
"initialize.x" <-
function(model, x1,x2,xrest=NULL) {

  ## Extract model components
  n <- model$n
  logp.position <- model$logp.position
  mask.x <- model$mask.x

  ## x1, x2 and logp at max
  x1.max <- as.double(rep(NA,n))
  x2.max <- as.double(rep(NA,n))
  logp.max <- as.double(rep(NA,n))

  print(paste("i in", length(x1)))

  ## Loop over grid
  for(i in 1:length(x1)) {
    for(j in 1:length(x2)) {
      x <- cbind(rep(x1[i],n),rep(x2[j],n),xrest)
      logp <- logp.position(x)
      ## Keep point with max logp that satisfies the mask
      keep <- mask.x(x[ , 1:2]) & (is.na(logp.max) | (logp > logp.max))
      logp.max[keep] <- logp[keep]
      x1.max[keep] <- x1[i]
      x2.max[keep] <- x2[j]

  ## The full x at the maximum
  x <- cbind(x1.max,x2.max,xrest)
  ## Replace fixed points
  ##x[model$fixed.x,] <- model$start.x[model$fixed.x,]

## "position.logp" <-
## function (model, x1, x2, xrest = NULL, subset = 1:model$n, initialize.x = TRUE,
## 	start = NULL, end = NULL, prob = 0.8)
## {
##     n <- model$n
##     logp.position <- model$logp.position
##     mask.x <- model$mask.x
##     logp <- array(0, c(length(x1), length(x2), length(subset)))
##     mask <- array(0, c(length(x1), length(x2), length(subset)))
##     print(paste("i in ", length(x1)))
##     for (i in 1:length(x1)) {
##         print(i)
##         for (j in 1:length(x2)) {
##             x <- cbind(rep(x1[i], n), rep(x2[j], n), xrest)
##             logp[i, j, ] <- logp.position(x)[subset]
##             mask[i, j, ] <- mask.x(x)[subset]
##         }
##     }
##     res <- list(x = x1, y = x2, logp = logp, mask = mask)

##     if (initialize.x) {
## 	#logp.init <- function(d.model, logp, ) {
## 	#nq = 6
## 	xy <- expand.grid(x = x1, y = x2)
## 	logp.quantile <- logp > 0
##     	for (i in 2:(n - 1)) logp.quantile[, , i] <-
## 		logp[, , i] > quantile(logp[, , i], prob, na.rm = TRUE)
## 	logp <- logp.quantile
##     	xx <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = 3)
##     	for (i in 2:(n - 1)) {

##         	logp.quantile[,,i] <- ((logp[, , i - 1] * logp[,
##         	    , i]) & (logp[, , i] * logp[, , i + 1]) == 1) * mask[,,i]

##         	#this <- this * mask[,,i]
##         	xx[i, 1:2] <- apply(xy[as.logical(logp.quantile[,,i] ), ], 2, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
##     	}

## #browser()
## 	res$logp.quantile <- logp.quantile
## 	X <- xx
## 	if (!is.null(start)) X[1,1:2] <- start
## 	if (!is.null(end)) X[nrow(X), 1:2] <- end

## 	require(zoo)
## 	res$naX <- X
## 	X <- as.matrix(na.approx(X, na.rm = FALSE))
## 	res[["X"]] <- X
## 	}
## 	class(res) <- c("diag", class(res))
## 	res
##     }

"position.logp" <-
function (model, x1, x2, xrest = NULL, subset = 1:model$n, initialize.x = TRUE,
    start = NULL, end = NULL, prob = 0.8, winoffset = 5)

    n <- model$n
    if (n < (2 * winoffset - 1)) {
        stop("too few twilights (", n, ") for winoffset value of ", winoffset, "\n try reducing winoffset value")
    logp.position <- model$logp.position
    mask.x <- model$mask.x
    logp <- array(0, c(length(x1), length(x2), length(subset)))
    mask <- array(0, c(length(x1), length(x2), length(subset)))
    print(paste("i in ", length(x1)))
    for (i in 1:length(x1)) {
        cat(i, "\n")
        for (j in 1:length(x2)) {
            x <- cbind(rep(x1[i], n), rep(x2[j], n), xrest)
            logp[i, j, ] <- logp.position(x)[subset]
            mask[i, j, ] <- mask.x(x)[subset]
    res <- list(x = x1, y = x2, logp = logp, mask = mask)
    if (initialize.x) {
        xy <- expand.grid(x = x1, y = x2)
        logp.quantile <- logp > 0
        for (i in 2:(n - 1)) {
            logp.quantile[, , i] <- logp[, ,i] > quantile(logp[, , i], prob, na.rm = TRUE)
        logp <- logp.quantile
        xx <- cbind(matrix(as.numeric(NA), nrow = n, ncol = 2), xrest)
        for (i in winoffset:(n - winoffset)) {
            mm <- mask[,,i] * 0
            for (ik in (i-winoffset+1):(i+winoffset -1)) {
                mm <- mm + logp[,,ik]
            #logp.quantile[,,i] <- (!mm == 0) & mask[,,i]
            xy1 <- xy[which.max(as.vector(mm) * mask[,,i]), ]
            if (nrow(xy1) > 0) {
                xx[i, 1:2] <- as.matrix(xy1)[ceiling(nrow(xy1)/2), ,drop = TRUE]
            } else {
                xx[i,1:2] <- rep(NA, 2)
        res$logp.quantile <- logp.quantile
        X <- xx
        if (!is.null(start))    {
            X[1:(winoffset-1), 1:2] <- matrix(start, nrow = winoffset - 1, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
        if (!is.null(end))  {
            X[(nrow(X) - winoffset+2):nrow(X), 1:2] <- matrix(end, nrow = winoffset - 1, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
        ## require(zoo) removed by namespace addition MDS 2011-10-06
        res$naX <- X
        X <- as.matrix(na.approx(X, na.rm = FALSE))
        res[["X"]] <- X
    class(res) <- c("diag", class(res))

 "light.quantile" <-
 function(model,chain,day,seg,probl=c(0.025,0.5,0.975)) {
   n <- length(day)
   ## Parameters for this segment
   xs <- t(chain$x[seg,,])
   ## Matrix of quantiles
   qs <- matrix(0,n,length(probl))
   for(i in 1:n) {
     ## Predictions for this time over all xs
     lgt <- model$light.predict(xs,day[i])
     qs[i,] <- quantile(lgt,prob=probl)

"show.segment" <- function (model, chain, segment, day, light, k, n = 50, ...)
    segment <- factor(segment)
    day.seg <- day[segment == k]
    plot(day.seg, light[segment == k], ...)
     text(mean(day.seg), mean(light[segment == k])-50, k, font = 2)
    ds <- seq(min(day.seg), max(day.seg), length = n)
    qs <- light.quantile(model, chain, ds, k)
    matlines(ds, qs, lty = 1, col = "blue", lwd = 2)

Trackage/tripEstimation documentation built on April 24, 2023, 6:57 p.m.