
#'@title Determining The Number of Factors In Approximate Factor Model
#'@description This function approximates the number of factors in an approximate factor model
#'  for large N by T matrices using the methods and criteria found in Bai and Ng (2002)
#'@usage getnfac(x,kmax,criteria)
#'@param x A matrix containing the data.
#'@param kmax An integer with the maximum number of common factors to search over. This methodology
#' is weak to underestimation of the number of common factors so setting this value higher is preferred.
#' @param criteria a character vector of length one with values of either IC1, IC2, IC3, AIC1, BIC1, AIC3, BIC3, or eigen.
#'  Choosing eigen makes the number of factors equal to the number of columns whose sum of eigenvalues is less than  or equal to .5.
#' @details This function approximates the number of factors in an approximate
#' factor model. Amongst the penalty functions BIC(3) has been found to be
#' strict against cross-sectional dependence and is recommended for panels with greater than 18 series.
#'  IC(1) is most commonly used. BIC(1) is not recommended for small N relative to T. AIC(3) and BIC(3) take into
#' account the panel structure of the data. AIC(3) performs consistently
#' across configurations of the data while BIC(3) performs better on
#' large N data sets.
#' @return ic Integer of the approximate number of factors based off of the chosen
#' penalty function
#' @return lambda A matrix of the estimated factor loadings associated with common factors.
#' @return Fhat A matrix of the estimated common components
#' @references Jushan Bai and Serena Ng. 'Determining the Number of Factors in
#' Approximate Factor Models.' Econometrica 70.1 (2002): 191-221. Print.
getnfac <- function(x, kmax = NULL, criteria = NULL) {
  ## Begin: Tests
  all(sapply(x, is.numeric) == TRUE)  || stop("All columns must be numeric")
  is.xts(x) || stop("x must be an xts object so lags and differences are taken properly")
  if (!(kmax %% 1 == 0)){
    stop(" k1 must be an integer.")
  if (is.null(criteria)){
    warning("criteria is NULL, setting criteria to BIC3")
    criteria <- "BIC3"
    Tn <- dim(x)[1]
    N <- dim(x)[2]
    NT <- N * Tn
    NT1 <- N + Tn
    CT <- matrix(0, 1, kmax)
    ii <- seq(1:kmax)
    GCT <- min(N, Tn)
      warning("Criteria is NULL, setting to BIC3")
      criteria <- "BIC3"
    if (criteria == "IC1") {
        CT[1, ] <- log(NT/NT1) * ii * NT1/NT
    if (criteria == "IC2") {
        CT[1, ] <- (NT1/NT) * log(GCT) * ii
    if (criteria == "IC3") {
        CT[1, ] <- ii * log(GCT)/GCT
    if (criteria == "AIC1") {
        CT[1, ] <- 2 * ii/Tn
    if (criteria == "BIC1") {
        CT[1, ] <- log(T) * ii/Tn
    if (criteria == "AIC3") {
        CT[1, ] <- 2 * ii * NT1/NT
    if (criteria == "BIC3") {
        CT[1, ] <- log(NT) * ii * NT1/NT
    IC1 <- matrix(0, dim(CT)[1], I(kmax + 1))
    Sigma <- matrix(0, 1, I(kmax + 1))
    XX <- tcrossprod(x)
    eig <- svd(t(XX))
    Fhat0 <- eig$u
    eigval <- as.matrix(eig$d)
    Fhat1 <- eig$v
    sumeigval <- apply(eigval, 2, cumsum)/sum(eigval)
    if (criteria != "eigen") {
        for (i in kmax:1) {
            Fhat <- Fhat0[, 1:i]
            lambda <- crossprod(Fhat, x)
            chat <- Fhat %*% lambda
            ehat = x - chat
            Sigma[i] <- mean(sum(ehat * ehat/Tn))
            IC1[, i] <- log(Sigma[i]) + CT[, i]
        Sigma[kmax + 1] <- mean(sum(x * x/Tn))
        IC1[, kmax + 1] <- log(Sigma[kmax + 1])
        ic1 <- minindc(t(IC1))
        ic1 <- ifelse(ic1 <= kmax, ic1 * 1, ic1 * 0)
    if (criteria == "eigen") {
        for (j in 1:I(nrow(sumeigval))) {
            if (sumeigval[j] >= 0.5) {
                ic1 <- j
    if (ic1 == 0) {
        Fhat = matrix(0, T, N)
        lambda = matrix(0, N, T)
        chat = matrix(0, T, N)
    } else {
        Fhat <- Fhat0[, 1:ic1]
        lambda <- crossprod(x, Fhat)
        chat <- Fhat %*% t(lambda)
    output <- list(ic = ic1, lambda = lambda, Fhat = Fhat)
Stevo15025/PANICr documentation built on May 9, 2019, 3:08 p.m.