
Defines functions simplify_signature transform_to_iupac features_to_labels

Documented in simplify_signature

# simplify_signature.R
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Author: Albert Kuo
# Date last modified: Mar 31, 2021
# (Export) Function to simplify signature representation

# Convert single feature to simplified labels (helper function)
features_to_labels <- function(feature_name, features_partition){
    mutations <- features_partition[[feature_name]]
    label_mutations <- h_mix[vapply(h_mix, function(x){
        setequal(x, mutations)}, logical(1))]
    label <- names(label_mutations)
    if(length(label) == 1){
        return(list(label = label, multiplier = 1))
    } else {
        # If no exact match in h_mix, pick labels recursively to build feature
        label <- c()
        multiplier <- c()
        denominator <- sum(vapply(mutations, function(x){
        while(length(mutations) > 0){
            # Pick h_mix mutation that explains as much as the feature
            # as possible
            candidate_labels <- h_mix[vapply(h_mix, function(x){
                length(setdiff(x, mutations)) == 0}, logical(1))]
            candidate_labels_lengths <- vapply(candidate_labels, 
                                               function(x) length(x),
            max_candidate <- vapply(candidate_labels, function(x){
                length(x) == max(candidate_labels_lengths)}, logical(1))
            label_mutations <- candidate_labels[max_candidate][1]
            label <- c(label, names(label_mutations))
            # Calculate the proportion of the feature that is
            # represented by the h_mix mutation 
            # (i.e. projection based on background ratio)
            numerator <- sum(vapply(label_mutations[[1]], function(x){
                prop_muts_all[[x]][["TOTAL_MUTATIONS"]]}, numeric(1)))
            multiplier <- c(multiplier, numerator/denominator) 
            mutations <- setdiff(mutations, label_mutations[[1]])
    return(list(label = label, multiplier = multiplier))

# Convert label to IUPAC naming
transform_to_iupac <- function(z){
    zp <- z
    for(i in seq_along(transform_iupac_grep)){
        zp <- vapply(zp, FUN = gsub, 
                     pattern = transform_iupac_grep[[i]],
                     replacement = names(transform_iupac_grep)[i],

#' Function to simplify signature representation 
#' into interpretable labels for visualization purposes
#' Take a signature representation from SuperSig
#' and group trinucleotides within each feature into
#' interpretable labels, with optional IUPAC labeling
#' from IUPAC_CODE_MAP in the Biostrings package
#' @param object an object of class \code{SuperSig}
#' @param iupac logical value indicating whether to use IUPAC labels
#' (iupac = \code{TRUE}) or not (iupac = \code{FALSE}) 
#' @export
#' @return \code{simplify_signature} returns a vector of
#' simplified features and their difference in mean
#' mean rates between exposed and unexposed (or
#' average rate if the factor is "age")
#' @examples
#' head(example_dt) # use example data from package
#' input_dt <- make_matrix(example_dt) # convert to correct format
#' input_dt$IndVar <- c(1, 1, 1, 0, 0) # add IndVar column
#' supersig <- get_signature(data = input_dt, factor = "Smoking")
#' simplify_signature(object = supersig, iupac = FALSE)
#' simplify_signature(object = supersig, iupac = TRUE)
simplify_signature <- function(object, iupac){
    signature <- Signature(object)
    features_partition <- Features(object)
    signature_labeled = c()
    for(j in seq_along(signature)){
        feature_name <- names(signature[j])
        rate <- signature[[j]]
        labels_out <- features_to_labels(feature_name, features_partition)
        tmp_vec <- labels_out$multiplier*rate
        names(tmp_vec) <- labels_out$label
        signature_labeled <- c(signature_labeled, tmp_vec)
        labels_iupac <- vapply(names(signature_labeled), 
                               function(x) transform_to_iupac(x),
        names(signature_labeled) <- labels_iupac
TomasettiLab/supersigs documentation built on Dec. 13, 2021, 12:53 a.m.