base_plot_save | Generate suitable output graphics device by file suffix. |
checkAndInstallPackages | Check and install given packages |
clusterSampleHeatmap2 | Compute and plot column correlation matrix. Normally used to... |
clusterSamplePheatmap | Compute and plot column correlation matrix. Normally used to... |
clusterSampleUpperTriPlot | Compute and plot column correlation matrix. Normally used to... |
dataFilter | Filter low variance genes by given minimal 'mad' value or... |
deseq2normalizedExpr | To output normalized results to files named by given... |
DESeq2_ysx | One step DEseq2 DE genes analysis for salmon output. |
dh | Transfer day to hours |
draw_colnames_custom | Pheatmap function only for inner usages |
enrichCustomizedPathway | Enrichment of customrized pathway or annotation for any... |
enrichGO_model | GO enrichment for model organism. |
enrichKEGG_model | KEGG enrichment for model organism. |
find_coordinates | Pheatmap function only for inner usages |
flower_plot | Flower plot could be treated as one kind of venn diagram but... |
flower_plot_inner | Flower plot could be treated as one kind of venn diagram but... |
generateAbundanceDF | Generate gene expression table or otu abundance table with... |
generate_color_list | Generate color code |
get_lower_tri | Get lower triangle of the correlation matrix (from web) |
get_matched_columns_based_on_value | Detect pairs of columns with same unique values (order does... |
get_upper_tri | Get upper triangle of the correlation matrix (from web) |
Matrix2colCorrelation | Get ordered column correlation matrix from input dataframe.... |
mixedToFloat | Transfer numeric string to numeric. |
multipleGroupDEgenes | DE genes analysis for multiple groups. |
normalizedExpr2DistribBoxplot | Plot distribution of normalzied expression to check the... |
numCheck | Check if given string or vector is all numeric |
pca_run | Title |
rankPlot | Rankplot for given column. |
readscount2deseq | Iniitialize a DESeq2 object from raw reads count matrix. |
salmon2deseq | Iniitialize a DESeq2 object from salmon output. |
sp_barplot | Generating bar plot |
sp_boxplot | Generating box plot |
sp_corrplot | A visualization of a correlation matrix. |
sp_current_time | Get current time in strign format |
sp_dendextend | Hierarchical cluster diagram |
sp_determine_log_add | Determine the value to add befor log transform. |
sp_enrichment | Generating enrichment plot |
sp_EulerDiagrams | Generate Euler diagrams (proposional) |
sp_get_ggplot_limits | Get the x, y limits of a ggplot2 plot |
sp_ggplot_add_vline_hline | Add hline or vline for ggplot2 object |
sp_ggplot_facet | Facet ggplot2 object |
sp_ggplot_layout | Change common layout of ggplot2 object |
sp_hclust | Hierarchical cluster diagram |
sp_histogram | Generating histogram plot | | Check Null Object |
sp_lines | Generating lines plot |
sp_load_font | Use showtext to load fonts |
sp_manhattan2_plot | Generating manhattan plot |
sp_manual_color_ggplot2 | Add manual color assignment for both categorical and... |
sp_manual_fill_ggplot2 | Add manual fill-color assignment for both categorical and... |
sp_pca | Generating pca plot |
sp_pcoa | Generating pcoa plot |
sp_pheatmap | Generating pheatmap plot |
sp_raincloud | raincloud |
sp_read_in_long_wide_matrix | Used to read in long/wide format file or datafrmes. Wide... |
sp_readTable | Read in data |
sp_scatterplot | Generating scatter plot |
sp_set_factor_order | Set factor order of given variable. If 'variable_order' is... |
sp_string2vector | Transfer color string to vector |
sp_transfer_one_column | Transfer one column of data. |
sp_tree_plot | Generate tree file |
sp_upsetview | Generating upsetView plot |
sp_vennDiagram | Generating venDiagram plot |
sp_vennDiagram2 | Generating venDiagram plot |
sp_vennDiagram3 | Generating venDiagram plot |
sp_volcano_plot | Generating volcano plot |
sp_writeTable | Write dataframe to file with names of first column filled. |
stackVlnPlot | Get stack violin plot for a normal matrix |
stackVlnSeuratPlot | Get stacked violin plot for seurat object |
twoGroupDEgenes | DE genes analysis for two groups. |
value.identical | Return if unique values of two vectors are the same (order... |
volcanoPlot | Volcano plot |
waterfalls_plot | Generate waterfall plot using R package waterfalls. |
WGCNA_coexprNetwork | WGCNA main function. |
WGCNA_cytoscape | Export WGCNA resullt for cytoscape input edges and nodes. |
WGCNA_cytoscape_each_module | Output nodes and edges data for each module only.... |
WGCNA_dataCheck | This is used to read in and check the distribution of WGCNA... |
WGCNA_dataFilter | Filter data for WGCNA input to increase computing efficiency... |
WGCNA_filterTrait | Keep samples in trait data the same of exprMat. |
WGCNA_GeneModuleTraitCoorelation | Genes correlated with both traits an modules. |
WGCNA_hubgene | Get top x hub genes for each module. |
WGCNA_MEs_traitCorrelationHeatmap | Heatmap showing correlation among MEs and traits. |
WGCNA_ModuleGeneTraitHeatmap | Plot gene module relationship and correlation with traits. |
WGCNA_moduleTraitPlot | Module-trait heatmap |
WGCNA_onestep | WGCNA onestep |
WGCNA_readindata | Read in expression matrix and trait data (if possible). |
WGCNA_sampleClusterDetectOutlier | Sample cluster and outlier detection |
WGCNA_saveModuleAndMe | Save gene-module relationships, MEs and plot module... |
WGCNA_softpower | Select soft power, the minimum number to get scale Free... |
widedataframe2boxplot | Boxplot for wide data frame (normal gene expression table or... |
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