
# constant psi, theta, p
sim <- msocc_sim(M = 10, J = 5, K = 5)
mod <- msocc_mod(wide_data = sim$resp,
                 site = list(model = ~1, cov_tbl = sim$site),
                 sample = list(model = ~1, cov_tbl = sim$sample),
                 rep = list(model = ~1, cov_tbl = sim$rep),
                 progress = F)
cred_plot(mod, truth = sim$params$psi)
cred_plot(mod, level = 'sample', truth = sim$params$theta)
cred_plot(mod, level = "rep", truth = sim$params$p)

# psi function of covariates, constant theta and p
sim <- msocc_sim(M = 50, J = 5, K = 5,
                 site.df = data.frame(site = 1:50, x = rnorm(50)),
                 site.mod = ~x,
                 beta = c(1,1))
mod <- msocc_mod(wide_data = sim$resp,
                 site = list(model = ~x, cov_tbl = sim$site),
                 sample = list(model = ~1, cov_tbl = sim$sample),
                 rep = list(model = ~1, cov_tbl = sim$rep),
                 progress = F)
cred_plot(mod, truth = sim$params$psi)
cred_plot(mod, level = 'sample',truth = sim$params$theta, n = 10)
cred_plot(mod, level = "rep", truth = sim$params$p, n = 10)

# psi constant, theta function of covariates, p constant
sim <- msocc_sim(M = 10, J = 20, K = 5,
                 sample.df = data.frame(site = rep(1:10, each = 20),
                                        sample = rep(1:20, 10),
                                        x = rnorm(200)),
                 sample.mod = ~x,
                 alpha = c(1,1))
mod <- msocc_mod(wide_data = sim$resp,
                 site = list(model = ~1, cov_tbl = sim$site),
                 sample = list(model = ~x, cov_tbl = sim$sample),
                 rep = list(model = ~1, cov_tbl = sim$rep),
                 progress = F)
cred_plot(mod, level = 'site', truth = sim$params$psi)
cred_plot(mod, level = 'sample', truth = sim$params$theta, n = 20)
cred_plot(mod, level = 'rep', truth = sim$params$p)

# psi constant, theta constant, p function of covariates at sample level
rep.df <- data.frame(
  site = rep(1:10, each = 5),
  sample = rep(1:5, 10),
  x = rnorm(50)
sim <- msocc_sim(M = 10, J = 5, K = 10,
                 rep.df = rep.df,
                 rep.mod = ~x,
                 delta = c(1,1))
mod <- msocc_mod(wide_data = sim$resp,
                 site = list(model = ~1, cov_tbl = sim$site),
                 sample = list(model = ~1, cov_tbl = sim$sample),
                 rep = list(model = ~x, cov_tbl = sim$rep), beta_bin = T, progress = F)
cred_plot(mod, level = 'site', truth = sim$params$psi)
cred_plot(mod, level = 'sample', truth = sim$params$theta)
cred_plot(mod, level = 'rep', n = 25, truth = unique(sim$params$p))

# constant psi, theta, and p - unbalanced at sample level
sim <- msocc_sim(M = 10, J = sample(c(4:5), 10, replace = T), K = 5)
mod <- msocc_mod(wide_data = sim$resp,
                 site = list(model = ~1, cov_tbl = sim$site),
                 sample = list(model = ~1, cov_tbl = sim$sample),
                 rep = list(model = ~1, cov_tbl = sim$rep),
                 progress = F)
cred_plot(mod, truth = sim$params$psi)
cred_plot(mod, level = 'sample', truth = sim$params$theta)
cred_plot(mod, level = "rep", truth = sim$params$p)

# constant psi, theta, and p - unbalanced at sample and rep level
num.sites <- 10
num.samples <- sample(c(4:5), num.sites, replace = T)
num.reps <- sample(c(5:8), sum(num.samples), replace = T)

sim <- msocc_sim(M = num.sites, J = num.samples, K = num.reps)
mod <- msocc_mod(wide_data = sim$resp,
                 site = list(model = ~1, cov_tbl = sim$site),
                 sample = list(model = ~1, cov_tbl = sim$sample),
                 rep = list(model = ~1, cov_tbl = sim$rep),
                 progress = F)
cred_plot(mod, truth = sim$params$psi)
cred_plot(mod, level = 'sample', truth = sim$params$theta)
cred_plot(mod, level = "rep", truth = sim$params$p)
StrattonCh/msocc documentation built on Dec. 22, 2020, 2:51 a.m.