validation_pairs: Validation Set Diagnostics and Implausibility

validation_pairsR Documentation

Validation Set Diagnostics and Implausibility


Creates pairs plots on the set of validation points of diagnostic suitability and implausibility.


validation_pairs(ems, points, targets, ranges, nth = 1, cb = FALSE)



The Emulator object(s).


The set of validation points to plot.


The set of targets to match to.


If provided, this gives the plotting region (see above).


The level of maximum implausibility to plot.


Whether or not the colour scheme should be colourblind friendly.


The plots are organised as follows:

a) Emulated versus simulated output (lower diagonal). This is similar in spirit to comparison_diag: the plotted points are their location in the input space and the points are coloured by the emulator prediction's deviation from the simulator value.

b) Implausibility (upper diagonal). The points are again plotted based on their location in input space, but their colouration is now based on the implausibility of the point.

If ranges is provided, then the plotting region is created relative to these ranges. This can be useful if on later waves of a history match and the plotting is to be done relative to the original input space, rather than the (reduced) parameter space upon which the emulators have been trained.


A ggplot object.

See Also

Other visualisation tools: behaviour_plot(), diagnostic_wrap(), effect_strength(), emulator_plot(), hit_by_wave(), output_plot(), plot_actives(), plot_lattice(), plot_wrap(), simulator_plot(), space_removed(), wave_dependencies(), wave_points(), wave_values()


 validation_pairs(SIREmulators$ems, SIRSample$validation, SIREmulators$targets)
 wider_ranges <- purrr::map(SIREmulators$ems[[1]]$ranges, ~.*c(-2, 2))
 validation_pairs(SIREmulators$ems, SIRSample$validation,
  SIREmulators$targets, ranges = wider_ranges, cb = TRUE)

Tandethsquire/hmer documentation built on Feb. 8, 2025, 12:22 p.m.