Man pages for SchlossLab/mothuR
Schloss Lab Tools for Reproducible Microbiome Research

calc_relabunCalculate OTU relative abundances from a shared file
close_enoughCheck whether two numeric vectors are close enough
format_numberFormat human-readable numbers.
get_wildcards_tblGet the Snakemake wildcards as a tibble
inline_hookInline hook for knitr to paste human-readable numbers and...
is_nearly_wholeChecks whether a number is near to a whole number
is_nondescCheck whether all elements given are sorted in non-descending...
load_depsInstall & load packages
log_snakemakeSave output, messages, warnings, and errors to the Snakemake...
parse_taxConvert taxonomy strings into dataframe of labels based on...
paste_oxford_listCreate a prose string from a list or vector
pool_taxon_countsPool OTU counts at a particular taxonomic level
read_distRead in lower left triangular matrix from file
read_taxRead in a taxonomy file and parse it to a wide dataframe
reexportsdplyr pipe
schtools-packageschtools: Schloss Lab Tools for Reproducible Microbiome...
set_knitr_optsSet knitr chunk options & inline hook
theme_lucasSarah's go-to theme for ggplot2
theme_sovacoolKelly's go-to theme for ggplot2
SchlossLab/mothuR documentation built on Aug. 29, 2023, 1:32 a.m.