Man pages for Tong-Chen/YSX
For Yishengxin Training

base_plot_saveGenerate suitable output graphics device by file suffix.
checkAndInstallPackagesCheck and install given packages
clusterSampleHeatmap2Compute and plot column correlation matrix. Normally used to...
clusterSamplePheatmapCompute and plot column correlation matrix. Normally used to...
clusterSampleUpperTriPlotCompute and plot column correlation matrix. Normally used to...
dataFilterFilter low variance genes by given minimal 'mad' value or...
deseq2normalizedExprTo output normalized results to files named by given...
DESeq2_ysxOne step DEseq2 DE genes analysis for salmon output.
dhTransfer day to hours
draw_colnames_customPheatmap function only for inner usages
enrichCustomizedPathwayEnrichment of customrized pathway or annotation for any...
enrichGO_modelGO enrichment for model organism.
enrichKEGG_modelKEGG enrichment for model organism.
find_coordinatesPheatmap function only for inner usages
flower_plotFlower plot could be treated as one kind of venn diagram but...
flower_plot_innerFlower plot could be treated as one kind of venn diagram but...
generateAbundanceDFGenerate gene expression table or otu abundance table with...
generate_color_listGenerate color code
get_lower_triGet lower triangle of the correlation matrix (from web)
get_matched_columns_based_on_valueDetect pairs of columns with same unique values (order does...
get_upper_triGet upper triangle of the correlation matrix (from web)
Matrix2colCorrelationGet ordered column correlation matrix from input dataframe....
mixedToFloatTransfer numeric string to numeric.
multipleGroupDEgenesDE genes analysis for multiple groups.
normalizedExpr2DistribBoxplotPlot distribution of normalzied expression to check the...
numCheckCheck if given string or vector is all numeric
rankPlotRankplot for given column.
readscount2deseqIniitialize a DESeq2 object from raw reads count matrix.
salmon2deseqIniitialize a DESeq2 object from salmon output.
sp_barplotGenerating bar plot
sp_boxplotGenerating box plot
sp_corrplotA visualization of a correlation matrix.
sp_current_timeGet current time in strign format
sp_dendextendHierarchical cluster diagram
sp_determine_log_addDetermine the value to add befor log transform.
sp_enrichmentGenerating enrichment plot
sp_EulerDiagramsGenerate Euler diagrams (proposional)
sp_get_ggplot_limitsGet the x, y limits of a ggplot2 plot
sp_ggplot_add_vline_hlineAdd hline or vline for ggplot2 object
sp_ggplot_facetFacet ggplot2 object
sp_ggplot_layoutChange common layout of ggplot2 object
sp_hclustHierarchical cluster diagram
sp_histogramGenerating histogram plot Null Object
sp_linesGenerating lines plot
sp_load_fontUse showtext to load fonts
sp_manhattan2_plotGenerating manhattan plot
sp_manual_color_ggplot2Add manual color assignment for both categorical and...
sp_manual_fill_ggplot2Add manual fill-color assignment for both categorical and...
sp_pcaGenerating pca plot
sp_pcoaGenerating pcoa plot
sp_pheatmapGenerating pheatmap plot
sp_read_in_long_wide_matrixUsed to read in long/wide format file or datafrmes. Wide...
sp_readTableRead in data
sp_scatterplotGenerating scatter plot
sp_set_factor_orderSet factor order of given variable. If 'variable_order' is...
sp_string2vectorTransfer color string to vector
sp_transfer_one_columnTransfer one column of data.
sp_tree_plotGenerate tree file
sp_upsetviewGenerating upsetView plot
sp_vennDiagramGenerating venDiagram plot
sp_vennDiagram2Generating venDiagram plot
sp_vennDiagram3Generating venDiagram plot
sp_volcano_plotGenerating volcano plot
sp_writeTableWrite dataframe to file with names of first column filled.
stackVlnPlotGet stack violin plot for a normal matrix
stackVlnSeuratPlotGet stacked violin plot for seurat object
twoGroupDEgenesDE genes analysis for two groups.
value.identicalReturn if unique values of two vectors are the same (order...
volcanoPlotVolcano plot
waterfalls_plotGenerate waterfall plot using R package waterfalls.
WGCNA_coexprNetworkWGCNA main function.
WGCNA_cytoscapeExport WGCNA resullt for cytoscape input edges and nodes.
WGCNA_cytoscape_each_moduleOutput nodes and edges data for each module only....
WGCNA_dataCheckThis is used to read in and check the distribution of WGCNA...
WGCNA_dataFilterFilter data for WGCNA input to increase computing efficiency...
WGCNA_filterTraitKeep samples in trait data the same of exprMat.
WGCNA_GeneModuleTraitCoorelationGenes correlated with both traits an modules.
WGCNA_hubgeneGet top x hub genes for each module.
WGCNA_MEs_traitCorrelationHeatmapHeatmap showing correlation among MEs and traits.
WGCNA_ModuleGeneTraitHeatmapPlot gene module relationship and correlation with traits.
WGCNA_moduleTraitPlotModule-trait heatmap
WGCNA_onestepWGCNA onestep
WGCNA_readindataRead in expression matrix and trait data (if possible).
WGCNA_sampleClusterDetectOutlierSample cluster and outlier detection
WGCNA_saveModuleAndMeSave gene-module relationships, MEs and plot module...
WGCNA_softpowerSelect soft power, the minimum number to get scale Free...
widedataframe2boxplotBoxplot for wide data frame (normal gene expression table or...
Tong-Chen/YSX documentation built on Jan. 25, 2021, 2:49 a.m.