
Defines functions clean.data

Documented in clean.data

#' @title Cleaning phylogenetic data
#' @description Cleans a table/tree to match with a given table/tree
#' @param data A \code{data.frame} or \code{matrix} with the elements names as row names.
#' @param tree A \code{phylo} or \code{multiPhylo} object.
#' @param data.col Optional, the number (\code{numeric}) or name (\code{character}) of the column in \code{data} that contains the tip labels to match. If left missing, the \code{data}'s rownames are used (default is \code{FALSE}).
#' @return
#' A \code{list} containing the cleaned data and tree(s) and information on the eventual dropped tips and rows.
#' @examples
#' ##Creating a set of different trees
#' trees_list <- list(rtree(5, tip.label = LETTERS[1:5]), rtree(4,
#'      tip.label = LETTERS[1:4]), rtree(6, tip.label = LETTERS[1:6]))
#' class(trees_list) <- "multiPhylo"
#' ##Creating a matrix
#' dummy_data <- matrix(c(rnorm(5), runif(5)), 5, 2,
#'     dimnames = list(LETTERS[1:5], c("var1", "var2")))
#' ##Cleaning the trees and the data
#' cleaned <- clean.data(data = dummy_data, tree = trees_list)
#' ##The taxa that where dropped (tips and rows):
#' c(cleaned$dropped_tips, cleaned$dropped_rows)
#' ##The cleaned trees:
#' cleaned$tree
#' ##The cleaned data set:
#' cleaned$data
#' @author Thomas Guillerme
#' @export

clean.data <- function(data, tree, data.col = FALSE) {

    ## Get call
    match_call <- match.call()

    ## data
    data_class <- check.class(data, c("matrix", "data.frame"), " must be a data.frame or matrix object.")
    ## if matrix, it must have row names
    if(data_class == "matrix" && is.null(rownames(data))) {
        stop(paste(match_call$data, "must have row names."))

    ## tree
    tree_class <- check.class(tree, c("phylo", "multiPhylo"), " must be a phylo or multiPhylo object.")

    ## data.col
    if(data.col != FALSE) {
        check.length(data.col, 1, " must be either a numeric value or a character string.", errorif = FALSE)
        data_col_class <- check.class(data.col, c("numeric", "character"))

        if(data_col_class == "numeric") {
            ## Data.col is numeric
            if(data.col > ncol(data)) {
                stop(paste("Column", match_call$data.col, "is not present in", match_call$data))
        } else {
            ## Data.col is character
            data.col <- match(data.col, colnames(data))
            if(is.na(data.col)) {
                stop(paste("Column", match_call$data.col, "is not present in", match_call$data))

    ## for a single tree
    if(tree_class == "phylo") {
        cleaned_data <- clean.tree.table(tree, data, data.col)

    } else {
        ## for multiple trees
        ## lapply function
        cleaned_list <- lapply(tree, clean.tree.table, data = data, data.col = data.col)

        ## Selecting the tips to drop
        tips_to_drop <- unique(unlist(lapply(cleaned_list, function(x) x[[3]])))
        ## removing NAs
        if(any(is.na(tips_to_drop))) {
            tips_to_drop <- tips_to_drop[-which(is.na(tips_to_drop))]

        ## Selecting the rows to drop
        rows_to_drop <- unique(unlist(lapply(cleaned_list, function(x) x[[4]])))
        ## removing NAs
        if(any(is.na(rows_to_drop))) {
            rows_to_drop <- rows_to_drop[-which(is.na(rows_to_drop))]

        ## Combining both
        taxa_to_drop <- c(tips_to_drop, rows_to_drop)

        ## Dropping the tips across all trees
        if(length(taxa_to_drop) != 0) {
            tree_new <- lapply(tree, drop.tip, taxa_to_drop) ; class(tree_new) <- 'multiPhylo'
        } else {
            ## removing taxa from the trees
            ## keep the same trees
            tree_new <- tree
            if(length(tips_to_drop) == 0) tips_to_drop <- NA

        ## Dropping the rows
        if(length(rows_to_drop) != 0) {
            ## removing taxa from the data
            if(data.col != FALSE) {
                data_new <- data[!(data[,data.col] %in% rows_to_drop), ] 
            } else {
                data_new <- data[!(rownames(data) %in% rows_to_drop), ] 
        } else {
            ## keep the same data
            data_new <- data
            if(length(rows_to_drop) == 0) rows_to_drop <- NA

        ## output list
        cleaned_data <- list("tree" = tree_new, "data" = data_new, "dropped_tips" = tips_to_drop,  "dropped_rows" = rows_to_drop)


## End
TGuillerme/mulTree documentation built on Feb. 21, 2024, 9:18 a.m.