# Some useful keyboard shortcuts for package authoring:
# Build and Reload Package: 'Ctrl + Shift + B'
# Check Package: 'Ctrl + Shift + E'
# Test Package: 'Ctrl + Shift + T'
# Generate DOC: 'Ctrl + Shift + Alt + r'
#' Transfer day to hours
#' @param x A string like 1d,2d
#' @return A number
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dh('1d')
dh <- function(x) {
if (str_extract_all(x, "[a-z]") == "h") {
gsub("h", "", x)
} else {
x_time <- gsub("d", "", x)
as.numeric(x_time) * 24
#' Read in expression matrix and trait data (if possible).
#' @param exprMat Gene expression matrix in format as "Genes x Samples".
#' The first column (gene names) must be unique among all rows and will be treated as
#' rownames. The first row (sample names) must be unique among all columns and will be
#' treated as colnames. Columns should be separted by "TAB".
#' The expression data can be log transformed FPKM/TPM/CPM, \code{\link[DESeq2]{vst}} or
#' \code{\link[DESeq2]{rlog}} transformed value.
#' ```
#' ID Samp1 Samp2 ... SampX
#' Gene1 1.5 2.0 ... 10
#' Gene2 1.2 4.0 ... 10
#' .
#' .
#' .
#' Gene3 2.5 2.0 ... 8
#' ```
#' @param traitData Sample attribte data with first column as sample names and other
#' columns as sample attributes. Specifically for categorical attributes, each
#' attribute one column, `0` represents not belong to while `1` represents belonging to. Or
#' one can give categorical attributes separately to "categoricalTrait".
#' ```
#' ID WT KO OE Height Weight Diameter
#' samp1 1 0 0 1 2 3
#' samp2 1 0 0 2 4 6
#' samp3 0 1 0 10 20 50
#' samp4 0 1 0 15 30 80
#' samp5 0 0 1 NA 9 8
#' samp6 0 0 1 4 8 7
#' ```
#' @param categoricalTrait Categorical attributes file with format described below.
#' The program will transferred it to 0-1 matrix like them in "traitData".
#' One can give only `traitData` or `categoricalTrait` or both (the program will
#' bind them together).
#' ```
#' ID group family
#' samp1 WT A
#' samp2 WT B
#' samp3 KO A
#' samp4 KO B
#' samp5 OE A
#' samp6 OE B
#' ```
#' @inheritParams utils::read.table
#' @param ... Other parameters given to \code{\link{read.table}}.
#' @return A lsit with three elements: `datExpr` and `traitData`, `traitColors`.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' exprMat <- "test.file"
#' wgcnaL <- WGCNA_readindata(exprMat)
#' traitData <- 'trait.file'
#' wgcnaL <- WGCNA_readindata(exprMat, traitData)
WGCNA_readindata <-
traitData = NULL,
categoricalTrait = NULL,
sep = "\t",
row.names = 1,
header = T,
quote = "",
comment = "",
check.names = F,
...) {
cat(sp_current_time(), "Start reading in exprMat and traitData.\n")
datExpr <-
sep = sep,
row.names = row.names,
header = header,
quote = quote,
comment = comment,
check.names = check.names
sampleName = colnames(datExpr)
continuous = 0
category = 0
traitColors = NULL
result <- list(datExpr = datExpr,
traitData = NULL,
traitColors = NULL)
if (!sp.is.null(traitData)) {
traitData <-
file = traitData,
sep = sep,
row.names = row.names,
header = header,
quote = quote,
comment = comment,
check.names = check.names
coln <- colnames(traitData)
traitData = traitData[match(sampleName, rownames(traitData)),,drop=FALSE]
#colnames(traitData) <- coln
traitfile <- data.frame(row.names=rownames(traitData))
for (name in coln) {
# print (name)
if (is.numeric(traitData[, name])) {
numer_col <- as.data.frame(traitData[, name])
colnames(numer_col) <- name
traitfile[, name] <- numer_col
# numer_col<- cbind(blank_col,numer_col)
} else if (length(unique(traitData[, name])) == 1) {
donothing = 2
} else if (name == "Time") {
time_col <- as.data.frame(apply(xc, 1, dh))
rownames(time_col) <- row.names(traitData)
colnames(time_col) <- name
traitfile[, name] <- time_col
} else if (name == "Titeration") {
titer_col <-
t(data.frame(str_extract_all(traitData[, name], "[0-9]+[0-9]")))
rownames(titer_col) <- row.names(traitData)
colnames(titer_col) <- name
traitfile[, name] <- titer_col
# time_titer_col<- cbind(blank_col,time_titer_col)
} else {
everycol <- model.matrix(as.formula(paste0("~ 0 +", name)), data = traitData)
#everycol <- model.matrix( ~ 0 + get(name), data = traitData)
#colnames(everycol) <-
# gsub("get\\(name\\)", name, colnames(everycol))
traitfile <- cbind(traitfile, everycol)
traitData <- traitfile
continuous = 1
if (!sp.is.null(categoricalTrait)) {
categoricalTrait <-
file = categoricalTrait,
sep = sep,
row.names = row.names,
header = header,
quote = quote,
comment = comment,
check.names = check.names
categoricalTrait = categoricalTrait[match(sampleName, rownames(categoricalTrait)),]
category = 1
if (continuous + category == 2) {
traitData = cbind(traitData, categoricalTrait)
} else if (category == 1) {
traitData = categoricalTrait
if (continuous + category >= 1) {
# Convert traits to a color representation:
# white means low, red means high, grey means missing entry
traitColors = WGCNA::numbers2colors(traitData, signed = FALSE)
colnames(traitColors) <- colnames(traitData)
rownames(traitColors) <- rownames(traitData)
result <-
list(datExpr = datExpr,
traitData = traitData,
traitColors = traitColors)
cat(sp_current_time(), "Finish reading in exprMat and traitData.\n")
#' This is used to read in and check the distribution of WGCNA data in case there is
#' systematic shift of expression data (espacially for data from different detection
#' platforms).
#' @param datExpr Normal gene expression matrix (gene x sample).
#' @param ... Other parameters given to \code{\link{widedataframe2boxplot}}.
#' @return A ggplo2 object.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' exprMat <- "test.file"
#' wgcnaL <- WGCNA_readindata(exprMat)
#' traitData <- 'trait.file'
#' wgcnaL <- WGCNA_readindata(exprMat, traitData)
#' datExpr <- wgcnaL$datExpr
#' WGCNA_dataCheck(datExpr)
WGCNA_dataCheck <- function(datExpr, ...) {
# 格式如前面描述
# 常规表达矩阵,log2转换后或
# Deseq2的varianceStabilizingTransformation转换的数据
# 如果有批次效应,需要事先移除,可使用removeBatchEffect
# 如果有系统偏移(可用boxplot查看基因表达分布是否一致),
# 需要quantile normalization
cat(sp_current_time(), "Start checking data distribution of input matrix.\n")
ellipse_par <- list(...)
p = widedataframe2boxplot(datExpr, ...)
if (!"saveplot" %in% names(ellipse_par)) {
cat(sp_current_time(), "End checking data distribution of input matrix.\n")
#' Filter low variance genes by given minimal \code{\link{mad}} value or keep top
#' number/percent genes with bigger variances.
#' @inheritParams WGCNA_dataCheck
#' @param minimal_mad Minimal allowed mad value.
#' @param top_mad_n An integer larger than 1 will be used to get top x genes (like top 5000).
#' A float number less than 1 will be used to get top x fraction genes (like top 0.7 of
#' all genes).
#' @param rmVarZero Default TRUE. Remove genes with variance as 0. Normally for PCA or
#' correlation analysis.
#' @param noLessThan Specify the lowest number of genes to be kept. Default `NULL` meaining no lower limit.
#' @return A dataframe.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' df = generateAbundanceDF(nSample=30, nGrp=3)
#' dataFilter(df)
dataFilter <-
minimal_mad = NULL,
top_mad_n = 0.75,
rmVarZero = T,
noLessThan = NULL) {
m.mad <- apply(datExpr, 1, mad)
if (!sp.is.null(minimal_mad)) {
datExprVar <- datExpr[which(m.mda > minimal_mad), ]
} else {
datExpr <- datExpr[order(m.mad, decreasing = T), ]
nGenes <- nrow(datExpr)
if (top_mad_n < 1) {
top_mad_n = ceiling(nGenes * top_mad_n)
} else if (top_mad_n == 1) {
top_mad_n = nGenes
if (!sp.is.null(noLessThan)) {
if (top_mad_n < noLessThan) {
top_mad_n = noLessThan
if (top_mad_n > nGenes) {
top_mad_n = nGenes
datExpr <- datExpr[1:top_mad_n, ]
if (rmVarZero) {
m.var <- apply(datExpr, 1, var)
datExpr <- datExpr[which(m.var > 0), ]
#' Filter data for WGCNA input to increase computing efficiency without loosing too
#' many information.
#' @param wgcnaL A matrix or an object return by \code{WGCNA_readindata}.
#' @param ... Parameters given to \code{dataFilter}.
#' @return A dataframe (samples x genes).
#' @export
#' @examples
#' exprMat <- "test.file"
#' wgcnaL <- WGCNA_readindata(exprMat)
#' traitData <- 'trait.file'
#' wgcnaL <- WGCNA_readindata(exprMat, traitData)
#' datExpr <- wgcnaL$datExpr
#' WGCNA_dataCheck(datExpr)
#' datExpr <- WGCNA_dataFilter(datExpr)
WGCNA_dataFilter <- function (wgcnaL, ...) {
cat(sp_current_time(), "Start filtering data.\n")
if(class(wgcnaL) == "list"){
datExpr = wgcnaL$datExpr
} else {
datExpr = wgcnaL
datExpr <- dataFilter(datExpr, noLessThan = 1000, ...)
## 转换为样品在行,基因在列的矩阵
datExpr <- as.data.frame(t(datExpr))
## 检测缺失值
gsg = WGCNA::goodSamplesGenes(datExpr, verbose = 3)
if (!gsg$allOK) {
# Optionally, print the gene and sample names that were removed:
if (sum(!gsg$goodGenes) > 0)
cat("\tRemoving genes:",
paste(names(datExpr)[!gsg$goodGenes], collapse = ","),"\n")
if (sum(!gsg$goodSamples) > 0)
cat("\tRemoving samples:",
paste(rownames(datExpr)[!gsg$goodSamples], collapse = ","),"\n")
# Remove the offending genes and samples from the data:
datExpr = datExpr[gsg$goodSamples, gsg$goodGenes]
nGenes = ncol(datExpr)
nSamples = nrow(datExpr)
cat(sp_current_time(), "After filtering,",
'genes x',
"samples remained.\n")
if(class(wgcnaL) == "list"){
wgcnaL$traitData = wgcnaL$traitData[rownames(datExpr),,drop=F]
wgcnaL$traitColor = wgcnaL$traitColor[rownames(datExpr),,drop=F]
wgcnaL$datExpr = datExpr
} else {
wgcnaL = datExpr
#' Keep samples in trait data the same of exprMat.
#' @param datExpr expression matrix
#' @param trait trait data matrix
#' @return balanced trait data frame
#' @export
#' @examples
#' traitData = WGCNA_filterTrait(datExpr, traitData)
#' traitColor = WGCNA_filterTrait(datExpr, traitColor)
WGCNA_filterTrait <- function(datExpr, trait){
#' Sample cluster and outlier detection
#' @param wgcnaL A matrix or an object return by \code{WGCNA_readindata}. A transformed gene expression matrix normally output by \code{WGCNA_dataFilter}.
#' Samples x Genes.
#' @param thresholdZ.k Threshold for defining outliers. First compute the overall
#' corelation of one sample to other samples. Then do Z-score transfer for all
#' correlation values. The samples with corelation values less than given value
#' would be treated as outliers.
#' Default -2.5 meaning -2.5 std.
#' @param traitColors Sample attributes data frame transferred by
#' \code{\link[WGCNA]{numbers2colors}} or generated in \code{\link{WGCNA_readindata}}.
#' @inheritParams base_plot_save
#' @param removeOutlier Remove outlier samples. Normally this should be only performed if
#' no suitable soft power can be found.
#' @return A data frame.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' df = generateAbundanceDF(nSample=30, nGrp=3)
#' datExpr <- WGCNA_dataFilter(df)
#' datExpr <- WGCNA_sampleClusterDetectOutlier(datExpr)
#' exprMat <- "test.file"
#' wgcnaL <- WGCNA_readindata(exprMat)
#' traitData <- 'trait.file'
#' wgcnaL <- WGCNA_readindata(exprMat, traitData)
#' datExpr <- wgcnaL$datExpr
#' WGCNA_dataCheck(datExpr)
#' datExpr <- WGCNA_dataFilter(datExpr)
#' datExpr <- WGCNA_sampleClusterDetectOutlier(datExpr)
#' datExpr <- WGCNA_sampleClusterDetectOutlier(datExpr, traitColors=wgcnaL$traitColors)
WGCNA_sampleClusterDetectOutlier <-
thresholdZ.k = -2.5,
saveplot = NULL,
removeOutlier = F,
traitColors = NULL,
...) {
cat(sp_current_time(), "Detect outlier samples.\n")
if(class(wgcnaL) == "list"){
datExpr = wgcnaL$datExpr
} else {
datExpr = wgcnaL
## 样本层级聚类,查看有无离群值
# sample network based on squared Euclidean distance note that we
# transpose the data
A = WGCNA::adjacency(t(datExpr), type = "distance")
# this calculates the whole network connectivity
k = as.numeric(apply(A, 2, sum)) - 1
# standardized connectivity
Z.k = scale(k)
# Designate samples as outlying if their Z.k value is below the threshold
# thresholdZ.k = -5 # often -2.5
if (thresholdZ.k > 0) {
cat("\tThe program will transfer positive thresholdZ.k to their negative values.\n")
thresholdZ.k = -1 * thresholdZ.k
cat("\tThreshold for detecting outlier samples are", thresholdZ.k,"\n")
# the color vector indicates outlyingness (red)
outlierColor = ifelse(Z.k < thresholdZ.k, "red", "black")
# calculate the cluster tree using flahsClust or hclust
sampleTree = hclust(as.dist(1 - A), method = "average")
# Convert traits to a color representation: where red indicates high
# values
if (!is.null(traitColors)) {
# traitColors = data.frame(WGCNA::numbers2colors(datTraits, signed = FALSE))
#dimnames(traitColors)[[2]] = paste(names(datTraits), "C", sep = "")
datColors = data.frame(outlierC = outlierColor, traitColors)
} else {
datColors = data.frame(outlierC = outlierColor)
# Plot the sample dendrogram and the colors underneath.
if (!sp.is.null(saveplot)) {
base_plot_save(saveplot, ...)
groupLabels = names(datColors),
colors = datColors,
main = "Sample dendrogram with/without trait heatmap"
if (!sp.is.null(saveplot)) {
if (removeOutlier) {
cat("\tRemoving outlier samples <",
rownames(datExpr[which(Z.k < thresholdZ.k), ]),">.\n")
datExpr <- datExpr[which(Z.k >= thresholdZ.k), ]
cat("\tAfter removing outlier samples, ", nrow(datExpr), "samples kept.\n")
if(class(wgcnaL) == "list"){
wgcnaL$traitData = wgcnaL$traitData[rownames(datExpr),,drop=F]
wgcnaL$traitColor = wgcnaL$traitColor[rownames(datExpr),,drop=F]
wgcnaL$datExpr = datExpr
} else {
wgcnaL = datExpr
cat(sp_current_time(), "Finish detecting outlier samples.\n")
#' Select soft power, the minimum number to get scale Free Topology Model Fit value (R2) larger than 0.85.
#' @param networkType Default "signed". Allowed values are (unique abbreviations of)
#' "unsigned", "signed", "signed hybrid". Correlation and distance are transformed as
#' follows:
#' 1. for type = "unsigned", adjacency = |cor|^power;
#' 2. for type = "signed", adjacency = (0.5 * (1+cor) )^power;
#' 3. for type = "signed hybrid", adjacency = cor^power if cor>0 and 0 otherwise;
#' and for type = "distance", adjacency = (1-(dist/max(dist))^2)^power.
#' @inheritParams WGCNA_sampleClusterDetectOutlier
#' @param maxPower Specify maximum power to check. Default 30 for "unsigned" network
#' and 40 for other type. Any number less than 20 would be treated as 20.
#' @param RsquaredCut R2 for defining scale-free network (default 0.85). Any number larger than 1 would be treated as 0.99.
#' @return A list
#' @export
#' @examples
#' df = generateAbundanceDF(nSample=30, nGrp=3, sd=5)
#' datExpr <- WGCNA_dataFilter(df)
#' datExpr <- WGCNA_sampleClusterDetectOutlier(datExpr)
#' power <- WGCNA_softpower(datExpr)
#' #2
#' exprMat <- "test.file"
#' wgcnaL <- WGCNA_readindata(exprMat)
#' traitData <- 'trait.file'
#' wgcnaL <- WGCNA_readindata(exprMat, traitData)
#' datExpr <- wgcnaL$datExpr
#' WGCNA_dataCheck(datExpr)
#' datExpr <- WGCNA_dataFilter(datExpr)
#' datExpr <- WGCNA_sampleClusterDetectOutlier(datExpr)
#' #datExpr <- WGCNA_sampleClusterDetectOutlier(datExpr, traitColors=wgcnaL$traitColors)
#' power <- WGCNA_softpower(datExpr)
WGCNA_softpower <-
networkType = "signed",
saveplot = NULL,
maxPower = NULL,
RsquaredCut = 0.85,
...) {
## 软阈值筛选
## 软阈值的筛选原则是使构建的网络更符合无标度网络特征。
cat(sp_current_time(), "Select soft power for network construction.\n")
if (sp.is.null(maxPower)) {
if (networkType == "unsigned") {
maxPower = 30
} else {
maxPower = 45
if (maxPower < 20) {
maxPower = 20
if (RsquaredCut >= 1) {
RsquaredCut = 0.99
cat("\tMax power used for selection is", maxPower,".\n")
powers = c(c(1:10), seq(from = 12, to = maxPower, by = 2))
sft = WGCNA::pickSoftThreshold(
powerVector = powers,
networkType = networkType,
verbose = 5,
RsquaredCut = RsquaredCut
power = sft$powerEstimate
power_data = sft$fitIndices
power_data$Choose = "Other tested powers"
# 横轴是Soft threshold (power),纵轴是无标度网络的评估参数,数值越高,
# 网络越符合无标度特征 (non-scale)
## ---- echo=T-------------------------------------------------------------
# 无向网络在power小于15或有向网络power小于30内,没有一个power值可以使
# 无标度网络图谱结构R^2达到0.8,平均连接度较高如在100以上,可能是由于
# 部分样品与其他样品差别太大。这可能由批次效应、样品异质性或实验条件对
# 表达影响太大等造成。可以通过绘制样品聚类查看分组信息和有无异常样品。
# 如果这确实是由有意义的生物变化引起的,也可以使用下面的经验power值。
if (is.na(power)) {
cat("\tUsing experience power since no suitable power found.\n")
nSamples = nrow(datExpr)
power = ifelse(
nSamples < 20,
ifelse(networkType == "unsigned", 9, 18),
nSamples < 30,
ifelse(networkType == "unsigned", 8, 16),
nSamples < 40,
ifelse(networkType == "unsigned", 7, 14),
ifelse(networkType == "unsigned", 6, 12)
power_choose = which(power_data$Power == power)
power_data$Choose[power_choose] = "Classicial_power"
power_text = "No suitable power found. Use experience power: "
} else {
power_choose = which(power_data$Power == power)
power_data$Choose[power_choose] = "Choosed_power"
power_text = "Finally choosed power is: "
cat("\tFinally chooosed power is :", power, ".\n")
# 图展示在文档中
p1 <- ggplot(power_data, aes(x = Power, y = -sign(slope) * SFT.R.sq)) +
xlab("Soft Threshold (power)") +
ylab("Scale Free Topology Model Fit, signed R^2") +
ggtitle(paste0(power_text, power, ".\n", "Scale independence")) +
geom_text(aes(label = Power, color = Choose))
p1 <- sp_ggplot_add_vline_hline(
custom_hline_y_position = RsquaredCut,
custom_hline_anno = paste0("R squared Cut ", RsquaredCut),
color = "red"
) + theme_classic()
p1 <- sp_ggplot_layout(p1, legend.position = "none") +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
p2 <- ggplot(power_data, aes(x = Power, y = mean.k.)) +
xlab("Soft Threshold (power)") +
ylab("Mean Connectivity") +
ggtitle("Mean connectivity") +
geom_point(aes(color = Choose))
p2 <-
custom_hline_y_position = power_data$mean.k.[power_choose],
custom_hline_anno = round(power_data$mean.k.[power_choose]),
custom_hline_anno_x_pos = power,
color = "red"
) + theme_classic()
p2 <- sp_ggplot_layout(p2, legend.position = "none") +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
p = p1 %>% aplot::insert_bottom(p2)
if (sp.is.null(saveplot)) {
} else {
filename = saveplot,
units = c("cm"),
width = 15,
height = 18
cat(sp_current_time(), "Finished selecting soft power for network construction.\n")
#' WGCNA main function.
#' @inheritParams WGCNA::blockwiseModules
#' @inheritParams base_plot_save
#' @param width Width of graphics in inches. Default 14.
#' @param height Height of graphics in inches. Default 7.
#' @param ... Other parameters given to \code{\link[WGCNA]{blockwiseModules}}.
#' @param noplot Return construccted net object only.
#' @param dynamicCutPlot Plot merged modules as well as dynamic cutted modules before merge.
#' @return A network
#' @export
#' @section Explanations:
#' * maxBlockSize: Maximum allowed number of genes in one block.
#' Default "all genes in one block". Please check
#' \url{http://www.peterlangfelder.com/blockwise-network-analysis-of-large-data/} for
#' more explanations. Analyzing a set of 20,000 genes requires between 8 and 16 GB of memory;
#' 40,000 genes would increase the requirement to 32-64 GB.
#' A full network analysis of 500,000 genes would theoretically require some 7 TB of memory.
#' Quote: I emphasize that the blockwise analysis creates an approximation to the
#' network that would result from a single block analysis. The approximation
#' is often very good but the modules are not quite the same.
#' If possible, I recommend running the analysis in a single block;
#' if not, use the largest blocks your computer can handle.
#' * mergeCutHeight The larger the less number of merged modules. Normally 0.15-0.3.
#' * networkType: "signed" is recommended. However, number of genes in modules would also
#' be less for "signed" netwrok. Check \code{WGCNA_softpower} for the detail.
#' * corType: biweight mid-correlation (bicor) recommended.
#' @examples
#' df = generateAbundanceDF(nSample=30, nGrp=3, sd=5)
#' datExpr <- WGCNA_dataFilter(df)
#' datExpr <- WGCNA_sampleClusterDetectOutlier(datExpr)
#' power <- WGCNA_softpower(datExpr)
#' net <- WGCNA_coexprNetwork(datExpr, power)
#' #2
#' exprMat <- "test.file"
#' wgcnaL <- WGCNA_readindata(exprMat)
#' traitData <- 'trait.file'
#' wgcnaL <- WGCNA_readindata(exprMat, traitData)
#' datExpr <- wgcnaL$datExpr
#' WGCNA_dataCheck(datExpr)
#' datExpr <- WGCNA_dataFilter(datExpr)
#' datExpr <- WGCNA_sampleClusterDetectOutlier(datExpr)
#' # datExpr <- WGCNA_sampleClusterDetectOutlier(datExpr, traitColors=wgcnaL$traitColors)
#' power <- WGCNA_softpower(datExpr)
#' net <- WGCNA_coexprNetwork(datExpr, power)
WGCNA_coexprNetwork <- function(datExpr,
maxBlockSize = NULL,
minModuleSize = NULL,
networkType = "signed",
mergeCutHeight = 0.2,
numericLabels = TRUE,
pamRespectsDendro = FALSE,
saveTOMs = TRUE,
corType = "bicor",
maxPOutliers = NULL,
loadTOM = TRUE,
TOMDenom = "min",
deepSplit = 1,
stabilityCriterion = "Individual fraction",
saveTOMFileBase = "blockwiseTOM",
verbose = 3,
randomSeed = 1117,
saveplot = NULL,
width = 14,
height = 7,
noplot = FALSE,
dynamicCutPlot = TRUE,
...) {
cat(sp_current_time(), "Start constructing WGCNA network.\n")
if (sp.is.null(maxBlockSize)) {
maxBlockSize = ncol(datExpr)
minModuleSize = min(20, ncol(datExpr)/2 )
# corFnc = ifelse(corType=="pearson", cor, bicor)
# 对二元变量,如样本性状信息计算相关性时,
# 或基因表达严重依赖于疾病状态时,需设置下面参数
if (sp.is.null(maxPOutliers)) {
maxPOutliers = ifelse(corType == "pearson", 1, 0.05)
net = WGCNA::blockwiseModules(
power = power,
maxBlockSize = maxBlockSize,
TOMType = networkType,
minModuleSize = minModuleSize,
networkType = networkType,
mergeCutHeight = mergeCutHeight,
numericLabels = numericLabels,
pamRespectsDendro = pamRespectsDendro,
saveTOMs = saveTOMs,
corType = corType,
maxPOutliers = maxPOutliers,
loadTOM = loadTOM,
TOMDenom = TOMDenom,
deepSplit = deepSplit,
stabilityCriterion = stabilityCriterion,
saveTOMFileBase = saveTOMFileBase,
verbose = verbose,
randomSeed = randomSeed
cat("\tCore parameters for constructing WGCNA network:", "\n\t\tpower =", power,
"\n\t\tminModuleSize =", minModuleSize, "\n\t\tnetworkType =", networkType,
"\n\t\tmergeCutHeight =", mergeCutHeight, "\n\t\tdeepSplit =", deepSplit,"\n")
if (noplot) {
# 根据模块中基因数目的多少,降序排列,依次编号为 1-最大模块数。
# **0 (grey)**表示**未**分入任何模块的基因。
# table(net$colors)
## ---- echo=T, fig.cap="层级聚类树展示各个模块"---------------------------
## 灰色的为**未分类**到模块的基因。
# Convert labels to colors for plotting
moduleLabels = net$colors
moduleColors = WGCNA::labels2colors(moduleLabels)
# Plot the dendrogram and the module colors underneath
# 如果对结果不满意,还可以recutBlockwiseTrees,节省计算时间
if (!sp.is.null(saveplot)) {
width = width,
height = height,
bg = "white",
if (dynamicCutPlot) {
dynamicColors <- WGCNA::labels2colors(net$unmergedColors)
cbind(dynamicColors, moduleColors),
c("Dynamic Tree Cut", "Module colors"),
dendroLabels = FALSE,
hang = 0.5,
addGuide = TRUE,
guideHang = 0.05
} else {
"Module colors",
dendroLabels = FALSE,
hang = 0.5,
addGuide = TRUE,
guideHang = 0.05
if (!sp.is.null(saveplot)) {
cat(sp_current_time(), "Finished constructing WGCNA network.\n")
#' Save gene-module relationships, MEs and plot module correlations.
#' @param net \code{\link{WGCNA_coexprNetwork}} or \code{\link[WGCNA]{blockwiseModules}} returned WGCNA object.
#' @inheritParams WGCNA_coexprNetwork
#' @inheritParams base_plot_save
#' @param prefix prefix for output files.
#' @param ... Additional parameters given to plot output (\code{\link{pdf}}, \code{\link{png}},...) like "width", "height", .etc.
#' @return NULL
#' @export
#' @examples
#' df = generateAbundanceDF(nSample=30, nGrp=3, sd=5)
#' datExpr <- WGCNA_dataFilter(df)
#' datExpr <- WGCNA_sampleClusterDetectOutlier(datExpr)
#' power <- WGCNA_softpower(datExpr)
#' net <- WGCNA_coexprNetwork(datExpr, power)
#' WGCNA_saveModuleAndMe(net, datExpr)
#' #2
#' exprMat <- "test.file"
#' wgcnaL <- WGCNA_readindata(exprMat)
#' traitData <- 'trait.file'
#' wgcnaL <- WGCNA_readindata(exprMat, traitData)
#' datExpr <- wgcnaL$datExpr
#' WGCNA_dataCheck(datExpr)
#' datExpr <- WGCNA_dataFilter(datExpr)
#' datExpr <- WGCNA_sampleClusterDetectOutlier(datExpr)
#' # datExpr <- WGCNA_sampleClusterDetectOutlier(datExpr, traitColors=wgcnaL$traitColors)
#' power <- WGCNA_softpower(datExpr)
#' net <- WGCNA_coexprNetwork(datExpr, power)
#' MEs_col <- WGCNA_saveModuleAndMe(net, datExpr)
WGCNA_saveModuleAndMe <-
prefix = "ehbio",
saveplot = NULL,
...) {
## 共表达网络结果输出
cat(sp_current_time(), "Save WGCNA modules.\n")
#1. 输出基因及其所在模块信息,方便对模块进行富集分析。
#2. 输出模块的主成分信息 (ME),代表模块整体基因表达量
moduleLabels = net$colors
moduleColors = WGCNA::labels2colors(moduleLabels)
### 基因和所在模块信息
gene_module <-
data.frame(ID = colnames(datExpr), module = moduleColors)
gene_module = gene_module[order(gene_module$module), ]
file = paste0(prefix, ".gene_module.xls"),
sep = "\t",
quote = F,
row.names = F
# module eigengene, 可以绘制线图,作为每个模块的基因表达趋势的展示
MEs = net$MEs
### 不需要重新计算,改下列名字就好
### 官方教程是重新计算的,其实可以不用这么麻烦
MEs_col = MEs
colnames(MEs_col) = paste0("ME", labels2colors(as.numeric(
stringr::str_replace_all(colnames(MEs), "ME", "")
MEs_col = orderMEs(MEs_col)
## 保存模块代表性信息
MEs_colt = as.data.frame(t(MEs_col))
colnames(MEs_colt) = rownames(datExpr)
file = paste0(prefix, ".module_eipgengene.xls"),
sep = "\t",
quote = F,
row.names = F
if (ncol(MEs_col) < 3) {
if (!sp.is.null(saveplot)) {
base_plot_save(saveplot, bg = "white", ...)
# marDendro/marHeatmap 设置下、左、上、右的边距
"Eigengene adjacency heatmap",
marDendro = c(3, 3, 2, 4),
marHeatmap = c(3, 4, 2, 2),
plotDendrograms = T,
xLabelsAngle = 90
if (!sp.is.null(saveplot)) {
cat(sp_current_time(), "Finished saving WGCNA modules.\n")
#' Heatmap showing correlation among MEs and traits.
#' @param MEs_col Module epigenes generated in \code{\link{WGCNA_saveModuleAndMe}}.
#' @param traitData Sample attributes data frame.
#' Or the "traitData" generated in \code{\link{WGCNA_readindata}}.
#' @inheritParams WGCNA_sampleClusterDetectOutlier
#' @return NULL
#' @export
#' @examples
#' df = generateAbundanceDF(nSample=30, nGrp=3, sd=5)
#' datExpr <- WGCNA_dataFilter(df)
#' datExpr <- WGCNA_sampleClusterDetectOutlier(datExpr)
#' power <- WGCNA_softpower(datExpr)
#' net <- WGCNA_coexprNetwork(datExpr, power)
#' WGCNA_saveModuleAndMe(net, datExpr)
#' #2
#' exprMat <- "test.file"
#' wgcnaL <- WGCNA_readindata(exprMat)
#' traitData <- 'trait.file'
#' wgcnaL <- WGCNA_readindata(exprMat, traitData)
#' datExpr <- wgcnaL$datExpr
#' WGCNA_dataCheck(datExpr)
#' datExpr <- WGCNA_dataFilter(datExpr)
#' datExpr <- WGCNA_sampleClusterDetectOutlier(datExpr)
#' # datExpr <- WGCNA_sampleClusterDetectOutlier(datExpr, traitColors=wgcnaL$traitColors)
#' power <- WGCNA_softpower(datExpr)
#' net <- WGCNA_coexprNetwork(datExpr, power)
#' MEs_col <- WGCNA_saveModuleAndMe(net, datExpr)
#' WGCNA_MEs_traitCorrelationHeatmap(MEs_col, traitData=wgcnaL$traitData)
WGCNA_MEs_traitCorrelationHeatmap <-
function(MEs_col, traitData, saveplot = NULL, ...) {
cat(sp_current_time(), "Plot module trait correlation heatmap.\n")
# if (!sp.is.null(saveplot)) {
# base_plot_save(saveplot, bg = "white", ...)
# }
if (sp.is.null(saveplot)) {
saveplot = NA
if (sp.is.null(traitData)) {
# MEs_colpheno = orderMEs(MEs_col)
MEs_colpheno = MEs_col
} else {
traitData <- WGCNA_filterTrait(MEs_col, traitData)
MEs_colpheno = cbind(MEs_col, traitData)
# MEs_colpheno = orderMEs(cbind(MEs_col, traitData))
#ggcorr_MEs_colpheno <- ggcorr(MEs_colpheno, hjust = 0.75, size = 5, color = "grey50", layout.exp = 1)
MEs_colpheno_cor <- cor(MEs_colpheno)
pheatmap::pheatmap(MEs_colpheno_cor, filename=saveplot)
# WGCNA::plotEigengeneNetworks(
# MEs_colpheno,
# "Eigengene adjacency heatmap",
# marDendro = c(3, 3, 2, 4),
# marHeatmap = c(3, 4, 2, 2),
# plotDendrograms = T,
# xLabelsAngle = 90
# )
# if (!sp.is.null(saveplot)) {
# dev.off()
# }
cat(sp_current_time(), "Finish plotting module trait correlation heatmap.\n")
#' Export WGCNA resullt for cytoscape input edges and nodes.
#' @inheritParams WGCNA_saveModuleAndMe
#' @inheritParams WGCNA_coexprNetwork
#' @param TOM_plot Get TOM plot and save to file given here like 'tomplot.pdf'.
#' @param fulledge Output all edges (very large). Default FALSE. Only output edges whithin modules.
#' @return A list with edgeData and nodeData as two elements.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' df = generateAbundanceDF(nSample=30, nGrp=3, sd=5)
#' datExpr <- WGCNA_dataFilter(df)
#' datExpr <- WGCNA_sampleClusterDetectOutlier(datExpr)
#' power <- WGCNA_softpower(datExpr)
#' net <- WGCNA_coexprNetwork(datExpr, power)
#' WGCNA_saveModuleAndMe(net, datExpr)
#' cyt <- WGCNA_cytoscape(net, power, datExpr)
#' #2
#' exprMat <- "test.file"
#' wgcnaL <- WGCNA_readindata(exprMat)
#' traitData <- 'trait.file'
#' wgcnaL <- WGCNA_readindata(exprMat, traitData)
#' datExpr <- wgcnaL$datExpr
#' WGCNA_dataCheck(datExpr)
#' datExpr <- WGCNA_dataFilter(datExpr)
#' datExpr <- WGCNA_sampleClusterDetectOutlier(datExpr)
#' # datExpr <- WGCNA_sampleClusterDetectOutlier(datExpr, traitColors=wgcnaL$traitColors)
#' power <- WGCNA_softpower(datExpr)
#' net <- WGCNA_coexprNetwork(datExpr, power)
#' MEs_col <- WGCNA_saveModuleAndMe(net, datExpr)
#' WGCNA_MEs_traitCorrelationHeatmap(MEs_col, traitData=wgcnaL$traitData)
#' cyt <- WGCNA_cytoscape(net, power, datExpr)
WGCNA_cytoscape <-
TOM_plot = NULL,
prefix = "ehbio",
fulledge = F) {
## 获取TOM矩阵,导出Cytoscape可用的数据方便网络图绘制
# 如果采用分步计算,或设置的blocksize>=总基因数,直接load计算好的TOM结果
# 否则需要再计算一遍,比较耗费时间
# TOM = TOMsimilarityFromExpr(datExpr, power=power, corType=corType, networkType=type)
cat(sp_current_time(), "Start generating input files for cytoscape.\n")
cat("\tLoad TOM similarity matrix.\n")
load(net$TOMFiles[1], verbose = T)
TOM <- as.matrix(TOM)
dissTOM = 1 - TOM
# Transform dissTOM with a power to make moderately strong
# connections more visible in the heatmap
plotTOM = dissTOM ^ power
# Set diagonal to NA for a nicer plot
diag(plotTOM) = NA
moduleLabels = net$colors
moduleColors = WGCNA::labels2colors(moduleLabels)
# Call the plot function
if (!sp.is.null(TOM_plot)) {
base_plot_save(TOM_plot, width = 20, height = 20)
TOMplot(plotTOM, net$dendrograms, moduleColors,
main = "Network heatmap plot, all genes")
probes = colnames(datExpr)
dimnames(TOM) <- list(probes, probes)
# Export the network into edge and node list files Cytoscape can read
# threshold 默认为0.5, 可以根据自己的需要调整,也可以都导出后在
# cytoscape中再调整
cyt = WGCNA::exportNetworkToCytoscape(
weighted = TRUE,
threshold = 0.01,
nodeNames = probes,
nodeAttr = moduleColors
edgeData <- cyt$edgeData[, c(1:3)]
colnames(edgeData) <- c("Source", "Target", "Correlation")
if (fulledge) {
paste0(prefix, ".cytoscape_full_edges.txt"),
quote = F,
sep = "\t",
row.names = F
nodeData <- cyt$nodeData[, c(1, 3)]
colnames(nodeData) <- c("nodeName", "Module")
paste0(prefix, ".cytoscape_full_nodes.txt"),
quote = F,
sep = "\t",
row.names = F
Module1 <- nodeData[match(edgeData$Source, nodeData$nodeName), 2]
Module2 <- nodeData[match(edgeData$Target, nodeData$nodeName), 2]
# Only keep interactions within module
edgeData <- edgeData[Module1 == Module2, ]
paste0(prefix, ".cytoscape_edges_within_modules.txt"),
quote = F,
sep = "\t",
row.names = F
#sapply(moduleColors, WGCNA_cytoscape_each_module, edgeData=edgeData,
# nodeData=nodeData, prefix=prefix)
cyt = list(edgeData = edgeData, nodeData = nodeData)
cat(sp_current_time(), "Finish generating input files for cytoscape.\n")
#' Get top x hub genes for each module.
#' @param cyt A list containing two elements (edgeData and nodeData) generated by
#' \code{WGCNA_cytoscape} (specifically onle whithin module
#' interactions are kept in edgeData).
#' @param top_hub_n A number to get top x hub genes.
#' @inheritParams WGCNA_cytoscape
#' @return A dataframe containing selected hub genes.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' df = generateAbundanceDF(nSample=30, nGrp=3, sd=5)
#' datExpr <- WGCNA_dataFilter(df)
#' datExpr <- WGCNA_sampleClusterDetectOutlier(datExpr)
#' power <- WGCNA_softpower(datExpr)
#' net <- WGCNA_coexprNetwork(datExpr, power)
#' WGCNA_saveModuleAndMe(net, datExpr)
#' cyt <- WGCNA_cytoscape(net, power, datExpr)
#' hubgene <- WGCNA_hubgene(cyt)
#' #2
#' exprMat <- "test.file"
#' wgcnaL <- WGCNA_readindata(exprMat)
#' traitData <- 'trait.file'
#' wgcnaL <- WGCNA_readindata(exprMat, traitData)
#' datExpr <- wgcnaL$datExpr
#' WGCNA_dataCheck(datExpr)
#' datExpr <- WGCNA_dataFilter(datExpr)
#' datExpr <- WGCNA_sampleClusterDetectOutlier(datExpr)
#' # datExpr <- WGCNA_sampleClusterDetectOutlier(datExpr, traitColors=wgcnaL$traitColors)
#' power <- WGCNA_softpower(datExpr)
#' net <- WGCNA_coexprNetwork(datExpr, power)
#' MEs_col <- WGCNA_saveModuleAndMe(net, datExpr)
#' WGCNA_MEs_traitCorrelationHeatmap(MEs_col, traitData=wgcnaL$traitData)
#' cyt <- WGCNA_cytoscape(net, power, datExpr)
#' hubgene <- WGCNA_hubgene(cyt)
WGCNA_hubgene <- function(cyt,
top_hub_n = 20,
prefix = 'ehbio') {
cat(sp_current_time(), "Get top hub genes for each module.\n")
edgeData1 <- cyt$edgeData[, c(1, 2, 3)]
edgeData2 <- cyt$edgeData[, c(2, 1, 3)]
nodeattrib <- cyt$nodeData
colnames(edgeData1) <- c("Node1", "Node2", "Weight")
colnames(edgeData2) <- c("Node1", "Node2", "Weight")
edgeData <- rbind(edgeData1, edgeData2)
edgeData$Module1 <-
nodeattrib[match(edgeData$Node1, nodeattrib$nodeName), 2]
#edgeData$Module2 <- nodeattrib[match(edgeData$Node2, nodeattrib$nodeName), 2]
#edgeData <- edgeData[edgeData$Module1==edgeData$Module2,c(1,3,4)]
edgeData <- edgeData[, c(1, 3, 4)]
nodeTotalWeight <-
edgeData %>% dplyr::group_by(Node1, Module1) %>% dplyr::summarise(weight =
nodeTotalWeight <-
nodeTotalWeight[with(nodeTotalWeight, order(Module1,-weight)), ]
nodeTotalWeightTop20 = nodeTotalWeight %>% dplyr::group_by(Module1) %>% dplyr::top_n(top_hub_n, weight)
colnames(edgeData1) <- c("Source", "Target", "Correlation")
hub_edgeData = edgeData1[(edgeData1$Source %in% nodeTotalWeightTop20$Node1) &
(edgeData1$Target %in% nodeTotalWeightTop20$Node1), ]
paste(prefix, "hubgenes.txt", sep = "."),
quote = F,
sep = "\t",
row.names = F
paste(prefix, "hubgenes.edges.txt", sep = "."),
quote = F,
sep = "\t",
row.names = F
cat(sp_current_time(), "Finish outputing top hub genes for each module.\n")
#' Module-trait heatmap
#' @inheritParams WGCNA_MEs_traitCorrelationHeatmap
#' @inheritParams WGCNA_coexprNetwork
#' @inheritParams WGCNA_saveModuleAndMe
#' @param angle_x Rotation angle for x-axis labels
#' @param up_color Vector of colours to use for upper triangles (which representing pearson correlations values).
#' @param down_color Vector of colours to use for lower triangles (which representing significance p-values).
#' @return A dataframe.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' df = generateAbundanceDF(nSample=30, nGrp=3, sd=5)
#' datExpr <- WGCNA_dataFilter(df)
#' datExpr <- WGCNA_sampleClusterDetectOutlier(datExpr)
#' power <- WGCNA_softpower(datExpr)
#' net <- WGCNA_coexprNetwork(datExpr, power)
#' WGCNA_saveModuleAndMe(net, datExpr)
#' cyt <- WGCNA_cytoscape(net, power, datExpr)
#' hubgene <- WGCNA_hubgene(cyt)
#' #2
#' exprMat <- "test.file"
#' wgcnaL <- WGCNA_readindata(exprMat)
#' traitData <- 'trait.file'
#' wgcnaL <- WGCNA_readindata(exprMat, traitData)
#' datExpr <- wgcnaL$datExpr
#' traitData <- wgcnaL$traitData
#' WGCNA_dataCheck(datExpr)
#' datExpr <- WGCNA_dataFilter(datExpr)
#' datExpr <- WGCNA_sampleClusterDetectOutlier(datExpr)
#' # datExpr <- WGCNA_sampleClusterDetectOutlier(datExpr, traitColors=wgcnaL$traitColors)
#' power <- WGCNA_softpower(datExpr)
#' net <- WGCNA_coexprNetwork(datExpr, power)
#' MEs_col <- WGCNA_saveModuleAndMe(net, datExpr)
#' WGCNA_MEs_traitCorrelationHeatmap(MEs_col, traitData=traitData)
#' cyt <- WGCNA_cytoscape(net, power, datExpr)
#' hubgene <- WGCNA_hubgene(cyt)
#' WGCNA_moduleTraitPlot(MEs_col, traitData=traitData)
WGCNA_moduleTraitPlot <-
corType = "bicor",
saveplot = NULL,
prefix = 'ehbio',
angle_x = 90,
up_color = c("red", "white", "blue"),
down_color = c("green", "white"),
...) {
### 模块与表型数据关联
cat(sp_current_time(), "Plot correlation heatmap among all traits and modules.\n")
if (sp.is.null(traitData)) {
cat(sp_current_time(), "No plot since no trait data available.\n")
traitData <- WGCNA_filterTrait(MEs_col, traitData)
nSamples <- nrow(traitData)
robustY = ifelse(corType == "pearson", T, F)
if (corType == "pearson") {
modTraitCor = cor(MEs_col, traitData, use = "p")
modTraitP = WGCNA::corPvalueStudent(modTraitCor, nSamples)
} else {
modTraitCorP = WGCNA::bicorAndPvalue(MEs_col, traitData, robustY = robustY)
modTraitCor = modTraitCorP$bicor
modTraitP = modTraitCorP$p
# signif表示保留几位小数
textMatrix = paste(signif(modTraitCor, 3), "\n(", signif(modTraitP, 2), ")", sep = "")
dim(textMatrix) = dim(modTraitCor)
if (!sp.is.null(saveplot)) {
base_plot_save(saveplot, bg = "white", ...)
Matrix = modTraitCor,
xLabels = colnames(traitData),
yLabels = colnames(MEs_col),
cex.lab = 0.5,
ySymbols = colnames(MEs_col),
colorLabels = FALSE,
colors = blueWhiteRed(50),
textMatrix = textMatrix,
setStdMargins = FALSE,
cex.text = 0.5,
zlim = c(-1, 1),
main = paste("Module-trait relationships")
if (!sp.is.null(saveplot)) {
modTraitCorMelt = as.data.frame(modTraitCor)
data.frame(ID = rownames(modTraitCor), modTraitCorMelt),
file = paste0(prefix, ".module_trait_correlation.xls"),
sep = "\t",
quote = F, row.names=F
modTraitCorMelt$ID = rownames(modTraitCor)
modTraitCorMelt = reshape2::melt(modTraitCorMelt)
colnames(modTraitCorMelt) <-
c("Module", "Trait", "PersonCorrelationValue")
modTraitPMelt = as.data.frame(modTraitP)
file = paste0(prefix, ".module_trait_correlationPvalue.xls"),
sep = "\t",
quote = F
modTraitPMelt$ID = rownames(modTraitP)
modTraitPMelt = reshape2::melt(modTraitPMelt)
colnames(modTraitPMelt) <- c("Module", "Trait", "Pvalue")
#modTraitCorP = cbind(modTraitCorMelt, Pvalue=modTraitPMelt$Pvalue)
modTraitCorP = merge(modTraitCorMelt, modTraitPMelt, by = c("Module", "Trait"))
file = paste0(prefix, ".module_trait_correlationPvalueMelt.xls"),
sep = "\t",
quote = F,
row.names = F
# checkAndInstallPackages(list(package1=c("ggmatrix","houyunhuang/ggmatrix")))
# modTraitCorP_ggmatrix <-
# ggplot(
# modTraitCorP,
# aes(
# x = Module,
# y = Trait,
# fill.upper = PersonCorrelationValue,
# fill.lower = Pvalue
# )
# ) +
# ggmatrix::geom_triangle() +
# ggmatrix::scale_fill_upper_gradientn(colours = up_color) +
# ggmatrix::scale_fill_lower_gradientn(colours = down_color) +
# theme(
# legend.position = "top",
# axis.text.x = element_text(
# angle = angle_x,
# hjust = 1,
# vjust = 0.3
# )
# ) + labs(x = "Module", y = "Trait")
# ggsave(
# paste0(prefix, ".modTraitCorP_ggmatrix.pdf"),
# plot = modTraitCorP_ggmatrix,
# width = 15,
# height = 15,
# units = "cm"
# )
cat(sp_current_time(), "Finish plotting correlation heatmap among all traits and modules.\n")
#' Plot gene module relationship and correlation with traits.
#' @inheritParams WGCNA_cytoscape
#' @inheritParams WGCNA_saveModuleAndMe
#' @inheritParams WGCNA_coexprNetwork
#' @inheritParams WGCNA_MEs_traitCorrelationHeatmap
#' @return A dataframe geneTraitCor
#' @export
#' @examples
#' df = generateAbundanceDF(nSample=30, nGrp=3, sd=5)
#' datExpr <- WGCNA_dataFilter(df)
#' datExpr <- WGCNA_sampleClusterDetectOutlier(datExpr)
#' power <- WGCNA_softpower(datExpr)
#' net <- WGCNA_coexprNetwork(datExpr, power)
#' WGCNA_saveModuleAndMe(net, datExpr)
#' cyt <- WGCNA_cytoscape(net, power, datExpr)
#' hubgene <- WGCNA_hubgene(cyt)
#' #2
#' exprMat <- "test.file"
#' wgcnaL <- WGCNA_readindata(exprMat)
#' traitData <- 'trait.file'
#' wgcnaL <- WGCNA_readindata(exprMat, traitData)
#' datExpr <- wgcnaL$datExpr
#' traitData <- wgcnaL$traitData
#' WGCNA_dataCheck(datExpr)
#' datExpr <- WGCNA_dataFilter(datExpr)
#' datExpr <- WGCNA_sampleClusterDetectOutlier(datExpr)
#' # datExpr <- WGCNA_sampleClusterDetectOutlier(datExpr, traitColors=wgcnaL$traitColors)
#' power <- WGCNA_softpower(datExpr)
#' net <- WGCNA_coexprNetwork(datExpr, power)
#' MEs_col <- WGCNA_saveModuleAndMe(net, datExpr)
#' WGCNA_MEs_traitCorrelationHeatmap(MEs_col, traitData=traitData)
#' cyt <- WGCNA_cytoscape(net, power, datExpr)
#' hubgene <- WGCNA_hubgene(cyt)
#' WGCNA_moduleTraitPlot(MEs_col, traitData=traitData)
#' geneTraitCor <- WGCNA_ModuleGeneTraitHeatmap(datExpr, traitData, net)
WGCNA_ModuleGeneTraitHeatmap <-
corType = "bicor",
prefix = "ehbio",
saveplot = NULL,
...) {
# 计算性状与基因的相关性矩阵
## 只有连续型性状才能进行计算,如果是离散变量,在构建样品表时就转为0-1矩阵
cat(sp_current_time(), "Plot module-gene-trait correlation heatmap.\n")
if (sp.is.null(traitData)) {
cat(sp_current_time(), "No module-gene-trait correlation heatmap plot since no trait data.\n")
traitData <- WGCNA_filterTrait(datExpr, traitData)
robustY = ifelse(corType == "pearson", T, F)
if (corType == "pearson") {
geneTraitCor = as.data.frame(cor(datExpr, traitData, use = "p"))
geneTraitP = as.data.frame(WGCNA::corPvalueStudent(as.matrix(geneTraitCor), nSamples))
} else {
geneTraitCorA = WGCNA::bicorAndPvalue(datExpr, traitData, robustY = robustY)
geneTraitCor = as.data.frame(geneTraitCorA$bicor)
geneTraitP = as.data.frame(geneTraitCorA$p)
geneTraitCorMelt = as.data.frame(geneTraitCor)
file = paste0(prefix, ".gene_trait_correlation.xls"),
sep = "\t",
quote = F
geneTraitCorMelt$ID = rownames(geneTraitCor)
geneTraitCorMelt = reshape2::melt(geneTraitCorMelt)
colnames(geneTraitCorMelt) <-
c("Gene", "Trait", "PersonCorrelationValue")
geneTraitPMelt = as.data.frame(geneTraitP)
file = paste0(prefix, ".gene_trait_correlationPvalue.xls"),
sep = "\t",
quote = F
geneTraitPMelt$ID = rownames(geneTraitP)
geneTraitPMelt = reshape2::melt(geneTraitPMelt)
colnames(geneTraitPMelt) <- c("Gene", "Trait", "Pvalue")
#geneTraitCorP = cbind(geneTraitCorMelt, Pvalue=geneTraitPMelt$Pvalue)
geneTraitCorP = merge(geneTraitCorMelt, geneTraitPMelt, by = c("Gene", "Trait"))
file = paste0(prefix, ".gene_trait_correlationPvalueMelt.xls"),
sep = "\t",
quote = F,
row.names = F
#geneTraitCorP = merge(geneTraitCorMelt, geneTraitPMelt, by=c("Gene","Trait"))
geneTraitCorP[geneTraitCorP$Pvalue < 0.01, ],
file = paste0(prefix, ".gene_trait_correlationPvalueMelt.p0.01.xls"),
sep = "\t",
quote = F,
row.names = F
#plot_me_trat <- cbind(dynamicColors,moduleColors,geneTraitCor)
geneTraitCorColor <- WGCNA::numbers2colors(geneTraitCor)
if (!sp.is.null(saveplot)) {
base_plot_save(saveplot, bg = "white", ...)
moduleLabels = net$colors
moduleColors = WGCNA::labels2colors(moduleLabels)
dynamicColors <- WGCNA::labels2colors(net$unmergedColors)
cbind(dynamicColors, moduleColors, geneTraitCorColor),
c("Dynamic Tree Cut", "Module colors", colnames(geneTraitCor)),
dendroLabels = FALSE,
hang = 0.5,
addGuide = TRUE,
guideHang = 0.05
if (!sp.is.null(saveplot)) {
cat(sp_current_time(), "Finish plotting module-gene-trait correlation heatmap.\n")
#' Genes correlated with both traits an modules.
#' @inheritParams WGCNA_moduleTraitPlot
#' @param geneTraitCor A dataframe generated by \code{\link{WGCNA_ModuleGeneTraitHeatmap}}
#' @inheritParams WGCNA_saveModuleAndMe
#' @return NULL
#' @export
#' @examples
#' df = generateAbundanceDF(nSample=30, nGrp=3, sd=5)
#' datExpr <- WGCNA_dataFilter(df)
#' datExpr <- WGCNA_sampleClusterDetectOutlier(datExpr)
#' power <- WGCNA_softpower(datExpr)
#' net <- WGCNA_coexprNetwork(datExpr, power)
#' WGCNA_saveModuleAndMe(net, datExpr)
#' cyt <- WGCNA_cytoscape(net, power, datExpr)
#' hubgene <- WGCNA_hubgene(cyt)
#' #2
#' exprMat <- "test.file"
#' wgcnaL <- WGCNA_readindata(exprMat)
#' traitData <- 'trait.file'
#' wgcnaL <- WGCNA_readindata(exprMat, traitData)
#' datExpr <- wgcnaL$datExpr
#' traitData <- wgcnaL$traitData
#' WGCNA_dataCheck(datExpr)
#' datExpr <- WGCNA_dataFilter(datExpr)
#' datExpr <- WGCNA_sampleClusterDetectOutlier(datExpr)
#' # datExpr <- WGCNA_sampleClusterDetectOutlier(datExpr, traitColors=wgcnaL$traitColors)
#' power <- WGCNA_softpower(datExpr)
#' net <- WGCNA_coexprNetwork(datExpr, power)
#' MEs_col <- WGCNA_saveModuleAndMe(net, datExpr)
#' WGCNA_MEs_traitCorrelationHeatmap(MEs_col, traitData=traitData)
#' cyt <- WGCNA_cytoscape(net, power, datExpr)
#' hubgene <- WGCNA_hubgene(cyt)
#' WGCNA_moduleTraitPlot(MEs_col, traitData=traitData)
#' geneTraitCor <- WGCNA_ModuleGeneTraitHeatmap(datExpr, traitData, net)
#' WGCNA_GeneModuleTraitCoorelation(datExpr, MEs_col, geneTraitCor, traitData, net)
WGCNA_GeneModuleTraitCoorelation <-
corType = "bicor",
prefix = "ehbio",
...) {
### 计算模块与基因的相关性矩阵
if (sp.is.null(traitData)) {
cat(sp_current_time(), "No module-gene-trait correlation plot since no trait data.\n")
traitData <- WGCNA_filterTrait(datExpr, traitData)
cat(sp_current_time(), "Plot interest genes for each module-trait combination group.\n")
robustY = ifelse(corType == "pearson", T, F)
if (corType == "pearson") {
geneModuleMembership = as.data.frame(cor(datExpr, MEs_col, use = "p"))
MMPvalue = as.data.frame(WGCNA::corPvalueStudent(as.matrix(geneModuleMembership), nSamples))
} else {
# 关联样品性状的二元变量时,设置
geneModuleMembershipA = WGCNA::bicorAndPvalue(datExpr, MEs_col, robustY =
geneModuleMembership = geneModuleMembershipA$bicor
MMPvalue = geneModuleMembershipA$p
geneModuleMembershipMelt = as.data.frame(geneModuleMembership)
file = paste0(prefix, ".gene_module_correlation.xls"),
sep = "\t",
quote = F
geneModuleMembershipMelt$ID = rownames(geneModuleMembership)
geneModuleMembershipMelt = reshape2::melt(geneModuleMembershipMelt)
colnames(geneModuleMembershipMelt) <-
c("Gene", "Module", "PersonCorrelationValue")
# geneTraitPMelt = as.data.frame(geneTraitP)
# write.table(geneTraitPMelt,file=paste0(prefix,".gene_module_correlationMelt.xls"),
# sep="\t",quote=F)
# MMPvalueMelt$ID = rownames(MMPvalue)
# MMPvalueMelt = reshape2::melt(MMPvalueMelt)
# colnames(MMPvalueMelt) <- c("Gene","Module","Pvalue")
# #geneModuleMembershipP = cbind(geneModuleMembershipMelt, Pvalue=MMPvalueMelt$Pvalue)
# geneModuleMembershipP = merge(geneModuleMembershipMelt, MMPvalueMelt, by=c("Gene","Trait"))
# write.table(geneModuleMembershipP,
# file=paste0(prefix,".gene_module_correlationPvalueMelt.xls"),
# sep="\t",quote=F,row.names=F)
modNames = substring(colnames(MEs_col), 3)
# 最后把两个相关性矩阵联合起来,指定感兴趣模块进行分析
#module = "red"
#pheno = "Insulin_ug_l"
phenoName = colnames(traitData)
moduleLabels = net$colors
moduleColors = WGCNA::labels2colors(moduleLabels)
for (module in modNames) {
if (module == "grey") {
for (pheno in phenoName) {
# 获取关注的列
module_column = match(module, modNames)
pheno_column = match(pheno, colnames(traitData))
# 获取模块内的基因
moduleGenes = moduleColors == module
file <-
sep = ".")
gene_trait_module_cor <-
cbind(geneModuleMembership = geneModuleMembership[moduleGenes, module_column],
geneTraitCor = geneTraitCor[moduleGenes, pheno_column])
gene_trait_module_cor = data.frame(ID = rownames(gene_trait_module_cor), gene_trait_module_cor)
file = file,
sep = "\t",
quote = F,
row.names = F
sep = "."
bg = "white",
sizeGrWindow(7, 7)
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
# 与性状高度相关的基因,也是与性状相关的模型的关键基因
abs(geneModuleMembership[moduleGenes, module_column]),
geneTraitCor[moduleGenes, pheno_column],
#abs(geneTraitCor[moduleGenes, pheno_column]),
xlab = paste("Module Membership in", module, "module"),
ylab = paste("Gene significance for", pheno),
main = paste("Module membership vs. gene significance\n"),
cex.main = 1.2,
cex.lab = 1.2,
cex.axis = 1.2,
col = module
cat(sp_current_time(), paste0("Finish plotting interest genes for module (", module,
") - trait (", pheno, ") combination group.\n"))
#' WGCNA onestep
#' @inheritParams WGCNA_readindata
#' @inheritParams dataFilter
#' @inheritParams WGCNA_sampleClusterDetectOutlier
#' @inheritParams WGCNA_softpower
#' @inheritParams WGCNA_coexprNetwork
#' @inheritParams WGCNA_cytoscape
#' @inheritParams WGCNA_moduleTraitPlot
#' @param os_system Default the program will detect system type to choose which multiple thread function will be used.
#' `enableWGCNAThreads` is recommended, but only work in some linux os.
#' \code{\link[WGCNA]{allowWGCNAThreads}} is not recommended if `enableWGCNAThreads` works.
#' However for max and windows os, this is the only one can be used.
#' Even for some linux system, using `enableWGCNAThreads` will make programs
#' stuck in \code{\link[WGCNA]{pickSoftThreshold}} step.
#' So if stucked, supply any string other than `linux` to enable the usages
#' of \code{\link[WGCNA]{allowWGCNAThreads}}.
#' @param power_min For some data type, default selected power is a small number. Mostly this is due to unnormalized expression value, batch effects or small amount of total samples. When this happens, we may want to assign a power as 6 or other common numbers for downstream analysis. Here is where to specify it. Be careful to use this parameter unless you know what you are doing.
#' @return net
#' @export
#' @examples
#' exprMat <- "test.file"
#' traitData <- 'trait.file'
#' WGCNA_onestep(exprMat, traitData)
WGCNA_onestep <-
traitData = NULL,
categoricalTrait = NULL,
prefix = "ehbio",
corType = "bicor",
networkType = "signed",
maxPower = NULL,
maxBlockSize = NULL,
top_mad_n = 0.75,
rmVarZero = T,
minimal_mad = NULL,
thresholdZ.k = -2.5,
TOM_plot = NULL,
top_hub_n = 20,
removeOutlier = F,
RsquaredCut = 0.85,
minModuleSize = NULL,
mergeCutHeight = 0.2,
numericLabels = TRUE,
pamRespectsDendro = FALSE,
saveTOMs = TRUE,
maxPOutliers = NULL,
loadTOM = TRUE,
TOMDenom = "min",
deepSplit = 1,
stabilityCriterion = "Individual fraction",
verbose = 0,
os_system = NULL,
randomSeed = 11521,
dynamicCutPlot = TRUE,
power_min = NULL,
up_color = c("red", "white", "blue"),
down_color = c("green", "white"),
...) {
options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
options(warn = -1)
if (sp.is.null(os_system)) {
os_system = Sys.info()['sysname']
#if (os_system == "Linux") {
# # 打开多线程
# enableWGCNAThreads()
#} else {
# # if mac
# allowWGCNAThreads()
wgcnaL <- WGCNA_readindata(exprMat, traitData = traitData,
categoricalTrait = categoricalTrait)
datExpr <- wgcnaL$datExpr
saveplot = paste0(prefix, ".WGCNA_dataCheck.pdf"),
width = 20)
datExpr <-
minimal_mad = minimal_mad,
top_mad_n = top_mad_n,
rmVarZero = rmVarZero
datExpr <-
traitColors = wgcnaL$traitColors,
thresholdZ.k = thresholdZ.k,
removeOutlier = removeOutlier,
saveplot = paste0(prefix, ".WGCNA_sampleClusterDetectOutlier.pdf")
power <-
saveplot = paste0(prefix, ".WGCNA_softpower.pdf"),
networkType = networkType,
maxPower = maxPower,
RsquaredCut = RsquaredCut
power <- power$power
if (!sp.is.null(power_min) && (power < power_min)) {
power = power_min
net <- WGCNA_coexprNetwork(
saveplot = paste0(prefix, ".WGCNA_module_generation_plot.pdf"),
maxBlockSize = maxBlockSize,
minModuleSize = minModuleSize,
networkType = networkType,
mergeCutHeight = mergeCutHeight,
numericLabels = numericLabels,
pamRespectsDendro = pamRespectsDendro,
saveTOMs = saveTOMs,
corType = corType,
maxPOutliers = maxPOutliers,
loadTOM = loadTOM,
TOMDenom = TOMDenom,
deepSplit = deepSplit,
stabilityCriterion = stabilityCriterion,
saveTOMFileBase = paste0(prefix, ".blockwiseTOM"),
verbose = verbose,
randomSeed = randomSeed,
dynamicCutPlot = dynamicCutPlot
MEs_col <- WGCNA_saveModuleAndMe(
prefix = prefix,
saveplot = paste0(prefix, ".WGCNA_module_correlation_plot.pdf")
net$MEs_col <- MEs_col
# WGCNA_MEs_traitCorrelationHeatmap(
# MEs_col,
# traitData = traitData,
# saveplot = paste0(prefix, ".WGCNA_moduletrait_correlation_plot.pdf")
# )
cyt <-
WGCNA_cytoscape(net, power, datExpr, TOM_plot = TOM_plot, prefix = prefix)
net$cyt <- cyt
hubgene <- WGCNA_hubgene(cyt, top_hub_n = top_hub_n, prefix = prefix)
net$hubgene <- hubgene
if (!is.null(traitData)) {
traitData = wgcnaL$traitData,
saveplot = paste0(prefix, ".WGCNA_moduleTraitHeatmap.pdf"),
corType = corType,
prefix = prefix,
geneTraitCor <-
traitData = wgcnaL$traitData,
net = net,
prefix = prefix,
saveplot = paste0(prefix, ".WGCNA_ModuleGeneTraitHeatmap.pdf")
net$geneTraitCor <- geneTraitCor
traitData = wgcnaL$traitData,
corType = corType,
prefix = prefix
cat(sp_current_time(), "Success.\n")
### 计算邻接矩阵
# adjacency = adjacency(datExpr, power = power)
# ### 把邻接矩阵转换为拓扑重叠矩阵,以降低噪音和假相关,获得距离矩阵。
# TOM = TOMsimilarity(adjacency)
# dissTOM = 1-TOM
# ### 层级聚类计算基因之间的距离树
# geneTree = flashClust(as.dist(dissTOM), method = "average")
# ### 模块合并
# # We like large modules, so we set the minimum module size relatively high:
# minModuleSize = 30
# # Module identification using dynamic tree cut:
# dynamicMods = cutreeDynamic(dendro = geneTree, distM = dissTOM,
# deepSplit = 4, pamRespectsDendro = FALSE,
# minClusterSize = minModuleSize)
# # Convert numeric lables into colors
# dynamicColors = labels2colors(dynamicMods)
# table(dynamicColors)
# ### 通过计算模块的代表性模式和模块之间的定量相似性评估,合并表达图谱相似
# #的模块
# MEList = moduleEigengenes(datExpr, colors = dynamicColors)
# MEs = MEList$eigengenes
# # Calculate dissimilarity of module eigengenes
# MEDiss = 1-cor(MEs)
# # Cluster module eigengenes
# METree = flashClust(as.dist(MEDiss), method = "average")
# MEDissThres = 0.25
# # Call an automatic merging function
# merge = mergeCloseModules(datExpr, dynamicColors, cutHeight = MEDissThres, verbose = 3)
# # The merged module colors
# mergedColors = merge$colors
# table(mergedColors)
# # Eigengenes of the new merged
# plotDendroAndColors(geneTree, cbind(dynamicColors,moduleColors),
# c("Dynamic Tree Cut", "Module colors"),
# dendroLabels = FALSE, hang = 0.5,
# addGuide = TRUE, guideHang = 0.05)
## 分步法完结
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