
DeconErrKnownHetPdf <- function(xx, W, h, phiUkvec, rescale, phiK, muK2, RK, tt){

	# Convert vector of functions to single function ---------------------------
	phiUk <- function(tt,k) {

	# Compute DKDE as in Delaigle and Meister (2008)

	W <- as.vector(W)
	n <- length(W)
	deltat <- tt[2] - tt[1]

	OO <- outer(tt / h, W)

	# Compute phiU_k(-t/h) for each k -- since phiU_k is symmetric, this is the 
	# same as phiU_k(t/h)
	matphiU <- OO
	for (k in 1:n)
		matphiU[, k] <- phiUk(tt / h, k)

	# Sum of squares by rows of the matrix. This produces a vector of size equal to that of 
	# tt
	phiUsqth <- apply(matphiU^2, 1, sum)

	# Estimate real and imaginary parts of empirical characteristic function of 
	# W computed at tt/h, for each component of tt.
	# Results = vectors of size length(tt)

	rehatphiX <- apply(cos(OO) * matphiU, 1, sum) / phiUsqth
	imhatphiX <- apply(sin(OO) * matphiU, 1, sum) / phiUsqth

	# Matrix of size length(tt) x length(xx)
	xt <- outer(tt / h, xx)
	longx <- length(xx)

	# Compute the DKDE estimator
	fXdecUK <- cos(xt) * kronecker(matrix(1, 1, longx), rehatphiX) + sin(xt) * 
			   kronecker(matrix(1, 1, longx), imhatphiX)
	fXdecUK <- apply(fXdecUK * kronecker(matrix(1, 1, longx), phiK(tt)), 2, sum) / 
			   (2 * pi) * deltat / h
	fXdecUK[which(fXdecUK < 0)] <- 0

	if (rescale == 1){
		dx <- xx[2] - xx[1]
		fXdecUK <- fXdecUK / sum(fXdecUK) / dx

	return (fXdecUK)
TimothyHyndman/deconvolve documentation built on May 13, 2019, 11:51 p.m.