wave_values: Multiple Wave Output Plotting

View source: R/multiwaveplot.R

wave_valuesR Documentation

Multiple Wave Output Plotting


Given multiple waves of points, produces pairs plots of the outputs.


  output_names = names(targets),
  ems = NULL,
  surround = FALSE,
  restrict = FALSE,
  p_size = 1.5,
  l_wid = 1.5,
  zero_in = TRUE,
  wave_numbers = ifelse(zero_in, 0, 1):(length(waves) - ifelse(zero_in, 0, 1)),
  which_wave = ifelse(zero_in, 0, 1),
  upper_scale = 1,



The list of data.frames, one for each set of outputs at that wave.


The output targets.


The outputs to plot.


If provided, plots the emulator expectations and 3-standard deviations.


As in wave_points.


Should the plotting automatically restrict to failing target windows?


As in wave_points.


The width of the lines that create the target boxes.


Is a wave 0 included in the waves list?


Which waves to plot.


Scaling for lower plots (see description)


Scaling for upper plots (ibid)


Optional parameters (not to be used directly)


This function operates in a similar fashion to wave_points - the main difference is that the output values are plotted. Consequently, the set of targets is required to overlay the region of interest onto the plot.

To ensure that the wave numbers provided in the legend match, one should provide waves as a list of data.frames with the earliest wave at the start of the list.

The parameters which_wave and upper_scale control the level of ‘zoom’ on each of the lower-triangular and upper-triangular plots, respectively. For the lower plots, which_wave determines which of the provided waves is to be used to determine the output ranges to plot with respect to: generally, higher which_wave values result in a more zoomed-in plot. For the upper plots, upper_scale determines the plot window via a multiple of the target bounds: higher values result in a more zoomed-out plot. If not provided, these default to which_wave=0 (or 1 if no wave 0 is given) and upper_scale = 1. If the value provided to which_wave does not correspond to a provided wave (or one explicitly not included in wave_numbers), it defaults to the closest available wave to the value of which_wave.

If ems is provided, it should follow the same structure as waves: at the very least, it should contain all emulators trained over the course of the waves. The emulator predictions for a target are made by the emulator for that target whose ranges are the smallest such that contain the point.


A ggplot object.

See Also

Other visualisation tools: behaviour_plot(), diagnostic_wrap(), effect_strength(), emulator_plot(), hit_by_wave(), output_plot(), plot_actives(), plot_lattice(), plot_wrap(), simulator_plot(), space_removed(), validation_pairs(), wave_dependencies(), wave_points()


 wave_values(SIRMultiWaveData, SIREmulators$targets, surround = TRUE, p_size = 1)
   wave_values(SIRMultiWaveData, SIREmulators$targets, c('nS', 'nI'), l_wid = 0.8)
     wave_values(SIRMultiWaveData, SIREmulators$targets, l_wid = 0.8,
      wave_numbers = c(0, 1, 3), which_wave = 2, upper_scale =  1.5)
     # For many plots, it may be helpful to manually modify the font size
     wave_values(SIRMultiWaveData, SIREmulators$targets) +
      ggplot2::theme(text = ggplot2::element_text(size = 5))

Tandethsquire/hmer documentation built on Feb. 8, 2025, 12:22 p.m.