

# Find "new" files:
files <- locate(file = "^scs[0-9]+L")

# Load files:
r <- NULL
for (i in 1:length(files)){
   x <- read.csv(files[i], header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
   # Determine survey year:
   year <- unique(x$year)
   # Read tow data:
   y <- read.scsset(year, valid = 1)
   y$year <- year(y)
   # Import tow IDs and dates:
   if (year < 2019){
      x$tow <- substr(x$, 3, 5)
      y$tow <- substr(y$, 3, 5)
      key <- c("year", "tow")
      ix <- match(x[key], y[key])
      x <- cbind(data.frame(date = y$date[ix], stringsAsFactors = FALSE), x)
      x$ <- y$[ix] # # Replace tow ID.
      x$ <- toupper(x$
      ix <- match(x[c("year", "")], y[c("year", "")])
      x$date <- y$date[ix] # # Replace tow ID.
   # Remove redundant data:
   x <- x[-which(names(x) %in% c("year", "tow"))]
   # Add missing variables:
   if (i > 1) x[setdiff(names(r), names(x))] <- NA

   # Append data:
   r <- rbind(r, x)

# Substitute NA values:
r$comment[$comment)] <- ""

# Write to "":
path <- gsub("gulf.manage", "", getwd())
path <- paste0(path, "/inst/extdata")
if (file.exists(path)){
   years <- sort(unique(year(r)))
   for (i in 1:length(years)){
      file <- paste0(path, "/", "scs.len.", years[i], ".csv") 
      write.csv(r[which(year(r) == years[i]), ], file = file, row.names = FALSE)
TobieSurette/gulf.manage documentation built on Feb. 10, 2024, 10:51 p.m.