
# TEST as.mulTree
# Testing select.tip.labels
test_that("read.key works - scan option deactivated!", {
    	read.key("message1", scan=FALSE)
    	read.key("message1", "message2", scan=FALSE)
    #Too many messages
    	read.key("message1", "message2", "message3", scan=FALSE)
    #Not enough messages

# Dummy data for testing
data <- data.frame("sp.col" = LETTERS[1:5], var1 = rnorm(5), var2 = rnorm(5))
tree <- replicate(3, rcoal(5, tip.label = LETTERS[1:5]), simplify = FALSE) ; class(tree) <- "multiPhylo"
mulTree_data <- as.mulTree(data, tree, taxa = "sp.col") ; mulTree.data <- mulTree_data
formula <- var1 ~ var2
parameters <- c(1000, 10, 100)
chains <- 2
priors <- list(R = list(V = 1/2, nu = 0.002), G = list(G1 = list(V = 1/2, nu = 0.002)))

## Making the arg list
mulTree_arguments <-  list("warn" = FALSE, "fixed" = formula, "random" = mulTree.data$random.terms, "pedigree" = mulTree.data$phy[[1]], "prior" = priors, "data" = mulTree.data$data, "verbose" = FALSE, "nitt" = parameters[1], "thin" = parameters[2], "burnin" = parameters[3])

# Testing lapply MCMCglmm wrapper function
# test_that("lapply.MCMCglmm works", {
#     #Errors
#     # tree is not a single tree (multiPhylo)
#     test_args <- mulTree_arguments
#     test_args$pedigree <- mulTree.data$phy
#     expect_error(
#         lapply.MCMCglmm(test_args)
#         )

#     # mulTree.data is not the proper dataset
#     test_args <- mulTree_arguments
#     test_args$data <- matrix(1)
#     expect_error(
#         lapply.MCMCglmm(test_args)
#         )

#     # formula is not a formula
#     test_args <- mulTree_arguments
#     test_args$formula <- "bob"
#     expect_error(
#         lapply.MCMCglmm(test_args)
#         )

#     # priors' not a list
#     test_args <- mulTree_arguments
#     test_args$priors <- 1
#     expect_error(
#         lapply.MCMCglmm(test_args)
#         )

#     # parameters is not a vector
#     test_args <- mulTree_arguments
#     test_args$thin <- parameters
#     expect_warning(
#         expect_error(
#             lapply.MCMCglmm(test_args)
#             )
#         )

#     # wrong additional argument
#     test_args <- mulTree_arguments
#     test_args$whatever <- TRUE
#     expect_error(
#         lapply.MCMCglmm(test_args)
#         )
#     # When no errors, outputs a MCMCglmm object
#     test <- lapply.MCMCglmm(mulTree_arguments)
#     # Output is MCMCglmm
#     expect_is(
#     	test, "MCMCglmm"
#     	)
#     # MCMCglmm is of standard length
#     expect_equal(
#     	length(test), 19
#     	)

#     # Correct optional arguments handling
#     test_args <- mulTree_arguments
#     test_args$family <- "gaussian"
#     test_args$nodes <- "ALL"
#     test_args$scale <- TRUE
#     test_args$pr <- FALSE
#     test_args$pl <- FALSE
#     test_args$DIC <- TRUE
#     test_args$singular.ok <- FALSE
#     test_args$saveX <- TRUE
#     test_args$saveZ <- TRUE
#     test_args$saveXL <- TRUE
#     test_args$slice <- FALSE
#     test_args$trunc <- FALSE

#     test <- lapply.MCMCglmm(test_args)

#     # Output is MCMCglmm
#     expect_is(
#         test, "MCMCglmm"
#         )
#     # MCMCglmm is of standard length
#     expect_equal(
#         length(test), 19
#         )
# })

test_that("get.model.name internal fun", {
    expect_equal(get.model.name(1,1,"test"), "test-tree1_chain1.rda")

data <- data.frame("sp.col" = LETTERS[1:5], var1 = rnorm(5), var2 = rnorm(5))
tree <- replicate(3, rcoal(5, tip.label = LETTERS[1:5]), simplify = FALSE)
class(tree) <- "multiPhylo"
mulTree.data <- as.mulTree(data, tree, taxa = "sp.col")
priors <- list(R = list(V = 1/2, nu = 0.002),
      G = list(G1 = list(V = 1/2, nu = 0.002)))

mulTree(mulTree.data, formula = var1 ~ var2, parameters = c(1000, 10, 100),
     chains = 2, prior = priors, output = "quick_example", convergence = 1.1,
     ESS = 100, ask = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)

test_that("extract.chains internal fun", {
    model <- extract.chains(1, 1, "quick_example")
    expect_is(model, "MCMCglmm")

test_that("ESS.lapply internal fun", {
    model <- extract.chains(1, 1, "quick_example")
    ESS <- ESS.lapply(model)
    expect_is(ESS, "list")
    expect_equal(names(ESS), c("Sol", "VCV"))

## Clean folder
remove <- file.remove(list.files(pattern = "quick_example"))

test_that("cleaned files", {

test_that("get.timer internal function", {
    expect_output(get.timer(list(600)), "Total execution time: 10 mins.")
    expect_output(get.timer(list(3600)), "Total execution time: 1 hours.")
    expect_output(get.timer(list(3601)), "Total execution time: 1.000278 hours.")
    expect_output(get.timer(list(86400)), "Total execution time: 1 days")
    expect_output(get.timer(list(1000000)), "Total execution time: 11.57407 days")

# Creating two dummy chains
mulTree_arguments <-  list("warn" = FALSE, "fixed" = formula, "random" = mulTree.data$random.terms, "pedigree" = mulTree.data$phy[[1]], "prior" = priors, "data" = mulTree.data$data, "verbose" = FALSE, "nitt" = parameters[1], "thin" = parameters[2], "burnin" = parameters[3])

model_tree1_chain1 <- lapply.MCMCglmm(mulTree_arguments)
model_tree1_chain2 <- lapply.MCMCglmm(mulTree_arguments)
# Testing the convergence test
test_that("convergence.test works", {
    # Errors
    # Not a list
    # Not enough chains
    # Missing arguments (error + message)
    # Convergence works
    test <- convergence.test(list(model_tree1_chain1, model_tree1_chain2))
    # Output is gelman.diag
    	test, "gelman.diag"
    # gelman.diag is standard format
    	length(test), 2
    # psrf is standard matrix
    	test$psrf, "matrix"

#Testing ESS lapply (structure similar to convergence.test)
test_that("ESS.lapply works", {
    # Errors
    # Something silly
    	ESS.lapply(3, 1)
    # ESS is a numeric vector (length 2)
    	ESS.lapply(model_tree1_chain1), "list"
    	names(ESS.lapply(model_tree1_chain1)), c("Sol","VCV")

## Get timer
test_that("get.timer works", {

    one_sec <- 1
    attr(one_sec, "units") <- "secs"
    class(one_sec) <- "difftime"
    two_min <- 2*60
    attr(two_min, "units") <- "secs"
    class(two_min) <- "difftime"
    three_hour <- 3*60*60
    attr(three_hour, "units") <- "secs"
    class(three_hour) <- "difftime"

        capture_output(get.timer(one_sec)), "Total execution time: 1 secs."
        capture_output(get.timer(two_min)), "Total execution time: 2 mins."
        capture_output(get.timer(three_hour)), "Total execution time: 3 hours."

    one_day <- 86401
    attr(one_day, "units") <- "secs"
    class(one_day) <- "difftime"

        capture_output(get.timer(one_day)), "Total execution time: 1.000012 days."

#Testing quick example
test_that("Quick mulTree example works", {
    #Not mulTree format
    	mulTree(data, formula = var1 ~ var2, parameters = c(10000, 10, 1000), chains = 2, prior = priors, output = "quick_example", convergence = 1.1, ESS = 100)
    #Not matching formula
#    expect_error(
#    	mulTree(mulTree.data, formula = var1 ~ var3, parameters = c(10000, 10, 1000), chains = 2, prior = priors, output = "quick_example", convergence = 1.1, ESS = 100)
#		)
    #Not enough parameters
    	mulTree(mulTree.data, formula = var1 ~ var2, parameters = c(1,1), chains = 2, prior = priors, output = "quick_example", convergence = 1.1, ESS = 100)
    #Chains are not numeric
    	mulTree(mulTree.data, formula = var1 ~ var2, parameters = c(10000, 10, 1000), chains = "plenty", prior = priors, output = "quick_example", convergence = 1.1, ESS = 100)
    #Priors are not a lits
    	mulTree(mulTree.data, formula = var1 ~ var2, parameters = c(10000, 10, 1000), chains = 2, prior = 1, output = "quick_example", convergence = 1.1, ESS = 100)

    # Does not run on Travis!
    # #First example works
    # set.seed(1)
    # mulTree_test1 <- system.time(mulTree(mulTree.data, formula = var1 ~ var2, parameters = c(100, 10, 10), chains = 2, prior = priors, output = "mulTree_testing", verbose = FALSE))
    # #Generates 9 files
    # expect_equal(
 	#  	length(list.files(pattern = "mulTree_testing")), 9
    #	)
    # expect_equal(
    #	length(list.files(pattern = "mulTree_testing-tree1_chain")), 2
    #	)
    # expect_equal(
    #	length(list.files(pattern = "mulTree_testing-tree2_chain")), 2
    #	)
    # expect_equal(
    #	length(list.files(pattern = "mulTree_testing-tree3_chain")), 2
    #	)
    # expect_equal(
    #	length(list.files(pattern = "mulTree_testing-tree1_conv")), 1
    #	)
    # expect_equal(
    #	length(list.files(pattern = "mulTree_testing-tree2_conv")), 1
    #	)
    # expect_equal(
    #	length(list.files(pattern = "mulTree_testing-tree3_conv")), 1
    #	)
    # #File remove successful
    # expect_true(all(file.remove(list.files(pattern = "mulTree_testing")))
    #	)

    # #Second example (parallel) works
    # set.seed(1)
    # mulTree_test2 <- system.time(mulTree(mulTree.data, formula = var1 ~ var2, parameters = c(100, 10, 10), chains = 2, prior = priors, output = "mulTree_testing", parallel = "SOCK", verbose = FALSE))
    # #Generates 9 files
    # expect_equal(
    #	length(list.files(pattern = "mulTree_testing")), 9
    #	)
    # expect_equal(
    #	length(list.files(pattern = "mulTree_testing-tree1_chain")), 2
    #	)
    # expect_equal(
    #	length(list.files(pattern = "mulTree_testing-tree2_chain")), 2
    #	)
    # expect_equal(
    #	length(list.files(pattern = "mulTree_testing-tree3_chain")), 2
    #	)
    # expect_equal(
    #	length(list.files(pattern = "mulTree_testing-tree1_conv")), 1
    #	)
    # expect_equal(
    #	length(list.files(pattern = "mulTree_testing-tree2_conv")), 1
    #	)
    # expect_equal(
    #	length(list.files(pattern = "mulTree_testing-tree3_conv")), 1
    #	)
    # #File remove successful
    # expect_true(
    #	all(file.remove(list.files(pattern = "mulTree_testing")))
    #	)
    # # Timer test

TGuillerme/mulTree documentation built on Feb. 21, 2024, 9:18 a.m.