
Defines functions updateQ

Documented in updateQ

#' Update transition rates
#' @param nbStates Number of states
#' @param data Matrix of all data (observations and transitions)
#' @param switch Matrix of transitions
#' @param priorShape Shape of prior gamma distribution for the transition rates
#' @param priorRate Rate of prior gamma distribution for the transition rates
#' @param priorCon Concentration of prior Dirichlet distribution for
#' transition probabilities
#' @return Updated transition matrix
#' @importFrom gtools rdirichlet
#' @export
updateQ <- function(nbStates, data, switch, priorShape, priorRate, priorCon)
    # time spent in each state
    stateTab <- rbind(data[1,c("time","state")], # to include first interval
                      data[nrow(data),c("time","state")]) # to include last interval
    timeInStates <- sapply(1:nbStates, function(i) 
    # count intervals spent in each state
    countIntervals <- table(rle(data[,"state"])$values)
    # sample rates out of each state
    shape <- priorShape + countIntervals
    rate <- priorRate + timeInStates
    r <- rgamma(n = nbStates, shape = shape, rate = rate)
    # sample transition probabilities
    allCounts <- table(data[-nrow(data),"state"], data[-1,"state"])
    nonDiagCounts <- matrix(t(allCounts)[!diag(nbStates)], nrow=nbStates, byrow=TRUE)
    trProbs <- t(apply(nonDiagCounts, 1, function(x)
        rdirichlet(n = 1, alpha = x + priorCon)))
    # update generator matrix from rates and transition probs
    Q <- -diag(nbStates)
    Q[!Q] <- t(trProbs)
    Q <- t(Q*rep(r,each=nbStates))
TheoMichelot/MScrawl documentation built on Dec. 10, 2019, 10:44 a.m.