Man pages for StoXProject/RstoxBase
Base StoX Functions

AcousticDensityCalculate number density from NASC in length intervals
AcousticLayerAcoustic Layer
AcousticPSUAcoustic PSU
AcousticTargetStrengthAcoustic target strength
AddHaulDensityToSuperIndividualsAdd haul density to SuperIndividualsData
aggregateBaselineDataOneTableFunction to aggregate baseline data
aggregateBaselineDataOneTableSingleFunctionFunction to aggregate baseline data
allargsGet all arguments from inside a function
allEqualTest whether all values are equal.
AppendNASCAppend to NASCData
AssignmentLengthDistributionAssignment length distribution per acoustic PSU
AssignmentLengthDistributionDataAssignment length distribution data
backwardCompatibility_RstoxBaseBackward compabitibility actions:
BioticAssignmentBiotic assignment
BioticAssignmentWeightingWeighting of biotic hauls in biotic assignment
BioticLayerBiotic Layer
BioticPSUBiotic PSU
ChannelInput vertical resolution for acoustic-trawl models
combined.colorCombined rainbow and desaturation color scale
cvThe coefficient of variation, i.e., the standard deviation...
DataTypesStoX data types of the RstoxBase package
DefineAcousticLayerDefine Acoustic Layer
DefineAcousticPSUAcoustic PSU
DefineAcousticTargetStrengthAcoustic target strength definition
DefineBioticAssignmentAssignment of biotic hauls to acoustic PSUs by layer
DefineBioticLayerDefine biotic Layer
DefineBioticPSUBiotic PSU
DefineLayerDefine Layers
DefineModelDefine a parametric or numeric model
DefinePSUDefine PSU
DefineRegressionDefine a regression model and parameters
DefineStratumPolygonDefine stratum multipolygon
DefineSurveyDefine Survey
DensityDataDensity data
EDSUHorizontal input resolution for acoustic-trawl models
EstimateBioticRegressionEstimate a regression model and parameters for biotic data
factorNAfirstConvert to factor and put NAs first
filterTableFilter a table
formatOutputFunction to format the output of a function returning StoX...
formatProcessDataFormat process data
fractionOfOccurrenceThe fraction of occurrence function
fractionOfSumThe fraction of occurrence function
GearDependentCatchCompensationApply the sweep of different gear (and cruise)
GearDependentLengthDistributionCompensationApply the sweep of different gear (and cruise)
GearDependentSpeciesCategoryCatchCompensationApply the sweep of different gear (and cruise)
general_argumentsGeneral parameters of RstoxBase
general_arguments2.7General parameters of treating project.xml file from StoX <=...
general_map_plot_argumentsGeneral map plot parameters of RstoxBase
general_plot_argumentsGeneral ploting parameters of RstoxBase
general_report_argumentsGeneral report parameters of RstoxBase
getBaseUnitGet base unit of a variable of a StoX dataType
getCommonIntervalsGet the common intervals of possibly overlapping intervals:
getDataTypeDefinitionGet data type definitions
getFunctionArgumentHierarchyForSpcificationParametersReturn a list of specification parameters with conditions for...
getProjectXMLFilePathGet the path to the project.xml file from StoX <= 2.7.
getReportFunctionsFunction returning the report functions defined for reporting...
getReportFunctionVariableNameGet the name of the target variable after aggregating.
getRstoxBaseDefinitionsGet RstoxBase definitions
getSeedVectorGenerate a seed vector consistently
getStratumNamesExtract or add stratum names from a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
hasBaseUnitDoes the variable of the StoX dataType have a base unit?
HaulInput vertical resolution for swept-area models
ImputeSuperIndividualsImpute missing super-individual data
ImputeSuperIndividuals_StoX3Impute missing super-individual data
IndividualsIndivduals to distribute abundance to to create...
IndividualsDataIndividuals data
LayerLayer vertical resolution
LengthDependentLengthDistributionCompensationCatchability of trawls by fish length
LengthDistributionLength distribution
LengthDistributionDataLength distribution data
MeanDensityMean density in each stratum
MeanDensityDataMean density data
MeanLengthDistributionMean length distribution over Stations in each AcousticPSU
MeanLengthDistributionDataMean length distribution data
MeanNASCDataMean NASC data
MeanSpeciesCategoryCatchMean species category catch over Stations in each AcousticPSU
MeanSpeciesCategoryCatchDataTotal catch per SpeciesCategory and biotic PSU
ModelDataModel data used by RstoxBase
modifyParameter_ProjectXMLListModify a parameter of a process of a list representation of a...
modifyProj4StringDefine a proj4 string
NASCDataNautical area scattering coefficient (NASC) data
NASCToStoxAcousticConvert NASCData to StoxAcousticData
numberNumber of TRUE
PlotAcousticTrawlSurveyPlot NASCData
PlotAcousticTrawlSurveyDataPlot Acoustic-Trawl Survey data
ProcessDataProcess data used by RstoxBase
processPropertyFormatsDefine the process property formats:
PSUAcoustic and biotic primary sampling units
QuantityCalculate abundance in the strata
QuantityDataQuantity data
readAcousticPSUFrom2.7Read a the AcousticPSU from a project.xml file from StoX <=...
readBioticAssignmentFrom2.7Read a the BioticAssignment from a project.xml file from StoX...
readBioticPSUFrom2.7Read a the AcousticPSU from a project.xml file from StoX <=...
readProjectXMLToListRead a project.xml file from StoX <= 2.7
readStratumPolygonFrom2.7Read a the StratumPolygon from a project.xml file from StoX...
RegroupLengthDistributionRegroup length distribution to common intervals
RelativeLengthDistributionRelative length distribution
renameSSULabelInPSUProcessDataRename SSU to either EDSU or Station
replaceNAByReferenceReplace all NAs in a data.table by reference
ReportDensityReport DensityData
ReportDensityDataReported Density data
ReportFunctionsReport functions for baseline process output
ReportQuantityReport QuantityData
ReportQuantityDataReported Quantity data
ReportSpeciesCategoryCatchReport SpeciesCategoryCatch
ReportSpeciesCategoryCatchDataReported SpeciesCategoryCatch data
ReportSuperIndividualsReport SuperIndividualsData
ReportSuperIndividualsDataReported super-individuals data
RstoxBaseBase StoX Functions
sampleSortedFunction to sample after sorting:
setBaseUnitSet base unit to a variable of the StoX dataType
setDefaultsInStoxFunctionSet default general options
setPlotAttributesSet plot attributes to a plot object
setUnitRstoxBaseSet units to a variable of the StoX dataType
SpeciesCategoryCatchTable of total catch weight and number per Haul and...
SpeciesCategoryCatchDataTotal catch per SpeciesCategory and Haul
SplitMeanNASCSplit MeanNASCData to NASCData (deprecated)
SplitNASCSplit NASCData
StationHorizontal input resolution for swept-area models
StoxDataStartMiddleStopDateTimeGenerate Start, Middle and Stop DateTime variables
stoxFunctionAttributesA list of the attributes of the exported StoX functions: The...
StoX_multipolygon_WKTStoX multipolygon WKT
StratumStratum horizontal resolution
StratumAreaCalculate area of each stratum
StratumAreaDataStratum area data
StratumPolygonStoX data type StratumPolygon
SumLengthDistributionSum length distribution vertically over Hauls of each Station
SumLengthDistributionDataSummed length distribution data
summaryStoxThe summary function introduced in StoX <= 2.7.
SumNASCDataSummed NASC data
SumSpeciesCategoryCatchSum species category catch over Hauls for each Station
SumSpeciesCategoryCatchDataTotal catch per SpeciesCategory and Station
SuperIndividualsSuper-indivduals with abundance
SuperIndividualsDataSuper-individuals data
SurveyStoX data type Survey
SweptAreaDensitySwept-area density
toJSON_RstoxConvert to JSON
writeProjectXMLToListWrite a project.xml file from StoX <= 2.7 from a list
WriteStratumPolygonWrite StratumPolygon
WriteStratumPolygonDataWrite StratumPolygon data
StoXProject/RstoxBase documentation built on July 14, 2024, 9:39 a.m.