subset_emulators: Subsetting for Bimodal/Variance Emulators

subset_emulatorsR Documentation

Subsetting for Bimodal/Variance Emulators


Takes a collection of bimodal or stochastic emulators and subsets by output name.


subset_emulators(emulators, output_names)



A set of emulators, often in nested form


The names of the desired outputs


It can be useful to consider only a subset of outputs. In the normal case, this can be easily achieved; however, when the emulators are in a nested structure such as that provided by emulator_from_data with emulator_type = 'variance' or 'bimodal', it can be more involved. This function allows the easy selecting of emulators by name, returning a subset of them in the same form as the original object.

This function is compatible with ‘standard’ emulators; that is, those in a simple list, equivalent to subsetting over the collection of output names of the emulators that exist in output_names.


An object of the same form as 'emulators'.

Tandethsquire/hmer documentation built on Feb. 8, 2025, 12:22 p.m.