# #Getting the data function
# set.pair.subsets <- function(subsets_pair, intercept=NULL) {
# subsets_pair_out <- list()
# for(element in 1:length(subsets_pair[[1]])) {
# tmp_list <- lapply(subsets_pair, `[[`, element)
# #Getting the subsets from the list
# subsets_pair_out[[element]] <- list.to.table(tmp_list)
# #Remove subsets column
# subsets_pair_out[[element]]$subsets <- NULL
# #Setting the group as binomial
# subsets_pair_out[[element]]$group <- c(rep(0, length(subsets_pair[[1]][[element]])), rep(1, length(subsets_pair[[2]][[element]])))
# #Add intercept (if non-null)
# if(!is.null(intercept)) {
# #If intercept is a list get the right element!
# if(class(intercept) == "list") {
# subsets_pair_out[[element]]$intercept <- intercept[[element]][[1]]
# } else {
# subsets_pair_out[[element]]$intercept <- intercept
# }
# }
# }
# return(subsets_pair_out)
# }
# #Estimating intercept function
# intercept.estimate <- function(intercept0, slope) {
# #Initialising slope variable
# slope_length <- length(slope)
# if(slope_length > 1) {
# #First intercept
# intercept <- intercept0 + slope[1] * 1
# for(n in 2:slope_length) {
# intercept <- intercept + slope[n] * 1
# }
# } else {
# intercept <- intercept0 + slope * 1
# }
# return(intercept)
# }
# #Sets the intercept0 for a model
# set.intercept0 <- function(first_model) {
# #If intercept is significant
# if(summary(first_model)$coefficients[1, 4] < 0.05) {
# #Set intercept0
# intercept0 <- coef(first_model)[1]
# } else {
# #Else intercept0 is just 0
# intercept0 <- 0
# }
# return(intercept0)
# }
# #Setting the predicted intercept for the next model
# set.intercept.next <- function(one_model, intercept0) {
# model_summary <- summary(one_model)$coefficients
# #Check if the model contains an intercept
# if(dim(model_summary)[1] != 1) {
# p_value <- model_summary[2, 4]
# slope <- model_summary[2, 1]
# } else {
# p_value <- model_summary[4]
# slope <- model_summary[1]
# }
# if(p_value > 0.05) {
# #Set slope to 0 if intercept is not significant
# slope <- 0
# }
# #Calculate the next model's intercept
# intercept_next <- intercept.estimate(intercept0, slope)
# return(intercept_next)
# }
# #Creating the model function
# create.model <- function(data, family, intercept = NULL, ...) {
# if(!is.null(intercept)) {
# #Estimating only the slope in the model
# if(intercept == "in.data") {
# #Intercept is present in the data
# intercept <- unique(data$intercept)
# }
# #Estimate the model using the intercept
# #model <- glm(group ~ data - 1 + offset(intercept), data = data, family = family, ...) # For binomial
# model <- glm(data ~ group - 1 + offset(intercept), data = data, family = family, ...)
# } else {
# #Estimating the intercept and the slope in the model
# #model <- glm(group ~ data, data = data, family = family, ...) # For binomial
# model <- glm(data ~ group, data = data, family = family, ...)
# }
# return(model)
# }
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