Man pages for Sage-Bionetworks/snm
Supervised Normalization of Microarrays

buildBasisFunctionBuilds Basis Fuction
buildBasisSplineMatrixBuild Basis Spline Matrix
calcArrayEffectsCalulate Array Effects Using Random Effects Model
calcSigPerforms inference on data.
calculate.nullsCalculate the Identity of the Null Probes Identify Null...
checkArgumentsNot very useful quite yet, but if software is expanded to...
constructNormalizedDataConstruct Normalized Data
edge.fitFits Model to Data
edge.glrCalculate Test Statistics and P values
edge.qvalueQvalue function from EDGE software
err.msgError Message Version of SNM Algorithm
fit.modelBuilds and Fits the Mixed Effects Model Fit Random Effects...
fit.psetSummarize probe-level data into probe sets
fitted.snmExtract fitted values from an snm object
f.pvalueCalculates P values by fitting a full and reduced model to...
get.coefsEstimate Coefficients Gets Coefficients From a Fitted Model
get.residsEstimate Residuals
getSpanningSetSplit Data into Bins
makeDataObjectMakes data object for fitting the random effects model
make.ref.model.matricesMake Model Matrices for Random Effects Model
make.snm.objMake Snm Object
plot.snmDisplay plots for an snm object Model Matrices
sim.doubleChannelSimulated data for a double channel microarray experiment.
sim.function.varFunction simulates data as a function of a variable
sim.intensity.depSimulate Intensity Dependent Variables
sim.preProcessedSimulate data from a microarray experiment without any...
sim.probe.specificSimulate a Probe-Specific Variable
sim.refDesignSimulates data from a two-color microarray experiment using a...
sim.singleChannelSimulate data from a single channel microarray experiment
snmPerform a supervised normalization of microarray data
snm.diagnosticPlotProduce Diagnostic Plots For SNM Algorithm
snm-internalInternal snm functions.
summary.snmDisplay summary information for an snm object
svaEstimate surrogate variables with an iterative algorithm from...
Sage-Bionetworks/snm documentation built on May 9, 2019, 12:14 p.m.