
interactivebarcodeplot <- function(stats, genes, index=TRUE, index2=NULL, gene.weights=NULL, 
                              weights.label="Weight", labels=c("Up", "Down"), quantiles=c(-1, 1), 
                              stat.name="Statistic", annotation=NULL, worm=FALSE, span.worm=0.45,
                              dir=NULL, launch=TRUE, main=NULL) {
  # Check for errors
  if (length(stats) != length(genes)) {
    stop("stats argument has different length to genes argument")
  if (!is.numeric(stats)) {
    stop("stats argument must be numeric vector")

  if (!is.character(genes) && !is.factor(genes)) {
    stop("genes argument must be a factor or character vector")

  if (any(is.na(index))) {
    stop("index argument cannot contain NAs")

  if (is.logical(index)) {
    if (!all(index)) {
      stop("at least one element must be selected in index")  
    if (length(index) != length(stats)) {
      stop("index argument must have same length as stats argment")

  if (!is.numeric(index) && !is.logical(index)) {
    stop("index argument must be numeric or logical vector")

  if (quantiles[1] > quantiles[2]) {
    stop("first element of quantiles cannot be greater than second element")

  # Process input
  # If no output directory is provided, set to current working directory
  if (is.null(dir)) {
    dir <- getwd()

  # Create dataframe out of input
  data <- data.frame(stat=stats, Gene=quotify(genes))

  if (!is.null(annotation)) {
    if (nrow(data) != nrow(annotation)) {
    data <- cbind(data, annotation)

  # Transform dataframe into json notation
  coln <- paste(quotify(colnames(data)), ":", sep="")
  temp <- t(apply(data, 1, function (x) { paste(coln, x) }))
  temp <- apply(temp, 1, function(x) { paste("{", paste(x, collapse=", "), "}", sep="") })

  json <- paste("[", paste(temp, collapse=", "), "]", sep="")

  # Generate quantile data
  sorted.stats <- sort(stats, decreasing=TRUE)
  lowq <- length(stats) - sum(sorted.stats < quantiles[1])
  upq <- sum(sorted.stats > quantiles[2])
  # Offset by -1 to match javascript indexing
  quantiles.data <- arrayify(paste(c(upq, lowq) - 1, collapse=","))

  # Create directory for 
  if (substr(dir, nchar(dir), nchar(dir)) == "/") {
    path <- paste0(dir, "bacode_data.js")
  } else {
    path <- paste0(dir, "/barcode_data.js")

  # Locate files in package library
  page.path <- system.file("report_page", package="Glimma")
  files <- paste(page.path, c("barcode_plot.js", "barcode_plot.html", "plot_styles.css", "barcode_styles.css", "utilities.js", "js", "css"), sep="/")

  # Make report page directory and copy over data
  if (substr(dir, nchar(dir), nchar(dir)) == "/") {
    dir.create(paste(dir, "report_page", sep=""), showWarnings=FALSE)
    report.path <- paste(dir, "report_page", sep="")
  } else {
    dir.create(paste(dir, "report_page", sep="/"), showWarnings=FALSE)
    report.path <- paste(dir, "report_page", sep="/")
  file.copy(from=files, to=report.path, recursive=TRUE)

  data.filename <- paste(report.path, "/barcode_data.js", sep="")

  # Offset index values by -1 to match javascript indexing
  # This method works in both numeric and logical vector indices compared to index - 1
  selection <- arrayify(paste(match((1:(length(stats)))[index], order(stats, decreasing=TRUE)) - 1, collapse=","))

  stat.name <- quotify(stat.name)

  # Generate worm data if required
  if (worm) {
    # Set javascript flag
    wantWorm <- "true"

    # Calculate worm coordinates
    avg.enrich1 <- length()

    worm1 <- tricubeMovingAverage(index, span = span.worm)/avg.enrich1
  } else {
    # Set javascript flag
    wantWorm <- "false"

  plot.labels <- arrayify(paste(quotify(labels), collapse=","))

  plot.title <- quotify(main)

  # Output
  # Write data out to file
  printJsonToFile(c(json, selection, quantiles.data, stat.name, plot.labels, wantWorm, plot.title), filename=data.filename, 
                  varname=c("dataBarcode", "barcodeSubset", "barcodeQuantiles", "barcodeStatName", "barcodeLabels", "wantWorm", "pageTitle"))
  # Launch web page if requested
  if (launch) {
    browseURL(paste(report.path, "/barcode_plot.html", sep=""))
Shians/Glimma-deprecated documentation built on May 9, 2019, 1:26 p.m.