## color_fun.R | gsgb
## SGB | 08.04.2020
## ---------------------------
## Utility functions to access and plot color palettes.
## 1. General functions: -------
# col2rgb in grDevices: ------
## Check:
# col2rgb("black", alpha = FALSE)
# col2rgb("black", alpha = TRUE)
# col2rgb("black")
# col2rgb("white", alpha = FALSE)
# col2rgb("white", alpha = TRUE)
# col2rgb("#FFFFFF")
# rgb2hex color conversion function: ------
rgb2hex <- function(R, G, B) {
grDevices::rgb(R, G, B, maxColorValue = 255)
## Check:
# rgb2hex(255, 255, 255)
# rgb2hex(0, 0, 0)
# col2hex color conversion function: ------
col2hex <- function(col, alpha = alpha) {
grDevices::rgb(t(grDevices::col2rgb(col)), alpha = alpha, maxColorValue = 255)
## Check:
# hex1 <- col2hex("black", alpha = 255/2)
# hex2 <- col2hex("white", alpha = 255/2)
# hex3 <- col2hex("gold", alpha = 255/2)
# hex4 <- col2hex("steelblue", alpha = 255/2)
# seecol(pal = c(hex1, hex2, hex3, hex4), n = "all")
# isHexCol: Helper function to detect HEX-colors: ------
isHexCol <- function(color) {
return(grepl(pattern = "^#[0-9A-Fa-f]{6,}", color))
## Check:
# isHexCol("black")
# isHexCol(col2hex("black"))
# isHexCol(rgb2hex(0, 0, 0))
# isCol: Helper function to detect any color (in an individual character string): ------
isCol <- function(color) {
return(isHexCol(color) | color %in% grDevices::colors())
## Check:
# isCol("white")
# isCol(col2hex("black", alpha = 255/2))
# isCol(NA)
# isCol("bumblebee")
# BUT note:
# isCol(col2rgb("white")) # => FALSE FALSE FALSE
## 2. Color getting functions: ------
# parse_pal(): Parse a palette input -----------
parse_pal <- function(pal) {
parenv <- parent.frame() # get the calling environment.
## Check if pal is legible (already a color palette):
vector_input <- tryCatch(all(sapply(pal, isCol)),
error = function(e) return(FALSE), # return FALSE if not all are colors.
silent = TRUE)
if (vector_input) {
out <- pal
} else {
## Deparse the argument:
if (identical(parenv, globalenv()) ) { # if the calling environment is the global env:
tmp <- noquote(deparse(substitute(pal))) # get the palette.
} else {
tmp <- noquote(deparse(substitute(expr = pal, env = parent.frame()))) # get input from function.
tmp <- noquote(tmp) # unquote input.
## Split the input string; getting everything within the parentheses:
if ( grepl("\\(", tmp) ) { # only if any parenthesis exists.
tmp <- sub(".*?\\(+(.*)\\).*", "\\1", tmp, perl=TRUE)
# .\*? matches anything but stops at the first match of what follows
# \\s+ matches one or more blank spaces
# (.\*) matches any number of characters, because it is in parentheses
# it becomes a capture group and is stored in the variable \1
# \\s waits for another blank, this time, the last one
# .* matches anything after the last blank
elem <- gsub(" |\"", "", unlist(strsplit(tmp, split = ",")))
# Split get elements of the input at ',' and remove whitespace and quotes.
## Check, whether any element is warpped in one or more functions:
parens <- grepl("\\(", elem) # are there any parentheses left?
funs <- rep(NA, length(elem)) # initialize vector.
funs[parens] <- gsub(" *\\(.*", "", elem[parens]) # get any functions.
## Now remove the functions:
elem <- sub(".*?\\(+(.*)\\).*", "\\1", elem, perl = TRUE)
# Existence checks: ------------
## Now ask for every element, whether it exists:
elemex <- sapply(elem, exists)
if (any(!elemex)) { # only if not all inputs have been resolved
## Those which are still unknown: are those colors?
elemex[!elemex] <- sapply(elem[!elemex], isCol)
## Prefix those which do not exist with "pal_
if (any(!elemex)) { # only if not all inputs have been resolved
elem[!elemex] <- paste0("pal_", elem[!elemex])
elemex[!elemex] <- sapply(elem[!elemex], exists)
# Handle undefined palettes:
if (!all(elemex)) {
nex <- gsub("pal_", "", elem[!elemex]) # remove any "pal_" string parts.
if (length(nex) > 1) {
errmsg <- paste0("Inputs ", paste0("\"", nex, "\"", collapse = ", "), " do not exist")
} else {
errmsg <- paste0("Input \"", nex, "\" does not exist")
# Get all palettes:
out <- lapply(elem, function(x) if( isCol(x) ) x else get(x) )
# Apply any previously detected functions:
if (any(!is.na(funs)) ) {
out[!is.na(funs)] <- apply(rbind(out, funs), MARGIN = 2, FUN = function(x) {
if(!is.na(x$funs)) eval(call(x$funs, x$out)) # apply function to all non-NA elements.
# Create the output:
out <- unname(out) # finish the palette by removing upper level (palette) names.
out <- unlist(out)
# Provide missing names, by using the color:
ix_nameless <- is.null(names(out)) | names(out) == ""
names(out)[ix_nameless] <- out[ix_nameless]
# Return elements:
# getpal_key(): Get a palette or list of palettes by keyword: -------
getpal_key <- function(pal = "all", n = "all", alpha = NA) {
## 1. Process the 'pal' argument: ------------------------
## 1.1 Getting by keyword: -----
keys <- c("all", "sgb_all", "all_sgb", # all palettes
"basic", "sgb_basic", "basic_sgb", # the basic palettes.
"pair", "all_pair", "pair_all", # all paired palettes.
"pref", "pref_all", "all_pref", # the preferred palettes and gradients.
"grad", "grad_all", "all_grad" # the gradients.
# Throw an error, if no valid keyword is specified:
if (!pal %in% keys) {
stop('Invalid keyword specified. Allowed keywords are
c("all", "sgb_all", "all_sgb", "pref_all", "all_pref", "grad_all", "all_grad")')
} else {
if (pal %in% keys[1:3]) key <- "all"
if (pal %in% keys [4:6]) key <- "basic"
if (pal %in% keys[7:9]) key <- "pair"
if (pal %in% keys[10:12]) key <- "pref"
if (pal %in% keys[13:15]) key <- "grad"
# Get all color palettes with the prefix "pal_" from the environment.
# Distinguish between 5 cases: -----
pal_names <- switch(
all = all_palsgb,
basic = all_palsgb_basic,
pair = all_palsgb_pair,
pref = all_palsgb_pref,
grad = all_palsgb_grad
# Get list of palettes specified by keyword:
lst_pal <- sapply(pal_names, get)
# Indicator, whether these are actually color palettes:
is_pal <- lapply(
FUN = function(x) {
if (all(isHexCol(color = x))) {
is_color <- TRUE
} else {
is_color <- FALSE
return(all(is_color)) # are all entries colors?
# Remove all non-colors:
tmp <- lst_pal[unlist(is_pal)]
# Check if palette is non-empty:
if (length(tmp) == 0) {
stop("No color palettes defined in the current environment.")
## If only color subsets should be displayed:
if (n != "all" ) {
# Get the subset of each palette , as defined in usecol():
out <- lapply(tmp, FUN = usecol, n = n, alpha = alpha, use_names = TRUE)
} else {
if ( !is.na(alpha) ) {
out <- lapply(tmp, FUN = grDevices::adjustcolor, alpha.f = alpha) # adjust for alpha if specified.
} else {
out <- tmp # if n is specified return list as is.
pal_nm <- names(out) # get palette names from listnames.
## 3. Plotting functions: ------
# plot_shape: Plot a shape in a certain color: ------
plot_shape <- function(pos_x, pos_y, # midpoint of the rectangle.
col_fill, # color for filling.
col_brd = NA,
xlen = 1, ylen = 1, # height of the axis lengths.
shape = "rect", # shape parameter.
...) { # graphics parameters (e.g., lwd)
## Prepare inpust for vectorized solution? -----
len_max <- max(c(length(pos_y), length(pos_x))) # get length of longer position vector.
# Recycle all vectors to length of longest vector:
pos_x <- rep(pos_x, length.out = len_max)
pos_y <- rep(pos_y, length.out = len_max)
xlen <- rep(xlen, length.out = len_max)
ylen <- rep(ylen, length.out = len_max)
## For rectangular shape: -----
if (shape == "rect") {
graphics::symbols(x = pos_x, y = pos_y, rectangles = cbind(xlen, ylen),
add = TRUE,
inches = FALSE, # use unit on x axis
fg = col_brd, # line color
bg = col_fill, # filling
... # graphics parameters (e.g., lwd)
## For circles: -----
if (shape == "circle") {
graphics::symbols(x = pos_x, y = pos_y, circles = xlen/2, # only uses xlen!
add = TRUE,
inches = FALSE, # use unit on x axis
fg = col_brd, # line color
bg = col_fill, # filling
... # graphics parameters (e.g., lwd)
# plot_col: Plot a vector of colors as circles or rectangles: -------
plot_col <- function(x, # a *vector* of colors to be plotted.
ypos = 1, # position on y axis.
shape = "rect",
xlen = 1, ylen = 1,
distance = 0, # distance of shapes (to be taken from size).
plot.new = TRUE, # TODO: Set to false once done!
...) { # graphics parameters (e.g., lwd)
## 1. Control inputs: -------------------------------------
## Get key parameters:
len_x <- length(x)
# Should a new plot be created?
if (plot.new) {
if (distance > 0) {
xlim <- c(0 - distance * len_x, len_x * (1 + distance))
} else {
xlim <- c(0, len_x)
graphics::plot(x = 0, type = "n", xlim = xlim, ylim = c(0, 2)) # create an empty plot.
} else {
# Check, whether a graphic device is available:
if (grDevices::dev.cur() == 1) {
stop("No graphic device to be plotted on. Please open a plot or set plot.new to 'TRUE'.")
## 2. Calculate position parameters: ------------------------
# Define positions of shape centers:
pos_x <- 1:len_x - 0.5
# change the distances:
mid <- mean(pos_x) # get midpoint.
add <- cumsum(rep(distance, sum(pos_x < mid))) # values to be added to the first half.
sub <- add * (-1) # values to be subtracted from the second half.
pos_x <- pos_x + if(len_x %% 2 == 0) c(rev(sub), add) else # for even numbers no center position needed.
c(rev(sub), 0, add) # include the middle for uneven numbers.
## 3. Plot all shapes: --------------------------------------
ypos <- rep(ypos, length.out = len_x) # length out ypos to the length of x.
xlen <- rep(xlen, length.out = len_x)
ylen <- rep(ylen, length.out = len_x)
## Plotting:
plot_shape(pos_x = pos_x, # x positions of the shapes.
pos_y = ypos, # position in y dimension (given).
xlen = xlen, ylen = ylen, # length of the axes.
col_fill = unlist(x), # filling color.
shape = shape, # shape parameter.
... # graphics parameters (e.g., lwd)
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