Description Usage Arguments Value Examples
WGCNA onestep
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 | WGCNA_onestep(
traitData = NULL,
categoricalTrait = NULL,
prefix = "ehbio",
corType = "bicor",
networkType = "signed",
maxPower = NULL,
maxBlockSize = NULL,
top_mad_n = 0.75,
rmVarZero = T,
minimal_mad = NULL,
thresholdZ.k = -2.5,
TOM_plot = NULL,
top_hub_n = 20,
removeOutlier = F,
RsquaredCut = 0.85,
minModuleSize = NULL,
mergeCutHeight = 0.2,
numericLabels = TRUE,
pamRespectsDendro = FALSE,
saveTOMs = TRUE,
maxPOutliers = NULL,
loadTOM = TRUE,
TOMDenom = "min",
deepSplit = 1,
stabilityCriterion = "Individual fraction",
verbose = 0,
os_system = NULL,
randomSeed = 11521,
dynamicCutPlot = TRUE,
power_min = NULL,
up_color = c("red", "white", "blue"),
down_color = c("green", "white"),
exprMat |
Gene expression matrix in format as "Genes x Samples". The first column (gene names) must be unique among all rows and will be treated as rownames. The first row (sample names) must be unique among all columns and will be treated as colnames. Columns should be separted by "TAB". The expression data can be log transformed FPKM/TPM/CPM, ID Samp1 Samp2 ... SampX Gene1 1.5 2.0 ... 10 Gene2 1.2 4.0 ... 10 . . . Gene3 2.5 2.0 ... 8 |
traitData |
Sample attribte data with first column as sample names and other
columns as sample attributes. Specifically for categorical attributes, each
attribute one column, ID WT KO OE Height Weight Diameter samp1 1 0 0 1 2 3 samp2 1 0 0 2 4 6 samp3 0 1 0 10 20 50 samp4 0 1 0 15 30 80 samp5 0 0 1 NA 9 8 samp6 0 0 1 4 8 7 |
categoricalTrait |
Categorical attributes file with format described below.
The program will transferred it to 0-1 matrix like them in "traitData".
One can give only ID group family samp1 WT A samp2 WT B samp3 KO A samp4 KO B samp5 OE A samp6 OE B |
prefix |
prefix for output files. |
corType |
character string specifying the correlation to be used. Allowed values are (unique
abbreviations of) |
networkType |
Default "signed". Allowed values are (unique abbreviations of) "unsigned", "signed", "signed hybrid". Correlation and distance are transformed as follows:
and for type = "distance", adjacency = (1-(dist/max(dist))^2)^power. |
maxPower |
Specify maximum power to check. Default 30 for "unsigned" network and 40 for other type. Any number less than 20 would be treated as 20. |
maxBlockSize |
integer giving maximum block size for module detection. Ignored if |
top_mad_n |
An integer larger than 1 will be used to get top x genes (like top 5000). A float number less than 1 will be used to get top x fraction genes (like top 0.7 of all genes). |
rmVarZero |
Default TRUE. Remove genes with variance as 0. Normally for PCA or correlation analysis. |
minimal_mad |
Minimal allowed mad value. |
thresholdZ.k |
Threshold for defining outliers. First compute the overall corelation of one sample to other samples. Then do Z-score transfer for all correlation values. The samples with corelation values less than given value would be treated as outliers. Default -2.5 meaning -2.5 std. |
TOM_plot |
Get TOM plot and save to file given here like 'tomplot.pdf'. |
removeOutlier |
Remove outlier samples. Normally this should be only performed if no suitable soft power can be found. |
RsquaredCut |
R2 for defining scale-free network (default 0.85). Any number larger than 1 would be treated as 0.99. |
minModuleSize |
minimum module size for module detection. See
mergeCutHeight |
dendrogram cut height for module merging. |
numericLabels |
logical: should the returned modules be labeled by colors ( |
pamRespectsDendro |
Logical, only used when |
saveTOMs |
logical: should the consensus topological overlap matrices for each block be saved and returned? |
maxPOutliers |
only used for |
loadTOM |
logical: should Topological Overlap Matrices be loaded from previously saved files ( |
TOMDenom |
a character string specifying the TOM variant to be used. Recognized values are
deepSplit |
integer value between 0 and 4. Provides a simplified control over how sensitive
module detection should be to module splitting, with 0 least and 4 most sensitive. See
stabilityCriterion |
One of |
verbose |
integer level of verbosity. Zero means silent, higher values make the output progressively more and more verbose. |
os_system |
Default the program will detect system type to choose which multiple thread function will be used.
randomSeed |
integer to be used as seed for the random number generator before the function
starts. If a current seed exists, it is saved and restored upon exit. If |
dynamicCutPlot |
Plot merged modules as well as dynamic cutted modules before merge. |
power_min |
For some data type, default selected power is a small number. Mostly this is due to unnormalized expression value, batch effects or small amount of total samples. When this happens, we may want to assign a power as 6 or other common numbers for downstream analysis. Here is where to specify it. Be careful to use this parameter unless you know what you are doing. |
up_color |
Vector of colours to use for upper triangles (which representing pearson correlations values). |
down_color |
Vector of colours to use for lower triangles (which representing significance p-values). |
... |
Other parameters given to |
1 2 3 4 5 | exprMat <- "test.file"
traitData <- 'trait.file'
WGCNA_onestep(exprMat, traitData)
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