#' Fit the Marchenko-Pastur distribution
#' This function takes a data matrix as input and out puts the parameters asscociated to the MP distribution.
#' @param expr a data matrix with cells in the columns and genes in the rows, preferably standardized gene-wise
#' @param sample TRUE/FALSE, if the parameters should be estimated by random sampling or not, default is FALSE
#' @param cor TRUE/FALSE, if the svd should be calculated on the correlation matrix or not (covariance matrix), default is TRUE
#' @param nu the number of gene singular vectors to calculate in the process (the more, the more time expansive), default is 50
#' @param p.val the p-value to be used in the test of normality for the singular vectors, default is 0.01
#' @return A MP object:
#' \itemize{
#' \item eigen: eigenvalues and vectors of the cell-cell correlation matrix
#' \item maxEigen: maximum eigenvalue of the MP distribution
#' \item minEigen: minimum eigenvalue of the MP distribution
#' \item sig_vectors: singular vectors that lie significantly above the MP distribution
#' \item M: the number of genes
#' \item N: the number of cells
#' \item svd: the singular value decomposition
#' \item genes.used: genes that have been used for the calculation of the MP distribution
#' \item p.value_mp_fit: p-value for the similarity of a MP distribution to the eigenvalues found as noise
#' \item transcriptome_mode: the index of the transcriptome mode
#' \item input_parameters: the inputs to the function
#' }
#' @importFrom stats quantile shapiro.test cor ks.test
#' @importFrom utils tail
#' @importFrom RMTstat rmp
#' @examples
#' library(splatter)
#' data("splatO")
#' expr <- counts(splatO)
#' expr <- expr[rowSums(expr)>0,]
#' #Normalize and log-transform the data
#' expr.norm <- t(t(expr)/colSums(expr))*10000
#' expr.norm.log <- log(expr.norm + 1)
#' expr.scale <- t(scale(t(expr.norm.log)))
#' L <- fit_mp(expr.scale)
#' @export
fit_mp <- function(expr, sample = FALSE, cor = TRUE, nu = 50, p.val = 0.01){
N <- ncol(expr)
p.val.thres <- p.val
cat("Calculating svd ...", "\n")
svd.expr <- svd(scale(expr, scale = TRUE), nv = N, nu = nu)
svd.expr <- svd(scale(expr, scale = FALSE), nv = N, nu = nu)
M <- nrow(expr)
s <- list()
s[["values"]] <- c((svd.expr$d^2)/(M-1), rep(0, N-length(svd.expr$d)))
s[["vectors"]] <- svd.expr$v
s[["scores"]] <- svd.expr$u
ind <- order(s$values)
eigvals <- s$values[ind]
V <- s$vectors[,ind]
sigma <- 1 - (max(s$values)/sum(s$values))
#cat("Scaled by: ", sigma, "\n")
Q <- M/N
#Maximum eigenval
RMTmaxEig <- (mean(s$values))*sigma*(1 + (1/Q) + 2*sqrt(1/Q))
RMTminEig <- (mean(s$values))*sigma*(1 + (1/Q) - 2*sqrt(1/Q))
out <- unlist(lapply(1:20, function(x) random_sampling(expr)))
RMTmaxEig <- quantile(out[grep("max", names(out))], prob = 0.99)
RMTminEig <- quantile(out[grep("min", names(out))], prob = 0.01)
tw <- tracy_widom(N, M)
#Minimum eigenval
RMTminIndex <- which(eigvals < RMTminEig)
RMTminIndex <- tail(RMTminIndex, 1)
#Calculating transcriptome mode
transcriptome_mode <- which(colSums(V>0) == 0 | colSums(V<0) == 0)
cat("Market Mode: ", N + 1 - transcriptome_mode, "\n")
#Calculating p-value
if(N > 50){
r2 <- s$values[ !(colSums(V>0) == 0 | colSums(V<0) == 0) & s$values <= RMTmaxEig]
r <- sigma*rmp(1000, ndf = M, pdim = N)
p.val.mp <- ks.test(r, r2)$p.value
p.val.mp <- NA
#Critical eigenvalue
RMTmaxIndex <- which(eigvals > tw)
if (isEmpty(RMTmaxIndex)){
out <- list(eigen = s, maxEigen = RMTmaxEig, minEigen = RMTminEig, sig_vectors = c(),
M = M, N = N, svd = svd.expr, genes.used = rownames(expr), p.value_mp_fit = p.val.mp, transcriptome_mode = transcriptome_mode,
input_parameters = list(sample = sample, cor = cor, expr = expr))
RMTmaxIndex <- RMTmaxIndex[1]}
#Check loacalisation of eigenvectors above Marchenko-Pastur
to.test <- N:RMTmaxIndex
out <- list(eigen = s, maxEigen = RMTmaxEig, minEigen = RMTminEig, sig_vectors = c(),
M = M, N = N, svd = svd.expr, genes.used = rownames(expr), p.value_mp_fit = p.val.mp, transcriptome_mode = transcriptome_mode,
input_parameters = list(sample = sample, cor = cor, expr = expr))
if(length(to.test) <= 5){
passed_test <- c(0)
}else if(length(to.test) <= 10 & length(to.test) > 5){
passed_test <- c(1 : (length(to.test) - 5))
passed_test <- c(1 : (round((length(to.test))*0.5) - 1))
vec.to.test <- V[,to.test, drop = FALSE]
rmt_indices <- to.test
for(i in (max(passed_test)+1):dim(vec.to.test)[2]){
if(length(vec.to.test[,i]) > 5000){
p.val <- shapiro.test(vec.to.test[sample(1:nrow(vec.to.test), size = 5000),i])$p.value
passed_test <- c(passed_test, if(p.val < p.val.thres) i )
p.val <- shapiro.test(vec.to.test[,i])$p.value
passed_test <- c(passed_test, if(p.val < p.val.thres) i )}
out <- list(eigen = s, maxEigen = RMTmaxEig, minEigen = RMTminEig, sig_vectors = (N - c(rmt_indices[passed_test])+1), M = M,
N = N, svd = svd.expr, genes.used = rownames(expr), p.value_mp_fit = p.val.mp,
transcriptome_mode = N - transcriptome_mode + 1, input_parameters = list(sample = sample, cor = cor, expr = expr))
#Auxillary functions
#Tracy WIdom
tracy_widom <- function(N, M, k = 1, singvals = NULL){
Q <- N/M
#L <- eigen_values[(eigen_values > minEig) & (eigen_values < maxEig)]
lambda_max <- (1+sqrt(Q))^2
lambda_max <- mean(singvals^2)*(1+sqrt(Q))^2
gamma <- sqrt(Q) * lambda_max^(2/3)
lambda_c <- lambda_max + (gamma*N^(-2/3))*k
#Sampling the data
random_sampling <- function(expr.norm.log){
expr.norm.log.sample <- apply(expr.norm.log, 2, function(x) x[sample(1:length(x), length(x))])
C <- cor(expr.norm.log.sample)
s <- eigen(C)
return(list("min" = tail(s$values, 1),"max" = s$values[1]))
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