Defines functions loadECOMS

Documented in loadECOMS

#     loadECOMS.R Load harmonized spatio-temporal slices from ECOMS-UDG datasets
#     Copyright (C) 2018 Santander Meteorology Group (http://www.meteo.unican.es)
#     This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#     (at your option) any later version.
#     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#     GNU General Public License for more details.
#     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#     along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#' @title Load a field from decadal forecasts
#' @description Load a user-defined spatio-temporal slice from decadal forecasts
#' @import rJava
#' @template templateParams
#' @param members Vector of integers indicating the members to be loaded.
#' @param time A character vector indicating the temporal filtering/aggregation 
#' of the output data. Default to \code{"none"}, which returns the original time 
#' series as stored in the dataset. For sub-daily variables, instantantaneous data at 
#' selected verification times can be filtered using one of the character strings 
#' \code{"00"}, \code{"03"}, \code{"06"}, \code{"09"}, \code{"12"}, \code{"15"},
#'  \code{"18"}, \code{"21"},and \code{"00"} when applicable. If daily aggregated data are 
#' required use \code{"DD"}. If the requested variable is static (e.g. orography) it will be ignored. 
#' See the next arguments for time aggregation options.
#' @param aggr.d Character string. Function of aggregation of sub-daily data for daily data calculation. 
#' Currently accepted values are \code{"none"}, \code{"mean"}, \code{"min"}, \code{"max"} and \code{"sum"}.
#' @param aggr.m Same as \code{aggr.d}, bun indicating the aggregation function to compute monthly from daily data.
#' If \code{aggr.m = "none"} (the default), no monthly aggregation is undertaken.
#' @template templateReturnGridData
#' @template templateDicDetails  
#' @template templateGeolocation
#' @export
#' @author J. Bedia, S. Herrera, M. Iturbide, J.M. Gutierrez 
#' @family loading.grid

loadECOMS <- function(dataset, var, dictionary = TRUE, 
                      members = NULL, lonLim = NULL, latLim = NULL,
                      season = NULL, url = NULL,
                      years = NULL, leadMonth = 1, time = "none",
                      aggr.d = "none", aggr.m = "none",
                      threshold = NULL, condition = NULL) {
  dataset <- match.arg(dataset, c("System4_seasonal_15",
  time <- match.arg(time, choices = c("none","00","03","06","09","12","15","18","21","DD"))
  aggr.d <- match.arg(aggr.d, choices = c("none", "mean", "min", "max", "sum"))
  if (time != "DD" & aggr.d != "none") {
    aggr.d <- "none"
    message("NOTE: Argument 'aggr.d' ignored as 'time' was set to ", time)
  aggr.m <- match.arg(aggr.m, choices = c("none", "mean", "min", "max", "sum"))
  if (var == "tp") {
    warning("The use of the \"tp\" variable name is deprecated. Use \"pr\" instead ('tp' usage is temporarily maintained for backwards compatibility)")
    if (dataset == "WFDEI") var <- "pr"
  derInterface <- deriveInterface(dataset, var, dictionary, time)
  var <- derInterface$leadVar
  aux.level <- findVerticalLevel(derInterface$leadVar)
  var <- aux.level$var
  level <- aux.level$level
  # Redirecting to monthly datasets when appropriate
  if (dataset == "System4_seasonal_51") {
    if ((var == "psl" & time == "DD" & aggr.d == "mean" & aggr.m == "mean") |
          (var == "tas" & aggr.m == "mean") |
          (var == "tp" & aggr.m == "sum")) {
      message("NOTE: Accesing the monthly dataset")
      dataset <- "System4_seasonal_51_monthly"
  if (dataset == "CFSv2_seasonal_monthly") {
    if (time != "none" | aggr.d != "none" | aggr.m != "none") {
      message("NOTE: Accesing a monthly dataset (one or more temporal aggregation parameters will be ignored)")
  if (dataset == "CFSv2_seasonal") {
    if ((var == "tas" & time == "DD" & aggr.d == "mean" & aggr.m == "mean") |
          (var == "tasmin" & time == "DD" & aggr.d == "min" & aggr.m == "mean") |  
          (var == "tasmax" & time == "DD" & aggr.d == "max" & aggr.m == "mean") |
          (var == "pr" & time == "DD" & aggr.d == "sum" & aggr.m == "sum") |
          (var == "ps" & time == "DD" & aggr.d == "mean" & aggr.m == "mean") |
          (var == "huss" & time == "DD" & aggr.d == "mean" & aggr.m == "mean") |
          (var == "uas" & time == "DD" & aggr.d == "mean" & aggr.m == "mean") |
          (var == "vas" & time == "DD" & aggr.d == "mean" & aggr.m == "mean")) {
      dataset <- "CFSv2_seasonal_monthly"
      time <- aggr.d <- aggr.m <- "none"
      message("NOTE: Redirected to 'CFSv2_seasonal_monthly' dataset for faster access\n(see the catalog for details: <http://meteo.unican.es/ecoms-udg/dataserver/catalog>)")
  url <- if (is.null(url)) {
  } else {
    list("URL" = url, "excludeVars" = NULL)
  # Dictionary/shortName search
  if (is.character(dictionary)) {
    dicPath <- file.path(dictionary, paste0(dataset, ".dic"))
    dictionary <- TRUE
    dic <- dictionaryLookup.ECOMS(dicPath, derInterface, time)
    shortName <- dic$short_name
  } else {
    if (isTRUE(dictionary)) {
      dicPath <- file.path(find.package("loadeR.ECOMS"), "dictionaries", paste0(dataset, ".dic"))
      ## for devel only 
      # dicPath <- file.path("./inst/dictionaries", paste(dataset, ".dic", sep = ""))
      dic <- dictionaryLookup.ECOMS(dicPath, derInterface, time)
      shortName <- dic$short_name
      if ((dataset == "System4_seasonal_15") & grepl("^u$|^v$|^z$|^t$|^q$", shortName)) {
        shortName <- paste0(dic$short_name, level, "mb")
      } else if ((dataset == "ERA_interim") & grepl("^U$|^V$|^Z$|^T$|^Q$", shortName)) {
        shortName <- paste0(dic$short_name, level)
      } else if ((dataset == "CFSv2_seasonal") & grepl("^ua$|^va$|^zg$|^ta$", shortName)) {
        shortName <- paste0(dic$short_name, level)
    } else {
      dic <- NULL
      shortName <- var
  # Static variable requests
  if (dic$time_step == "static") {
    message("NOTE: The requested variable is static. All time-related arguments will be ignored")
    leadMonth <- 1
    season <- 6
    years <- 2000
    time <- "none"
    aggr.d <- "none"
    aggr.m <- "none"
  } else {
    if (is.null(season)) {
      stop("Argument 'season' must be provided")
    if (min(season) < 1 | max(season) > 12) {
      stop("Invalid season definition")
  # Exception in NCEP due to different grids within the same dataset
  if (dataset == "NCEP_reanalysis1") {
    if (length(lonLim) == 1 || length(latLim) == 1) {
      stop("Single-point selections are invalid for the NCEP_reanalysis1 dataset\nConsider using a small rectangular domain", call. = FALSE)
  # Note when loading gridded datasets
  if (grepl("WFDEI|NCEP_reanalysis1|ERA_interim", dataset) & !is.null(members)) {
    message("NOTE: The dataset is not a forecast. Argument 'members' will be ignored")      
  # Discover dataset and open grid
  gds <- openDataset(url$URL)
  grid <- gds$findGridByShortName(shortName)
  if (is.null(grid)) {
    stop("Variable requested not found\nCheck available variables at http://meteo.unican.es/ecoms-udg/dataserver/catalog", call. = FALSE)
  latLon <- getLatLonDomain(grid, lonLim, latLim)
  proj <- grid$getCoordinateSystem()$getProjection()
  if (!proj$isLatLon()) latLon <- adjustRCMgrid(gds, latLon, lonLim, latLim) 
  # Grid datasets
  if (grepl("WFDEI|NCEP_reanalysis1|ERA_interim", dataset)) {
    out <- switch(derInterface$deriveInterface,
                  none = loadGridDataset(var, grid, dic, level, season, years, members, time, latLon, aggr.d, aggr.m,
                                         threshold, condition),
                  deriveTotalPrecipitation = deriveTotalPrecipitation(gds, grid, dic, level, season, years, time, latLon, aggr.d, aggr.m))
    # Forecasts
  } else {
    if (dic$time_step == "static") {
      members <- 1
    if (!is.null(members)) {
      members <- sort(members)
    if (is.null(leadMonth) & dic$time_step != "static") {
      stop("A lead month for forecast initialization must be specified", call. = FALSE)
    if (leadMonth < 0 & dic$time_step != "static") {
      stop("Invalid lead time definition", call. = FALSE)
    if (leadMonth == 0 & dic$time_step != "static") {
      message("NOTE: 'leadMonth = 0' selected")
    # Season range constraints
    if (dic$time_step != "static") {
      if (grepl("CFSv2", dataset) & (length(season) + leadMonth) > 9) {
        stop("Max. forecast extent is 9 months. Reduce season length or lead month value accordingly", call. = FALSE)            
      } else if (grepl("System4_seasonal", dataset) & (length(season) + leadMonth) > 7) {
        stop("Max. forecast extent is 7 months. Reduce season length or lead month value accordingly", call. = FALSE)            
      } else if (grepl("Glosea5.*12", dataset) & (length(season) + leadMonth) > 4) {
        stop("Max. forecast extent is 130 days. Reduce season length or lead month value accordingly", call. = FALSE)            
      } else if (grepl("Glosea5.*24", dataset) & (length(season) + leadMonth) > 4) {
        stop("Max. forecast extent is 120 days. Reduce season length or lead month value accordingly", call. = FALSE)            
      } else if (grepl("System4_annual", dataset) & (length(season) + leadMonth) > 13) {
        stop("Max. forecast extent is 13 months. Reduce season length or lead month value accordingly", call. = FALSE)            
      } else if (grepl("SMHI-EC-EARTH_EUPORIAS", dataset) & (length(season) + leadMonth) > 4) {
        stop("Max. forecast extent is 4 months. Reduce season length or lead month value accordingly", call. = FALSE)            
    leadMonth <- as.integer(leadMonth)
    runTimePars <- getRunTimeDomain.ECOMS(dataset, grid, members, season, years, leadMonth)
    out <- if (grepl("^System4|SMHI-EC-EARTH_EUPORIAS", dataset)) {
      loadSeasonalForecast.S4(dataset, gds, var, grid, dic, members, latLon, runTimePars, time, level, aggr.d, aggr.m, derInterface)
    } else if (grepl("CFSv2", dataset)) {
      loadSeasonalForecast.CFS(var, gds, grid, dic, latLon, runTimePars, time, level, aggr.d, aggr.m, derInterface, dataset)
    } else if (grepl("Glosea", dataset)) {
      loadSeasonalForecast.GS5(var, gds, grid, dic, latLon, runTimePars, time, level, aggr.d, aggr.m, derInterface)                                    
    if (derInterface$deriveInterface != "none") {
      out$Variable$varName <- derInterface$origVar
  message("[", Sys.time(), "]", " Done")
  attr(out$xyCoords, "projection") <- "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +towgs84=0,0,0"
  attr(out, "resX") <- (tail(out$xyCoords$x, 1) - out$xyCoords$x[1]) / (length(out$xyCoords$x) - 1)
  attr(out, "resY") <- (tail(out$xyCoords$y, 1) - out$xyCoords$y[1]) / (length(out$xyCoords$y) - 1)
  if ("lon" %in% names(out$xyCoords)) {
    attr(out, "resLON") <- NA 
    attr(out, "resLAT") <- NA
  # Dimension ordering
  x <- attr(out$Data, "dimensions")
  if (length(x) > 1) {
    tab <- c("member", "time", "level", "lat", "lon")
    b <- na.exclude(match(tab, x))
    dimNames <- attr(out$Data, "dimensions")[b]
    out$Data <- aperm(out$Data, perm = b)    
    attr(out$Data, "dimensions")  <- dimNames
  # Source Dataset and other metadata 
  if ("member" %in% attr(out$Data, "dimensions")) {
    attr(out$Variable, "initMonth") <- season[1] - leadMonth
  attr(out, "dataset") <- dataset
  attr(out, "source") <- "ECOMS User Data Gateway" 
  attr(out, "URL") <- "<http://meteo.unican.es/ecoms-udg>"
  attr(out, "R_package_desc") <- paste0("loadeR.ECOMS-v", packageVersion("loadeR.ECOMS"))
  attr(out, "R_package_URL") <- "https://github.com/SantanderMetGroup/loadeR"
  attr(out, "R_package_ref") <- "http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cliser.2017.07.001"
# End
SantanderMetGroup/loadeR.ECOMS documentation built on July 4, 2023, 4:29 a.m.