Description Usage Arguments Value Examples
Flower plot could be treated as one kind of venn diagram but only showing common items like OTUs or genes among all groups and total items (or total items excluding common items) for each group.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 | flower_plot(
sep = "\t",
row.names = NULL,
header = T,
quote = "",
comment = "",
check.names = F,
item_variable = NULL,
set_variable = NULL,
start = 90,
a = 0.5,
b = 2,
r = 1,
group_color = "Spectral",
group_color_alpha = 0.6,
label_total_num_items = TRUE,
saveplot = NULL,
label = "core",
common_color = "white",
common_color_alpha = 1,
saveppt = FALSE,
input |
Input data file (first line as header line, the first column is the name of genes or OTUs or otehr things one wants to compare, the second column is the group name which genes belong to, tab seperated) Gene Sample g1 Set1 a1 Set3 b4 Set1 . . c1 Set3 |
start |
Start position of first ellipse. Default 90 represents starting from 0 clock. |
a |
Vectors, radii of the ellypses along the two axes in user units. |
b |
Vectors, radii of the ellypses along the two axes in user units. |
r |
Set the size of the center circle. |
group_color |
Set the color of the petal ellipse (each group), with input format,like:c('#6181BD4E','#F348004E','#64A10E4E'...) or supply a RColorBrewer color set like "Set1", "Set2", "Set3", "YlOrRd" (check for more). |
group_color_alpha |
The transparency of each ellipse color. Default 0.6. |
label_total_num_items |
Label total number of items in for each group (when True) or label number of items in each group after substracting numbe of common items. |
saveplot |
Save plot to given file "a.pdf", "b.png". |
label |
The name of the center circle. |
common_color |
The color of the center circle. Default "white". |
... |
Parameters givento |
common_col_alpha |
The transparency of common circle color. Default 0.6. |
An image
1 2 | flowerinput <- "test.file"
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