#' Plot multivariate time series forecast or residuals
#' @param x result from \code{basicf}, \code{ridge2f} or \code{varf} (multivariate time series forecast)
#' @param selected_series name of the time series selected for plotting
#' @param type "pi": basic prediction intervals;
#' "dist": a distribution of predictions; "sims": the simulations
#' @param level confidence levels for prediction intervals
#' @param ... additional parameters to be passed to \code{plot} or \code{matplot}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' require(fpp)
#' fit_obj_VAR <- ahead::varf(fpp::insurance, lags = 2,
#' h = 10, level = 95)
#' fit_obj_ridge2 <- ahead::ridge2f(fpp::insurance, lags = 2,
#' h = 10, level = 95)
#' par(mfrow=c(2, 2))
#' plot(fit_obj_VAR, "Quotes")
#' plot(fit_obj_VAR, "TV.advert")
#' plot(fit_obj_ridge2, "Quotes")
#' plot(fit_obj_ridge2, "TV.advert")
#' obj <- ahead::ridge2f(fpp::insurance, h = 10, type_pi = "blockbootstrap",
#' block_length=5, B = 10)
#' par(mfrow=c(1, 2))
#' plot(obj, selected_series = "Quotes", type = "sims",
#' main = "Predictive simulation for Quotes")
#' plot(obj, selected_series = "TV.advert", type = "sims",
#' main = "Predictive simulation for TV.advert")
#' par(mfrow=c(1, 2))
#' plot(obj, selected_series = "Quotes", type = "dist",
#' main = "Predictive simulation for Quotes")
#' plot(obj, selected_series = "TV.advert", type = "dist",
#' main = "Predictive simulation for TV.advert")
plot.mtsforecast <- function(x, selected_series,
type = c("pi",
level = 95, ...)
type <- match.arg(type)
if (inherits(x, 'mtsforecast'))
if (type == "pi")
y <- x$x[, selected_series]
mean_fcast <- x$mean[, selected_series]
upper_fcast <- x$upper[, selected_series]
lower_fcast <- x$lower[, selected_series]
start_y <- start(y)
frequency_y <- frequency(y)
y_mean <- ts(c(y, mean_fcast), start = start_y,
frequency = frequency_y)
y_upper <- ts(c(y, upper_fcast), start = start_y,
frequency = frequency_y)
y_lower <- ts(c(y, lower_fcast), start = start_y,
frequency = frequency_y)
plot(y_mean, type='l',
main=paste0("Forecasts for ", selected_series, " (", x$method, ")"),
ylab="", ylim = c(min(c(y_upper, y_lower)),
max(c(y_upper, y_lower))), ...)
lines(y_upper, col="gray60")
lines(y_lower, col="gray60")
if (type == "dist")
x <- ahead::getsimulations(x, selected_series = selected_series)$series
start_x <- start(x)
freq_x <- frequency(x)
qt_upper <- apply(x, 1, function(u) quantile(u, level/100))
qt_lower <- apply(x, 1, function(u) quantile(u, 1 - level/100))
x_summary <- apply(x, 1, function(u) summary(u))[-3, ]
x_ci <- rbind(apply(x, 1, function(u) t.test(u)$conf.int)[1, ],
apply(x, 1, function(u) t.test(u)$conf.int)[2, ])
jet.colors <- colorRampPalette( c("lightyellow", "lightgreen") )
nbcol <- 3
color <- jet.colors(nbcol)
abs <- as.numeric(time(x))
y_mean <- ts(x_summary[3, ], start = start_x, frequency = freq_x)
bands_plot(abs, y_mean,
ci_upper = x_summary[1, ],
ci_lower = x_summary[5, ],
col = color[1], ylim = c(min(x_summary[1,]),
xlab = "time",
ylab = selected_series,
bands_add(abs, y_mean, col = color[2], ci_upper = qt_upper,
ci_lower = qt_lower)
bands_add(abs, y_mean, col = color[3], ci_upper = x_summary[2, ],
ci_lower = x_summary[4, ])
if (type == "sims")
B <- length(x$sims)
actual_selected_series <- x$x[, selected_series]
series_reps <- replicate(n = B, expr = actual_selected_series)
series_reps <- ts(series_reps,
start = start(actual_selected_series),
frequency = frequency(actual_selected_series))
start_x <- start(x$x)
frequency_x <- frequency(x$x)
start_preds <- start(x$mean)
preds_simulations <-
sapply(1:B, function (i)
x$sims[[i]][, selected_series]),
start = start_preds,
frequency = frequency_x
out <- ts(
data = rbind(series_reps, preds_simulations),
start = start_x,
frequency = frequency_x
time_inputs <- as.numeric(time(x$x))
input_series <- x$x[, selected_series]
x = as.numeric(time(out)),
y = out,
xlab = 'time',
ylab = selected_series,
type = 'l',
lwd = 2,
lines(x = time_inputs, y = input_series, lwd = 2)
} else {
stop("Method not implemented for this type of object")
# plot bands # work in progress #scratchinghead
bands_plot <- function(x, y_mean, ci_upper, ci_lower, col, y.goal = NULL, goal.col = "blue", ...)
plot(x = x, y = y_mean, type = 'l', ...)
polygon(c(x, rev(x)),
c(ci_upper, rev(ci_lower)),
col = col, border = FALSE)
lines(x, y_mean, lwd = 2)
if (!is.null(y.goal))
abline(h = y.goal, lty = 2, lwd = 2, col = goal.col)
# add bands on a plot # work in progress #scratchinghead
bands_add <- function(x, y_mean, col, ci_upper, ci_lower)
polygon(c(x, rev(x)),
c(ci_upper, rev(ci_lower)),
col = col, border = FALSE)
lines(x, y_mean, lwd = 2)
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