
Defines functions appendPosition appendAreaCode areaCodeConversionTable convertCodes categoriseDate readTabSepFile transformSpatialPolygons

Documented in appendAreaCode appendPosition areaCodeConversionTable categoriseDate convertCodes

#' replacement for sp::transform, not using rgdal
#' @noRd
transformSpatialPolygons <- function(x, CRSobj){
  obj <- sf::st_as_sf(x)
  trans <- sf::st_transform(obj, CRSobj)

#' read tab separated file
#' @noRd
readTabSepFile <- function(filepath, encoding="UTF-8", col_classes = NULL, col_names = NULL, trim_ws=T){
  #check headers
  header <- utils::read.table(filepath, sep="\t", fileEncoding = encoding, comment.char = "#", strip.white = trim_ws, header=T, na.strings = c("", " "))
  if (length(col_names)>0){
    missing <- col_names[!(col_names %in% names(header))]
    if (length(missing)>0){
      stop(paste("Resource file does not have required columns:", paste(missing, collapse=", ")))
  tab <- utils::read.table(filepath, sep="\t", fileEncoding = encoding, colClasses = col_classes, comment.char = "#", strip.white = trim_ws, header=T, na.strings = c("", " "))
  tab <- data.table::as.data.table(tab)

  for (n in names(tab)){
    if (length(date) == 1 & ("Date" %in% class(date))){
      stop("Date is not supported, use POSIXct")


#' Get temporal categories
#' @description define a categorical variable based for a vector of dates
#' @param date POSIXct() vector of dates
#' @param temporalType character() specify the kind of temporal category to define: "quarter", "week" or "custom"
#' @param seasonal logical() specify whether the temporal category should be seasonal (e.g. week 1 in year x is the same category as week 1 in year y)
#' @param FUN function(day, month) mapping a day (1-based integer()) and month (1-based integer()) to a value (character()) for the categorical variable to be defined.
#' @examples
#'  #get current quarter
#'  quarter <- categoriseDate(Sys.time())
#'  #get custom non-seasonal category
#'  dates <- as.POSIXct(c(
#'     "2018-01-17 21:37:29 CET",
#'     "2019-02-28 21:37:29 CET",
#'     "2019-12-28 21:37:29 CET"))
#'  inDecember <- function(day, month){if(month==12){return("Yes")};return("No")}
#'  categoriseDate(dates, temporalType = "custom", FUN=inDecember, seasonal = FALSE)
#' @return character() a vector of values for the categorical variable, corresponding to the dates in 'date'
#' @concept temporal coding functions
#' @export
categoriseDate <- function(date, temporalType="quarter", seasonal=T, FUN=NULL){

  if (any(is.na(date))){
    stop("NAs in date.")

  if (length(date) == 0){

  if (!is.null(FUN) & temporalType != "custom"){
    stop("Parameter 'FUN' may only be used with temporalType custom")

  output <- NULL

  if (temporalType == "week"){
    output <- paste("W", strftime(date, format="%V"), sep="")
  else if (temporalType == "month"){
    output <- strftime(date, format="%B")
  else if (temporalType == "quarter"){
    output <- paste("Q", (as.integer(strftime(date, format="%m"))-1)%/%3+1L, sep="")
  else if (temporalType == "custom"){
    vf <- Vectorize(FUN, SIMPLIFY=T)
    output <- vf(as.integer(strftime(date, format="%d")), as.integer(strftime(date, format="%m")))
    stop(paste("Temporal type", temporalType, "not recognized."))

  if (!seasonal){
    year <- strftime(date, format="%Y")
    output <- paste(output, year, sep="-")



#' Convert codes.
#' @description
#'  Apply conversion table, perform approriate checks and return result.
#' @details
#'  By default. This will stop with error if any codes can not be converted, or if any entries are NA.
#'  Require all codes (original and converted) to be character().
#' @param code character() with original codes
#' @param conversionTable list() mapping code to converted code.
#' @param strict logical() If true, execution halts at incomplete conversion tables. If false unmapped codes are set to NA.
#' @return character() with converted codes
#' @examples
#'  gearConversion <- list()
#'  gearConversion["TBS"] <- "OTB"
#'  gearConversion["TBN"] <- "OTB"
#'  gearConversion["OTB"] <- "OTB"
#'  convertCodes(c("TBS", "TBN", "OTB"), gearConversion)
#' @concept spatial coding functions
#' @concept gear coding functions
#' @concept temporal coding functions
#' @export
convertCodes <- function(code, conversionTable, strict=T){

  if (length(code) == 0){

  if (!is.character(code)){
    stop("Codes must be character()")

  if (!is.character(unlist(conversionTable))){
    warning("Coercing converted codes to character")

  if (is.null(names(conversionTable))){
    stop("Conversion table must be indexed by character(). names(conversionTable) is NULL.")

  if (any(is.na(code)) & strict){
    stop("NAs in codes. Consider turning off the option 'strict'")

  if ((!all(code %in% names(conversionTable))) & strict){
    missing <- unique(code[!(code %in% names(conversionTable))])
    stop(paste("Conversion not defined for all codes. Missing for:", paste(missing, collapse=", ")))

  filter <- !is.na(code) & code %in% names(conversionTable)
  converted <- rep(as.character(NA), length(code))
  if (sum(filter)==0){
  converted[filter] <- as.character(conversionTable[code[filter]])

#' Make area code conversion table
#' @description 
#'  Make conversion table from area code-definitions.
#'  Conversion tables are constructed based on geometric principles (based on centroid positions, or overlap).
#'  Whether this produces a complete and correct mapping between area codes depends on their shape and size.
#'  For instance, the centroid may be outside an area for odd shapes, areas in different definitions may be partly overlapping,
#'  and areas of one definition may subdivide those of another definition.
#'  This is best evaluated by visual inspection of the area definitions.
#'  The conversion table can be constructed with the following methods (argument: 'method'):
#'  \describe{
#'  \item{overlap}{Each area in areaDef1 is mapped to the area in areaDef2 with the largest overlap.}
#'  \item{centroids}{Eac area in areaDef1 is mapped to the area in areaDef2 which contains its centroid.}
#'  }
#'  Centroids may be preferred for performance reasons, but depending on the shape of areas, 
#'  the centroid may not always be a good representation.
#'  Areas in areaDef1 that has no corresponding area in areaDef2 will be omitted from results.
#' @param areaDef1 \code{\link[sp]{SpatialPolygonsDataFrame}} defining area codes
#' @param areaDef2 \code{\link[sp]{SpatialPolygonsDataFrame}} defining area codes
#' @param areaName1 column in areaDef1 identifying the name of areas
#' @param areaName2 column in areaDef2 identifying the name of areas
#' @param method method for mapping area codes. See details.
#' @param dTolerance tolerance parameter passed to \code{\link[sf]{st_simplify}} when method is 'overlap'.
#' @seealso \code{\link[RstoxFDA]{plotAreaComparison}} for visual inspection of how different area definitions correspond.
#' @return a list mapping area codes in areaDef1 to those in areaDef2
#' @examples 
#'  # map fdir areas to ICES areas by overlap
#'  fdir.ICES.map <- areaCodeConversionTable(RstoxFDA::mainareaFdir2018, RstoxFDA::ICESareas)
#'  # map fdir locations to ICES statistical rectangles, by centroids
#'  loc.rectangles.map <- areaCodeConversionTable(RstoxFDA::locationsFdir2018, 
#'         RstoxFDA::ICESrectangles, method="centroids")
#'  # map selected statistical rectangles to ICES areas by overlap
#'  data(catchsamples)
#'  selectedRects <- RstoxFDA::ICESrectangles[
#'              RstoxFDA::ICESrectangles$StratumName %in% catchsamples$LEstatRect,]
#'  catchsamples$LEarea <- RstoxFDA::convertCodes(catchsamples$LEstatRect, 
#'              areaCodeConversionTable(selectedRects, 
#'              RstoxFDA::ICESareas))
#' @concept spatial coding functions
#' @md
#' @export
areaCodeConversionTable <- function(areaDef1, areaDef2, areaName1="StratumName", areaName2=areaName1, method=c("overlap", "centroids"), dTolerance=1){
  meth <- match.arg(method, method)
  areaDef1$areaDef1Name <- areaDef1[[areaName1]]
  areaDef2$areaDef2Name <- areaDef2[[areaName2]]

  areaDef1 <- sf::st_as_sf(areaDef1)
  areaDef2 <- sf::st_as_sf(areaDef2)
  if (meth == "centroids"){
    sf::st_agr(areaDef1) = "constant"
    sf::st_agr(areaDef2) = "constant"
    centroids1 <- sf::st_centroid(areaDef1)
    intersects <- sf::st_intersects(centroids1, areaDef2)
    # Polygon files are often prepared for visualization purposes,
    # small overlaps are common.
    # There we issue a warning, rather than an error.
    if (any(sapply(intersects, length) > 1)){
      stoxWarning("Overlapping polygons: Some centroids are in several polygons, area code is arbitrarily chosen.")
    areaDef2NameIndecies <- unlist(sapply(intersects, utils::head, n=1))
    areaDef1NameIndecies <- sapply(intersects, length) != 0
    map <- as.list(areaDef2$areaDef2Name[areaDef2NameIndecies])
    names(map) <- areaDef1$areaDef1Name[areaDef1NameIndecies]
  if (meth == "overlap"){
    sf::st_agr(areaDef1) = "constant"
    sf::st_agr(areaDef2) = "constant"
    intersections <- sf::st_intersection(areaDef1, areaDef2)
    intersections <- sf::st_simplify(intersections, dTolerance=dTolerance)
    intersections$area <- sf::st_area(intersections)
    intersections <- intersections[intersections$area > intersections$area*0,]
    intersections <- intersections[order(intersections$area, decreasing = T),]
    intersections <- intersections[!duplicated(intersections$areaDef1Name),]
    intersections <- intersections[order(intersections$areaDef1Name),]
    map <- as.list(intersections$areaDef2Name)
    names(map) <- intersections$areaDef1Name

  stop(paste("method:", meth, "is not recognized."))

#' Append area code
#' @details
#'  Appends a column with an area code to a table, based on positions.
#'  If polygons are overlapping, so that one point may be in several polygons, 
#'  an arbitrary choice is made and a warning is issued.
#'  By default this function is run in 'strict' mode, meaning that it will halt
#'  with an error if some positions are not in any of the provided polygons,
#'  or if some positions are missing (NA). Turning of strict-mode accepts
#'  both these cases and the area code will be NA for these positions.
#' @param table data.table to be annotated.
#' @param areaPolygons \code{\link[sp]{SpatialPolygonsDataFrame}}
#' @param latName name of WGS84 lat column in 'table'
#' @param lonName name of WGS84 lon column in 'table
#' @param colName name of column to be appended to 'table'
#' @param StratumName name of column in 'areaPolygons' that identify the area name
#' @param strict logical determining whether to run in strict mode. See details.
#' @return 'table' with the area appended in the column 'colName'
#' @concept spatial coding functions
#' @export
appendAreaCode <- function(table, areaPolygons, latName, lonName, colName, StratumName="StratumName", strict=T){
  if (!data.table::is.data.table(table)){
    stop("Parameter 'table' must be a data.table")
  if (colName %in% names(table)){
    stop(paste("Column name", colName, "already exists."))
  if (!(latName %in% names(table)) | !is.numeric(table[[latName]])){
    stop(paste(latName, "(parameter 'latName') must be provided as a numeric column."))
  if (!(lonName %in% names(table)) | !is.numeric(table[[lonName]])){
    stop(paste(lonName, "(parameter 'lonName') must be provided as a numeric column."))
  if (strict){
    if (any(is.na(table[[latName]]))){
      stop("Missing values in column: ", latName)
    if (any(is.na(table[[lonName]]))){
      stop("Missing values in column: ", lonName)
  else if (any(is.na(table[[latName]])) | any(is.na(table[[lonName]]))){
    noNas <- !is.na(table[[lonName]]) & !is.na(table[[latName]])
    appended <- appendAreaCode(table[noNas,], areaPolygons, latName, lonName, colName, StratumName, strict)
    table[[colName]] <- as.character(NA)
    table[noNas,] <- appended
  pos <- sf::st_as_sf(table, coords=c(lonName, latName), crs = sp::CRS("EPSG:4326"))
  poly <- sf::st_make_valid(sf::st_transform(sf::st_as_sf(areaPolygons), crs = sp::CRS("EPSG:4326")))
  intersects <- sf::st_intersects(pos, poly)
  # Polygon files are often prepared for visualization purposes,
  # small overlaps are common.
  # There we issue a warning, rather than an error.
  if (any(sapply(intersects, length) > 1)){
    stoxWarning("Overlapping polygons: Some positions are in several polygons, area code is arbitrarily chosen.")
  if (any(sapply(intersects, length) == 0) & strict){
    stop("Some positions are not in any of the provided polygons. Consider turning of the option 'strict' if this is acceptable.")
  missingIndecies <- sapply(intersects, length) == 0
  if (sum(!missingIndecies) > 0){
    indecies <- sapply(intersects[!missingIndecies], utils::head, n=1)
    table[[colName]][!missingIndecies] <- areaPolygons[[StratumName]][indecies]
  table[[colName]][missingIndecies] <- as.character(NA)


#' Append positions
#' @description
#'  Appends columns with positions to a data table, based on an area code.
#'  Coordinates are retrieved from a \code{\link[sp]{SpatialPolygonsDataFrame}} and not calculated
#'  the exact defintion of the coordinates depend on how the polygons were constructed.
#'  Datum and projection is not enforced, but a warning is issued if 'areaPolygons' does not pass some
#'  checks to verify that it is not a planar projection.
#' @param table data.table to be annotated.
#' @param areaPolygons \code{\link[sp]{SpatialPolygonsDataFrame}}
#' @param areaName name of column that identifies the area in 'table'
#' @param latColName name of the latitdue column to be appended to 'table'
#' @param lonColName name of the longitude column to be appended to 'table'
#' @param StratumName name of the column in 'areaPolygons' that identifies the area.
#' @return 'table' with the positions appended in the columns 'latColName' and 'lonColName'.
#' @concept spatial coding functions
#' @export
appendPosition <- function(table, areaPolygons, areaName, latColName, lonColName, StratumName="StratumName"){
  if (latColName %in% names(table)){
    stop(paste("Column name", latColName, "already exists."))
  if (lonColName %in% names(table)){
    stop(paste("Column name", lonColName, "already exists."))
  if (!(areaName %in% names(table))){
    stop(paste("Column name", areaName, "not found in 'table'."))

  if (!startsWith(sf::st_crs(sf::st_as_sf(areaPolygons))$wkt, "GEOGCRS")){
    warning("could not verify projection of 'areaPolygons'")
  mapping <- cbind(data.table::as.data.table(sp::coordinates(areaPolygons)), areaPolygons[[StratumName]])
  names(mapping) <- c(lonColName, latColName, areaName)

  newTab <- merge(table, mapping, by=areaName, all.x=T)

StoXProject/RstoxFDA documentation built on Jan. 13, 2024, 12:32 a.m.