
#' Choose Initial K-Means Values
#' @param data the data object (data frame or matrix) that k-means clustering will be applied to.
#' @param K the number of initial values to be chosen. Should correspond to the number of clusters to be chosen.
#' @param method "kmeanspp" or "rp". The initialisation method specified as a string. "kmeanspp" refers to kmeans++ method and "rp" refers to random points method. More information on kmeans initialization methods can be found \href{https://arxiv.org/pdf/1209.1960.pdf}{here}.
#' @param seed the seed to be set if "rp" is specified as method. If NULL, no seed will be set.
#' @return A matrix with coordinates for initialization values, where each row is an initialization value and the columns correspond with the columns of the input data object.
#' @examples
#' # create input data object with two distinct clusters
#' data <- data.frame(x = runif(100, min = 0, max = 10) + rep(c(0, 10), 50), y = rnorm(100, 5, 1) + rep(c(0, 10), 50))
#' # kmeans++ algorithm by default
#' kmeans_init(data = data, K = 2)
#' # random points initialization method
#' kmeans_init(data = data, K = 2, method = "rp")
#' # random points initialization method with seed set
#' kmeans_init(data = data, K = 2, method = "rp", seed = 1234)
#' @export
kmeans_init <- function(data = NULL, K = NULL, method = "kmeanspp", seed = NULL) {

  if (is.null(data) ||
    (!is.data.frame(data) &&
    stop("Data object is missing or in the wrong format.")
  }else if(is.null(K) || !is.numeric(K) || (K %% 1) != 0){
    stop("K value is missing or not a numeric integer.")
  }else if(K > nrow(data)){
    stop("Cannot generate more initializing values than available data points.")

  if (K == 0){
    stop("K value cannot be 0.")
    # return(matrix(numeric(0), ncol = ncol(data), byrow = TRUE))

  # format as matrix in case of data frame
  if (!is.matrix(data)){
    data <- as.matrix(data)

  # initialize centroids
  centroids <- list()

  # kmeans++ method

  if (method == 'kmeanspp'){
    # use first observation as random first centroid starting point
    centroids[[1]] <- data[1, ]

    # assign rest of centroids
    if (K >= 2){
      # filter through number of centroid assignments (minus 1 that has already been created)
      for (count in 2:K){
        cluster_dist <- c()

        # cycly through all data points/possible centroids
        for (point in 1:nrow(data)){
          # determine closest existing centroid to point with squared sum
          cluster_dist[point] <- min(sapply(1:length(centroids), function(x)
            sum((data[point, ] - centroids[[x]])^2)))

        # calculate normalizing factor
        dist_cumsum <- sum(cluster_dist)

        # initialize cdf
        cluster_dist_cum_probs <- c()

        # iterate through data point to centroid minimum distances
        for (cum_count in 1:length(cluster_dist)){
          # create pdf of distances
          prob <- cluster_dist[cum_count]/dist_cumsum
          # initial cdf assigning
          if (cum_count == 1){
            cluster_dist_cum_probs[cum_count] <- prob
          # create rest of cdf
            cluster_dist_cum_probs[cum_count] <-
              cluster_dist_cum_probs[cum_count - 1] + prob

        # random sample from uniform distribution
        # we need to stipulate a random point somewhere in the cdf

        init_samp <- runif(1)

        # centre selected based on cdf
        # the sample value will have a higher probability of landing on a generally far away distance (clustered points in different cluster to centroids)
        # since these have the biggest weight/area in the cdf
        for (cum_count in 1:nrow(data)){
          # assign centroid based on where it cdf
          if (init_samp < cluster_dist_cum_probs[cum_count]){
            cent <- cum_count

        # add centroid
        centroids[[length(centroids) + 1]] <- data[cent, ]


    # format as matrix
    centroids <- matrix(unlist(centroids), ncol = ncol(data), byrow = TRUE)


  }else if(method == "rp"){
    # random points method

    if (!is.null(seed)){
      if (seed%%1 == 0){
        stop("Invalid seed has been provided. Please specify seed as integer or omit.")

    # select random rows as initialization values
    cent <- sample(1:nrow(data), size = K, replace = FALSE)

    # assign centroids by subsetting data
    centroids <- data[cent, ]


    stop("Please choose a valid method or revert to default.")

UBC-MDS/kmeans_R documentation built on May 22, 2019, 2:26 p.m.