
##   Copyright (C) 2015 - 2016 Alfred Galichon
##   This file is part of the R package TraME.
##   The R package TraME is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
##   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
##   the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
##   (at your option) any later version.
##   The R package TraME is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
##   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
##   GNU General Public License for more details.
##   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
##   along with TraME. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

# References:
# A. Galichon, B. Salanie: " Cupid's Invisible Hand: Social Surplus and Identification in Matching Models"
# A. Galichon, Y.-W. Hsieh: "Love and Chance: Equilibrium and Identification in a Large NTU matching markets with stochastic choice"
# A. Galichon, S.D. Kominers, and S. Weber: "An Empirical Framework for Matching with Imperfectly Transferable Utility"  
# O. Bonnet, A. Galichon, and M. Shum: "Yoghurt Chooses Man: The Matching Approach to Identification of Nonadditive Random Utility Models".

solveEquilibrium.MFE <- function(market, xFirst=T, notifications=TRUE, debugmode=FALSE, tol=1e-12, bystart=market$m, method = "ipfp")
    if (method == "ipfp"){
        return (ipfp(market, xFirst=xFirst, notifications=notifications, debugmode=debugmode, tol=tol, bystart=bystart) )
    if (method == "parIpfp") {
        return (parIpfp(market, xFirst=xFirst, notifications=notifications, debugmode=debugmode, tol=tol, bystart=bystart) )
    if (method == "nodalNewton"){
        return (nodalNewton(market, xFirst=xFirst, notifications=notifications, tol=tol) )
    stop("Required method not available yet.")

solveEquilibrium.DSE <- function(market, xFirst=T, notifications=TRUE, debugmode=FALSE, tol=1e-12, bystart=market$m, method = "unspec")
    if (method == "unspec") {
        if (market$kind == "TU_none") {
            method = "oapLP"
        if (market$kind == "TU_general") {
            method = "maxWelfare"
        if (market$kind == "TU_empirical") {
            method = "CupidsLP"
        if ( (market$kind == "NTU_none") | (market$kind == "NTU_general")){
            method = "darum"
        if (market$kind == "LTU_none")
        { # not yet implemented
        if (market$kind == "ITU_general")
            method = "jacobi"
        if ( (class(market$arumsG) == "logit") & (class(market$arumsH) == "logit") & (market$arumsG$sigma==1) & (market$arumsH$sigma==1) ) 
            method = "ipfp_DSE"
        if (method == "unspec") {
            stop("Solver not known for this DSE market.")
    if (method == "oapLP"){ 
        return (oapLP(market, xFirst=xFirst, notifications=notifications) )
    if (method == "maxWelfare") {
        return (maxWelfare(market, xFirst=xFirst, notifications=notifications, tol_rel=tol) )
    if (method == "CupidsLP") {
        return (CupidsLP(market, xFirst=xFirst, notifications=notifications) )
    if (method == "darum") {
        return (darum(market, xFirst=xFirst, notifications=notifications, debugmode=debugmode, tol=tol, bystart=bystart) )
    if (method == "jacobi") {
        return (jacobi(market, xFirst=xFirst, notifications=notifications, tol=tol ) )
    if (method == "ipfp_DSE") {
        return (ipfp(DSEToMFE(market), xFirst=xFirst, notifications=notifications, debugmode=debugmode, tol=tol, bystart=bystart) )
    if (method == "nodalNewton_DSE") {
        return (nodalNewton(DSEToMFE(market), xFirst=xFirst, notifications=notifications, tol=tol) )

ipfp <- function(market, xFirst=T, notifications=TRUE, debugmode=FALSE, tol=1e-12, bystart=market$m, method = "ipfp")
  # Computes equilibrium in the logit case via IPFP in the all-logit case
  if (class(market) != "MFE") {stop("ipfp only applies to MFE markets.")}
  mmfs = market$mmfs
  noSingles = !is.null(mmfs$neededNorm)
    warning("There are known issues with the current implementation of the IPFP in the case without unassigned agents.")
    H = mmfs$neededNorm$H_edge_logit
      stop("Function H_edge not included in market$neededNorm")
    message('Solving for equilibrium in ITU_logit problem using IPFP.') 
  n = mmfs$n
  m = mmfs$m
  nbX = length(n)
  nbY = length(m)
  # Algorithm: Loop
  by = bystart
  ax = rep(NA,length=nbX)
  error = 2*tol
  iter = 0
  tm = proc.time()  
    iter = iter+1
    val = c(ax,by)
    #Solve for ax and then by
    ax = margxInv(1:nbX,mmfs=mmfs,theMu0ys=by)
    by = margyInv(1:nbY,mmfs=mmfs,theMux0s=ax)
      rescale = H(ax,by)
      ax = ax * rescale
      by = by / rescale
    error = abs(c(ax,by)-val)
    if(debugmode & notifications){
      message(paste0("Iter: ", iter, ". Error: ", max(error)))
  time = proc.time()-tm  
  time = time["elapsed"] 
    message(paste0("IPFP converged in ", iter," iterations and ", round(time,digits=2), " seconds.\n"))
  # Construct the equilibrium outcome based on ax and by obtained from above
  mu = M(mmfs,ax,by)  
  mux0 = ax
  mu0y = by
  U = log(mu/ mux0)          # We'll suppress this soon
  V = t(log(t(mu) / mu0y))  # We'll suppress this soon
  outcome = list(mu = mu,
                 mux0 = mux0, mu0y = mu0y,
                 U = U, V = V,
                 u = - log(mux0), # We'll suppress this soon
                 v = - log(mu0y), # We'll suppress this soon
                 iter=iter, time=time)

parIpfp <- function(market, xFirst=T, notifications=TRUE, debugmode=FALSE, tol=1e-12, bystart=market$m, clSplit = TRUE)
  # Computes equilibrium in the logit case via IPFP in the all-logit case
  if (class(market) != "MFE") {stop("parallel ipfp only applies to MFE markets.")}
  mmfs = market$mmfs
  noSingles = !is.null(mmfs$neededNorm)
    warning("There are known issues with the current implementation of the parallel IPFP in the case without unassigned agents.")
    H = mmfs$neededNorm$H_edge_logit
      stop("Function H_edge not included in market$neededNorm")
    message('Solving for equilibrium in ITU_logit problem using parallel IPFP.') 
  n = mmfs$n
  m = mmfs$m
  nbX = length(n)
  nbY = length(m)
  if (clSplit==TRUE){
    seqX = clusterSplit(cl, 1:nbX)
    seqY = clusterSplit(cl, 1:nbY)
  } else {
    seqX = 1:nbX
    seqY = 1:nbY
  # Algorithm: Loop
  by = bystart
  ax = rep(NA,length=nbX)
  error = 2*tol
  iter = 0
  tm = proc.time()  
    iter = iter+1
    val = c(ax,by)
    #Solve for ax and then by
    ax = unlist(parLapply(cl=cl, X = seqX, margxInv, mmfs=mmfs,theMu0ys=by))
    by = unlist(parLapply(cl=cl, X = seqY, margyInv, mmfs=mmfs,theMux0s=ax))
    # ax = unlist(margxInv(1:nbX,mmfs=mmfs,theMu0ys=by))
    # by = unlist(margyInv(1:nbY,mmfs=mmfs,theMux0s=ax))
      rescale = H(ax,by)
      ax = ax * rescale
      by = by / rescale
    error = abs(c(ax,by)-val)
    if(debugmode & notifications){
      message(paste0("Iter: ", iter, ". Error: ", max(error)))
  time = proc.time()-tm  
  time = time["elapsed"] 
    message(paste0("parallel IPFP converged in ", iter," iterations and ", round(time,digits=2), " seconds.\n"))
  # Construct the equilibrium outcome based on ax and by obtained from above
  mu = M(mmfs,ax,by)  
  mux0 = ax
  mu0y = by
  U = log(mu/ mux0)          # We'll suppress this soon
  V = t(log(t(mu) / mu0y))  # We'll suppress this soon
  outcome = list(mu = mu,
                 mux0 = mux0, mu0y = mu0y,
                 U = U, V = V,
                 u = - log(mux0), # We'll suppress this soon
                 v = - log(mu0y), # We'll suppress this soon
                 iter=iter, time=time)

nodalNewton <- function(market, xFirst=TRUE, notifications=FALSE, maxiter = 300, tol = 1e-3)
  if (class(market) != "MFE") {stop("nodalNewton only applies to MFE markets.")}
  mmfs = market$mmfs
    stop("nodalNewton does not yet allow for the case without unmatched agents.")
    message('Solving for equilibrium in MFE problem using nodalNewton.')
  n = market$n
  m = market$m
  nbX = length(n)
  nbY = length(m)
  theus = rep(0,nbX)
  thevs = rep(0,nbY)
  themux0s = rep(0,nbX)
  themu0ys = rep(0,nbY)
  themu = matrix(0,nbX,nbY)
  Z <- function(uv)
    theus <<- uv[1:nbX]
    thevs <<- uv[(nbX+1):(nbX+nbY)]
    themux0s <<- exp(- theus )
    themu0ys <<- exp(- thevs )
    themu <<- M(market$mmfs,themux0s,themu0ys)
    return( c(themux0s + apply(themu,1,sum) - n,
              themu0ys + apply(themu,2,sum) - m ))
  JZ <- function(uv)
    thedmux0s_M = dmux0s_M(mmfs,themux0s,themu0ys)
    thedmu0ys_M = dmu0ys_M(mmfs,themux0s,themu0ys)
    Delta11 = - diag(themux0s * (1 + apply(thedmux0s_M,1,sum) ) )
    Delta22 = - diag(themu0ys * (1 + apply(thedmu0ys_M,2,sum) ) )
    Delta12 = - t(themu0ys * t(thedmu0ys_M))
    Delta21 = - t(themux0s * thedmux0s_M)
    hess = rbind(cbind(Delta11,Delta12),cbind(Delta21,Delta22))
  xinit = - c(log(n/2),log(m/2))
  tm = proc.time()  
  sol = nleqslv(x = xinit,
                fn = Z, jac = JZ,
                method = "Broyden", # "Newton"
                control = list(xtol=tol,maxit = maxiter)
  time = proc.time()-tm  
  time = time["elapsed"] 
  iter = sol$iter
    message(paste0("nodalNewton converged in ", iter," iterations and ", round(time,digits=2), " seconds.\n"))
  theus = sol$x[1:nbX]
  thevs = sol$x[(nbX+1):(nbX+nbY)]
  themux0s = exp(- theus )
  themu0ys = exp(- thevs )
  themu = M(mmfs,themux0s,themu0ys)
  error = max(abs(c(themux0s + apply(themu,1,sum) - n,themu0ys + apply(themu,2,sum) - m ))) # calling this gives the right value to themu, themux0s and themu0ys
  U =  log(themu/themux0s)
  V =  t(log(t(themu) / themu0ys))
  outcome = list(mu = themu,
                 mux0 = themux0s, mu0y = themu0ys,
                 U = U, V = V,
                 u = theus,
                 v = thevs,
                 iter=iter, time=time,

arcNewton <- function(market, xFirst=TRUE, notifications=TRUE, wup=NULL, xtol=1e-5, method="Broyden")
  # method is "Broyden" or "Newton"
  if(method!="Broyden" && method!="Newton"){
    stop("invalid input passed to function 'newton': unknown method selected.\nMethod must be either \"Broyden\" or \"Newton\".")
    stop("Newton does not allow for the case without unmatched agents")
    message('Solving for equilibrium in ITU_general problem using Newton descent.\n')
  n = market$n
  m = market$m
  arumsG = market$arumsG
  arumsH = market$arumsH
  tr = market$transfers
  nbX = length(n)
  nbY = length(m)
    winit =  wupperbound(market)
    winit = wup
    if(min(G(arumsG,UW(tr,wup),n)$mu - t(G(arumsH,t(VW(tr,wup)),m)$mu)) < 0){
      stop("wup provided is not an actual upper bound")
  ED <- function(thew){
    term_1 = G(arumsG,UW(tr,matrix(thew,nbX,nbY)),n)$mu
    term_2 = t(G(arumsH,t(VW(tr,matrix(thew,nbX,nbY))),m)$mu)
    ret = c(term_1 - term_2)
  jacED <- function(thew){
    term_1 = c(dw_UW(tr,matrix(thew,nbX,nbY)))*D2G(arumsG,UW(tr,matrix(thew,nbX,nbY)),n)
    term_2 = c(dw_VW(tr,matrix(thew,nbX,nbY)))*D2G(arumsH,t(VW(tr,matrix(thew,nbX,nbY))),m,xFirst=F)
    ret = term_1 - term_2
  sol = nleqslv(x = c(winit),
                fn = ED, jac = jacED,
                method = "Broyden", #"Newton",
                control = list(xtol=xtol,maxit = 200)
  w = sol$x
  U = UW(tr,w)
  V = VW(tr,w)
  mu = G(arumsG,U,n)$mu
  mux0 = n - apply(mu,1,sum)
  mu0y = m - apply(mu,2,sum)
  ret = list(mu=mu,
             mux0=mux0, mu0y=mu0y,
             U=U, V=V, sol=sol)

wupperbound <- function(market)
  n = market$n
  m = market$m
  arumsG = market$arumsG
  arumsH = market$arumsH
  tr = market$transfers
  nbX = length(n)
  nbY = length(m)
  w = matrix(0,nbX,nbY)
  U = matrix(0,nbX,nbY)
  V = matrix(0,nbX,nbY)
  cont = TRUE
    for(x in 1:nbX){
      typeTransfersx = determineType(tr,x)
        mu_condx = rep( 1 / (2^(-k)+nbY),nbY)
        U[x,] = Gstarx(arumsG,mu_condx,x )$Ux
        w[x,] = WU(tr,U[x,],xs=x)
        V[x,] = VW(tr,w[x,],xs=x)
      }else{ # if transfers = type2
          w[x,] = rep(2^k,nbY)
          U[x,] = UW(tr,w[x,],xs=x)
          V[x,] = VW(tr,w[x,],xs=x)
          stop("Multiple transfer types is not allowed.")
    Z = G(arumsG,U,n)$mu - t(G(arumsH,t(V),m)$mu)
    if(min(Z) < 0){
      k = 2*k
      cont = FALSE
  } #end while

jacobi <- function(market, xFirst=TRUE, notifications=TRUE, wlow=NULL, wup=NULL, tol=1e-10)
    stop("Jacobi does not yet allow for the case without unmatched agents.")
    message('Solving for equilibrium in ITU_general problem using Jacobi iterations.')
  n = market$n
  m = market$m
  arumsG = market$arumsG
  arumsH = market$arumsH
  tr = market$transfers
  nbX = length(n)
  nbY = length(m)
    w = wupperbound(market)
    w = wup
    Z = G(arumsG,UW(tr,wup),n)$mu - t(G(arumsH,t(VW(tr,wup)),m)$mu)
    if(min(Z) < 0 ){
      stop("wup provided not an actual upper bound")
    wlow = -t(wupperbound(marketTranspose(market)))
    wlow = wlow
    Z = G(arumsG,UW(tr,wlow),n)$mu - t(G(arumsH,t(VW(tr,wlow)),m)$mu)
      stop("wlow provided not an actual lower bound")
  U = UW(tr,w)
  V = VW(tr,w)
  Z = G(arumsG,U,n)$mu - t(G(arumsH,t(V),m)$mu)
  while(max(abs(Z / (n %*% t(m))))>1e-4){
    for(x in 1:nbX){
      for(y in 1:nbY){
        tofit <- function(thew)
          U[x,y] = UW(tr,thew,x,y)
          V[x,y] = VW(tr,thew,x,y)
          ed = G(arumsG,U,n)$mu - t(G(arumsH,t(V),m)$mu)
        w[x,y] = uniroot(tofit,c(wlow[x,y],w[x,y]),tol = tol, extendInt="upX")$root
        U[x,y] = UW(tr,w[x,y],x,y)
        V[x,y] = VW(tr,w[x,y],x,y)
    Z = G(arumsG,U,n)$mu - t(G(arumsH,t(V),m)$mu)
    message(paste0("Jacobi iteration converged in ", iter," iterations.\n"))
  mu = G(arumsG,U,n)$mu  
  mux0 = n - apply(mu,1,sum)
  mu0y = m - apply(mu,2,sum)
  ret = list(mu=mu,
             mux0=mux0, mu0y=mu0y,
             U=U, V=V)

maxWelfare <- function(market, xFirst=TRUE, notifications=TRUE, tol_rel=1e-8)
    stop("maxWelfare does not yet allow for the case without unmatched agents.")
    stop("maxWelfare only works for TU transfers.")
    message('Solving for equilibrium in TU_general problem using convex optimization.\n')
  nbX = length(market$n)
  nbY = length(market$m)
  phi = market$transfers$phi
  eval_f <- function(theU)
    theU = matrix(theU,nbX,nbY)
    resG = G(market$arumsG,theU,market$n)
    resH = G(market$arumsH,t(phi-theU),market$m)
    val  = resG$val + resH$val
    ret = list(objective = val,
               gradient = c(resG$mu - t(resH$mu)))
  U_init = phi / 2
  tm = proc.time()  
  resopt = nloptr(x0 = U_init, eval_f = eval_f,
                  opt = list("algorithm" = "NLOPT_LD_LBFGS",
  time = proc.time()-tm  
  time = time["elapsed"] 
    message(paste0("MaxWelfare converged in ", round(time,digits=2), " seconds.\n"))
  U = matrix(resopt$solution,nbX,nbY)
  resG = G(market$arumsG,U,market$n)
  resH = G(market$arumsH,t(phi-U),market$m)
  mu = resG$mu
  V = phi - U
  mux0 = market$n - apply(mu,1,sum)
  mu0y = market$m - apply(mu,2,sum)
  ret = list(mu=mu,
             mux0=mux0, mu0y=mu0y,
             U=U, V=V,
             val = resG$val + resH$val)

darum <- function(market, xFirst=TRUE, notifications=FALSE, tol=1e-8)
    stop("darum does not yet allow for the case without unmatched agents.")
    stop("darum only works for NTU transfers.")
    message('Solving for equilibrium in NTU_general problem using DARUM.')
  alpha = market$transfers$alpha
  gamma = market$transfers$gamma
  n = market$n
  m = market$m
  arumsG = market$arumsG
  arumsH = market$arumsH
  nbX = length(n)
  nbY = length(m)
  muNR = pmax(n %*% matrix(1,1,nbY), matrix(1,nbX,1) %*% t(m))
  error = 2*tol
  iter = 0
  while((max(error,na.rm=TRUE)>tol) & (iter<10000)){
    iter  = iter + 1
    resP  = Gbar(arumsG,alpha,n,muNR)
    muP   = resP$mu
    resD  = Gbar(arumsH,t(gamma),m,t(muP))
    muD   = t(resD$mu)
    muNR  = muNR - (muP - muD)
    error = abs(muP- muD)
    message(paste0("Darum iteration converged in ", iter," iterations.\n"))
  mux0 = n-apply(muD,1,sum)
  mu0y = m-apply(muD,2,sum)
  outcome = list(mu=muD,
                 mux0=mux0, mu0y=mu0y,
                 U = resP$U, V = t(resD$U))

build_disaggregate_epsilon <- function(n, nbX, nbY, arums) 
  # takes U_xy and arums as input; returns U_iy as output
  nbDraws = arums$aux_nbDraws
  nbI = nbX*nbDraws
  epsilons = matrix(0,nbI,nbY+1)
  I_ix = matrix(0,nbI,nbX)
  for(x in 1:nbX){
      epsilon = arums$atoms
      epsilon = matrix(arums$atoms[,,x],nrow=arums$aux_nbDraw)
    epsilons[((x-1)*nbDraws+1):(x*nbDraws),] = epsilon
    I_01 = ifelse((1:nbX)==x,1,0)
    I_ix[((x-1)*nbDraws+1):(x*nbDraws),] = matrix(rep(t(I_01),nbDraws),nrow=nbDraws,byrow=T)
  epsilon_iy = epsilons[,1:nbY]
  epsilon0_i = epsilons[,nbY+1]
  ret = list(epsilon_iy=epsilon_iy,

CupidsLP <- function(market, xFirst=TRUE, notifications=FALSE)
    stop("CupidsLP does not yet allow for the case without unmatched agents.")
    stop("cupidsLP only works for TU-empirical markets.")
    message('Solving for equilibrium in TU_empirical problem using LP.\n')
  nbX = length (market$n)
  nbY = length (market$m)
  phi = market$transfers$phi
  res1 = build_disaggregate_epsilon(market$n,nbX,nbY,market$arumsG)
  res2 = build_disaggregate_epsilon(market$m,nbY,nbX,market$arumsH)
  epsilon_iy = res1$epsilon_iy
  epsilon0_i = c(res1$epsilon0_i)
  I_ix = res1$I_ix
  eta_xj = t(res2$epsilon_iy)
  eta0_j = c(res2$epsilon0_i)  
  I_yj = t(res2$I_ix)
  ni = c(I_ix %*% market$n)/res1$nbDraws
  mj = c(market$m %*% I_yj)/res2$nbDraws
  nbI = length(ni)
  nbJ = length(mj)
  # based on this, can compute aggregated equilibrium in LP 
  A_11 = suppressMessages( Matrix::kronecker(matrix(1,nbY,1),sparseMatrix(1:nbI,1:nbI,x=1)) )
  A_12 = sparseMatrix(i=NULL,j=NULL,dims=c(nbI*nbY,nbJ),x=0)
  A_13 = suppressMessages( Matrix::kronecker(sparseMatrix(1:nbY,1:nbY,x=-1),I_ix) )
  A_21 = sparseMatrix(i=NULL,j=NULL,dims=c(nbX*nbJ,nbI),x=0)
  A_22 = suppressMessages( Matrix::kronecker(sparseMatrix(1:nbJ,1:nbJ,x=1),matrix(1,nbX,1)) )
  A_23 = suppressMessages( Matrix::kronecker(t(I_yj),sparseMatrix(1:nbX,1:nbX,x=1)) )
  A_1  = cbind(A_11,A_12,A_13)
  A_2  = cbind(A_21,A_22,A_23)
  A    = rbind(A_1,A_2)
  nbconstr = dim(A)[1]
  nbvar = dim(A)[2]
  lb  = c(epsilon0_i,t(eta0_j), rep(-Inf,nbX*nbY))
  rhs = c(epsilon_iy, eta_xj+phi %*% I_yj)
  obj = c(ni,mj,rep(0,nbX*nbY))
  sense = rep(">=",nbconstr)
  modelsense = "min"
  result = genericLP(obj=obj,A=A,modelsense=modelsense,rhs=rhs,sense=sense,lb=lb)
  U = matrix(result$solution[(nbI+nbJ+1):(nbI+nbJ+nbX*nbY)],nrow=nbX)
  V = phi - U
  muiy = matrix(result$pi[1:(nbI*nbY)],nrow=nbI)
  mu = t(I_ix) %*% muiy
  val = sum(ni*result$solution[1:nbI]) + sum(mj*result$solution[(nbI+1):(nbI+nbJ)])
  ret = list(success=TRUE,
             mux0 = market$n - apply(mu,1,sum),
             mu0y = market$m - apply(mu,2,sum),
             U=U, V=V,

oapLP <- function(market, xFirst=TRUE, notifications=FALSE)
    stop("oapLP does not yet allow for the case without unmatched agents.")
    stop("oapLP only works for TU transfers.")
    message('Solving for equilibrium in TU_none problem using Linear Programming.\n')
  phi = market$transfers$phi
  nbX = dim(phi)[1]
  nbY = dim(phi)[2]
  obj = c(phi)
  A1 = Matrix::kronecker(matrix(1,1,nbY),sparseMatrix(1:nbX,1:nbX))
  A2 = Matrix::kronecker(sparseMatrix(1:nbY,1:nbY),matrix(1,1,nbX))
  A = rbind2(A1,A2)
  d = c(market$n,market$m)
  pi_init = c(market$n %*% t(market$m))
  result = genericLP(obj=obj,A=A,modelsense="max",rhs=d,sense="<",start=pi_init)
  mu = matrix(result$solution,nrow=nbX)
  u0 = result$pi[1:nbX] 
  v0 = result$pi[(nbX+1):(nbX+nbY)]
  val = result$objval
  objBis = ifelse(xFirst==TRUE,1,-1)*c(market$n,-market$m)
  ABis = rbind2(Matrix::t(A),c(market$n,market$m))
  dBis = c(phi,val)
  uvinit = c(u0,v0)
  resultBis = genericLP(obj=objBis,A=ABis,modelsense="max",rhs=dBis,sense=c(rep(">",nbX*nbY),"="),start=uvinit)
  u = resultBis$solution[1:nbX] 
  v = resultBis$solution[(nbX+1):(nbX+nbY)]
  residuals = Psi(market$transfers,matrix(u,nrow=nbX,ncol=nbY),matrix(v,nrow=nbX,ncol=nbY,byrow=T))
  outcome = list(success=TRUE,
                 mux0 = market$n - apply(mu,1,sum),
                 mu0y = market$m - apply(mu,2,sum),
                 u=u, v=v,

updatev <- function(market, v, xFirst)
  tr = market$transfers
  nbX = length(n)
  nbY = length(m)
  vupdated = rep(0,nbY)
  for(y in 1:nbY){    
    for(x in 1:nbX){
      for (yp in 1:nbY){
        themat[x,yp] = Vcal(tr,ifelse(yp==y,0,Ucal(tr,v[yp],x,yp)),x,y)
    d = rep(0,nbX)
    A =  cbind2(sparseMatrix(1:nbX,1:nbX),rep(1,nbX))
    lb = c(-apply(themat,1,min),0)
    obj = c(market$n,market$m[y])
    result = genericLP(obj=obj,A=A,modelsense="min",rhs=d,sense=">",lb=lb)
    u0 = result$solution[1:nbX] 
    v0y = result$solution[nbX+1]
    val = result$objval
    objBis = c(rep(0,nbX),1)
    ABis = rbind2(A,c(market$n,market$m[y]))
    modelsenseBis = ifelse(xFirst,"min","max")
    dBis = c(d,val)
    senseBis = c(rep(">",nbX),"=")
    uvinit = c(u0,v0y)
    resultBis = genericLP(obj=objBis,A=ABis,modelsense=modelsenseBis,rhs=dBis,sense=senseBis,lb=lb,start=uvinit)
    u = resultBis$solution[1:nbX] 
    vupdated[y] = resultBis$solution[nbX+1]
ufromvs <- function(tr, v, tol=0)
  us = Ucal(tr,v,1:tr$nbX,1:tr$nbY)
  u = pmax(apply(us,1,max),0)
  subdiff = matrix(0,tr$nbX,tr$nbY)
  subdiff[which(abs(u-us) <= tol)] = 1
vfromus <- function(tr, u, tol=0)
  vs = Vcal(tr,u,1:tr$nbX,1:tr$nbY)
  v = pmax(apply(vs,2,max),0)
  tsubdiff = matrix(0,tr$nbY,tr$nbX)
  tsubdiff[which(abs(v-t(vs)) <= tol)] = 1
  return(list(v=v,subdiff=t(tsubdiff) ))
eapNash <- function(market, xFirst=TRUE, notifications=FALSE, tol=1e-8, debugmode=FALSE)
    stop("eapNash does not yet allow for the case without unmatched agents.")
  nb_digits = 3
  tr = market$transfers
  n = market$n
  m = market$m
  nbX = length(n)
  nbY = length(m)
  OutputFlag = 0  #ifelse(notifications,1,0)
    message('Solving for equilibrium in ITU_none problem using Nash-ITU.')
    vcur = vfromus(tr,rep(0,nbX))$v
    vcur = rep(0,nbY)
  if(notifications & debugmode){
    message(c("vcur = ",round(vcur,nb_digits)))
  iter = 0
  cont = TRUE
    vnext = updatev(market,vcur,xFirst)
    if(max(abs(vcur-vnext)) < tol){
      cont = FALSE
    vcur = vnext
    if(notifications & debugmode){
      message(c("vcur = ",round(vcur,nb_digits)))
    iter = iter + 1
  v = vcur
    message(paste0("Nash-ITU converged in ",iter," iterations."))
  res = ufromvs(tr,v,tol)
  u = res$u
  A1 = Matrix::kronecker(matrix(1,1,nbY),sparseMatrix(1:nbX,1:nbX))
  A2 = Matrix::kronecker(sparseMatrix(1:nbY,1:nbY),matrix(1,1,nbX))
  A = rbind2(A1,A2)
  sense = ifelse(abs(c(u,v) - 0) < tol, "<", "=")
  result = genericLP(obj=c(res$subdiff),A=A,modelsense="max",rhs=c(n,m),sense=sense)
  mu = matrix(result$solution,nrow=nbX)
  mux0 = n - apply(mu,1,sum)
  mu0y = m - apply(mu,2,sum)
  outcome = list(mu=mu,
                 mux0=mux0, mu0y=mu0y,
                 u=u, v=v)
  if(min( c(res$subdiff,(abs(u)<tol),(abs(v)<tol)) >= c((mu>0),(mux0>0),(mu0y>0)) )==0){
      message("Equilibrium not found.")
      message(paste0("mu = ",mu))
      message(paste0("Psi_xy(u_x,v_y) = ", round((residuals),2)))
      message(paste0("mux0 = ",mux0))
      message(paste0("u(x) = ",u))
      message(paste0("mu0y = ",mu0y))
      message(paste0("v(y) = ",v,"\n"))
    outcome$success = FALSE
      message("Equilibrium found.\n")
TraME-Project/TraME-R documentation built on May 3, 2019, 2:54 p.m.