
Defines functions stations2nc

Documented in stations2nc

#     Copyright (C) 2016 Santander Meteorology Group (http://www.meteo.unican.es)
#     This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#     (at your option) any later version.
#     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#     GNU General Public License for more details.
#     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#     along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#' @title Station data 2 netCDF export
#' @description Export a loadeR grid to NetCDF
#' @importFrom ncdf4 ncdim_def 
#' @importFrom ncdf4 ncvar_def 
#' @importFrom ncdf4 nc_create 
#' @importFrom ncdf4 ncatt_put 
#' @importFrom ncdf4 ncvar_put
#' @importFrom ncdf4 nc_close
#' @param data A grid data object coming from \code{\link[loadeR]{loadGridData}} or \code{\link[transformeR]{interpGrid}} 
#'  or the function \code{\link[loadeR.ECOMS]{loadECOMS}} of package \pkg{loadeR.ECOMS}. 
#' @param NetCDFOutFile Name of the file created by the function. (default to "out.nc4")
#' @param missval Missing value codification (default to 1e20)
#' @param globalAttributes Optional. A list of global attributes included in the NetCDF file. Same format as \code{varAttributes}.
#' @param varAttributes Optional. List of attributes to be included in the variable written in the NetCDF file. (NULL, default).
#' It has the format \code{list("name_of_attribute1" = attribute1, "name_of_attribute2" = attribute2} etc.
#' @param prec Precision to write the attribute. If not specified, the written precision is the same as the variable whose 
#' attribute this is. This can be overridden by specifying this argument with a value
#'  of \code{"short"}, \code{"float"}, \code{"double"}, or \code{"text"}.
#' @param compression If set to an integer between 1 (less compression) and 9 (highest compression), enables 
#' compression for the variable as it is written to the file. Turning compression on forces the 
#' output file to netcdf v4 format (the default), not compatible with older software 
#' that can only handle version 3 files. 
#' @param shuffle Logical. Turns on (\code{TRUE}) or off (\code{FALSE}, the default) the shuffle filter.
#'  According to netcdf documentation, turning the shuffle filter on can improve compression for integer variables.
#'   Turning the shuffle filter on forces the output file to netcdf v4 format (the default), 
#'   not compatible with older software that can only handle version 3 files. 
#' @param standardName Standard name of the variable.
#' @param verbose Optional. If set to \code{TRUE}, switches \code{\link[ncdf4]{nc_create}} to verbose mode
#' @return A NetCDF-4 file with the variable and attributes defined in the inputs.
#' @references
#' \itemize{
#' \item David Pierce \email{dpierce@@ucsd.edu}, Interface to Unidata netCDF (version 4 or earlier) format data files, http://dwpierce.com/software
#' }
#' @author S. Herrera, W. Franssen, J. Bedia and M. Iturbide
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' require(transformeR)
#' data("VALUE_Iberia_tas")
#' # Name of output file:
#' fileName <- "tas_VALUE_DJF_Iberia.nc4"
#' # Including a global attribute:
#' globalAttributeList <- list("institution" = "Santander MetGroup, http://www.meteo.unican.es/")
#' # Including two variable attributes:
#' varAttributeList <- list(var_attr1 = "one_attribute", var_attr2 = "another_attribute")
#' # Create file:
#' stations2nc(data = VALUE_Iberia_tas,
#'         NetCDFOutFile = fileName,
#'         missval = 1e20,
#'         prec = "float",
#'         globalAttributes = globalAttributeList,
#'         varAttributes = varAttributeList)
#' }

stations2nc <- function(data,
                        NetCDFOutFile = "out.nc4",
                        missval = 1e20,
                        globalAttributes = NULL,
                        varAttributes = NULL,
                        prec = "float",
                        compression = 4,
                        shuffle = FALSE,
                        standardName = NULL,
                        verbose = FALSE) {
  tmpStdName <- data$Variable$varName
  tmpUnits <- attributes(data$Variable)$"units"
  if (is.null(tmpUnits)) {tmpUnits <- ""}
  time.index <- grep("^time$", attr(data$Data, "dimensions"))
  loc.index <- grep("^loc$", attr(data$Data, "dimensions"))
  member.index <- grep("^member$", attr(data$Data, "dimensions"))
  var.index <- grep("^var$", attr(data$Data, "dimensions"))
  if (transformeR::isMultigrid(data)){
    startList <- data$Dates[[1]]$start
    startList <- data$Dates$start
  datesList <- as.POSIXct(startList, tz = "GMT", format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
  if (all(is.na(datesList))) datesList <- as.POSIXct(startList, tz = "GMT")
  times <- (as.double(datesList) - as.double(datesList[1])) / 86400
  dimtime <- ncdim_def("time", paste("days since", startList), times, unlim = FALSE, calendar = "gregorian", create_dimvar = TRUE)
  dimSta  <- ncdim_def("station", "", 1:length(data$Metadata$station_id), create_dimvar = FALSE)
  dimnchar <- ncdim_def("id_strlen", "", 1:max(nchar(data$Metadata$station_id)), create_dimvar=FALSE )
  nName <- suppressWarnings(tryCatch({ncdim_def("name_strlen", "", 1:max(nchar(data$Metadata$name)), create_dimvar=FALSE )}, error = function(e){NA}))
  nProj <- ncdim_def("projection_strlen", "", 1:1, create_dimvar=FALSE )
  if (length(member.index) > 0) {
    dimens  <- ncdim_def("member", units = "", 1:(dim(data$Data)[member.index]), create_dimvar = FALSE)
    dimnchar <- ncdim_def("nchar", "", 1:max(nchar(data$Members)), create_dimvar = FALSE)
    perOrdered <- c(loc.index, member.index, time.index)
    dimOrdered <- list(dimSta, dimens, dimtime)
  } else {
    perOrdered <- c(loc.index,time.index)
    dimOrdered <- list(dimSta,dimtime)
  if ((transformeR::isMultigrid(data)) & (var.index < min(perOrdered))){
    perOrdered <- c(loc.index, member.index, time.index) - 1
  varLon <- ncvar_def("lon", "degrees_east" , dim = list(dimSta), longname = "station longitude", prec = "double")
  varLat <- ncvar_def("lat", "degrees_north", dim = list(dimSta), longname = "station latitude",  prec = "double")
  varProj <- ncvar_def("projection", "", dim = list(nProj), prec = "char")
  varStation <- ncvar_def("station_id", "", dim = list(dimnchar, dimSta), longname = "station identifier", prec= "char")
  if (transformeR::isMultigrid(data)) {
    dataOrdered <- lapply(1:length(tmpStdName), function(v){
      data.var <- subsetGrid(data, var = tmpStdName[v])
      data.var <- aperm(data.var$Data, perOrdered)
    var <- lapply(1:length(tmpStdName), function(v){
      var.var <- ncvar_def(tmpStdName[v], units = tmpUnits[v], dim = dimOrdered, missval, compression = compression, shuffle = shuffle, prec = prec) 
  } else{
    dataOrdered <- aperm(data$Data, perOrdered)
    var <- ncvar_def(data$Variable$varName, units = tmpUnits, dim = dimOrdered, missval, compression = compression, shuffle = shuffle, prec = prec) 
  varHeight <- NULL
  varName <- NULL
  if(!is.null(data[["Metadata"]][["altitude"]])) varHeight <- ncvar_def("alt", "m", dim = list(dimSta), missval=NA, longname = "height", prec= "double")
  if(!is.null(data[["Metadata"]][["name"]])) varName <- ncvar_def("station_name", "", dim = list(nName, dimSta), longname = "station name", prec= "char")
  vars <- list(varLat, varLon, varStation, varName, varHeight, varProj) ##  ... , force_v4=FALSE
  if ((length(member.index) > 0)) {
    if (is.character(data$Members)){
      varMem <- ncvar_def("member", units = "", dim = list(dimnchar,dimens), prec = "char")
      varMem <- ncvar_def("member", units = "1", dim = list(dimens), prec = "int")
    vars[[length(vars)+1]] <- varMem
  if (!transformeR::isMultigrid(data)) {
    vars[[length(vars)+1]] <- var
  } else {
    for (v in c(1:length(tmpStdName))){
      vars[[length(vars)+1]] <- var[[v]]
  vars <- vars[unlist(lapply(vars, function(e) !is.null(e)))]
  ncnew <- nc_create(NetCDFOutFile, vars, verbose = verbose)
  if (!transformeR::isMultigrid(data)) {
    ncatt_put(ncnew, data$Variable$varName, "standard_name", standardName)
  } else {
    for (v in c(1:length(tmpStdName))){
      ncatt_put(ncnew, data$Variable$varName[[v]], "standard_name", standardName[v])
  ncatt_put(ncnew, "time", "standard_name","time")
  ncatt_put(ncnew, "time", "axis","T")
  ncatt_put(ncnew, "time", "_CoordinateAxisType","Time")
  ncatt_put(ncnew, "time", "_ChunkSize",1)
  ncatt_put(ncnew, "station_id", "cf_role","timeseries_id")
  ncatt_put(ncnew, "projection", "EPSG_code","EPSG:4326")
  ncatt_put(ncnew, "lon", "standard_name","longitude")
  ncatt_put(ncnew, "lat", "standard_name","latitude")
  if(!is.null(data[["Metadata"]][["altitude"]])) ncatt_put(ncnew, "alt", "standard_name","altitude")
  if(!is.null(data[["Metadata"]][["altitude"]])) ncatt_put(ncnew, "alt", "missing_value", NA, prec = "double")
  if (length(member.index) > 0) {
    ncatt_put(ncnew, "member", "standard_name","realization")
    ncatt_put(ncnew, "member", "_CoordinateAxisType","Ensemble")
    ncatt_put(ncnew, "member", "ref","http://www.uncertml.org/samples/realisation")
  if (!transformeR::isMultigrid(data)) {
    ncatt_put(ncnew, data$Variable$varName, "missing_value", missval, prec = prec)
    if (!is.null(varAttributes)) {
      sapply(1:length(varAttributes), function(x) ncatt_put(ncnew, var$name, names(varAttributes)[x], as.character(varAttributes[[x]])))
    ncatt_put(ncnew, var$name, "description", attr(data$Variable, "description"))
    ncatt_put(ncnew, var$name, "longname", attr(data$Variable, "longname"))
    ncatt_put(ncnew, var$name, "coordinates", "lat lon")
    z <- attributes(data$Variable$level)
    if (!is.null(z)) ncatt_put(ncnew, var$name, "level", z)
  } else {
    for (v in c(1:length(tmpStdName))){
      ncatt_put(ncnew, data$Variable$varName[[v]], "missing_value", missval, prec = prec)
      if (!is.null(varAttributes)) {
        sapply(1:length(varAttributes), function(x) ncatt_put(ncnew, var[[v]]$name, names(varAttributes)[x], as.character(varAttributes[[x]])))
      ncatt_put(ncnew, var[[v]]$name, "description", attr(data$Variable, "description")[[v]])
      ncatt_put(ncnew, var[[v]]$name, "longname", attr(data$Variable, "longname")[[v]])
      ncatt_put(ncnew, var[[v]]$name, "coordinates", "lat lon")
      z <- attributes(data$Variable$level[v])
      if (!is.null(z)) ncatt_put(ncnew, var[[v]]$name, "level", z)
  if (!is.null(globalAttributes)) {
    sapply(1:length(globalAttributes), function(x) ncatt_put(ncnew, 0, names(globalAttributes)[x], as.character(globalAttributes[[x]])))
  # Bias-corrected products
  if (length(attr(data$Variable, "correction")) > 0) {
    ncatt_put(ncnew, 0, "product", "Bias-Correction")
    ncatt_put(ncnew, 0, "bc_method", attr(data$Variable, "correction"))
  # Downscaled products
  if (length(attr(data$Variable, "downscaling:method")) > 0) {
    ncatt_put(ncnew, 0, "product", "Downscaling")
    ncatt_put(ncnew, 0, "downscaling_method", attr(data$Variable, "downscaling:method"))
  if (length(attr(data$Variable, "dataset")) > 0) {
    ncatt_put(ncnew, 0, "dataset", attr(data$Variable, "dataset"))
  if (length(attr(data, "source")) > 0) {
    ncatt_put(ncnew, 0, "source", attr(data, "source"))
  ncatt_put(ncnew, 0, "Origin", "NetCDF file created by loadeR.2nc: https://github.com/SantanderMetGroup/loadeR.2nc")
  ncatt_put(ncnew, 0, "Conventions", "CF-1.4")
  ncatt_put(ncnew, 0, "coordinates", "projection")
  ncatt_put(ncnew, 0, "featureType", "timeSeries")
  if  (!transformeR::isMultigrid(data)) {
    ncvar_put(ncnew, var, dataOrdered)
    ncvar_put(ncnew, varStation, data$Metadata$station_id)
    if(!is.null(data[["Metadata"]][["name"]])) ncvar_put(ncnew, varName, data$Metadata$name)
    if(!is.null(data[["Metadata"]][["altitude"]])) ncvar_put(ncnew, varHeight, data$Metadata$altitude)
  } else  {
    for (v in c(1:length(tmpStdName))){
      ncvar_put(ncnew, var[[v]], dataOrdered[[v]])
      ncvar_put(ncnew, varStation, data$Metadata$station_id)
      if(!is.null(data[["Metadata"]][["name"]])) ncvar_put(ncnew, varName, data$Metadata$name)
      if(!is.null(data[["Metadata"]][["altitude"]])) ncvar_put(ncnew, varHeight, data$Metadata$altitude)
  ncvar_put(ncnew, varLon, data$xyCoords$x)
  ncvar_put(ncnew, varLat, data$xyCoords$y)
  if ((length(member.index) > 0) &  (is.character(data$Members))) {
    ncvar_put(ncnew, varMem, data$Members)
  message("[", Sys.time(), "] NetCDF file written in: ", NetCDFOutFile)

SantanderMetGroup/loadeR.2nc documentation built on July 4, 2023, 4:28 a.m.