
Defines functions encodedColumnTypes encodedColumn encodedColumnType geometryRow.default geometryRow.sfencoded geometryRow sfNEmpty.sfc sfNEmpty sfPrecision.sfc sfPrecision sfProj.sfc sfProj sfEpsg.sfc sfEpsg sfBbox.sfc sfBbox sfDimension.sfc sfDimension sfGeometryType.sfc sfGeometryType sfGeometryColumn.sf sfGeometryColumn sfGeometryAttributes.sfc sfGeometryAttributes.sf sfGeometryAttributes sfAttributes.sfencoded sfAttributes

Documented in geometryRow sfAttributes

#' sf Attributes
#' Retrieves the sf attributes stored on the \code{sfencoded} object
#' @param x \code{sfencoded} object
#' @return \code{list} of \code{sf} attributes
#' @export
sfAttributes <- function(x) UseMethod("sfAttributes")

#' @export
sfAttributes.sfencoded <- function(x) attr(x, "sfAttributes")

sfGeometryAttributes <- function(sf) UseMethod("sfGeometryAttributes")

#' @export
sfGeometryAttributes.sf <- function(sf) sfGeometryAttributes(sf[[sfGeometryColumn(sf)]])

#' @export
sfGeometryAttributes.sfc <- function(sf) {
    type = sfGeometryType(sf),
    dim  = sfDimension(sf),
    bbox = sfBbox(sf),
    epsg = sfEpsg(sf),
    proj = sfProj(sf),
    prec = sfPrecision(sf),
    n_em = sfNEmpty(sf)

sfGeometryColumn <- function(sf) UseMethod("sfGeometryColumn")

#' @export
sfGeometryColumn.sf <- function(sf) attr(sf, "sf_column")

sfGeometryType <- function(sf) UseMethod("sfGeometryType")

#' @export
sfGeometryType.sfc <- function(sf) substr(class(sf)[1], 5, nchar(class(sf)[1]))

sfDimension <- function(sf) UseMethod("sfDimension")

#' @export
sfDimension.sfc <- function(sf) class(sf[[1]])[1]

### BBOX
sfBbox <- function(sf) UseMethod("sfBbox")

sfBbox.sfc <- function(sf) attr(sf, "bbox")

### EPSG
sfEpsg <- function(sf) UseMethod("sfEpsg") 

#' @export
sfEpsg.sfc <- function(sf) attr(sf, "crs")$epsg

sfProj <- function(sf) UseMethod("sfProj")

#' @export
sfProj.sfc <- function(sf) attr(sf, "crs")$proj4string

sfPrecision <- function(sf) UseMethod("sfPrecision")

#' @export
sfPrecision.sfc <- function(sf) attr(sf, "precision")

sfNEmpty <- function(sf) UseMethod("sfNEmpty")

#' @export
sfNEmpty.sfc <- function(sf) attr(sf, "n_empty")

#' Geometry Row
#' Extracts specific geometry rows of an \code{sfencoded} object
#' @param x \code{sfencoded} object
#' @param geometry the specific geometry to extract
#' @param multi logical indicating if MULTI geometry objects are included
#' @return the row indeces for the requested geometry
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#'df <- data.frame(myId = c(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2),
#' 	lineId = c(1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,1,1,1,2),
#' 	lon = c(-80.190,-66.118,-64.757,-80.190,-70.579,-67.514,-66.668,-70.579,-70,-49,-51,-70),
#' 	lat = c(26.774, 18.466, 32.321, 26.774, 28.745, 29.570, 27.339, 28.745, 22, 23, 22, 22))
#' p1 <- as.matrix(df[1:4, c("lon", "lat")])
#' p2 <- as.matrix(df[5:8, c("lon", "lat")])
#' p3 <- as.matrix(df[9:12, c("lon", "lat")])
#' point <- sf::st_sfc(sf::st_point(x = c(df[1,"lon"], df[1,"lat"])))
#' multipoint <- sf::st_sfc(sf::st_multipoint(x = as.matrix(df[1:2, c("lon", "lat")])))
#' polygon <- sf::st_sfc(sf::st_polygon(x = list(p1, p2)))
#' linestring <- sf::st_sfc(sf::st_linestring(p3))
#' multilinestring <- sf::st_sfc(sf::st_multilinestring(list(p1, p2)))
#' multipolygon <- sf::st_sfc(sf::st_multipolygon(x = list(list(p1, p2), list(p3))))
#' sf <- rbind(
#' 	st_sf(geo = polygon),
#' 	st_sf(geo = multilinestring),
#' 	st_sf(geo = linestring),
#' 	st_sf(geo = point)
#' 	)
#' encode(sf)
#' enc <- encode(sf)
#' geometryRow(enc, "POINT")
#' geometryRow(enc, "LINESTRING")
#' geometryRow(enc, "POLYGON")
#' }
#' @export
geometryRow <- function(x, geometry = c("POINT", "LINESTRING", "POLYGON"), multi = TRUE) {
  geometry <- match.arg(geometry)

#' @export
geometryRow.sfencoded <- function(x, geometry, multi = TRUE) {
  encodedColumnType(x, ifelse(multi, paste0("*", geometry), paste0("^",geometry,"$")))

#' @export
geometryRow.default <- function(x, ... ){
  stop("This function should be called on an sfencoded object")

encodedColumnType <- function(encoded, type) which(grepl(type, encodedColumnTypes(encoded)))

encodedColumn <- function(encoded) encoded[[attr(encoded, 'encoded_column')]]

encodedColumnTypes <- function(encoded) vapply(encodedColumn(encoded), function(x) { attr(x, 'sfc')[2] }, '' )
SymbolixAU/googlePolylines documentation built on Sept. 10, 2023, 4:14 a.m.