
######## FUNCTIONS #########
# Fit peptide sequence to maximum length
fitToLength <- function(peptide, maxLength, blank) {
  pep_len = nchar(peptide)
  difference = maxLength - pep_len
  if (difference < 1) { return(peptide)
  } else {
    characters =  as.vector(unlist(strsplit(peptide,"")))
    part_1 = characters[1:(ceiling(pep_len/2))]
    blanks = rep(blank, difference)
    part_2 = characters[(ceiling(pep_len/2)+1):pep_len]
    characters = c(part_1, blanks, part_2)
    return(paste(characters, sep = "", collapse = ""))
# Obtain the individual peptide matrix
getPeptideMatrix <- function(peptide, peptideMatrix, maxLength, fitLength = FALSE) {
  blank = '_'
  if ((nchar(peptide)<maxLength)&(fitLength)) {
    peptide = fitToLength(peptide, maxLength, blank)
  characters =  as.vector(unlist(strsplit(peptide,"")))

  # WITO : actually it is just a loop...
  update_matrix = sapply(c(1:length(characters)), function(pos) { if (characters[pos] != blank){
    peptideMatrix[characters[pos],pos] <<- 1 } })

getMotifMatrix <- function (peptides, fitLength = FALSE, forceLength = 0 ) {
  # create blank probability matrix
  aminoacids =  c('A','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','K','L','M','N','P','Q','R','S','T','V','W','Y')
  if (forceLength == 0) {
    pos_max = max(unlist(lapply(peptides, nchar)))
  }else {pos_max = forceLength}

  probability_matrix = data.frame(matrix(0,nrow=length(aminoacids), ncol=pos_max))
  rownames(probability_matrix) = aminoacids
  colnames(probability_matrix) = c(1:pos_max)

  if (length(peptides)<1){
  } else {
    pep_matrix_list = lapply (peptides, getPeptideMatrix, peptideMatrix = probability_matrix, maxLength = pos_max, fitLength = fitLength)
    sum_all = sapply(c(1:length(pep_matrix_list)), function(x) { probability_matrix <<- probability_matrix + pep_matrix_list[[x]] })

    #if (fit_length) {
    motif_matrix = data.frame(apply(probability_matrix, 2, function(x) { round(10*x/length(peptides),2) }))
    #} else {
    #	motif_matrix = data.frame(apply(probability_matrix, 2, function(x) { round(10*x/sum(x),2) }))
    colnames(motif_matrix) = c(1:dim(motif_matrix)[2])

getMotifMatrixOptimized <- function (peptides, fitLength = FALSE, forceLength = 0 ) {
  # create blank probability matrix
  aminoacids =  c('A','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','K','L','M','N','P','Q','R','S','T','V','W','Y')
  if (forceLength == 0) {pos_max = max(unlist(lapply(peptides, nchar)))}
  else {pos_max = forceLength}

  probability_matrix = data.frame(matrix(0,nrow=length(aminoacids), ncol=pos_max))
  rownames(probability_matrix) = aminoacids
  colnames(probability_matrix) = c(1:pos_max)
  peptide_matrix = probability_matrix

  pep_matrix_list = sapply (peptides, function(peptide, peptideMatrix, maxLength, fitLength) {
    blank = '_'
    if ((nchar(peptide)<maxLength)&(fitLength)) { peptide = fitToLength(peptide, maxLength, blank) }
    characters =  as.vector(unlist(strsplit(peptide,"")))
    update_matrix = sapply(c(1:length(characters)), function(pos) { if (characters[pos] != blank){
      peptideMatrix[characters[pos],pos] <<- 1 } })
    probability_matrix <<- probability_matrix + peptideMatrix
  }, peptideMatrix = peptide_matrix, maxLength = pos_max, fitLength = fitLength)

  #sum_all = sapply(c(1:length(pep_matrix_list)), function(x) { probability_matrix <<- probability_matrix + pep_matrix_list[[x]] })

  #if (fit_length) {
  motif_matrix = data.frame(apply(probability_matrix, 2, function(x) { round(10*x/length(peptides),2) }))
  #} else {
  #	motif_matrix = data.frame(apply(probability_matrix, 2, function(x) { round(10*x/sum(x),2) }))
  colnames(motif_matrix) = c(1:dim(motif_matrix)[2])

plotMotifElement <- function(values, allLetters, probabilityTh, font = 1, fontSizeMax = 10) {
  # The colors of the amino acids correspond to their chemical properties;
  # - polar amino acids (G, S, T, Y, C, Q, and N) are shown in green
  # - basic amino acids (K, R, and H) are shown in blue
  # - acidic amino acids (D and E) are shown in red
  # - hydrophobic amino acids (A, V, L, I, P, W, F, and M) are shown in black.
  colors_table = data.frame(letters = c("D","E", "N","Q","S","G","T","Y", "R","K","H"),
                            colors = c("red","red","green","green","green","green","green","green","blue","blue","blue"))
  rownames(colors_table) = colors_table[,"letters"]
  default_color = "black"

  # plot all aminoacids
  position = as.integer(colnames(values)[1])
  last_y <- 0
  apply(values, 1, function(x, y) {
    aminoacid = x["letter"]
    probability = as.numeric(x[colnames(values)[1]])

    color = default_color
    if (max((rownames(colors_table)==aminoacid)*1)>0) {color = as.character(colors_table[aminoacid,"colors"])}

    font_size_min = 0.1
    font_size = max(fontSizeMax * (probability/10), font_size_min)

    ytop = last_y + strheight(aminoacid, font = font, cex = font_size) + probabilityTh/4
    pos_y = last_y + strheight(aminoacid, font = font, cex = font_size)/2 + probabilityTh/8

    text(x = position, y = pos_y, aminoacid, col = color, font = font, cex = font_size)

    last_y <<- ytop

  }, y = allLetters)

plotMotifMatrix <- function(motifMatrixList, probabilityTh = 1.0, plotWidth = 15, plotHeight = 10, plotTitle = "Motif Plot", subtitles = "subplot", fontSizeMax = 10, mfrow = FALSE, pdfFile="") {
  # get list of matrices and subtitles
  if (class(motifMatrixList)!= "list") { motifMatrixList = list(motifMatrixList) }
  nplots = length(motifMatrixList)
  if (class(subtitles) != "list") { subtitles = rep(subtitles, nplots) }

  # Main plotting
  if (nchar(pdfFile)>1){
    pdf(pdfFile, width=plotWidth, height=plotHeight)
  else {
    dev.new(width=plotWidth, height=plotHeight)

  if (mfrow == FALSE) {mfrow = n2mfrow(nplots)}
  par(mfrow = mfrow)

  #plot matrices in input list
  index = 1
  doPlot = lapply(motifMatrixList, function(motif_matrix, subtitles) {
    # get limits
    pos_max = dim(motif_matrix)[2]
    # subplot setup
    plot( c(1-0.5,pos_max+0.5), c(0,plotHeight), xlab="aminoacid position", ylab="", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", col = "white", main = subtitles[index])
    axis(1, at = c(1:pos_max))

    #plot elements
    plot_motif = sapply(colnames(motif_matrix),function(x,y) {
      column = y[x]
      letter = rownames(y)
      values = cbind(column,letter)
      values = values[values[x]>=probabilityTh,]
      values = values[order(values[x]), ]
      if (dim(values)[1]>0) {
        plotMotifElement(values, as.vector(rownames(y)), probabilityTh, fontSizeMax = round(fontSizeMax/mfrow[2]))
      return (0)
    }, y = motif_matrix )
    index <<- index + 1
  }, subtitles = subtitles)

  #set main title
  title(main = plotTitle, outer = T)

  if (nchar(pdfFile)>1){dev.off()}

  return (0)
SysteMHC/RnetMHC documentation built on May 9, 2019, 3:31 p.m.