line)-1

  type <- c("N","P","U","Z")
  backward.type <- type[match(tail,c("*","<","<>",""))]
  forward.type <- type[match(head,c("*",">","<>",""))]

  edges <- rbind(data.frame(From=from,

  ## Drop zero weight edges
  edges <- edges[edges$Type!="Z",,drop=FALSE]
  ## Add node labels
  attr(edges,"node.labels") <- labels

##' @rdname read.digraph
##' @export
deparse.digraph <- function(edges) {

  make.edge <- function(edge) {
    edge <- edge[order(match(edge$Type,c("P","N","U","Z"),4),

    from <- edge$From[1]
    to <- edge$To[1]
    fwd <- (edge$From==from & edge$To==to)
    line <- paste(rep("-",edge$Group[1]+1),collapse="")
    symb <- c(">","*","<>","")
    head <- symb[match(edge$Type[fwd],c("P","N","U","Z"),4)]
    symb <- c("<","*","<>","")
    tail <- symb[match(edge$Type[!fwd],c("P","N","U","Z"),4)]

    paste(from," ",tail,line,head," ",to,sep="")


##' @rdname read.digraph
##' @export
write.digraph <- function(edges,file="") {
  txt <- deparse.digraph(edges)

##' Parse a text representation of (directed) edges, return the index of the
##' directed edge within the edge list.
##' Each directed edge is represented as a string consisting of two node labels
##' separated by an arrow, where the arrow consists of a sequence of dashes "-"
##' followed by one of the character sequences ">","*","<>". The number of
##' dashes used in the arrow is ignored.
##' @title Indices of (Directed) Edges
##' @param lines a vector of strings representing directed edges
##' @param edges an edge list
##' @return the indices of the directed edges within the edge list
##' @examples
##' ## Sample model
##' edges <- parse.digraph(c(
##'   "E *-> D",
##'   "D *-> C",
##'   "C -> E",
##'   "E *-> B",
##'   "B *-> A",
##'   "A -> E",
##'   "D --> B"))
##' edges <- enforce.limitation(edges)
##' parse.edge(c("E->D","D-*E","A-*B"),edges)
##' @export
parse.edge <- function(lines,edges) {
  ## Parse lines
  m <- regexec("([^\\*<>-]+)(-+)(\\*|>)?([^\\*<>-]+)",lines)
  err <- sapply(m,"[[",1)== -1
  if(any(err)) {
    warning("Could not parse constraints: ",paste(lines[err],collapse=", "))
    lines <- lines[!err]
    m <- m[!err]
  m <- regmatches(lines,m)
  from <- gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$","",lapply(m,"[[",2))
  to <-   gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$","",lapply(m,"[[",5))
  line <- sapply(m,"[[",3)
  head <- sapply(m,"[[",4)

  ## Extract edges
  labels <- node.labels(edges)
  from <- factor(from,levels=labels)
  to <- factor(to,levels=labels)

  group <- nchar(line)-1

  type <- c("N","P","U","Z")
  type <- type[match(head,c("*",">","<>",""))]

  es <- mapply(function(from,to,type)
    match(TRUE,edges$From==from & edges$To==to & edges$Type==type),

    warning("Encountered undefined edges: ",
            paste(lines[is.na(es)],collapse=", "))

##' Write a DOT specification of the model.
##' Write a DOT specification of the model in a form suitable for use with
##' \code{grViz} from \pkg{DiagrammeR}.
##' @title Export to DOT
##' @param edges An edge list
##' @param name The name of the digraph
##' @param fontsize Fontsize for node labels.
##' @param node.style The node style.
##' @param node.shape The node shape.
##' @param node.color The node color.
##' @param edge.color The edge color.
##' @return Returns a string.
##' @export
grviz.digraph <- function(edges,name="web",
                          edge.color="DarkGrey") {

  make.edge <- function(edge) {

    edge <- edge[order(match(edge$Type,c("P","N","U","Z"),4),

    from <- edge$From[1]
    to <- edge$To[1]
    fwd <- (edge$From==from & edge$To==to)
    ln <- c("solid","dashed","dotted","bold")
    hd <- c("normal","dot","diamond","none")
    tl <- c("normal","dot","diamond","none")
      "    ",
      from[1],"->",to," [",
      if(any(!fwd)) tl[match(edge$Type[!fwd],c("P","N","U","Z"))] else "none",
      if(any(fwd))  hd[match(edge$Type[fwd],c("P","N","U","Z"),4)] else "none",

  ## Node definitions
  ntxt <- paste("    ",
                " [",

  ## Edge definitions
  etxt <- paste("    ",
                "edge [dir=both,color=",edge.color,"]\n",

  ## Graph definition
  paste("digraph ",name," {\n",
        "    ",
        "graph [fontsize=",fontsize,"]\n",
SWotherspoon/QPress documentation built on Sept. 26, 2022, 2:27 a.m.