
#' Return features describing an eigenvector
#' For a PCA, if given a vector, this function will return the features most
#' heavily weighted for that eigenvector. N.B Experimental, not tested.
#' @param pca_data a prcomp object
#' @param pca_vector A two element vector of a PCA i.e c(PC1, PC2)
#' @param n How many features returned to describe each element of
#'     `pca_vector`
#' @return vector
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(iris)
#' pca_iris <- prcomp(iris[,1:4])
#' # features for a vector pointing straight up, essentially just
#' # those for PC2 in a positive direction.
#' return_features(pca_iris, c(0,1))

return_features <- function(pca_data, pca_vector, n = 2){
  # check inputs
  if (attributes(pca_data)$class != "prcomp"){
    stop("pca_data needs to be a prcomp object",
         call. = FALSE)
  if (length(pca_vector) < 2){
    stop("pca_vector needs to contain at least 2 elements",
         call. = FALSE)
  if (is.numeric(pca_vector) == FALSE){
    stop("pca_vector needs to be a numeric vector")
  # get the loadings of the first two principal components
  loadings <- pca_data$rotation[,1:2]
  # function to convert pca's into ratio of 1
  pca_ratio <- function(x){
    total <- abs(x[1]) + abs(x[2])
    x1 <- x[1] / total
    x2 <- x[2] / total
    new_x <- c(x1, x2)
  # convert pcs into ratios
  pca_vector_ratio <- pca_ratio(pca_vector)
  # weight loadings by pca_ratios
  alt_loadings <- as.data.frame(t(t(loadings) * pca_vector_ratio))
  # change row names into a column
  alt_loadings <- cbind(feature = rownames(alt_loadings), alt_loadings)
  rownames(alt_loadings) <- NULL
  # highest features for PC1
  w_PC1 <- alt_loadings[order(alt_loadings$PC1, decreasing = TRUE), ]
  PC1_f <- as.vector(w_PC1[1:n, 1])
  # highest features for PC2
  w_PC2 <- alt_loadings[order(alt_loadings$PC2, decreasing = TRUE), ]
  PC2_f <- as.vector(w_PC2[1:n, 1])
  return(c(PC1_f, PC2_f))
Swarchal/phenoDist documentation built on May 9, 2019, 3:25 p.m.