#' @title Summarizes results of frequentist methods
#' @inheritParams estim_param
#' @param optim_results Results list returned by frequentist method wrappers
#' @return Prints results of frequentist methods
summary_frequentist <- function(optim_options, param_info, optim_results) {
param_names <- get_params_names(param_info)
nb_params <- length(param_names)
path_results <- optim_options$path_results
est_values <- optim_results$est_values
ind_min_crit <- optim_results$ind_min_crit
min_crit_value <- optim_results$min_crit_value
"\nList of observed variables used:",
paste(optim_results$obs_var_list, collapse = ", "), "\n"
# Display of parameters values for the repetition which has the
# smallest criterion
for (ipar in 1:nb_params) {
"\nEstimated value for", param_names[ipar], ": ",
format(est_values[ind_min_crit, ipar],
scientific = FALSE,
digits = 2, nsmall = 0
), "\n"
"Minimum value of the criterion:",
format(min_crit_value, scientific = FALSE, digits = 2, nsmall = 0), "\n"
"Complementary graphs and results can be found in ",
path_results, "\n\n"
#' @title Post-treat results of frequentist methods
#' @inheritParams estim_param
#' @param optim_results Results list returned by frequentist method wrappers
#' @param crit_options List containing several arguments given to `estim_param`
#' function: `param_names`, `obs_list`, `model_function`,
#' `model_options`, `param_info`, `transform_obs`, `transform_sim`
#' that must be passed to main_crit function by the methods wrappers.
#' @return Updated results of frequentist method
post_treat_frequentist <- function(optim_options, param_info, optim_results,
crit_options) {
param_names <- get_params_names(param_info)
nb_params <- length(param_names)
info_crit_list <- crit_options$info_crit_list
# Recompute final value of minimized criterion
# (just to check it is correct and to get the observation list used)
info_final <- main_crit(
param_values = optim_results$final_values,
crit_options = c(crit_options, return_detailed_info = TRUE)
if (info_final$crit != optim_results$min_crit_value) {
"Internal error: incoherent computation of minimum criterion value. \nValue obtained in method wrapper:",
optim_results$min_crit_value, "\nValue obtained afterwards:",
optim_results$forced_param_values <- info_final$forced_param_values
sapply(info_crit_list, function(x) {
final_info_crit <- x(
obs_list = info_final$obs_intersect,
crit = info_final$crit,
param_nb = nb_params
optim_results[x()$name] <<- final_info_crit
#' @title Generate plots for frequentist methods
#' @inheritParams estim_param
#' @param optim_results Results list returned by frequentist method wrappers
#' @return Returns the list of plots + save them in a pdf file.
#' @keywords internal
plot_frequentist <- function(optim_options, param_info, optim_results) {
bounds <- get_params_bounds(param_info)
path_results <- optim_options$path_results
init_values <- optim_results$init_values
est_values <- optim_results$est_values
crit_values <- optim_results$crit_values
p_all <- list()
# EstimatedVSinit plot
file = file.path(path_results, "EstimatedVSinit.pdf"),
width = 9, height = 9
error = function(cond) {
filename <- paste0("EstimatedVSinit_new.pdf")
"Error trying to create ", path_results,
"/EstimatedVSinit.pdf file. It is maybe opened in a pdf viewer and locked. It will be created under the name ",
file = file.path(path_results, filename),
width = 9, height = 9
p <- plot_estimVSinit(
init_values, est_values,
crit_values, bounds$lb, bounds$ub
error = function(cond) {
"Error trying to create EstimatedVSinit bubble graph file. \n
Maybe linked with the values of the criterion to plot
(size of the bubbles):",
paste0(crit_values, collapse = ","),
"\n Trying without the bubbles ..."
p <- plot_estimVSinit(init_values, est_values, crit_values,
bounds$lb, bounds$ub,
bubble = FALSE
p_all$estimVSinit <- p
# ValuesVSit plot
file = file.path(path_results, "ValuesVSit.pdf"),
width = 9, height = 9
error = function(cond) {
filename <- paste0("ValuesVSit_new.pdf")
"Error trying to create ", path_results,
"/ValuesVSit.pdf file. It is maybe opened in a pdf viewer and locked. It will be created under the name ",
file = file.path(path_results, filename),
width = 9, height = 9
if (!is.null(optim_results$params_and_crit)) {
p <- plot_valuesVSit(optim_results$params_and_crit, param_info)
p_all$valuesVSit <- p
# ValuesVSit_2D plot
file = file.path(path_results, "ValuesVSit_2D.pdf"),
width = 9, height = 9
error = function(cond) {
filename <- paste0("ValuesVSit_2D_new.pdf")
"Error trying to create ", path_results,
"/ValuesVSit_2D.pdf file. It is maybe opened in a pdf viewer and locked. It will be created under the name ",
file = file.path(path_results, filename),
width = 9, height = 9
if (!is.null(optim_results$params_and_crit)) {
p <- plot_valuesVSit_2D(optim_results$params_and_crit, param_info)
p_all$valuesVSit_2D <- p
#' @title Create plots of estimated versus initial values of the parameters
#' @param init_values Data.frame containing initial values of the parameters
#' for each repetition
#' @param est_values Data.frame containing estimated values of the parameters
#' for each repetition
#' @param crit Vector containing the minimum value of the criterion for each
#' repetition of the minimization
#' @param lb Vector containing the lower bounds of the estimated parameters
#' @param ub Vector containing the upper bounds of the estimated parameters
#' @param bubble Logical indicating if bubbles of size proportional to the
#' minimum values of the criterion should be plot (TRUE, default value)
#' or not (FALSE).
#' @return A named list containing one plot per parameter
#' @details The number of the repetition that leads to the minimal value of the
#' criterion over all repetitions is written in white (if bubble is TRUE) or
#' in red (if bubble is false) while the other ones are written in black.
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot theme element_text geom_point geom_text
#' scale_size_binned scale_size labs xlim ylim
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
#' @export
plot_estimVSinit <- function(init_values, est_values, crit, lb, ub,
bubble = TRUE) {
param_names <- colnames(init_values)
nb_rep <- nrow(init_values)
ind_min_crit <- which.min(crit)
tmp <- rbind(lb, ub, est_values, init_values)
tmp[tmp == Inf | tmp == -Inf] <- NA
minvalue <- apply(tmp, 2, min, na.rm = TRUE)
maxvalue <- apply(tmp, 2, max, na.rm = TRUE)
minvalue <- minvalue - 0.05 * (maxvalue - minvalue)
maxvalue <- maxvalue + 0.05 * (maxvalue - minvalue)
p <- list()
for (param_name in param_names) {
df <- data.frame(
init_values = init_values[, param_name],
est_values = est_values[, param_name],
crit = crit
row.names(df) <- paste0(seq(1:nb_rep))
if (bubble) {
tmp_aes <- aes(x = init_values, y = est_values, size = crit)
color_best_rep <- "white"
} else {
tmp_aes <- aes(x = init_values, y = est_values)
color_best_rep <- "red"
p[[param_name]] <- ggplot(df, tmp_aes) +
title = paste0(
"Estimated vs Initial values of ", param_name,
" \n for the different repetitions"
y = paste("Estimated value for", param_name),
x = paste("Initial value for", param_name),
fill = "Criterion"
) +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
if (bubble) {
p[[param_name]] <- p[[param_name]] + geom_point(alpha = 0.5, color = "red")
p[[param_name]] <- p[[param_name]] +
label = rownames(df),
nudge_x = 0, nudge_y = 0,
check_overlap = T,
show.legend = F,
size = 4
) +
data = df[ind_min_crit, ],
label = rownames(df[ind_min_crit, ]),
nudge_x = 0, nudge_y = 0,
check_overlap = T,
show.legend = F,
size = 4, color = color_best_rep
) +
xlim(minvalue[param_name], maxvalue[param_name]) +
ylim(minvalue[param_name], maxvalue[param_name])
if (bubble) {
if (length(unique(crit)) > 1) {
p[[param_name]] <- p[[param_name]] + scale_size_binned(
range = c(2, 20),
name = "Final Value of \n minimized criteria"
} else {
p[[param_name]] <- p[[param_name]] +
scale_size(name = "Final Value of \n minimized criteria")
#' @title Create plots of parameters and criterion values per iteration or
#' evaluation number
#' @inheritParams estim_param
#' @param df Data.frame containing values of parameters (one column per
#' estimated parameter), criterion (crit column), repetition number (rep),
#' iteration number (iter) and evaluation number (eval)
#' (similar to params_and_crit).
#' See Details section for comments about the difference between evaluations
#' and iterations.
#' @param iter_or_eval Values of the x axis: "iter" for iteration number,
#' "eval" for evaluation number
#' @param crit_log If TRUE, consider criterion values in log scale
#' @param rep_label Indicate if labels for the repetition number must be
#' plotted at both beginning and end of lines ("begin_end"),
#' only at the beginning ("begin") or only at the end ("end")
#' @return A named list containing one plot per parameter and a plot for the
#' criterion.
#' @details Evaluation means evaluation of the criterion from proposed values of
#' the parameters by the parameter estimation algorithm.
#' An iteration is reached when an evaluation lead to a better value of the
#' criterion than the previously obtained values.
#' There are thus more evaluations than iterations. The criterion decreases when
#' iteration number increases while it is not the case when evaluation number
#' increases.
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes_string theme element_text geom_point
#' scale_color_gradient2 geom_line geom_label aes labs scale_y_log10
#' @importFrom dplyr select filter %>%
#' @export
plot_valuesVSit <- function(df, param_info, iter_or_eval = c("iter", "eval"),
crit_log = TRUE,
rep_label = c("begin_end", "begin", "end")) {
param_names <- get_params_names(param_info)
bounds <- get_params_bounds(param_info)
lab <- "evaluations"
if (iter_or_eval[1] == "iter") {
df <- filter(df, !is.na(.data$iter))
lab <- "iterations"
trans <- "identity"
mid <- (max(df$crit) - min(df$crit)) / 2 + min(df$crit)
if (crit_log) {
if (all(df$crit > 0)) {
trans <- "log10"
mid <- (max(log10(df$crit)) -
min(log10(df$crit))) / 2 + min(log10(df$crit))
} else {
warning("The criterion takes negative values, log transformation will not be done.")
crit_log <- FALSE
tmp <- rbind(bounds$lb, bounds$ub, select(df, param_names))
tmp[tmp == Inf | tmp == -Inf] <- NA
minvalue <- apply(tmp, 2, min, na.rm = TRUE)
maxvalue <- apply(tmp, 2, max, na.rm = TRUE)
minvalue <- minvalue - 0.05 * (maxvalue - minvalue)
maxvalue <- maxvalue + 0.05 * (maxvalue - minvalue)
p <- list()
for (param_name in param_names) {
p[[param_name]] <- ggplot(df, aes_string(
x = iter_or_eval[1], y = param_name,
color = "crit"
)) +
title = paste0(
"Evolution of ", param_name,
" \n in function of the minimization ", lab
y = param_name,
x = paste(lab, "number"),
fill = "Criterion"
) +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) +
geom_point(alpha = 0.5) +
midpoint = mid, low = "blue", mid = "yellow",
high = "red", space = "Lab", trans = trans
for (irep in unique(df$rep)) {
p[[param_name]] <- p[[param_name]] +
geom_line(data = filter(df, rep == irep))
if (rep_label[1] == "begin_end" || rep_label[1] == "begin") {
p[[param_name]] <- p[[param_name]] +
geom_label(aes(label = rep),
data = filter(df, rep == irep) %>% filter(eval == min(.data$eval)),
size = 3
if (rep_label[1] == "begin_end" || rep_label[1] == "end") {
p[[param_name]] <- p[[param_name]] +
geom_label(aes(label = rep),
data = filter(df, rep == irep) %>% filter(eval == max(.data$eval)),
size = 3
ylim(minvalue[param_name], maxvalue[param_name])
df$rep <- as.factor(df$rep)
p[["criterion"]] <- ggplot(df, aes_string(
x = iter_or_eval[1], y = "crit",
color = "rep"
)) +
title = paste0(
"Evolution of the minimized criterion \n in function of the minimization ",
y = "Minimized criterion",
x = paste(lab, "number"),
fill = "Repetition"
) +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) +
geom_point(alpha = 0.5)
for (irep in unique(df$rep)) {
p[["criterion"]] <- p[["criterion"]] +
geom_line(data = filter(df, rep == irep)) +
geom_label(aes(label = rep),
data = filter(df, rep == irep) %>% filter(eval == min(.data$eval)),
size = 3
) +
geom_label(aes(label = rep),
data = filter(df, rep == irep) %>% filter(eval == max(.data$eval))
if (crit_log) {
p[["criterion"]] <- p[["criterion"]] + scale_y_log10()
#' @title Create 2D plots of parameters values evolution per iteration or
#' evaluation number
#' @inheritParams estim_param
#' @param df Data.frame containing values of parameters (one column per
#' estimated parameter), criterion (crit column), repetition number (rep),
#' iteration number (iter) and evaluation number (eval)
#' (similar to params_and_crit).
#' See Details section for comments about the difference between evaluations
#' and iterations.
#' @param iter_or_eval "iter" for plotting the values for each iteration,
#' "eval" for plotting the values for each evaluation
#' @param fill If "crit", colours the points and lines in function of the
#' minimized criterion value, if "rep" colours in function of the
#' repetition number.
#' @param crit_log If TRUE, consider criterion values in log scale
#' @param lines If TRUE add lines between points of a same repetition
#' @param rep_label Indicate if labels for the repetition number must be plotted
#' at both beginning and end of lines ("begin_end"), only at the beginning
#' ("begin") or only at the end ("end")
#' @return A list containing one plot per parameter pair.
#' @details Evaluation means evaluation of the criterion from proposed values of
#' the parameters by the parameter estimation algorithm.
#' An iteration is reached when an evaluation lead to a better value of the
#' criterion than the previously obtained values.
#' There are thus more evaluations than iterations. The criterion decreases when
#' iteration number increases while it is not the case when evaluation number
#' increases.
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes_string theme element_text geom_point labs
#' xlim ylim geom_path scale_y_log10
#' @importFrom dplyr select filter %>%
#' @export
plot_valuesVSit_2D <- function(df, param_info, iter_or_eval = c("eval", "iter"),
fill = c("crit", "rep"), crit_log = TRUE,
lines = FALSE,
rep_label = c("begin_end", "begin", "end")) {
param_names <- get_params_names(param_info)
if (length(param_names) <= 1) {
bounds <- get_params_bounds(param_info)
lab <- "evaluations"
if (iter_or_eval[1] == "iter") {
df <- filter(df, !is.na(.data$iter))
lab <- "iterations"
df$rep <- as.factor(df$rep)
trans <- "identity"
mid <- (max(df$crit) - min(df$crit)) / 2 + min(df$crit)
if (crit_log) {
if (all(df$crit > 0)) {
trans <- "log10"
mid <- (max(log10(df$crit)) -
min(log10(df$crit))) / 2 + min(log10(df$crit))
} else {
warning("The criterion takes negative values, log transformation will not be done.")
crit_log <- FALSE
tmp <- rbind(bounds$lb, bounds$ub, select(df, param_names))
# -.data$ avoid NOTES on check ...
tmp[tmp == Inf | tmp == -Inf] <- NA
minvalue <- apply(tmp, 2, min, na.rm = TRUE)
maxvalue <- apply(tmp, 2, max, na.rm = TRUE)
minvalue <- minvalue - 0.05 * (maxvalue - minvalue)
maxvalue <- maxvalue + 0.05 * (maxvalue - minvalue)
p <- list()
df_pairs <- utils::combn(param_names, 2)
for (ipair in seq_len(ncol(df_pairs))) {
p[[ipair]] <- ggplot(df, aes_string(
x = df_pairs[1, ipair],
y = df_pairs[2, ipair], color = fill[1]
)) +
title = paste0(
"Evolution of ", df_pairs[1, ipair], " and ",
df_pairs[2, ipair], " \n in function of the minimization ",
y = paste("Estimated value for", df_pairs[2, ipair]),
x = paste("Estimated value for", df_pairs[1, ipair]),
fill = "Criterion"
) +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) +
geom_point(alpha = 0.5)
if (fill[1] == "crit") {
p[[ipair]] <- p[[ipair]] +
midpoint = mid, low = "blue", mid = "yellow",
high = "red", space = "Lab", trans = trans
if (lines) {
for (irep in unique(df$rep)) {
p[[ipair]] <- p[[ipair]] +
geom_path(data = filter(df, rep == irep))
if (rep_label[1] == "begin_end" || rep_label[1] == "begin") {
p[[ipair]] <- p[[ipair]] +
geom_label(aes(label = rep),
data = filter(df, rep == irep) %>% filter(eval == min(.data$eval)),
size = 3
if (rep_label[1] == "begin_end" || rep_label[1] == "end") {
p[[ipair]] <- p[[ipair]] +
geom_label(aes(label = rep),
data = filter(df, rep == irep) %>% filter(eval == max(.data$eval)),
size = 3
xlim(minvalue[df_pairs[1, ipair]], maxvalue[df_pairs[1, ipair]])
ylim(minvalue[df_pairs[2, ipair]], maxvalue[df_pairs[2, ipair]])
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